Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 590 Midnight Watch

The sun is about to rise. Yes, I know. Strictly speaking, there is no sunset in the universe, let alone a sunrise. Those suns are always there, never set, so how can they rise?

But from the perspective of the biological clock, it is indeed the time of sunrise, and the entire battleship is about to wake up from its deep sleep. At this time, the first batch of patrols on the ship are patrolling. Check, whether there is damage at night, whether the duty personnel of various departments are in place, and the preparation work and so on.

If it is on the lower deck, the patrol team will be fully armed and loaded with guns, sometimes followed by Astartes, or even a team composed entirely of Astartes.

But in the upper area, although this is the place where most violations of discipline occur, such a team is not needed. Most of the time, only an electric baton and an explosion-proof shield can solve the problem, so there are very few Aspen Tate, would condescend to inspect a place like this.

But today is an exception. Eisenstein walked in the corridor here, observing and looking around, he meticulously checked everything he passed along the way, and spurred all the slack departments to return to normal.

He could not have done this, but Eisenstein wanted to take a good look at the battleship he has served for many years, and look at the sailors he has seen countless times before he left. , soldiers, and technicians, many of whom Eisenstein never knew by name.

But today, he asked all of them. People are like this. Only when they are about to leave and lose something, will they know how to cherish and discover many places that they have never discovered before.

Eisenstein walked alone, as if he could feel the breath and movement of this warship, it was waking up, the vigorous power and the operating mechanical structure echoed overhead, the buzzing of rail trains shuttled on the other side of the wall, and In this environment full of rhythm, discipline and meticulousness, there is a dissonant voice.

Eisenstein's special sense of hearing, and his keen intuition for any violation of the regulations, allowed him to instantly capture the discord. To be precise, it was a clamor, singing? Maybe that's more accurate, because it's melodic, with a lot of crude, dirty words mixed in the lyrics.

Eisenstein didn't understand literature, but he was sure where the ballad came from, and he could understand the direction pointed in the accent. The voice came from a very cold place.

He followed the singing, and gradually understood the content of the lyrics along the way. It roughly means that the sailor of a certain line sailed on the endless ice sea and encountered the story of the siren. In the second half of the ballad, Described in detail how he defeated the siren, not with an iron sword, but with a man's sword.

"He pierced the hole with a sword, and the banshee screamed! The sailor yelled and got up, and the banshee ran away!" The voice yelled loudly, and Eisenstein walked into the bar listening, and soon he saw When it came to him, it was no surprise that the person who sang this Slaanesh-like ballad was none other than the famous young wolf lord, Ragnar Rathbrok.

"Hey, Eisenstein, are you here too? Are you attracted by my beautiful voice?" Ragnar greeted him with a smile. The daily necessities designed by the Astartes themselves, like the furniture, the tables and chairs are monsters compared to mortals.

Two Astartes were sitting at the table, Ragnar needless to say, he was raising his glass to greet Eisenstein, and then drank heavily, and opposite him, Lancelot was also here, his Some wine was wet on his body, and the pungent aroma of spirits wafted from his long blond hair.

"What are you doing here? If I remember correctly, the bar is not open at all." "Because the two of us didn't leave last night, we stayed here all night." "It sounds like you're very proud of it, don't you ?Do you know what you are doing? You are officers, officers of the Astartes, and not only officers, but also chapter masters. You should lead by example, not disobedience." "Okay, Eisenstein , you are always so boring, it is only dawn now, you still have a lot of time to teach us."

Ragnar served a glass of wine, he put the glass on the table, and invited Eisenstein to sit down, "Come on, have a drink, don't be so stern, we are not going to rush to hell, and we are not without Go through, more than once, right, Lancelot."

"I guess so, we've been to Hell a few times, dare I say, more than most people." "Isn't it? We haven't gone crazy and turned into devilish ugly trash, female sea Even monsters don't want to sleep with you, so let's have a toast." "Enough, Ragnar." "Stop talking, okay? Come and have a drink, you have plenty of time to tell us what to do."

Ragnar handed the glass to Eisenstein, who took it, looked at the wine in the glass, "I'm afraid, I don't have that much time."

"Then you have to hurry up and have fun with your brothers, come on, sit down." Ragnar squeezed inward and made way, Eisenstein sat down, he didn't know why he sat down , but he still sat beside Ragnar and held the cup with the two of them.

"Now that I'm all seated, can you tell me why you guys stayed here all night?" "We have a tradition of having a drink together after the war is over and we're all alive. "What if you die?" "Then drink it alone, and don't toast the other."

The three held glasses, and then they all drank. Ragnar naturally drank quite boldly, and the drink quickly bottomed out. He could only pour himself another glass, while Eisenstein restrained himself a lot and just took a sip That's all, this did not escape Ragnar's unique insight in this regard.

"Hey, you are so boring, life is short, why bother?" "We are Astartes, our life is not short." "But we could die in a second, there was never an Astartes , is dying of old age, we will only die in battle, so our life may not be long."

This is true. No space warrior dies of old age in a hospital bed. The term "end of life" does not belong to space warriors. Their lives belong to the emperor, and they are his currency. Currency is money, and it will be spent one day.

"Speaking of which, have you ever thought about how you will die?" Ragnar asked suddenly, and Lancelot made a weird expression while drinking, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden? I thought we drank and couldn't talk This kind of question." "Why? It's unlucky, but I think it's very auspicious."

Ragnar poured himself another glass, and drank it naturally, with a grin on his beard, "We Fenrisians all desire to die in battle with glory, so that the gates of Valhalla can be opened." Open it up for us, that's where we belong, where the warriors belong, where we toast with our ancestors, and every day, the All-Father picks three warriors to practice martial arts with, and at night, no matter how wounded they are , will return to their original state, and ride back to the palace of Valhalla together, and drink together."

"Can you imagine? Sitting next to the whole father, drinking and carousing with him, and at the moment of the twilight of the gods, going out with him, each of the six hundred gates of Valhalla will have Eight hundred soldiers walked out together."

Ragnar said, his eyes were shining, he really longed for that moment, Lancelot drank the wine and shrugged, "It's a pity, there is no Hall of Valor in our culture, so I don't know what happens after death. The world is what it is, but we have been taught responsibility, and it is our birthright to die for the Emperor."

"So I said, you dark angels are a bunch of boring guys. You have no expectations and no future. What's the point of fighting?" "We have glory, and that's enough. Being a knight of the emperor Highest honor." "Wow! Boring, Eisenstein, what about you? Imperial Fist, what do you think? Are you expected to live in the afterlife?"

Eisenstein was silent for a moment, he drank wine, sip after sip, as if drinking for others, "When an Imperial Fist dies, his soul will return to the throne, where he will wear Armor of gold, where he will reunite with all his dead brothers before the throne, and with them he will stand before the throne, under the eyes of the Emperor, until the final war comes when the Emperor opens the Webway Together, they will go to the final battle with the Emperor."

As Eisenstein said, he spilled his unfinished drink on the ground. Ragnar and Lancelot looked at each other, and both of them were silent for a moment, and then they also spilled their own drink on the ground.

"I wish you the best golden armor." Ragnar said, raising his glass to toast, and just as he was about to drink, an alarm sounded from the inside of the helmet on the table, and Ragnar stood Standing up, he raised his glass to the two brothers, and they also stood up, "I wish you all can find your own way."

The three stood by the wine table, holding glasses to each other. The huge wine glasses collided with each other, and the wine spilled out of it. After the three drank the wine in the glass, they smashed the glass on the table. They picked up their helmets, Eisenstein was holding the helmet at the door. He looked back and saw the wine on the ground, which disappeared on the smooth ground. Eisenstein nodded and put on the golden battle helmet. He was wearing, Golden battle armor.

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