Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 874 Almost dead

Shi Le glanced at him and said, "What does healing have to do with etiquette?"

Shi Le said: "Although I have never read or read, I also know that things like a cow giving birth to a calf, a mother giving birth to a baby, and treating diseases and injuries have nothing to do with men and women, nor etiquette, but only life."

Zhao Hanzhang's injuries were all caused by him, what couldn't he see?

On the battlefield, all etiquette and morality are just farts!

Zhao Hanzhang agreed with what Shi Le said and nodded: "Not bad."

Fu Tinghan ignored them and cleaned the wound. Seeing that the bleeding speed increased, he couldn't help but said: "It needs to be sutured, can I do it?"

Zhao Hanzhang said: "Come on."

Suturing has been around since ancient times, but very few doctors know how to use it. Since then, all the doctors in the Zhao family army can use it, and even the doctors and nurses have learned how to use it.

Although it may not be exquisite, it is still watchable.

Zhao Hanzhang forced every doctor in the army to have a teaching mission every quarter. He could teach as many doctors and nurses as many emergency treatment techniques and receive corresponding bonuses.

In the Zhao family army, there are only two things that will not be owed in arrears. One is the pension for the killed and seriously injured soldiers; the other is the bonus for the military doctors.

Zhao Hanzhang would rather delay the payment of military pay than pay bonuses.

Therefore, the doctors and nurses in the army, even the illiterate and rough villagers who had just entered the army, had to learn to use pliers to hold needles for suturing.

Fu Tinghan has been following the army, and naturally he has also learned some. Although the needles and threads he got now are not up to standard, on the battlefield, they even kneaded the grass and soaked it and used it, let alone the real thread?

So after Fu Tinghan carefully cleaned his hands, he picked up the needle and thread, threaded the needle and thread with sharp eyes facing the firelight, and then lowered his eyes and pierced the needle into her flesh.

Shi Le, who had been watching, his eyebrows trembled, and young Ah Wei couldn't help but turned his head to look, and he was also shocked.

On the other hand, Shi Hongtu and the others were not surprised. Who hasn't had a few stitches on their body?

This is the most common method used by Zhao Jiajun to stop bleeding and promote wound healing.

Needless to say, this method is really effective. The blood was still gurgling when Fu Tinghan was suturing. After he finished suturing, the amount of bleeding was greatly reduced. When he applied medicine and bandaged, the bleeding basically stopped.

Zhao Hanzhang had been trying to relax her body as much as possible, because other parts of her body were hurting, and the pain caused by the wound itself made her basically ignore the needling sensation of sutures.

Shi Le could clearly see the changes in the wound. He immediately said to Shi Hongtu, who was simple and rude and wanted to bandage the wound directly: "I also want to sew it up with a needle."

Shi Hongtu: "I can't."

Shi Le looked at Fu Tinghan.

Fu Tinghan glanced at Zhao Hanzhang, bandaged her wound and came over to look at Shi Le's wound.

Seeing that Fu Tinghan wanted to do it himself, Shi Hongtu blushed and immediately took the work from him, "Lang Jun, I'll do it."

Fu Tinghan: "No need, I'll do it."

Although Shi Hongtu and others also went to the military medicine clinic with him, the technique was very rough and the condition of Shi Le's wounds was very bad, much worse than Zhao Hanzhang's.

It seems that Zhao Hanzhang did not want Shi Le to be alive when he stabbed him.

Fu Tinghan roughly sewed him up, but left a small opening for preparation for examination.

Shi Le's wound was very deep, and there was even leakage of intestines. He washed it and stuffed it back. If he didn't leave a hole, he was afraid that something would come out and he would have to open his stomach again.

By the time he had taken care of the wounds on Shi Le's ribs, Shi Le had already fallen asleep.

Fu Tinghan touched his forehead and whispered to Zhao Hanzhang: "We have to find a doctor for him, otherwise he may not be able to survive."

Zhao Hanzhang frowned and turned his eyes to Ah Wei, who was a little embarrassed next to him.

Ah Wei stared back blankly.

Zhao Hanzhang smiled politely at him and asked, "Awei, do you know who among these refugees is a doctor?"

"Doctor?" Ah Wei said, "Even if there is a doctor, there is no medicine at this time. Without medicine, what is the use of having a doctor?"

Zhao Hanzhang smiled slightly and said, "Do you know the doctor?"

Ah Wei: "I don't know."

Everyone: "..."

Only Zhao Hanzhang looked as usual, she smiled and said: "I have something to ask Ah Wei for help."

Ah Wei: "I can't find the doctor..."

"Instead of looking for a doctor, I want to find Mr. Li," Zhao Hanzhang said: "That Mr. Li from Guangzong County just now, you both belong to the Anping Kingdom and have some friendship, so I would like to ask you to pass on a few words for me."

Ah Wei was stunned, "I, I don't recognize them. Wusui County and Guangzong County are far away."

Zhao Hanzhang: "...it's okay, you don't recognize them, but they recognize you, as long as you tell them your name."

Ah Wei's eyes lit up, "Am I so famous?"

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and nodded.

Ah Wei said calmly, "You can tell me what you want to say."

Zhao Hanzhang pondered for a moment and then said: "Let's just say that I can't sleep tonight because of my hot blood, so I want to talk to the old gentleman around the fire."

She said: "Just say that I will always be here waiting for him."

Ah Wei patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, girl, I'll go and invite him right away."

When he turned around, he suddenly remembered and turned around and asked, "I haven't asked about the girl's parentage yet."

Zhao Hanzhang smiled slightly and said: "Yuzhou, Zhao Hezhen."

The name Zhao Hanzhang is widely circulated, but not many people know the name Zhao Hezhen.

Many of the refugees here came from Anping Country, so she was cautious and did not want to reveal her identity easily; but since they were heading to Yuzhou, they obviously agreed with her, so could she stretch out her tentacles to test them out?

This name and place of origin are her tentacles.

Ah Wei was stupid. When he saw her, he told her her place of origin and name and then left. He didn't ask for any details, and turned around and left.

Most of the refugees had fallen asleep. Although they were not sleeping deeply, there were only a few who were still moving.

Ah Wei has a strong body and a rosy face. He looks like a young man who is doing well after escaping, so even if he walks from one end to the other alone, no one dares to cause trouble for him.

I was afraid that if I hit one, I would attract a group of people.

Mr. Li didn't sleep either. He had just suppressed the barbarian surnamed Wu and joined forces with other surnames to consolidate their power.

The Wu surname cannot live without them. In the same way, Mr. Li does not want to lose the Wu surname as a large force. In troubled times, when migration occurs, the danger will not come from the refugee group, but from the outside.

If you encounter gangsters on the road, if there are not enough people to join the gang, they may become abandoned lambs.

He was discussing tomorrow's personnel arrangements with his sons and grandsons, when a young man was brought to him with his head held high.

The young man came here alone, but he was not afraid to face so many of them. He directly cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Li, I'm Gu Qilang and Gu Wei from Wusui County."

When Mr. Li heard this, he immediately became solemn and said politely: "It turns out to be the seventh son of the Gu family. I have admired his name for a long time. I wonder why he came here late at night?"

Ah Wei heard that he really knew him, he couldn't help but smile and narrowed his eyes, and said to Mr. Li: "Someone asked me to pass a message to Mr. Li."

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