When Jiang Chen saw this episode for the first time as a child, he was inevitably disappointed.

Although Big Gray Wolf is a villain, everything he encounters is easily relatable and sympathetic.

He is strong, brave, unparalleled in wisdom, forbearing, and extremely hardworking, but he fails to catch the lamb every time.

In the quirky world, he was bullied and bullied into a wolf-like state. In the end, the stinky guy was cleansed and merged with the dashing brother, but he became a being that could be punished in the eyes of all animals.

It's especially unfair to Big Big Wolf.

But fortunately, Big Big Wolf will have more shining moments later.

Although the final outcome is also an embarrassing defeat, it is better than sinking into the sand now without any further consequences.


[The animals in the weird world were all stunned when they saw the scene happening in front of them, and their eyes were full of surprise. ]

[In the minds of those animals, Big Gray Wolf is invincible and invincible, and is definitely an invincible top existence. ]

[But they never expected that the dashing Superman would defeat Big Gray Wolf with just one move. They couldn't bear it. ]

[But after a moment, those animals rushed forward and stood in front of Big Big Wolf. Their loyalty to the latter was engraved in their bones. ]

[No animals or eggs are allowed to hurt the Gray Wolf. ]

[A moment later, the tall rabbit soldiers rushed towards the handsome Superman! ]

[The dashing Superman, suspended in mid-air, saw the scene in front of him with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he didn't care about those rabbit soldiers at all. ]

[Flowers all over the sky bloomed brilliantly, wrapping up those rabbit soldiers in the blink of an eye! ]

[Controlled them firmly. ]

[Pleasant Goat breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the current handsome Superman is powerful enough. Otherwise, whether he can get out of the crisis tonight is really a problem. ]

[But in the next second, Pleasant Goat realized that he had been too optimistic about things. ]

[The earth is shaking non-stop, more and more animals are gathering, overwhelming and surging, surrounding them all.]

["what to do? Cool brother?"]

[Pleasant Goat raised his head to ask Brother Xiaosha for his opinion. Before he could answer, Marshal Hei waved his right hand. He narrowed his eyes and said,"Do you still have to ask?"]

["Since those rabbits want to attack them, let's take action first and kill them first!"]

["no."Brother Xiaosha obviously disagrees with his younger brother's views.]

["Let me tell you, they were just controlled by Big Big Wolf, but they didn't do anything particularly bad, and you absolutely can't hurt them."]

[Hei Dashuai is actually very reluctant, but he understands that he has to listen to his brother. After all, the main control of Xiaosa Superman is still in the hands of Xiaosa Brother.]

[After a moment, Hei Dashuai's eyes lit up." Said:"There is a saying that to capture the animal, capture the king first, we might as well attack the Big Big Wolf first!"]

["As long as we kill him, I believe the other animals will recover naturally."]

[The two eggs hit it off and were about to attack Big Big Wolf, but at this moment, Pleasant Goat stopped them]

["No, absolutely not"]

["Have you forgotten what happened before?"Pleasant Goat's voice was full of eagerness.]

["What if your energy is absorbed by him again?"]

[Brother Xiaosha and Marshal Hei were about to take action. After hearing these words, they immediately stopped. What Pleasant just said made sense.]

[Now the handsome superman form is their final form. , if Hui Tailang were to crack it again, no one would be able to deal with him.]

[Now they are in a dilemma and have no idea what to do next.]

[Hui Tailang's physique is too weird and special, and he can use almost all energy. Absorbed by him!]

[They are no match at all.]

[But those animals in the weird world are indeed very sympathetic, and if they really kill each other... it would be a bit unbearable.]

[ Just when all the animals were in a dilemma about this and felt helpless, Mother Chicken suddenly said:"Take Big Big Wolf away to me. I now have a way to deal with him, and I also have a way to restore the residents of the weird world to their original appearance."]

[I really didn't expect Mother Chicken to be so secretive. Everyone seemed a little excited after hearing this, and their eyes showed unconcealable excitement.]

[The Gray Wolf was taken away by them like this.]

[They carried the Gray Wolf all the way. After trudging through mountains and rivers for an unknown amount of time, Mother Chicken led all the animals to a stop.]

[With a smile on her face, she pointed to a pile of hay not far in front and said,"You can really do it. The solution to the crisis is hidden behind that pile of hay!"]

[All the animals present felt a little incredible after hearing what Mother Chicken said!]

[Is what he just said true?!]

[After a while, Mother Chicken stepped forward and took the pile of hay After opening it, another egg appeared in front of them]

[But this egg is a little different from the other eggs. It is a robot egg.]

["Mom, what does this egg do?"]

[Mother Chicken replied:"You only need to put Big Big Wolf in and let him stay there for seven days and seven nights. By then, the evil light in his body will be purified."]

["When he uses his attack again, he won't be able to hurt the villagers in the weird world."]

[All the animals were very excited. They didn’t expect that Mother Chicken could actually develop such black technology.]


Fruit world.

When Lu Xiaoguo saw this scene, he was filled with wonder and felt extremely incredible.

He never expected that the hen had such incredible abilities.

It’s really admirable!

"I think in the weird and weird world, the most terrifying thing is probably the mother chicken."

No one else objected to what Lu Xiaoguo said just now. They all nodded in agreement. Hei

Dashuai and Xiaosha brother can be born at the same time. More importantly, he is also very smart.


[Big Big Wolf was let in by the animals, and six or seven days passed in the blink of an eye! ]

[When the gray wolf appeared in the sight of the animals again, he changed from the original gray wolf to a white wolf! ]

[Every animal is quite happy! ]

[The light rays emitted by Big Big Wolf can no longer cause harm to the animals, but simply have a purifying effect. ]

[But they never thought that Big Big Wolf would cause a horrific disaster that could be called world-destroying! ]

["Big gray wolf."Pleasant Goat stood in front of Big Big Wolf with a smile on his face and looked very happy.]

["Let me tell you, no matter how much you resist now, it's useless. The light you emit can't hurt the animals in the weird world."].

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