Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 507 Rebirth from the Ashes: Friends

Every time Vito came here, he would agree with the name more and more. The Endless Museum, Traasin didn't brag about it. This place really deserves the name Endless.

Showcases, exhibition halls and open shelves line up towards the dark horizon, turning into tiny shadows at the end of the fog, no matter how huge they are, they are as small as ants there, not because of how many they are Small, but because the distance is too far.

The entire museum seems to be infinitely wide, infinitely high and infinitely long. The occasional high walls are only used to distinguish different exhibition areas, and in between, there is an endless plain of showcases.

Vito looked at the collections of Trasim sliding by on both sides. Warriors from all races wore full armor of their respective camps and held the most representative weapons and were stored in static positions. They were all still alive, Vito Saw those divine eyes.

Traasin doesn't like "traditional specimens". He prefers more living and creative exhibits, and everything here implements his collection principles.

Vito looked at the things around him, and every time he came here, he would find new things. At first, he would ask Traasin if it was a new collection, but then he gradually gave up, because he found that he would never be able to read it all. All corners of this museum.

He looked behind, followed by Guilliman. He tried to maintain a calm expression, but still showed shock in his eyes. He looked around and looked at every amazing exhibit here.

Vito can understand his sense of shock. After all, there is probably no museum in this universe that is bigger and more complete than this one. No one can surpass Trasim in this respect. There has never been one before, and there will never be one in the future.

Vito looked at a Dreadnought beside him. It was a Dreadnought from the Chaos faction, with a chaotic eight-pointed star engraved on its body, and around him were steel warriors holding chainsaw swords, bolt guns, or other heavy weapons. Hands of Space Marines.

They were fighting on the ground of a specially made display case. The dreadnought raised a warrior high, aiming the flamethrower in his hand at the others below, while the warrior lifted up by him used steel The arm raised the plasma and aimed at the coffin of the Dreadnought.

The plasma plasma shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and it froze just before hitting the coffin of the fearless. The flames were still burning in the air, and their expressions remained the same as when they fired.

It seemed that Traasin had put them away the moment the plasma hit the Dreadnought, into a static stance, freezing the moment forever for him or his guests to watch.

But this is not the key to Vito's attention to them. There are too many similar things here in Traasin. What he pays attention to is the name of the battlefield marked in floating fonts under the showcase.

"The Battle of the Great Rift—the Battle of Holmes, it seems that you have added a lot of collectibles recently." "Hahaha, I am also very grateful to you and Abaddon, you have provided me with a lot of wonderful things Moment of history, to choose the right collection, and even replace some that I am not satisfied with.”

Traasin's face flashed with laughter, he walked between the diamond-shaped countertop and the static display case, Vito looked at the new exhibits around him and smiled, "It seems that you have collected a lot of new things, there are so many Set up a special area for installation."

"Indeed, I have gained a lot recently and got a lot of gratifying things. You see, there is the Court of the Gods." Traasin said, raising his finger and pointing to a place in the distance that was cut by a high wall. The independent area, its interior is shrouded in hazy darkness, but the outlines of many showcases can be vaguely seen.

Vito looked over and raised his eyebrows slightly, "The Court of the Gods? What is displayed in it?" "Gods, and demigods, as the name suggests." "It seems that you have finally played the high-end collection. What's in it? You put Khorne Packed with his throne? And placed next to the Emperor."

Tarasin smiled with a half-smile, turned his head and looked straight ahead, "There is only one thing inside, the collection I got from Fabius, it cost me a lot, but it's definitely worth the money. "

"What?" "Maybe I'll tell you in the future, but not now, and that's not what you're here for, is it? You're here for it."

Tralassin stopped, stopped in an exhibition hall surrounded by circular walls, here also placed a circle of creations in a circle, most of them are very small, like pieces of fragile works of art That is suspended in position.

Vito followed and walked in. He approached Trasim, and stopped when he passed a suspended Rubik's Cube. He frowned and looked at the picture carefully.

It showed several Black Legion Terminators and Eldar battle scenes, they seemed to be fighting for something in a hulk, he stared at the lifelike eyes of the Terminator, and felt life from it, he was still alive , I mean, live inside the Rubik's Cube.

"Ah, that's an interesting little toy. You know, I like your human movies. It's a pity that my people have long lost the ability to create art." Traasin said, his face flickering.

"But our dear friends, Abaddon has given me an interesting scene, and every beginning there will be a little or a big change, but that's not your concern, my friends, it's your concern. "

After Guilliman also stepped up, Tralassin took out a diamond-shaped object from a stationary position, yes, a, it looks like a key, but it is not, it has no handle, Can't hold it in hand either.

It is an ever-changing polymorphic structure, the body shape is as unpredictable as water, it collapses continuously and turns into a jumping ion state, and then quickly reorganizes again.

With Traasin's sharp grip, the thing stabilized, and its molecular shape solidified into an inverted triangle. His eyes flickered quickly, and a beam of light shot into the slanted body from between its fingers. There was a flash of light on the surface of the object, and Traasin walked over holding it.

That thing is suspended in the palm of Traasin, constantly spinning by itself, "What you are looking for is this, the master key, as long as you get the correct instructions, it can change into any form and open any creation of our family, Naturally, the Blackstone Obelisk can also be closed."

As he said, he came to Vito and handed the thing to Vito. The latter looked at the thing and tilted his head and smiled bitterly, "Are you sure? It's best that the operation is not too complicated. Don't know anything about it."

"I know you are a technical idiot, but don't you have Helen to help you? She will take care of it. I have already written the relevant programs into it, just need to activate it."

As Traasin said, he let Vito take the Rubik's Cube from his hand, and he didn't forget to add, "What would you do without her, my dear old Wei." "Shut up, you iron bastard. "

Vito took the Rubik's Cube, turned around and showed it to Guilliman, with a smile on his face, "Look, what am I talking about? Traasin can always help, and you can come to find anything you want in the future Him, right? Old Tower."

Traasin laughed, his eyes flickering, "Of course, I'd be happy to make friends with the Prince Regent, and I'd be happy to lend out a lot of my collection."

Guilliman did not smile like Vito. He stared at Trasim with a straight face and frowned, "Why are you helping us? If I remember correctly, the ultimate goal of the Necrons is to destroy all life forms. Occupying the entire universe, why are you helping us? Flesh life."

Guilliman's words immediately chilled the scene, and Vito sighed helplessly as he looked at him, with one hand on his hip, "Can't you pick something nice?" "It's okay, it's a good question, and I'm happy to answer it."

Traasin said, putting his hand on Vito's shoulder, then looked up at Guilliman, he spread his hand, "Tell me, what did you see?"

Guilliman frowned, and looked carefully, "Necrons." "And then?" "What trick are you playing?" "What you saw was a soulless man of steel, just like you It's the same as what I saw in the hall."

"You don't look like them." "Glad you found that out, yes, I'm not like them, but there aren't many people like me anymore, just a handful."

Traasin lamented, lamenting as a necromancer always makes people feel weird, "In countless program iterations, in the formative storm, my people have already become thoughtless shells , even those who can think, are left with a hatred of life and everything they stand for, forgetting who we were and what civilization was like."

"Art, culture, music, etc. are all forgotten, and all that remains is pure cold programming. Can you imagine the scene after these guys conquer the universe? It is 0, a 0 that will never change."

"And I, what I want is a living universe, a universe that brings change, curiosity and change, has been like this since the beginning, never changes, and I collect these things, so that they are not destroyed, and that's why. "

"Actually, I like you guys, you're funny, and I'd like you to be alive if I could, so yes, I'll help you guys for my cause."

Traasin said, while Guilliman frowned, "And you plan to betray your people? You help us and become friends with the beings. In this way, for your people, don't you become Is there an enemy?"

"Haha, maybe in every race, there will be some maverick guys, guys called traitors." Traasin smiled, and suddenly, the voice didn't look so weird.

He patted Vito on the shoulder, and smiled at him, Guilliman watched them ponder, while Traasin raised his head to look at him, "And from another perspective, from the macroscopic standpoint of the Necrons In fact, we are not friends with Chaos, but we don’t want those guys to occupy our galaxy, so I will help you, can you understand? Friends.”

As Traasin said, he went up and stretched out his steel hand. Guilliman looked at that hand, then looked at Vito, who was smiling and nodding, and was silent for a moment. He raised his head and looked at Tara Xin's eyes, and then grasped the steel palm.

"Robert Guilliman, son of Connor." "Tarassin the Infinity, I forgot my father's name." "Just so, I forgot too. Speaking of it, it seems that Adalad also forgot, Or, are we organizing an alliance of those who forget their father?"

Vito laughed, and Traasin also laughed with that weird syllable. Robert watched them gradually smile, and laughed heartily.

He hadn't laughed so loudly in a long time, with an alien, an immortal.

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