The research and inventions of Big Big Wolf are indeed extraordinary, and any one of them can have a place in their pig world.

But Slow Sheep is definitely on par.

He is also a quite intelligent animal.

The high technologies developed make other animals moved and shocked.

If you get Slow Sheep, you can probably conquer any world.


American comic world

"I have an idea.

Stark said with a serious look:"I think if Slow Sheep really tries his best, I'm afraid even Big Big Wolf may not be his opponent.""

"Are you kidding me?"

Thunder God, who was standing on the side, clearly disagreed with what Stark just said.

He replied seriously:"As long as you are an individual, you can see that those research inventions of Gray Wolf are obviously better, okay?"

"What you said is indeed true.

He said without looking back:"But you often overlook one thing, and that is the age of Manchu Yangyang.""

"Now think about it carefully, how old is he, and how old is Big Gray Wolf?"

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard this.

Just now, Stark hit the nail on the head and immediately talked about the key to question 407.


The richness of a person's creativity can definitely be directly proportional to his age. When his age is slow, As you grow older, your ability to accept many things and your innovative thinking will stop. Therefore, it is really shocking that a person can still have such terrifying inventive ability when he is sixty or seventy years old. The Big Big Wolf was even better when he was young, it’s true.

"But now it is obvious that Big Gray Wolf is better, and Pleasant Goat and the others are no match at all."

Stark also nodded.

What he just said makes sense.


[The sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds in the sky. ]

[A rather huge island comes into view! ]

[The island has beautiful scenery and lush trees. Looking at the blue ocean, it is like a piece of emerald, lying quietly under the clear sky. ]

[On the central lawn, there are two wolf heads cut from grass. ]

[On the gate of the lawn aisle, two animals that everyone is very familiar with are printed, namely the red wolf and the gray wolf. ]

[The yard is also quite large, and people even saw airplanes on one of the lawns. ]

[This is an extremely luxurious building and a private island. ]

[It is not difficult to tell that this is where Big Big Wolf lives.]


Gou Xiong Ridge.

When Bald Qiang saw this scene, his eyes turned red with envy.

Isn't it?!

No matter what, Bald Qiang never thought that Big Big Wolf would live such a luxurious life.

That was something he couldn't even dream of imagining

"How could Big Big Wolf be so rich?

Bald Qiang said with some excitement:"The life he leads is really enviable!""

You can enjoy the sun and beach to your heart's content, and you can also stay on the island and play as much as you want.

Just thinking about that kind of life makes Bald Qiang feel extremely happy.

It would be great if he could live like that too..

Xiong Da and Xiong Er didn't speak.

But their thoughts were similar to Bald Qiang's.

But at the same time, both bears understood that it was not easy to live such a life.


[Interior of Wolfsburg. ]

[Today's Big Big Wolf is a truly successful animal. In the entire grassland, no one can compare with his influence and strength. ]

[Many animals take Big Big Wolf as their role model and want to be like him! ]

[Now Big Big Wolf is also enjoying this hard-won success. ]

[After years of struggle, his dream finally came true. He stood on the commanding heights of the Qingqing Grassland and had countless wealth! ]

[Also relied on his unique genius brain to invent canned mutton. ]

[Gray Wolf accidentally picked up a magazine on the table, with a satisfied smile on his face, and quickly ran towards Red Wolf]

["Wife, look, I’m on the cover of a major magazine again."]

[As long as you are strong enough and have enough wealth, you will receive countless praises.]

[Originally, Prairie Weekly was particularly credible, but since Big Gray Wolf became the richest man in the prairie, basically everyone He flattered him and tried his best to praise him. ]

[Gray Wolf is the pride of the entire wolf clan]

[He showed off proudly in front of his wife. He thought that Red Wolf would be very happy, but his wife's attitude was rather indifferent..]

[Red Wolf just glanced at Gray Wolf and subconsciously pushed the robot wolf aside without saying anything.]

[Big Gray Wolf didn't notice the change in his wife's mood.]

["Wife, let me tell you, I was not only on Prairie Weekly, but more importantly, I was also on TV."]

[Although Gray Wolf talked very happily, Red Wolf still didn’t show too much interest and was just busy doing what he was doing in the kitchen.]


"what happened?!"

Lu Xiaoguo immediately noticed something was wrong with the situation in front of him.

He touched his chin with his hand and said,"Have you noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the red wolf in front of you? He seems to be very indifferent to the gray wolf!"

The other fruits also gathered around, looking at the scene unfolding in mid-air, and nodded without hesitation. What he just said made sense. Red

Wolf didn't even want to say a word to Gray Wolf.

I know that although the red wolf used to hit Hui Tailang with a frying pan, in the end, he still loved his husband, but today's red wolf was so cold and unbelievable.

"It really surprised me."

Pineapple Blowing Snow said:"Now that Red Wolf has endless canned mutton, he can live the life he wants every day, shouldn't he be happy?"

"But why do I feel... Red Wolf doesn't seem to be interested in what's happening in front of him at all?"

The other fruits also nodded.

Every fruit can remember the scenes sent before clearly.

On the surface, Red Wolf beats and scolds Gray Wolf at every turn.

But once it encounters a real huge crisis, Red Wolf will He will always think about things from his husband's point of view.

He is particularly afraid of something happening to him. But now, regardless of what Gray Wolf says

, Red Wolf's attitude is always very indifferent, which makes the fruits feel weird.

Understand, really don’t understand.

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