Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 222 Rise of the Primarch: Assassination or Visit

Cole knows Traasin, of course, this does not mean that Cole is very familiar with Traasin, he just knows and understands this strange space necromancer overlord, and he attended the military academy on his hometown Macharius star. At that time, Cole heard the teacher mention this guy in class.

According to relevant records of the empire. Traasin always seems to appear in various important battlefields and event scenes, and leaves quietly after causing more chaos in the chaos. No one can tell who he is helping. He is like a phantom ghost. There are therefore very few research credentials on him.

And besides, even if there is, it is locked in the hands of the Alien Tribunal, and it is impossible for anyone to check it except for the judge. Cole has always wanted to study the issue of Trasim.

Cole did ask Vito about Trasim, but Vito was always evasive, and most of what he said was either unimportant or extremely jumpy and outrageous.

For example, he can jump from Trasim participating in a certain battle between Empire and Chaos to the problem that there are no old men under Trassim, so he must be as boring as an oil guy. .

But now, Cole looked at the mysterious undead overlord in front of him and frowned. The three Astartes behind him all gathered around and pressed their weapons. archenemy.

Traasin looked at them, and then saw Vito, who was trying to pretend to be an enemy, serious and trying to hold back his smile. Seriously, the enemy of the emperor, a powerful and terrible enemy, a cunning and cruel alien The titles of Alien are placed on Traasin's head, which feels funny to call a certain Ogryn ape-man a great philosopher.

Vito knew that Traasin was only interested in collecting antiques, and that he was not only better than almost all his necromancers, but also more tolerant than most of humanity's own planetary governors.

The "slaves" who work under Traasin live longer than most of the residents of the empire's hive, and their health conditions are also in the sky. Traasin actually quite likes humans. He likes the creativity and infinity brought by humans. possibility of surprise.

He even told Vito that if the undead can really rebuild the former empire one day, he would be very happy to keep a group of humans in captivity, give them enough food, drinking water and space to reproduce to observe these interesting species, just like a A game that is always fun.

Of course, Vito didn't agree with this very much. He said that he would probably kill the undead before they succeeded, so Traasin's human zoo plan might not be feasible, but Traasin didn't mind it at all. The relationship between the two is still very good, and it can be called a model of friendly relations between humans and alien races.

Tarasin looked at Vito and smiled in a low voice, then raised his head to look at the two veterans of the Space Marines walking aside, Captain Eisenstein held down the chainsaw sword on his waist and looked at the alien with hostility , the mistrust in his eyes, the vigilance and the anger filled with undisguised intentions.

"What conspiracy do you have? Alien." Eisenstein growled, the voice was like the first roar of a lion that had been sleeping for a long time. Traasin looked at the old wolf Olaf who stood beside him, he He also looked at himself with suspicious eyes, but the undisguised killing intent was much weaker.

Traasin smiled coldly, and spoke with the cold steel voice that all Necromancer overlords have. The voice sounded from his gleaming face, literally speaking like cold steel.

"A deal, Space Warrior, I'm here for a deal that benefits everyone." Before Tarasin finished speaking, Eisenstein clenched his iron fist and strode forward to point at him, the raging anger in his eyes instantly ignited.

"Everything the aliens say is a lie! Don't try to deceive us! I swear in the name of Rogdorn!" Eisenstein's threats are very sufficient, and ordinary people may be either angered or frightened, but Tara Xin didn't. He looked at the company commander and smiled.

"The sons of Dorne are stubborn, I know that, and I am lucky that you are not making the decisions on this ship, are you, Your Honor?"

As Traasin said, he turned his head and looked at Vito. As his body turned, a tearing halo appeared around the edge. Everyone looked at Vito, and Vito also watched them clear their throats and look with their hands behind their backs. with Traasin.

"You say you have a deal, so tell me Alien." "It's a great honor to deal with a sane man."

Traasin chuckled lightly and then raised his head. He looked around at the circle of interstellar warriors. They stood like a high wall and were full of killing intent and vigilance, but this was not enough. Not wanting to make the Endless feel uncomfortable, he decided to tell the content of the transaction.

"There is something on your ship that I am interested in. In fact, that thing belongs to my family. It was stolen by the Eldar during the ancient battle of heaven, and now it is in your hands." Traasin said Then he raised a hand, and the palm suddenly appeared from the edge of the holographic projection, and was transformed into a halo in a very short time.

"The Eldar call it the Jade of the Old, what a silly name they don't even know what it is, and I'm sure you don't either, so I ask you to hand him over."

Cole frowned and looked at Trasim the Infinity, his eyes full of vigilance, "And what can we get? You said this is a deal, so what can we get?"

Traasin laughed. He glanced at the strange long staff he was holding in his other hand with his fingers. He turned his steel face and looked at Cole in front of him, "The artifact is on your ship. If I attack by force, it may would damage the artifact, and you might destroy it to prevent me from having it."

"But if you give it to me peacefully and return it to its original owner intact, then I will let you go and leave safely. I will do what I said."

Cole was about to speak when Eisenstein roared. He took a step forward and glared at Trasim, then looked at Vito and Cole and clenched his fists, "He's lying! We can't believe anything a alien says! "

"As soon as he gets the artifact, he will kill us. What he said is a lie judge!" Eisenstein's point of view was supported. Lancelot stepped forward and stood behind Vito, who also turned his head. He looked at Caliban's knight.

"The company commander is right. He can open fire after getting the artifact. The alien has no sense of honor at all. We shouldn't believe him if we tear up the promise in the blink of an eye." Lancelot said, raising his head He began to look at Trasin in front of him and frowned.

"And this alien came here to block us, it must mean that this artifact is very important to him, we must not let the artifact fall into his hands."

Vito frowned slightly, and looked at Lancelot with his hands in his arms, "Then your suggestion is that we should fight to the death with the death fleet outside, and die together after destroying the artifact?"

"This is our mission, Judge, we are the Emperor's sword and shield, and his angel of death shall die for him!" Eisenstein said stubbornly, repeating his responsibilities and responsibilities stubbornly. Oath, obviously he is ready to return to the throne.

"We will never allow such an important artifact to fall into the hands of the enemies of the Emperor. If the Empire cannot use it, then we must ensure that it does not fall into the hands of the enemy!" Gener agreed, the wolf cub clenched his tomahawk and howled, his blood boiled as he looked at Vito from behind.

"The company commander is right, we should die on the battlefield instead of believing a lie of the opposite sex!" Ragnar said loudly, as if he was louder than anyone else, Vito watched him frown slightly and looked at Bell who was on the side .

The Ultramarine held his gun in silence for a moment and shook his head slightly. He didn't approve of this tactic of killing each other, but what Vito didn't know was that the reason Bell didn't approve was because he didn't want the precious knowledge on the ship to be buried in the sea of ​​fire and disappear into the galaxy. I also don't want the Supreme Marshal, the last hope of the empire, to die in this ghost place.

Vito then turned his head to look at Cole, who was thinking silently. Vito could see that he was struggling. He didn't want to end his journey of exploring the star sea and hastily end his lifelong dream, but he couldn't Breaking his oath to the emperor, he was very painful and entangled. After some ideological struggle, he looked at Vito, "It is up to you to decide the judge, and I will obey your orders."

Vito nodded, took a deep breath and looked at Tralasin. The Endless One was also waiting for his answer, "I agree to the deal, but I have to make sure you mean what you say, Endless One."

Eisenstein was shocked, but just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Olaf. The old wolf shook his head to stop him, and Traasin also took advantage of this short opportunity to speak and give a reply.

"Very well, then you will come to my ship with the artifact, and we will confirm everything there." Traasin said, Vito nodded slightly.

"Okay, can I bring an entourage and guard with me? I think you will understand, right?" Vito said with a joking smile, raising his hand and pointing with his thumb to a large group of undead ships outside the bridge behind him , the meaning could not be more clear.

After hearing this, Traasin laughed, this time the laughter was not the kind of cold steel sound at all, but more like the laughter of a living body, "Of course, you can bring a guard, but only one .”

"No problem, remember that when I got on the boat, I asked your subordinates to control the gun, don't let it go, or we will blow up together." Vito smiled jokingly, and everyone who knew him knew it instantly. Everything, that's Vito's smile every time he's hatching a secret plan.

"Of course, I'll be waiting for you, Your Honor." Traasin said as soon as he snapped his fingers, his image disappeared, and the holographic projection went out instantly. Vito rubbed his neck and looked at Eisenstein, who was burning with anger.

The latter glared at Vito and made no secret of his dissatisfaction. He is indeed the son of Donne, and his displeasure with you is written on his face, just like their father.

"Judge! How can you give the artifact to the alien! This is an act of betrayal! An act of heresy!" Eisenstein roared, and Vito looked at him and smiled.

"Trust me, company commander, no one knows what heresy and betrayal are better than me, and I have no intention of handing over the artifact to him." Vito said as he lifted his clothes and took out a small grenade from his pocket.

That grenade is constructed in a peculiar way, different from common imperial grenades. The inner core of that grenade is a crystal, which has a constantly changing energy body structure. The light particles like a stream of water are constantly reorganizing the shape, and will collapse like a sand dune after a short moment.

"I'm going to blow him up." Vito said, looking at the grenade in his hand. Everyone looked at the grenade and frowned. Olaf watched Vito step forward and pressed Eisenstein's shoulder.

"Judge, is that the Eldar psychic bomb we seized a few years ago?" Olaf asked while pointing at the thing, while Vito nodded and weighed the bomb in his hand.

"Yes, the spiritual bomb, the creation of the ancient Eldar empire, the dead have no resistance to this spiritual bomb, I will take this bomb and hide it with the artifact and hand it to Tralasin, and then detonate the bomb Blow him up."

Vito looked at the changing energy body inside the bomb in his hand and said, the light in it illuminated his outline, "And if he finds this bomb, I will detonate it at close range, and bring Traasin Perish together with the artifact."

Vito raised his head and looked at the partners around him, and they all looked at Vito solemnly, "After Traasin is killed, the Necromancer fleet will be shut down, and the Necromancer's master control system will be temporarily paralyzed. Take this opportunity to break out of the encirclement and immediately jump and flee."

"And you will die, Vito, this is an assassination mission with almost no return." Olaf said, with a solemn face and an indescribable sadness, Vito laughed and threw the bomb , and then grabbed it.

"If one or two people die, I think it's worth saving a ship of a hundred thousand people. Your fate is not here, old wolf." Vito said with a smile, as if he had no fear of his impending fate at all, but calmly Accept it all.

Olaf lowered his eyes and talked sadly. Eisenstein changed his attitude instantly after hearing this. The previous anger and resentment were swept away, replaced by respect and gratitude. He knelt down on one knee to pay tribute to .

"I take back what I said before, judge, you are the most noble and brave emperor warrior I have ever seen, please allow me to go to the throne with you."

"No, Captain, your life belongs to the Fist of the Empire. Now the Empire is in crisis. An experienced veteran of many battles is very important to the Empire. You must return to your battle group. They need you .”

Vito said that Ragnar immediately stepped forward, stood behind Vito and clenched his fists, "I'll go with you!"

"No, Ragnar, I don't want to go in and start fighting. Besides, I promised Bjorn, you can't die before the time." Vito looked at the wolf cub and said softly. Tor signaled to shut up, and Ragnar wanted to say something, but he respected Vito, so he chose to shut up and backed away.

"I'll go with you, Inquisitor, my knight oath will not allow me to retreat at this time." This time it was Lancelot's turn, and Vito smiled jokingly and patted his power armor comfortingly. , he shook his head.

"The Eldar bomb needs to be activated by someone who knows how to operate it. I have to find someone who understands these technologies and knowledge to help me carry it and activate the bomb at the right time. This person must be both technical and calm."

His choice seems to have been determined, Vito turned his head and looked aside, everyone looked over together, they all looked at Bell, "Bell, come with me to hell?"

The Ultimate Warrior was silent for a moment and looked at Lilith from the corner of his eye. He didn't know why he was looking at her. It seemed to be an unconscious behavior. People like to look at other places when they are thinking, and this time he happened to see Lilith .

She leaned on the captain's throne without any sadness or regret. The man she loved may die for the country, but she was not sad. Instead, there was a joking smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was watching an interesting scene. game.

Bell looked at her in a daze, and then understood everything in an instant. He turned his head to look at Vito and nodded solemnly, "March for Macragge, my lord."

Vito smiled and watched Bell go forward and handed him the bomb. After Bell caught the bomb, Vito patted his arm, and then walked to the far exit of the bridge. Bell also turned his head to look at himself. The brothers nodded their goodbyes and followed.

The four Astartes who were still in the dark watched the two "martyrs" solemnly, but the two who were about to die walked side by side in the corridor, and after making sure they were out of the superhuman hearing range of the brothers Finally, Bell leaned forward to look at the bomb in his hand.

"Should I activate this bomb? Marshal." Bell asked, and Vito burst out laughing, as if amused by the question.

"No, of course not, I don't want to die in this remote ghost place."

"Or be exhibited in a museum by Tarasin, believe me, he's thought of that idea several times, but I'm sure you'll love that place, old man."

Vito said with a smile, and led the confused Bell to the connecting trestle, heading for the Endless Museum in Trasim.

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