Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 210 Storm of Destruction: Peerless Infiltration

"Hurry up! Hurry up, you cloned Haemonculi toys!" The leader wearing a pirate hat shouted, waving his whip, and dozens of Dark Eldar pirates rushed up from both sides of him. The exit of the basement corridor was in full battle, and everyone pointed their guns at the corner of the dark staircase.

Gunshots and screams came from it from time to time, and there was also the hiss of metal and masonry being cut, as if some high-temperature object was burning, as the gunshots got closer and closer, all the pirates They all tightened their grip on the trigger.

The leader stood a few steps behind them with a pistol drawn. He frowned at the end of the dark staircase. The sound of footsteps echoed from the empty corridor, getting closer.

"Attention everyone! Anyone who sees their heads will be beaten into a sieve!" The leader said in a low voice. The pirates in front were holding their guns nervously, looking at the stairs at the bottom corner, and the footsteps stopped abruptly.

With the intermittent sound of footsteps, it was replaced by the rustling sound of a metal sphere rolling. The sphere rolled out of the corner and appeared in front of everyone. The pirates looked at the small sphere and looked at each other. It didn't look like a grenade either. .

Indeed not, because that thing was a shock bomb. With a burst of eardrum-piercing bangs and dazzling flashes, the pirates in the front row became dizzy instantly. The guy leaning on the front cursed loudly and tried to open his eyes, but When he opened those stinging, red eyes that were streaming with tears, he saw the last thing he saw in his life.

A bright red sword split out from the light, and instantly cut through his head like cutting butter. The eager blade cut into his head, completely splitting the part from the top of the head to the shoulders in half. The sword hilt like the wings of a phoenix danced out of the raging fire, and rushed away like a phoenix spreading its wings.

The whistling blade swirled in the air, stirring the flames on it and turning it into a storm of fire. The blade backhand slashed and killed the panicked pirate who raised his gun and was about to fire from the side. The burning blade It was cut through with his armor almost instantly.

The long black hair danced along with the fire, and Vito swung the Phoenix Blade at an extremely fast speed, and the blade killed the nearest Dark Eldar pirates around like tearing up pieces of paper.

Vito danced in Miaoman's dance steps, his soft body kept tossing and moving, waving the sword blade, red hot melt cuts were torn on those guys' bodies, they fought back desperately but they couldn't stop the burning sword edge at all .

A figure rushed up from behind Vito. She strode forward and rushed out of the basement at an extremely fast speed. Her long, snow-white hair was blown into a ponytail in the back of her head. Vito, the latter bent his back tacitly, and the tall, white-haired woman rolled over on Vito's back.

The moment she landed on the ground, she slashed down the long knife, splitting a pirate's head with the sword, then pulled out the blade suddenly and tore half of his skull, and swung the knife in the crumbling wreckage of skull fragments. Instantly slashed the throat of the next person.

Blood gushed out from his organs, and the pirate clutched his neck and whimpered and fell sideways to the ground, while the pirate friend behind him roared and drew out a long curved knife full of thorns and rushed up.

"Evelyn!" Vito yelled, without any explanation, and without any extra words, Evelyn moved sideways in tacit understanding. Turn over the man.

"Fire! You idiots! Fire!" The leader yelled and pulled out the pirate behind an oil barrel. He slammed the whip on the ground, and the crackling sound instantly exploded under the roof of the dock. All the pirates were startled Afterwards, it can be regarded as a reaction, and it was a burst of shooting aimed at Vito.

The dark green light bullets of the Dark Eldar were shot at Vito, but the latter turned around immediately after cutting off the head of a pirate beside him with a sword, and swung his blade at high speed to block all the light bullets fired in front of him. The dark green light The bullet hit was instantly bounced off the blade.

Vito swung the phoenix sword with astonishing precision, speed and skill. He kept turning around and swung the sword, but every time he swung it, he could deflect it exquisitely, knocking the incoming light bullets into the air. Dozens of long and short firearms fired in volley did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Vito pushed forward steadily while rotating the blade, the rainstorm of bullets was deflected and scattered around by him, the box was shattered, the empty oil barrel was pierced, and the wall was covered with scorched bullet holes, but only Not a single bullet hit him or Evelyn behind him.

Evelyn followed behind Vito, and Vito swung his sword to deflect the incoming barrage, while Evelyn ensured the safety behind him. It was the first time that the two cooperated in combat, but they also had It seems that there is an innate tacit understanding.

Evelyn heard a burst of cursing, and in the corridor on the second floor opposite, a Dark Eldar was holding a gun on the guardrail. He aimed at Vito and was about to shoot from the side.

But before the man could shoot, another gunshot rang out, and a bullet pierced his eye socket, and the man fell to the ground screaming in the face of the painful strong acid corrosion, and the heart-piercing screams echoed under the roof.

Evelyn looked behind her. First officer Claudius was leaning against the wall because of his injuries, but the gun in his hand was emitting green smoke. He nodded to Evelyn, "Kill that traitor, Captain. , I am responsible for both sides!"

Speaking of which, Claudius turned his gun and shot to death the gunman on the next side. Evelyn turned her head and looked forward without any doubts. She believed that her crew would not hesitate to put her back to him.

And at this very moment, Vito suddenly deflected a light bullet and then struck out with a palm, a strong psionic impact knocked down the Dark Eldar pirates in front of him, or at least made them all miss the wall .

"Psychic?! She's using psionics!" screamed a fallen pirate, as if seeing a ghost. "Idiot! You're bringing Slaanesh on!"

"It's okay, she and I are quite familiar, Evelyn! Come on!" Vito called Evelyn and stepped out. She rushed through the Dark Eldar at lightning speed, and the long knife was Flowers of blood bloomed among the crowd, and as she rushed past, the blood was sprinkled on the ground a moment later.

The pirate leader stared wide-eyed at the rushing Evelyn. He looked around at the men standing in front of him. They were all chopped down by Evelyn one after another, and others were killed by Vito's pistol. Falling to the ground under the shooting, she killed everyone and rushed in front of her.

The leader yelled and pulled out his gun and shot at Evelyn. The light bullet roared and shot at Evelyn, who had knocked down a person just now, but the latter suddenly dodged sideways before the light bullet touched her. The bullet flew almost close to her face, hitting the tip of the pointy ear.

Evelyn rushed forward with a stride, and slashed the last pirate standing in front of her with a sword. A big gap was cut in the man's neck, and blood spurted out like a waterfall.

The leader yelled and raised his whip to Evelyn, who dodged the whip and cut off the leader's palm with a backhand swing. Breaking off his hand, he raised his pistol at Evelyn in anger.

But this time he had no chance to shoot. Evelyn strode forward and cut off his other hand with a knife, screaming that the leader was kicked on the chest by Evelyn and fell to the ground. Lying on the ground and looking at Evelyn in front of her, she showed a painful expression, "Captain! Spare my life! You said you would not abandon us!"

"If it was before, I would, but for the current traitor, I won't." Evelyn said viciously and raised her long knife, "Goodbye, Randolph." "No! Soul Stone! I don't have any Soul Stone!"

Blood flew with the tip of the knife, Randolph died, and there was neither a soul stone nor a Haemonculus to revive him, his soul was instantly swallowed by Slaanesh, and he went to the painful demon realm to endure eternal torture, but Vito felt that the fate of the traitor seemed to be okay.

Evelyn turned her head to look at Vito, but suddenly a dense barrage hit them. If Vito hadn't immediately summoned the psychic shield, I'm afraid they would have been smashed into a sieve.

A large group of pirates rushed in from the side door of the maintenance exit of the shipyard. They pointed their guns at the two of them. It was given to Evelyn, who caught it right away.

"The car is outside, take the first officer to start the engine, I stop them."

"Then who will cover you?" Claudius asked as he walked by, and Vito smiled and looked at Evelyn, "Do you remember the lurking I said? The one that kills everyone."

Evelyn looked at the golden arc flickering on Vito's body and nodded, "Come on, Claudius."

Speaking of which, Evelyn stepped forward to hold Claudius's arm, and led him to run out of the rolling door not far away. After watching them leave, Vito smiled and turned to look at the spirit pirates in front of him. All of his black hair floated up, and lightning flashed in the hair like flickering in dark clouds. Vito pulled out the Phoenix Sword and stabbed the ground fiercely. In an instant, countless electric currents scattered from the tip of the sword, like Like lightning pythons, they rushed towards the pirates along the ground.

The lightning hit the first person from the ground, and that person was turned into ashes before he could utter any screams, followed by the second, third and fourth people, and the lightning quickly bounced into the crowd, The burst of lightning shattered the flesh and bones, and even the weapons turned into scorched scrap iron.

The leaping lightning killed everyone in the blink of an eye, and each body collapsed and shattered in an instant. The scorched skulls fell on the charcoal-like skeleton pile and powder, and some people even swelled and exploded directly after being directly struck by lightning. , bloody debris sprayed on the wall behind him.

As their flesh and blood exploded, lightning also hit the oil barrel on one side, and the huge explosion swept half the dock with raging flames. The raging flames instantly burned and engulfed the wreckage on the ground and everything in the dock.

Vito lowered his hand and the shield disappeared, he put away his sword and looked at the wreckage of half of the dock in front of him and scratched his head with a wry smile, "Well, I didn't expect it to catch fire, forget it, I'll cremate a dragon for you. "

After finishing speaking, he ran out, rushed out of the rolling door and strode towards the floating vehicle that had been activated by Evelyn. Vito grabbed the roof of the vehicle and jumped into the door. As the door closed, the entire floating vehicle The car floated up, and then rushed away from the dock at a lightning speed. Flames were burning in the dock behind, and thick smoke billowed up.

The first mate leaned against the car window and looked at the dock behind, "Aren't we going to drive the boat away?" He asked loudly, the sound of the gust of wind ripping him apart, and Vito also leaned on the car window and stuck his head out to watch. Looking at the burning dock, her long black hair fluttered in the wind.

"No, let the ship stay there for the time being. The fire won't reach the mooring area, and we can use the ruins of the dock as a cover to hide the hull until we turn back and run."

"Run away?" Evelyn asked in amazement while driving the car, while Vito looked at the burning dock with a playful smile, "Of course, do you think that after Malesi humiliated Victor, we still Can we stay in Comoros? That boat is our one-way ticket to escape."

The floating car roared past the dark pier. Two people wearing clown masks stood outside the fire scene and looked at the floating car. Behind them, a disheveled Lafayette came out and looked at it angrily. They growled.

"What are you doing?! You promised to help us! Talking clown!" Lafayette cursed, one of the clowns nodded to the other, and the latter drew his gun and shot Lafayette to death after nodding silently. Faye's head, his body fell to the ground, and the firelight illuminated the terrified and surprised expression.

The clown lowered his gun and looked at the leaving vehicle and his companions, "Let's start the next step." "Well, the time for Death to wake up is coming, and we will bring his messenger with him."

The two clowns were talking and standing in front of the burning dock, the flames stretched their shadows long, casting a huge silhouette of a clown on the ground.

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