Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 230 Rise of the Primarch: Siege of Ultramar

Vito has walked through every corridor, every deck, and every corridor on this ship. It’s not that he is bragging. In terms of his knowledge of this ship, he might be more familiar with it than Cole, but now it seems that he Began to be unfamiliar.

The reason for the unfamiliarity is not because the corridor here has changed, or a module cabin has been newly dismantled recently, but the atmosphere here has become strange to me, but it is not so strange, but it is almost like going back to It feels like ten thousand years ago.

Specifically, wherever Vito went, someone would salute him, and wherever he went, someone would stand at attention and shout "Hello, Marshal". In short, it was just how embarrassing it was, especially now, you know, there was a man behind him. With the serious and serious Astartes, this embarrassing atmosphere will be further improved.

Vito walked on the promenade leading to the bridge with his hands in his hands. He had been here countless times and was already familiar with it. When Cole told him to come to the deck for a meeting, Vito came over directly, but this time it seemed that the situation was so different. Something different.

You see, Vito just revealed his identity the day before yesterday. The return of a miracle and legend frightened the whole ship, and then he was followed by Captain Eisenstein, the son of Dorn for thousands of years. Famously, he followed behind him to "make sure" that every sailor who met him would remember the Rules of Manners.

Vito walked across the long granite floor, and the two junior officers who were talking and walking with the data tablet saw him. The two immediately stood sideways and stood at attention. The most standard action was a military salute.

"The Emperor bless! Marshal!" The two said loudly, and Vito nodded towards them with an embarrassed wry smile, and then walked over surrounded by Eisenstein, Loken, Olaf and other six Astartes However, the burly giants walked past the two with their ground-shaking steps, which really frightened them, especially when Eisenstein stared at them halfway.

Vito scratched his head with a wry smile, and sighed helplessly, "Captain Eisenstein, do you have to make everyone so nervous?"

"This is an army, Marshal, and the army needs to be disciplined." Eisenstein said very seriously, walking around with one hand on the hilt of the chainsaw sword on his waist, and he looked at everything around him extremely sternly, Those sailors who usually work "leisurely" under Vito's hands will be severely reprimanded once Eisenstein finds out.

Vito had heard a long time ago that Eisenstein is said to be the most stern officer of the Imperial Fist for thousands of years, even in the extremely rigid and obsessive pursuit of discipline in the Imperial Fist regiment. Said to be outstanding, so the sailors and marines have been rectified by him since he boarded the ship.

You know, an Astartes angrily reprimanding you is much scarier than the political commissar of the Astra Militarum whipping you, especially after he knows Vito's identity, the pursuit of discipline is even more advanced upstairs.

"They serve under your command, Marshal, you must be more disciplined on the ship of the Supreme Marshal." Eisenstein said word by word, behind him Ragnar and Lancelot looked at each other strangely, and then both shrugged helplessly. shrugged.

"You have to be strict with them, Marshal." The company commander said, but this made Vito scratch his head in difficulty, all of which really made him very uncomfortable, "Wow, how should I put it, I'm just as uncomfortable as them, come on It's been a long time since I was called Marshal."

"A long time ago like 10,000 years ago?" Ragnar said with a chuckle behind him, Eisenstein frowned, and he turned his head to look at Ragnar with a serious face, "Pay attention that you are talking to the marshal, brother."

"Okay, Eisenstein, we are all friends, don't make it so awkward." Vito said and pointed at Eisenstein, who turned his head and watched Vito struggle for a while, then nodded, "As you said Yes, Marshal."

Vito held his forehead speechlessly. Sure enough, he knew that chatting with Dorne's cubs would be tiring at this time, but forget it, as long as he was happy. Vito rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked straight ahead, but he also responded to Ragnar's words. question.

"It hasn't been that long. The last time someone called me Marshal was during the Macharius expedition." Vito said as he walked, a group of people quickly arrived at the bridge, and they passed under the steel arches of the bridge. The rear side of the captain's podium.

Captain Cole was already standing next to the holographic projection equipment, he turned his head to look at Vito and gave a military salute, "Marshal." "That's enough Cole, why are you making nonsense? I am Marshal, just call me Vito."

Vito smiled wryly and walked in front of Cole. The six Astartes also circled around the holographic imaging device from behind Vito. Cole nodded to everyone, especially to Captain Loken. Respectful greeting, the latter also smiled and politely returned to Cole.

Cole immediately looked at Vito, who was acting foolishly in front of him, and he cleared his throat as if to remind him, "You are now the marshal, the supreme leader of the Imperial Navy, the Astral Army, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Military Affairs. Act accordingly, Marshal."

"There is also the status of the Grand Instructor of the Inquisition Assassin and the Supreme Instructor of the Inquisition, Captain, you have missed these two." Bell added respectfully, Cole nodded gratefully to Bell, and then looked in front of him with a strange expression Vito.

Ragnar also had the same weird expression as Vito. He looked left and right at his brothers with their arms akimbo, "Damn it, can his title be longer? He already occupies half of the seats in the High Lords Council. "

Bell looked at his brother and cleared his throat. He raised a few fingers in his hand and counted one by one, "In addition, he also has the Regent of the Empire, the Supreme Lord of Terra and the chief member of the High Lords Council, etc. title."

"There is also the Warmaster." Loken said suddenly, his words made the scene suddenly quiet and even a little awkward, everyone looked at him with strange expressions, with a look of shock and disgust, which made Loken a little unaware Overwhelmed and ashamed.

"Please forgive brothers and captains, I don't know what I offended you." Loken said shamelessly, while Olaf smiled and pressed his shoulders, "Don't worry about brothers."

"Warmaster is a profane title, Captain Loken. It was held by Abaddon after the Great Rebellion. It is a symbol of evil in today's empire. We usually replace and distinguish it with the title of Sun Lord."

Bell explained for Loken, who nodded his head to express his understanding, Loken looked at the brothers, "I mean, according to the order of the Emperor himself during the Great Crusade, in the absence of the Primarchs, All Astartes Chapters shall submit to the command of the High Marshal, and Marshal Vitor wields his authority as War.Sunlord."

"You mean that all battle groups must obey the command of the marshal?" Lancelot asked a little surprised, and then laughed jokingly, "I'm looking forward to seeing what the guys in the inner circle will do when they know What kind of expression is that?"

Eisenstein cleared his throat and interrupted the chat seriously. He looked at Captain Cole and nodded, "You said we have a meeting to attend, right? Captain Cole."

Cole nodded to Eisenstein, and then looked at Vito, "Yes, I hope the marshal can participate in this meeting as a marshal, serious, majestic and serious, without making wisecracks or running around."

Vito raised his hands as if surrendering and smiled wryly, "Okay, I'll do my best, but what kind of meeting do you want to have?"

"I have ordered Captain Bayek of the Sacrifice of Faith to report to you, Marshal, he will report the current situation in the Macragge sector." Cole said and began to turn around and adjust the holographic platform, with a burst of ticks Feedback projections began to emerge, the Imperial Skyhawk symbol spinning in the air.

Vito looked at Cole with his hands in his arms, "You asked him to give me a report?" "Yes, Marshal."

Cole said without turning his head, and tapped his finger on the touch surface, "According to the regulations of the Imperial Navy, the captain or officer of the Imperial Navy must report the recent route or battle situation to the supreme commander present, and answer everything he has commanded. question."

"I think this is a military policy written by you yourself. I hope you haven't forgotten it." Cole said, Vito looked embarrassed, and Lilith, who had been silent for a while, came up to him with a smile and chuckled.

"Did you forget?" "Shut up, they have almost thickened my military code for 10,000 years to be bulletproof. How can I remember so much content?"

Captain Cole said as he adjusted, the Imperial Skyhawk logo floating above the holographic projection platform began to flicker, and as the Skyhawk disappeared, it was replaced by the image of Captain Bayek, a senior ship with a beard. Chang appeared in front of his eyes and immediately saluted everyone.

"Masters Astartes, Captain Cole, and" Bayek looked at Vito and suddenly didn't know what to say. Obviously he didn't see who he was, but it wasn't his fault. Who would have thought that the legendary What does the Supreme Commander-in-Chief look like? After all, it is not the same as the state religion statue.

Vito jokingly put his hands behind his back, Eisenstein behind him immediately looked at Bayek seriously, and the aura of the Son of Dorn instantly frightened Captain Bayek.

"In front of you is the Imperial Star Forces, the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Commander of all military forces, Supreme Marshal Vito Constantine, salute, Captain." Eisenstein said with his brows furrowed. reads, "Enforce Military Courtesy."

Captain Bayek was terrified by an angry Astartes, he immediately stood at attention and saluted Vito, and the latter also saluted the captain with a joking smile, "Hello, Captain Bayek , I think you have a lot of things to report, right?"

"I'm sorry, my lord. I'm not sure that you are the Supreme Marshal. I hope you can prove your identity." Bayek said cautiously, but Eisenstein interrupted Vito just as he was about to speak. The captain stepped forward and looked down at Bayek.

"Your prudence is commendable, Captain, but I, Imperial Fist, Eisenstein Batalov, commander of the third company of the Iron Guards of Terra, I swear by Dorne that he is the Supreme Marshal, don't you Will you believe me?"

Faced with the serious Eisenstein Bayek, he made a difficult mistake. He dared not offend and offend a space warrior company commander. It would be absolutely stupid, but he did have doubts in his heart. Deception is everywhere, and chaos is disguised as various images everywhere to cause damage, so it is always right to be careful.

Vito could see what the captain was worried about, he smiled and stepped forward to pat Eisenstein's arm, "Captain Bayek's caution is justified, this is the duty of a captain , if that’s the case, let me prove it.”

Eisenstein nodded and stepped back, Vito stood in front of the holographic projection with one hand behind his back, "Tell me Captain Bayek, is your mechanical priest still alive?"

"No, the priest has returned to the original power, and went to the side of Omnissia, but his apprentice is still alive." After the captain said, Vito nodded, "Very well, please come here."

"Lin! Come quickly!" Captain Bayek yelled, and soon a young man in a red robe ran over. He stood at attention in front of the holographic image, "I will give orders after listening."

Vito looked at him and smiled, and looked at him with his arms folded, "Lin? Interesting name, you remind me of the names of people in the 2K era."

The Mechanics apprentice smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, "Please forgive me, my hometown is a bit... unique, and it doesn't fit in with the Empire."

"I hope you get used to this conflicted universe, boy, it won't reason with you." "I'll try my best to survive, Marshal, your order?"

Vito smiled and pointed to the holographic instrument in front of him, "Is your thinker system still intact?" The young man immediately lowered his head to check, then nodded, "It's still intact, my lord, although some parts are damaged but The main system is still intact."

"Very good." Vito cleared his throat, he raised his head and looked at the opposite side of the holographic projection, "Thinker system, identify the permission code, the king is back."

Following Vito's words, the contemplator over there suddenly started to operate, Bayek and Lin both took a step back in surprise, and everyone on the bridge of the Sacrifice was shocked, because all the operating system screens They all suddenly turned red and locked up.

The Imperial Aquila logo suddenly appeared on all screens, and the huge Aquila icon was suddenly projected in the very center of the bridge, and the Aquila was spinning. From all the speakers and channels came the low mechanical sound of the ship's cogitator engine.

"Identify the authority code, the return of the king, to identify, the authority is overwritten, the system is locked, waiting for the command of the marshal." The deep voice said without emotion, and Bayek looked at the surrounding situation in shock. It was completely controlled in an instant, and all programs, all programs of the entire battleship were taken over in an instant.

"The Emperor! How could this happen?!" Bayek exclaimed, while Vito smiled with his hands behind his back, "Thinker, unlock, revoke authority."

"Of order, Marshal." The pensive man replied that all the systems instantly returned to their original state, the screen changed from scarlet to green, and the Imperial Skyhawk logo disappeared, as if nothing just happened.

Bayek looked at Vito dumbfounded, swallowed and looked at him, while the latter smiled slightly, "Now I hope you believe my identity, Captain."

"Please forgive me, my lord! I will obey any order you have!" Bayek immediately stood at attention and saluted, and Lin was also frightened to salute and stand still. Vito looked at the two of them friendly and nodded to signal them to put down their hands.

"Report, this is my order." "Follow my lord."

Bayek cleared his throat and put his hands behind his back. He stood up in the standard reporting posture of the Imperial Navy, "Bayek Abdullah, the captain of the Sacrifice of Faith, my ship belongs to the 98th Starfield of Limits. The detachment fleet, directly subordinated to Earl Tar Dooku, received an order from the Ultima Star Field Command one Terra standard month ago, and rushed to Macragge for support."

Vito frowned slightly and thought about something, then raised his eyes to look at the captain, "What's the situation with Macragge?"

"The Macragge star region is besieged by chaos, and the chaos army is currently attacking the entire empire in an all-round way. The wars in various places are urgent. Among them, Macragge is the most urgent in my limit star region. According to the situation I know, the destruction of chaos Fleets are attacking across Macragge, and the Ultramarines and their sons are putting up a tough fight."

"The commander of the Calgar Chapter sent an urgent request for help to the Starfield Command. The headquarters ordered my 98th Fleet and 117th and 181st Fleets to rush to the rescue. The rest of the fleets also set off in batches, led and commanded by Earl Dooku."

Vito nodded and put his hands behind his back, "But it seems that your situation is not very good, right? Captain." "Yes, sir."

Bayek nodded regretfully, "After we set off, we encountered a subspace storm covering the entire Macragge star sector. We still don't know the reason for the storm. Astropaths believe that it was caused by the evil forces of the subspace infiltrating into the real universe. , but I don't quite understand their riddles and crazy talk."

"But the undoubted result is that the subspace storm caused the fleet to be dispersed, and we lost contact with other ships. After finally jumping out of the subspace, the entire fleet was completely dispersed, and then we encountered the long-awaited rumors The attackers were in ambush and caught off guard, sir."

"That is to say, the subspace storm blocked all reinforcements and communication methods?" Vito continued to ask, and Bayek nodded willingly. He straightened up and looked directly into the marshal's eyes.

"Yes, sir, we are currently unable to contact any friendly forces, whether it is the Macragge fleet or the reinforcement fleet, or even the follow-up fleet outside the galaxy. The Astropaths are completely unable to see the Astronomical Torch or the Astrolanguage."

Vito walked around on the bridge with his chin in his hands. Cole and the others watched Vito and no one interrupted him. They knew that Vito didn't like being interrupted when he was thinking about problems, and he would come to a conclusion soon Yes, it is true.

Vito turned to look at Bayek, "Do you know what happened to Sosa? Where are we going?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't go there, sir. According to the last news I got, Sosa was completely surrounded. The Chaos Fleet controlled the universe. The outer space of the entire planet was locked in layers. The local fleet has also The whole army was wiped out."

"Where are the local space fighters? Are my Primarch blood brothers still persisting?" Bell suddenly asked on the side, Bayek was a little embarrassed, and he thought for a moment to find an appropriate reply.

"I don't know, Lord Ultramarines, but I believe the Space Marines of the Emperor's Scythe Chapter are still fighting. After all, I heard that the artillery fire is still flying there. It doesn't look like Chaos is still winning."

Bell nodded, and then looked at Vito, "If this is the case, my brothers will provide all the help they can. They will assist us to go to the lighthouse and activate the artifact."

"Provided we can land alive, Marshal," Eisenstein added, looking at Vito and raising an iron hand, "I believe the Sons of Guilliman are still holding up, but I doubt they can help us through the Orbit blockade, if you can't land, everything is empty talk."

Vito nodded, approved of Eisenstein's words, but did not deny Bell's, he looked at the crowd and nodded, then looked at Captain Bayek with his hands behind his back, "Your report is very clear, thank you for your contribution ship Captain, now I order you to lead your battleship out of battle and head to the northeast axis of the star field coordinates, after sailing for 2 seconds, you will find an uninhabited planet with a secret uninhabited starport on it."

"That place was built in the Foundry Era, and was abandoned after the Judgment Era. I believe there are safe havens and maintenance facilities there for you to repair the damage."

Bayek nodded with relief, and he didn't know how much he thanked Vito for his help, "Thank you Marshal, may the Emperor bless you, if you allow me, I will go and prepare to set sail."

"Go ahead, good luck Captain." After Vito said that, the image disappeared. He walked to the handrail and looked at the endless stars in the universe. The Astartes and Captain Cole watched behind him. he.

Captain Cole looked at Vito with one hand behind his back, "Your order, Marshal."

"Set course to Sosa, I think I have a plan."

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