Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 636 Doomsday Storm: The Burning Universe

Tips at the beginning: Please take a leave, stop tomorrow for one day, continue to double-update on Monday, and please comment more, although it is social fear now, but when I routinely read comments and feedback every morning, it seems that I am in a single machine, which is very discouraged. of.


The squirming battleships exploded, their bodies made of flesh and blood instead of steel were torn apart, and corrupt blood was sprayed into the void, and was instantly ignited by fire. In the blink of an eye, the galaxy began to burn.

The flesh and blood fleet turned urgently, and the blue fleet appeared from the darkness, like a meteor flashing in the deep space, the fleet burst out from the darkness, and the beams lit up one by one, like lances standing upright, armored cavalry As they came to kill, the sound of horseshoes was replaced by the roar of propellers, and the neighing of horses and the shouts of knights were replaced by the sound of thousands of cannons.

The only difference is the flag, just like the ancient knights charged into the battlefield with banners and swords, the warships charged with their logos and shining logos.

The explosions lit up one by one, like the soil kicked up by the iron hooves of a war horse. The galloping giant horse stepped on the flying mud, leading its knights to the battlefield without hesitation.

The warships of the two sides collided head-on, passing by, countless flickering light spots hit each other from each other, and the boarding torpedoes led their respective brave cavalry to blast into the enemy's formation.

The landing hatch opened with a bang, and the Terminator veteran in heavy armor stepped into the fleshy hull. The rotating cannon between his arms roared and roared. In the light behind him, more Ultramarines rushed out, and they were oncoming It was the renegade Space Marines of the Death Guard, armed with a variety of weapons, who joined the spectacle.

Hear, that is the sound of a symphony, the bolts reverberating in the hull, as a sub-moon, the cello strikes the movement, the chainsaw's violin meets the notes, and they play together to accompany the chorus of the song.

The music of war, the absolute main theme, there is no doubt about the screams, cursing and all the sounds, at this moment, the primal instinct of human beings is ignited, the song that has been sung among our species for tens of billions of years , played again, it's called death, it's called, war.

And all of this has nothing to do with the Glory of Macragge. In her Glory Strategy Hall under the protection of multiple layers of void shields, the real conductors of this vigorous movement are here. They are the singing group. The leader of the team, they, stood on the high platform, leading the music to a climax.

Calgar was standing in front of the tactical map table. He was looking down at the countless flickering light spots. In front of them echo each other, the chaotic map of battlefield facts, large icons up and down, and smaller beacons are surging inside the large icons.

Around Calgar, there are many warriors, leaders, and commanders. They are all extraordinary people. Today, this place is the battlefield of the gods, a war between demigods, and there is no place for mortals to speak of.

The blue banner flutters in the wind, and the red, white, and green battle flags move upon hearing the wind. A majestic giant statue stands between the banners, holding a huge sword and wearing a cockscomb helmet, overlooking the people in the hall.

Look at the top of the hall, there are hundreds, thousands of banners hanging down. Before and after, the glory battle flags of the Ultramarines were lined up respectively. Ten companies stood up and all stood in line. Banner of the Brother Chapter from the bloodline of the Gene-Father of the Ultramarines.

Holding a spear in white armor, as solemn as an ancient Roman consul is the commander of the Matthimi Company of the Executor Chapter, Haksus, the leader of the Silver Eagle Chapter, and the Chapter Master "Smasher" of the Star Chapter Murasevez, surrounded by the table with their company commanders, and behind them, more heads.

Looking around, there are cockscomb helmets and towering spiked red tassels, and there is an endless stream of gorgeous battle armor. Those scrolls of oaths that symbolize glory, victory and triumph were once so dazzling in their respective battle groups, but Here, it is unknown, because everyone present has countless honors.

The machine servants are disbanded, and mortals have no right to enter here. No one's glory can make them stand shoulder to shoulder with these people, and no one can compare with you and them, except for one person, and he has already arrived.

The chapter masters and all the people under their command turned their heads and looked around. The sound of kneeling was everywhere in the hall, and the iron knees of the power suits slammed into each other one after another. The second company commander of Sicarius buried his noble head that has never been lowered.

The heavy halberd hit the ground regularly, the first sound, the door opened, the second sound, the loud horn blew, and the third sound, the stalwart body entered the hall.

Everyone bowed their heads to them, and even the flying banners stopped, as if they were holding their breath for their arrival, which was indeed the case. The hall was silent, even the sound of breathing disappeared. Fortunately, there were no mortals here. If they do it again, they will surely burst their hearts and die.

Not dying of attack, or of terror, but of unrivaled honor and ecstasy, for they will behold the Thirteenth Emperor, Lord of Macragge, and with him, from the Creation Era, the incomparable imperial God of War.

Guilliman marched on the left side, behind him was a long row of honor guards. The leaders from various battle groups were fortunate to become members of the Primarch's guards. Now, they have all put on the blue armor wings that symbolize glory Battle helmets, golden wings fluttering between their foreheads.

The leading standard-bearer raised high the five-hundred-world battle flag of Macragge representing the Primarch himself, surrounded by thousands of battle group logos, just to embrace the huge core U letter.

On the right side, Vito and Guilliman marched side by side. The Imperial Marshal's guards were all dressed in golden armor, and he was accompanied by the Custodians. These were dressed in gorgeous battle armor, which was different from the honor guards of the Ultramarines beside him. , and the guards, all in armor, accompanied the marshal.

Unlike Guilliman's guards, they did not follow behind Vito, but spread out around him, and there were many war halberds. They did not hold up a single banner, because their banner was marching in the center. Humanity used to be, and is now The absolute greatness is the flag itself.

Vito was wearing the Emperor's battle armor. When he was walking, the double-headed sky eagle on his chest seemed to be screaming silently. It was the symbol of the Emperor himself, and it was also his symbol. Everyone knew his identity, he was the Emperor's Messenger of War, the God of War, that is the title that the state religion's hundreds of millions of believers will recite when they cheer loudly in the temple.

The two titles, the Regent of the Empire, arrived at the same time as the Supreme Marshal of the Empire. This planet, which is now facing the erosion of war and plague, is bound to flourish. They appear at the same time, and the enemy can rampant again in the galaxy.

"Get up, my sons." Guilliman said loudly. He stood in the center of the hall and spoke to them. In an instant, the whole hall echoed with standing up, followed by the sound of saluting in unison. Different battle groups, Pay homage to their leader, the Regent, and most crucially, the Father in a different planetary culture.

"It seems that I'm redundant, should I leave?" Vito said with a playful smile and put his hands in his arms, winking at Calga, who immediately understood.

"Why did you say that? Master Vito, on behalf of the Ultramarines and all the brothers, I salute you and praise you for your victory."

"Feeling better?" Guilliman asked from behind.

"Well, it's a lot to write, every time we are together, everyone will only pay attention to you, and I, like the air, many people think that I am just a member of the imperial army, one of your bodyguards. "

"What can I do, let Vito, our famous general who has won many wars, the undefeated one, come to protect me?"

"Unless you are a woman, if you ask me, Robert, it would be interesting if you were a woman." Vito had a playful smile on his face, and he began to think about what it would be like if Guilliman were a woman.

Guilliman's expression became more and more weird in the back, Vito seemed to really think about this issue again, then he smiled and waved his hands, "Forget it, you will only become that kind, I said this on a date Roses are precious, and you're the kind of woman who explains to me its biological niche, you're the one to date Magnus."

Guilliman raised his eyebrows all of a sudden, since that picture really appeared in his mind, it was simply... scary. ,

Vito smiled jokingly, and stood in front of the large number of red dots on the holographic map with his arms folded, "Okay, stop your mind, I think this is scary, just like me dating that old idiot."

As Vito said, his whole body twitched suddenly. He remembered a joke that Lily had made before. That time in Comoros, she transformed herself into a woman and said that her biological characteristics were all women, so if she She is really a woman, and she is also a high-level immortal, so wouldn't she be able to when the Primarchs were created?

Just thinking about that scene made Vito feel goosebumps all over his body, "I need to change my mind, Calga, find me someone who can beat me up, someone with thick skin and toughness."

Vito wiped away the terrifying thoughts in his mind, raised his head, and a stereoscopic projection of the planet appeared on the holographic image in front of him. Its name, its history, and its past were presented in front of him.

The world of state religion, Saint Guillimande.

Vito couldn't help laughing when he saw the name, and he looked at Guilliman, whose expression also twitched as expected.

It's the same expression as when I think about the female friends who are usually below me, and that face is on me.

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