Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 624 Battle of Beasts: At the Foot of the Titans, Meeting in the Canopy

"Is this the first time they have counterattacked?"

Vito asked.

"For the 19th time this month, and I think it will be the 20th soon, they're tough enemies, but, not very smart, have been attacking from the front here."

"I think there is no way, Commander, the east has been wiped out by the Mechanicus."

Vito explained to the commander of the Imperial Army, who saluted him and reassured him and his men that they would repel the twentieth xenos counterattack until the Emperor's ultimate victory came.

But Vito isn't worried about that.

Most of the orcs have been wiped out in the past month. They are indeed very tenacious. Even now they are still constantly launching counterattacks. War attracts them.

But this is no longer a problem. Despite the fanaticism, the strength of the green skins is running out. Their army has been exhausted in successive battles. Lost one by one in the duel.

This war was supposed to be protracted, lasting a year, or even years.

But it only lasted a month under Vito's command, and that's because they lacked Astartes support, otherwise it would have been faster.

Vito returned to the tent between the camps. His tent was a battleship with a red canopy, which was completely different from the tents of the surrounding Imperial Army, Skitarii, and Navy.

Most of them were small, each tent housed a squad member, many of them were empty, Imperial Army troops kept leaving and returning, tanks rumbled and roared through the camp.

The Imperial Titans stood in the distance, behind Vito's tent, his majestic barrel in the sun, surrounded by the Hound Titans, the Knight Titans were supposed to be here too, but they left to sweep the West The remaining greenskin fortress in the basin.

There were several stormtrooper guards outside the tent, and Vito walked in between them.

Everyone else is waiting for him here, Ragnar and Lancelot, Olaf and Eisenstein who just returned with the Emperor class, and Jarick who returned from the east, he has returned to the command post for a while .

Yeta was here too, a young redheaded girl still in that Eldar robe, so white it made her look tall.

Vito remembered telling the half-eldar in the mirror mask when he was dealing with the Eldar problem.

"I can hand over this planet to you. Anyway, it is useless to the empire, but there is one condition."

He said.

"You owe your allegiance to the Empire."

The patriarch of the wild Eldar clan refused of course, he said that the empire slaughtered his people many years ago, and the rain of fire, that is, the orbital bombing, turned the world into scorched earth, and he would not serve the murderer.

Vito told him that he should be grateful for the kindness of the Tribunal. They haven't been wiped out all these years. It seems that you have allowed human blood, and after Omega's inspection, the blood composition is acceptable to the empire. Within this range, and the Empire is now an ally with the Eldar.

And personally, you helped Yetta, my lieutenant and goddaughter.

Now he's giving these alien descendants a chance to swear allegiance to the Empire, he doesn't ask them to believe in the Emperor, let alone send those stupid idiot bureaucrats in the Ministry of Affairs, but they need loyalty.

The patriarch of the Wild Spirit Clan hesitated for a long time, turned around and discussed with his clansmen for a while, but finally nodded.

"We are willing to swear."

They left after that. These days, they have been diligently helping the imperial army, and they have indeed done a good job. With the help of the wild spirits, the imperial army attacked in multiple lines, bypassing the green-skinned defense line and made great achievements. Less wins.

After returning to the tent, Vito started the meeting.

On the side of the holographic map, Jarek told Vito that the battlefield in the east has been calmed down, the resistance of the orcs there has been flattened, and the remaining green skins have been driven back to the core factory area.

Olaf's team had done their job too, and after days of battling the Greenskins' armored forces, they managed to break them down, and now all of the Greenskins' mobile and armored forces were reduced to burning wrecks.

Ragnar and Lancelot just returned from the "Steel Peak". They leveled the orc mountain camp there. The forts that had been condescending and threatening the advance of the empire a while ago have all been eliminated. Na's words.


Eisenstein, on the other hand, did not have so many renderings of battles. He went straight to the point, directly explaining that the Mechanicus cathars, with the help of the emperor-level Titans, had completely wiped out the urban agglomeration of the hive capital. Run away, or be beheaded and killed.

Some greenskins tried to escape into the underground hive tunnel network and continued to resist. The Mechanicus poured promethium fuel into it, and then ignited them all to burn them to death.

Cole also participated remotely, bringing news that the Imperial Navy had taken full control of the skies.

"It seems that everything is going well for everyone, so here is the only thing left."

Vito said to the core factory on the map.

"This is the last fortress of the orcs. If you take this place, the war will be over."

Olaf said with certainty.

"Indeed, but now here too is trouble."

Eisenstein interjected, zooming in on the map to show the area of ​​the core factory.

That factory has turned into a real fortress, with high walls and turrets everywhere, a large number of weapons in the factory, and a large number of orcs who retreated into it.

The underground structure of the entire factory is also extremely complicated. It is the core furnace of the local foundry, with a large number of mine pits, underground railway transportation lines to avoid the dangerous environment on the surface, high-temperature fuel flow channels used by the furnace, and a huge underground production workshop. etc.

After the green skins took over, they expanded the place, and those alien shapes made it more complicated and chaotic, so that the factory structure diagram they have now is completely useless.

"How do we get it?"

Ragnar asked.

"This damn place looks as hard as a bastard. A strong attack must be a waste of effort. How about orbital bombing?"

He shrugged.

"Anyway, there's nothing left on this planet. Why don't we just blow it up to ashes and clean it up, so that we don't have to clean up the green leather robes everywhere."

Cole vetoed the suggestion, pointing to the factory in front of him, and something new appeared there with his fingers.

"The green skins have built a protective shield here, bombing is useless."

"My aviation squadron tried it before. They tried to cooperate with the Stormtroopers to launch an attack. As a result, all the missiles were blocked by the shield. The energy of the shield is so strong that I don't even know how the greenskins put it back. built."

Cole said helplessly that he even let the Infinity Frontier directly fire once. The huge power of the macro gun blew up all the surrounding mountains, but the factory remained unscathed.

The conclusion is that orbital bombing is useless, if the entire surface is bombed, the factory will still be there.

Eisenstein also expressed his approval. He claimed that the Mechanicus also tried before. The main gun of the Emperor Titan bombarded the factory, but the doomsday cannon that leveled the entire city had no effect in front of the factory shield.

Then everyone started discussing how to destroy the factory. Ragnar suggested to blow up the whole land and throw the factory into the void of the universe.

He obviously forgot Vito's promise to the Wild Eldar, but it's useless to blow up the entire planet and throw it into the void, and the greenskins don't need food and water.

Lancelot suggested concentrating firepower and trying to break the blockade at a certain point.

Yeta's opinion is to encircle. Anyway, the nature of the green skins is that there is no battle to fight, and it is more uncomfortable than anyone else. It is simply torture for these aliens. It is better to surround them and let them come out to fight them.

The discussion finally came to an end with Vito's opening. He kept looking at the factory structure diagram, thought about it, and finally came up with a method.

"Blow it up from the ground."

Vito said, pointing to the structural part below the factory, all the way down to the deepest part of the foundation.

"Sneak in, wear a bomb, detonate from the ground, and blow up the foundation of the entire factory directly."

"There is still a huge amount of ammunition inside. After the explosion, it is enough to blow up the entire factory and all the underground tunnels, and send all the orcs here to see the second brother Mao."

Cole frowned worriedly, resting his chin.

"But it needs a large enough explosion. Storm torpedoes or death missiles can do it, but they are too big. Even with only warheads, they are smaller than cars and limited. It is impossible to sneak in with them."

"What kind of explosive is portable but powerful enough to destroy an entire factory?"

Cole asked, which silenced everyone to think, and Vito stood up with a smile, giving everyone the name of the thing.

he himself.

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