Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 486 Reborn from the Ashes: The Emperor's Lie (Part 2)

"Konstantin, are you still listening?"

"Yes, Miss Petronilla, please proceed."


There was no one around in the quiet gallery, so quiet that it was almost dead silent. The eyes of those paintings were staring at Petronilla blankly, as if the audience had come alive, watching the dialogue on the stage.

She looked at Anthony silently. She was speechless for a long time in this dead environment, and she spoke after a while.

"Anthony, do you know what you just said?" she said, and Anthony just smiled, as if he didn't understand her.

"I will not take back my words, Petronilla Viva, you swear that no matter how ugly the truth is, you will choose to write down the truth, and I will also tell you the truth."

"But before that, let's move on to another story." He said, turning away. "When you're done listening, you'll know everything you need to know. Then, let's make a choice."

He got up and walked along the empty gallery, under the gaze of those godless eyes, "Look, our beautiful home in Macragge, isn't it beautiful?"

Anthony stopped in front of a picture, "I've searched the Milky Way, but it's hard to find such a beautiful place again. The gods blessed me with luck. I was born in Macragge, in a noble family."

"My family is quite prestigious in the local area, even Calgar Chapter Master knows our surname, for the same reason." He said, looking at Guilliman in the painting, and the blue angels surrounded behind him .

"My family has produced the most Ultramarines in Macragge in the past years, the Emperor's Angels of Death, there are dozens of them, and several of them eventually became company commanders or were quite respected status."

"So those of us who grew up hearing stories of the Angel of Death, like all the boys in Macragge, my brother and I aspired to be chosen, to be another generation of pride in our family, to have our name a new The protagonist of the story has been sung for a long time."

Anthony said, raising his head and looking indifferently at the angel on the painting, "I am the eldest son of the family, I am better than my brothers in every aspect, swordsmanship, knowledge and all aspects, but they chose my brother in the end , not me."

There was resentment and unwillingness in his words, "Why? I asked the chaplain of the war group why it was him instead of me. He didn't answer me, but just turned and left."

"I asked many people, and they told me that I was not qualified enough to be selected by the warband." He said, "But in what respect am I inferior to my brother? We were born at the same time, learned and grown together, I, Better than him, always has been."

He stared viciously at the Astartes in the painting, then turned away after staring at the giant, and continued down the darkness of the gallery.

"My brother has become an Astartes, an existence beyond mortals. When he returns to his homeland, everyone needs to kneel and salute to him, and so do I."

"But I know that under that superhuman body is a mortal, he is no different from us, I know him, I know him, but why, why is he that special, and who decides what is special?"

"So I started looking, why are the Astartes special? People tell me they're the offspring of the Primarchs, the blood of the Emperor, the blood of God, so they're different from us."

Petronilla followed behind him, listening to his self-narration in silence, he kept scanning the paintings on both sides, most of them had the figures of Astartes, mortals bowed down to them and praised them greatness and immortality.

"I later inherited the position of the family, but wealth and fame have not changed me. The statue of my brother is in the garden. Like all the chosen ones in the past, I look at them and always remember what I am looking for."

"Why are they special?" Anthony said, his eyes swept over a painting with portraits of the Emperor and the Primarchs, "And, why are they special?"

Those words made Petronila shudder, it was not just an ordinary description, but it made her feel a little scared, but he continued on.

"I consulted a lot of literature, ancient books, and spent many years looking for facts, but all I found was telling me that they are gods, gods, and angels, so they are unique and the same answer."

"Over time, I started to get bored, but just when I wanted to give up, a book appeared, I don't know where it came from, but it appeared on my desk, among many other books. Together."

There was excitement in Anthony's words, he looked back, his eyes sparkled, "It attracted me, and it also gave me a different answer. The book records that the emperor created a genetic laboratory in the Himalayas Primarchs, not as the scriptures of the Church say."

"Creation, Petronilla, that word is creation, not birth, born from." He became excited, "that means they are not born unique, they are created, man-made weapons, but Weapons can be forged again."

"He created twenty-one weapons, and used them to give birth to Astartes, those angels. At that moment, I fully understood that they are not unique."

Anthony raised his arms, circled around and moved on.

"I have a new direction to look for, a possibility, an unprecedented possibility, I am no different from my brother, I can also be called an angel, we can all!"

He shouted loudly, the sound echoed in the gallery and startled Petronilla, and he seemed to realize it, and apologized to Petronilla with apologies, and his voice calmed down.

"I started to find out, how did the Emperor create the Primarchs? Some people say that he is the most powerful immortal, so only his blood can give birth to the Primarchs."

He whispered, "But that's a lie. I know that the Emperor is not the only immortal in this world. In the past, there were many others. It’s as if someone in the dark is guiding me.”

"I have seen more evidence of the existence of immortals from past legends, scriptures, and stories. They have existed widely in human history, and they all have miraculous powers. He is not unique. The Emperor, never Not the chosen one."

He passed a painting of the Emperor, never looking at it again, lost in his words.

"Then why is the Emperor the only unique one? Or, what about the other immortals? They suddenly disappeared, and at a certain moment they all disappeared, leaving only the Emperor and the Supreme Marshal."

"I have spent several years searching for the truth, digging out mysteries and classics. I have read all the ancient books I can find, many of which are called forbidden books, but I have found nothing." He was silent for a moment, "But with Just like the original bottleneck moment, the sudden enlightenment came again."

"I heard that on a certain mining planet, some miners unearthed an ancient data template, which recorded the knowledge of the ancient times. I don't know why, but the voice in the dark guided me to find it. I Therein lies the truth to be sought."

He raises his hands like the prophet who leads the world in the painting, and he puts his hands in front of him, as if he is holding something.

"I hired mercenaries to kill the priests and all the miners from the Mechanic Sect, and faked a landslide accident, and buried them and the accident in the ground. No one knew that the ancient secret code came into my hands .”

"That voice is right, and I found the truth in it, Miss Petronilla." He turned around suddenly, his paranoid and eager eyes frightened Petronilla, like a explorer who fell into madness .

He yelled, not knowing what danger he was looking for.

"That data records the first time that human beings flew into the universe, and it is still a record in the ancient years when fossil fuels were used as rockets." He raised his finger, "It records a group of immortals who flew across the stars in spaceships , went to a planet named Moro.”

He said, "What are they looking for there, and there is no answer left in the data." As he said, his face gradually turned cold.

"But out of that, only one person survived, and he came back, and all the other immortals died, and from then on, the stories of the immortals became rare, rare, and eventually all disappeared."

"You know who that is, don't you? Miss Viva, you know who he is." He asked, but Petronilla didn't answer, she didn't say a word.

Anthony looked at her in silence for a moment, "You know the truth."

He was silent for a while before he opened his mouth, "After that person came back, after that person established the human empire, the planet Moro disappeared from all records, and this time coincided perfectly with the moment when the Primarch was first born coincide."

Petronilla felt the cold, a biting chill swept her whole body, her intuition told her to cover her ears, turn around and run away immediately, don't listen.

But her body didn't move, and she didn't cover her ears.

"I couldn't find any information on Moro, it seemed to disappear suddenly, and then, ah, now, I joined Guilliman's command because I thought it would allow me to find more things, Power always leads to more discoveries."

"I found it. When Guilliman ordered to revive the knowledge of the empire and unearth the ancient documents and knowledge that had been dusty for a long time, I obtained an ancient flight letter record from the court of history with bribes. It is a The record of a famous rogue merchant."

"He discovered a planet that used to be called Moloch, and set out to explore it for no purpose, maybe to rest, maybe to find supplies, but anyway, shortly after that voyage, The rogue trader disappeared, and the world evaporated."

He narrowed his eyes, clenched his fingers slightly, and smiled slightly, "Someone is hiding, deceiving, hoping to hide something, and I will find it."

"During a rare and brief meeting later, I asked Lord Guilliman about Moro. He didn't throw a word, but just told me that it was a dangerous planet and it had been destroyed."

"He lied, as did his Emperor, and he tried to deceive me, but I know that Molech was destroyed by his hands, and I know from a very old narrator's document that in Horus During the Rebellion, he set foot on Moro with Ryan Al'Jonson and San Guinness."

Anthony narrowed his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "They searched for something there, and then destroyed Moloch, smashed the planet into cosmic dust, and destroyed the things on it to prevent others from knowing. "

"He drove me away. Not long after that conversation, I was transferred to the expeditionary force and exiled from Terra." He sneered.

"Like the Emperor, he hid what was on Moro, he lied to us, hid it." He laughed, "but I know, I know what they're trying to hide, and that's their ugliest secret, Primarch, The secret of the Space Marines, and indeed of the Emperor himself, the secret of what makes them unique."

"It's funny, isn't it? The Emperor went to Moro, and the Primarch and the Space Marines were born, and Guilliman went, and the Primaris Space Marines were born, the one and only Chosen One? God? Huh."

Petronilla frowned at his words of contempt, resentment and vicious curses in his mouth.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"You know, Miss Petronilla, you knew it from the beginning, right? I didn't try to hide it." He walked up and came to Petronilla.

"They were never unique, the Emperor, the Primarch, the Space Marines, they called us mortals and made us kneel." His voice was cold, "It's just their lie, the lie of the Chosen One, they Monopolizing and monopolizing the means of evolution and sublimation to become extraordinary leaves us at the bottom of the ladder."

"They are a bunch of liars, arrogant and arrogant liars." He said coldly.

Petronilla stared at him, and was silent for a while before speaking, "Why did you tell me these things? What do you want me to do?"

"Write down these things and make them public?"

"No, then you will just disappear like the Rogue Trader and the old Chronicler."

"No, Ms. Petronila Viva, what I want is not what you are doing now, but when the moment of evolution comes, when the secrets they concealed are revealed, when the supreme beings of the highest heaven are here When you give us enlightenment, you will record everything that is."

He raised his palm like a dying prophet, "I want to know, what will you do? After knowing all the truth, will you continue to choose to fabricate lies for the false emperor, or stand on the side of the truth, no matter the cost. "

"Your answer, Mademoiselle Petronilla, don't face me with silence, tell me your answer."

His eyes were fixed on her, and the eyes in the painting in the dead corridor were all fixed on her, and after a long time, she opened her mouth and gave her own answer.

At the same time, the long voyage was over, and the main star Victoria appeared at the other end of the gap in front of the battleship.

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