Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 543 The Rise of the Lion King: Attacked at High Speed

Let Kane think about it, how many times has he cooperated with the Tribunal? I can’t remember exactly, but one thing is for sure, every time Kane gets involved with the Judgment Hall, in the end Kane will be farther and farther away from the peaceful and good days he expected. He has been dealing with all kinds of ghosts since he got involved with the family.

You know, Necrons, Greenskins, Chaos and other aliens, now it's the turn of the Tau, damn it, Kane was counting on finding a civilized, peaceful place after graduating from the Academy Just dawdling around, it turned out that the Emperor, an old man, was obviously not satisfied with his career arrangement.

It was first started on Bolian, and his life has been turned upside down. For example, now, at this moment, he is sitting in a luxurious car, going to a Hongmen banquet that is likely to be a conspiracy and a trap, and as always , for the sake of the Inquisition.

Kane looked at the female judge opposite, he always felt that he should have seen her somewhere, but even if he couldn't remember, Kane's memory is not bad, but you know, since he came from that civilized, calm Yes, after the artillery regiment, which he still misses so far, was transferred, he had too many exciting memories.

But Kane thought hard, looking at her, he seemed to vaguely remember that she was there when he fought side by side with the mad women of the Battle Sisters, from what they saw? Kane couldn't remember. After all, the Tyranids swarmed everywhere that day. Kane was busy looking for a safe place, so he really didn't pay much attention.

Although, in the end, Kane met the tyrant without knowing it, and then, somehow killed him, and then Kane became what he is today. He needs to work hard to maintain and maintain the image of the heroic political commissar, Although Kane himself didn't know how everything happened.

He is always very careful to maintain his image, to avoid being found by the Ministry of Military Affairs, or even worse, the Tribunal, and considered to be a heretic or a traitor to be dealt with unpleasantly after his true situation is exposed, you know, It is not a good plan to make the top of the empire feel that they have been cheated.

But fortunately, this female judge didn't seem to be interested in her at all. She said three words to herself during the whole process, and Kane remembered that it was, "Okay, um, let's talk about it next time."

Kane didn't have much impression of her, and she couldn't even remember her name. After getting in the car, she kept leaning against the window, looking at the highway outside, as if observing the continuous traffic on it. In short, it didn't mean anything to her , and has no interest in anything else, it seems, she gave the job to Vito.

The judge Kane is familiar with, Vito Constantine, has been chatting with the chief executive adjutant of the legal department about the recent situation. He is sitting in the co-pilot seat, I mean the adjutant. The driver, but Jurgen insisted on driving by himself, and the adjutant gave up without twisting him.

But soon, the adjutant regretted it, which meant that Jurgen had to sit next to him, his smell was still so charming, and Jurgen seemed to be unable to smell it himself, he didn't even open the window, only the adjutant There is a window wide open on this side, hoping to blow out some of the smell.

Well, he may be disappointed, because the smell in the car has not weakened at all, Jurgen is like a stink machine, although Kane has been used to it for many years, but it seems that the adjutant and Vito still seem to be Not particularly used to it, especially the latter, and every time he saw Jurgen, his expression would twitch, as if he had kicked a box with his heel.

Kane sat idly in the back row. He really enjoyed such a relaxing day. Ever since he got off the boat, he had been expecting to live in such a comfortable, luxurious, and enjoyable way for a while.

It can satisfy everything here, the chief executive officer is very interesting, and sent his own private car, which is a very luxurious private car, with a cushion made of a whole piece of animal skin inside, and the same furry, comfortable and warm floor. The carpet, on the armrests on both sides, is also wrapped in fleece.

The carriage as a whole is not made of iron, but is inlaid with a layer of smooth wood surface. If Kane is not mistaken, it is pine wood, and the smell is quite old. Perfume and fresheners also made Jurgen's smell less unpleasant.

Kane enjoyed leaning back on the chair, stretching his feet out on the carpet, and there was a wine barrel in his hand, which was embedded in the table between the seats, and there were ice cubes and several bottles of wine in it. Fine wine, Kane has already poured himself a glass of champagne, which tastes pretty good.

He noticed that Vito seemed to have finished chatting, and after sitting down, he generously gave him the wine glass in his hand, not because Kane himself was willing to do so, but mainly because, you see, although the two of them had a good relationship, after all The latter is still a judge, isn't he? Make him more comfortable, and make yourself more comfortable.

"How long has it been since we drank like this? Kane, I remember the last time, Colsus? Do you remember?" "Ah, of course I remember, it was not a very pleasant memory, I don't really want to recall it, But well, I've remembered."

Kane complained in his heart. He recalled in his mind what happened that day on the necromancer tomb ship. Several space warriors were torn apart alive in front of him. He really didn't know how he and Jurgen escaped.

"It was a bad day, but in the end, the emperor's will was implemented and implemented, praise his glory." Kane poured himself a glass of wine in an official tone.

"I believe you. I have experienced many similar things. Recently, the empire has not been very peaceful." Vito shook his glass, but Kane shrugged easily.

"Praise the Emperor, everything is safe and sound, and I've had a good time, since we took out the greenskin menace on Carrasius, you know, No one needs us to kill."

"No one wants to kill you, but, what's interesting, the whole empire is in chaos, and it turns out that your side seems to be peaceful? Where were you before?"

Kane didn't understand the meaning of Vito's words. He was busy tasting wine. This glass of champagne smelled good, and it tasted even better. "If I remember correctly, we stayed in the Storm Star Field for a while, and then Just set sail, entered the subspace flight, and then received the astronomical command, and came here."

"Thanks to the Emperor, that route was nothing serious, even a bit boring, but I'm still very satisfied." Kane shook his glass, drank the wine, recalling the peaceful days, although there was indeed nothing on board, but at least He doesn't need to worry about it every day, he just needs to maintain his image, which is not difficult, believe Kane, the Valhallan people's brains are not very bright.

Especially Kastin, she only thinks about fighting, and Braun, he is also good, only Sura, Kane doesn't like it very much, she is too fanatical, she always rushes to the front, and every time This time also pull yourself! Kane didn't want to die so early, he wanted to retire alive.

"So, you don't know what happened to the empire?" Vito asked differently, and Kane finally heard what he said, "What do you mean? What happened to the empire?"

Vito hesitated to speak, because the car gradually stopped, he turned his head and looked at the front driver's window behind him, Jurgen stopped the car, because there seemed to be a car accident ahead, Kane poked his head out and looked at the front It was unfortunate that the truck turned sideways, but in this case, for myself, I can enjoy the private car of the chief executive for a while longer.

Kane smiled, shaking the wine glass until his palms tingled, his back felt cold, and he saw several men with guns climbing out of the truck, and they were aiming at this car, Kane's expression , Immediately stopped laughing.

"Damn it." Kane cursed, and the bullet rained in an instant. The bullets pierced the glass in the front row. Amidst the splash of glass shards, Kane cursed and lay on the seat, holding his head, and the top of his head A piece of glass shattered, and fragments of the leather chair flew across the scene.

"Everyone get down!" Vito yelled and leaned over. He pulled out the bolt gun on his waist and nodded to the female judge who was squatting behind him. The latter kicked open the rear door and flew away. He went out with two guns and machine guns, and shot down several shooters on the truck.

Vito also followed. He raised the bolter, and the spinning bullet flew out from the muzzle with flames. It instantly hit another gunman on the truck, and the bald head immediately exploded and fell down.

Kane also quickly climbed out of the car. Although the car was bulletproof, Kane didn't want to lie in a target. He climbed out of the back seat with difficulty and pulled out the laser gun in his hand. Kane Looking around the chaotic highway, a large number of vehicles are blocked on the highway, while their drivers and passengers are yelling and fleeing in all directions.

Many people have become victims of the gun, and Kane doesn't want to be like that! He leaned against the back half of the car, held the gun in his hand and looked towards the driver's seat in front, "Jurgen! Are you still alive? Jurgen!"

Kane looked at the burning driver's seat, Jurgen was already estimated to be finished, and the adjutant, Kane squatted behind cursing, his keen intuition told him that this place was not safe, and he should find a safer place .

Kane looked around quickly. Vito and the female judge were fighting fiercely with the incoming enemies in front. The bullets hit the surrounding vehicles and sparks scattered. Kane got up and slipped to the side while no one was paying attention to him. Behind the van, it seemed to be a shop cart selling hot dogs or something.

Kane drilled over, turned around and bumped into a civilian, she had gray-green hair that looked dyed, and she was quite frightened, she looked at Kane, who also looked at her, her palms were With a stabbing pain, Kane raised his laser gun and aimed a shot in front of him, knocking down a gunman emerging from a corner.

"Ahem, what's your name?" "Elysee." She replied in shock, while Kane showed a reassuring smile like that of a political commissar. He picked up the shooter's gun on the ground and put it on the woman. Hand in hand, teach her carefully.

"This is the trigger, then aim here and fire, yes, good girl, you did a good job." Of course, Kane didn't teach her because of the political commissar's vocation, but just felt that a civilian with a gun, even if he couldn't shoot Hitting the enemy can also attract some firepower so that you can slip away.

Elysee was holding a gun. She looked at the gun in her hand, then took aim and fired a shot. She hit one of the shooters. The man's skull shattered and he fell to the ground.

"How do you feel?" Kane asked considerately, and then saw Elysee's smile that suddenly opened the door to a new world. She smiled all over her face, looking at the gun in her hand, "It feels great."

"That's good, that's good, continue to punish the enemies of the emperor, and I'll go rescue the soldiers." Kane turned his head, but stopped before walking a few steps, because there was a sudden stop in front of him. A pickup truck with a load of enemies standing on it!

They all aimed at Kane, and when Comrade Political Commissar twitched all over his body and was about to grab Elysee behind him and let her act as a meat shield in front of him, they hit the car with heat, causing the pickup truck to explode instantly.

"Hey, political commissar!" That clumsy, but to Kane's ears now, sounded like a voice from another world, Kane looked over gratefully, "Jurgen! You're still alive? Come here! "

"So tired, political commissar." The stinky Jurgen ran over, holding the melta gun he insisted on carrying. Kane had never missed Jurgen so much, and even the smell on him suddenly changed. It's not pungent.

Elyse took a few steps back after hearing Jurgen's question. She had disgust and disgust on her face, but when she stepped back to the front of the car, she fell down on the car alone. Elyse immediately turned her gun and pointed at it, and saw a head Blooming shooter.

In front of him, Vito and the female judge had already walked back, and beside them was a tall person wearing a beautiful power armor. She was holding a shining power spear .

Kane came out, looked at them, and quickly raised his eyebrows in surprise, because he knew the man, "Amberley?" "Hello political commissar, long time no see, miss me?"

The blond chick in the Inquisition smiled, still as cute as I remembered, but if you knew her as well as Kane, you would know that she had nothing to do with being cute.

"Why are you here? You're still with Judge Vito and Judge Alice." Kane recalled the name of the taciturn female judge, and then asked in surprise, Amberley chose to change He circled the long gun in his hand, then raised his arm, and blasted the fleeing gunman with a single shot from the bolt gun on his back.

"It's just a coincidence. I didn't know Lord Vito was here, and his colleagues. I didn't know you were here either. My people and I tracked down these assassins and came here."

"And saved our lives, ah, praise the emperor's arrangements, it seems that you have already started to work." Kane said with a smile, his face was a little embarrassed and tired, while Amberley smiled as sweetly as ever , She glanced at the burning car and the adjutant sitting on the co-pilot who was on fire together.

"It's just that not everyone is saved. Tell me, who is the cutie next to you?" "Ah, this is Elyse, a loyal and reliable citizen of the Emperor."

Kane introduced that Amberley looked at Elysee, squinted her eyes slightly, and then smiled, she glanced at Vito, then at Kane, "I believe we have a lot to talk about, but not here , come on, change to a better place, what do you think? Master Vito."

"You came first, then listen to you and lead the way." Vito said, raised his hand and shot a gunman who was still alive on one side, then spun around, and inserted the bolt gun into the holster inside.

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