Weird Calendar

Chapter 130 Partners of Justice

The two people, who harbored evil intentions, actually got along quite well.

Xiao Chen thought Qin Ze didn't understand, but Qin Ze wished Xiao Chen could talk more.

This information gap made Qin Ze consciously collect more information, but he also paid great attention to propriety.

By now, Qin Ze finally knew.

Xiao Chen's idol is the "Moon" in Death Note.

What Xiao Chen longs for is to rely on fear to kill all those keyboard warriors.

He is very playful, but he will not deny these people a chance to survive, as long as they can do what they said.

For example, not long ago, there was a person who played games with his feet on a rainy night and survived.

In the beginning, Prior did long to become the new "Death".

Because of his ability, he can find others along the network cable, and his information technology ability can make him more omniscient than 99% of comic book protagonists.

In the era of big data, humans have no privacy in front of them.

He had killed many people, and they all had damning reasons.

Some kill their wives and daughters to get insurance.

Some people use the character of their deceased wives to make money.

There are also online trolls and keyboard warriors.

Of course, I have also killed some big shots. There was a politician before who liked children. The so-called liking is, of course, some kind of morbid obsession. But using relationships can always suppress things.

Prior killed him too. But even so, it also gives the other party a chance to repent. He kidnapped the big shot's father...

As long as the father of this big shot can do the same thing to his own children as the big shot did to those children... then the father can die on behalf of his children.

As you can imagine, both of them died.

The news after that was that two highly respected politicians were assassinated by political opponents.

If Prell hadn't later released the videos of those politicians ravaging children, this man would have even died with glory.

This world's "human nature" is contrary to justice.

There needs to be someone who, regardless of the world, uses powerful fear to make society function normally.

The jungle rules of the weak and the strong will burst into chaos, but if these weak and strong eaters have a god hanging above their heads who can punish all crimes without distinction...

The jungle will become peaceful and harmonious, and everything will be in order.

Crime rates will drop to freezing point.

However, Xiao Chen's dream is lofty, but the implementation process is more like a casual one, just to make himself happy.

He never thought about finding anyone to publicize his deeds.

Rather than having lofty dreams and creating a "god" that everyone fears, he enjoys the process of torturing evil people more.

In short, he is not pure. In this regard, Xiao Chen feels that he is inferior to the protagonist "Yue" in "Death Note".

And as he gradually understood the weirdness of this world, he discovered that there were many people stronger than himself...

His lofty dream can really only remain a dream.

Xiao Chen and Qin Ze chatted for a long time and both smoked three cigarettes.

Qin Ze is also 100% convinced that this young man, Xiao Chen, whose real name is Chen Xuean, is the killer Prell.

But Qin Ze still knew too little about Prell.

He was not sure of defeating Prell.

So verbally, Qin Ze said that the company has many weird colleagues.

Deliberately describe some strange behaviors to attract Prell's attention.

In this way, Prell can be stabilized.

As for Prell’s arrest…

This must be done, but not now.

There were too many hostages in the corridor of Daan Life Insurance.

And Qin Ze had to ensure that he was captured alive. He wanted to know why he happened to dream about Prell and not someone else.

Is there some strange connection between myself and this Chen Xuean?

Anyway, the two of them said their final polite goodbyes, and the fight didn't start after all.

After leaving Daan Life Insurance, Qin Ze quickly sent a message to the company.

"I already know who the infiltrator is, but there are still some doubts about this matter. I will send the specific information to the team leader and the big star. Huo Qiao can divine whether a bloody disaster will happen to Daan Life Insurance. If not, I suggest not to rush to close the net yet.”

Seeing this piece of news, Luo Shu had to sigh, how efficient temporary workers are.

I went to Daan Life Insurance and immediately found the potential target.

She did not act immediately, everything was as Qin Ze said.

"I will cooperate with you at the headquarters at any time! The results of the divination over at Huo Qiao will be reported to you immediately."

Qin Ze thanked Luo Shu and then asked Luo Shu for some news:

"By the way, Luo Shu, the recent case involving children that has attracted public attention seems to involve Justice Law Firm. Can you tell me the details of this case?"

Before calling Hu Dongfeng, Qin Ze needed to know what case Hu Dongfeng was busy with.

And why this case attracted attention before.

In fact, Linxiang City’s official Old Calendar Group is not interested in real-world cases.

Even if there are some incidents that reach the top of the hot search, such as the overturning of a sales anchor, the official announcement of a female anchor and a drug addict prisoner, or the topic of gender opposition between men and women... the official organizations will basically not even look at it.

For example, how can immortal cultivators pay attention to the disputes in the martial arts world?

Qin Ze actually didn't care. If it wasn't for Hu Dongfeng and the third inheritance Qiao Wei gave him, he would most likely not even bother to take a look.

Luo Shu is known as an encyclopedia, but it really doesn't care much about such things.

"Sorry, temporary worker, I have to check. I don't pay attention to ordinary cases in reality. But we have always cooperated with the Police Department of Public Security."

"They know more about these types of cases."

Seeing that Luo Shu didn't understand, Qin Ze said:

"No, I'm just asking casually, you go ahead and do your work."

After Qin Ze closed the group chat, he thought of someone.

He hadn't contacted her for a few days, so he called this person - Li Lu.

"Yi, Qin Ze! Why did you think of calling me? Do you have anything interesting to arrange for me?"

Li Lu, a tool man, is very conscious of a tool man, which makes Qin Ze a little embarrassed.

Qin Ze smiled and said:

"How are you lately? It rained heavily a few days ago, and Linxiang City has been quite chaotic recently. Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. Tell me, what do you want from me?" Li Lu said in a happy tone.

Qin Ze also got straight to the point:

"There is a recent case related to Justice Law Firm, which is said to be related to the abuse of children. Do you know?"

In fact, when Luo Shu couldn't explain the case clearly, Qin Ze felt that there was a high probability that the case had nothing to do with weirdness.

But he still decided to ask Li Lu. As a big reporter, Li Lu had a wider sense of news and observation than Luo Shu.

Li Lu said on the phone:

"This case is about a child in a private aristocratic school in Linxiang City who suffered corporal punishment, which led to the child filing a complaint with his parents."

"The parents actually called the police, hoping to make the school pay compensation, and the school accepted the compensation, but the parents seemed to be greedy temporarily and appealed against the decision."

"Currently, public opinion is overwhelmingly criticizing this parent. The Justice Law Firm has taken on this case and is ready to help this parent safeguard his rights and interests."

"That's probably what happened. In fact, it's a very small matter. The reason why this matter spread a lot a while ago is because the big lawyer at Justice Law Firm, Gu Meimon Yui, a lawyer with a 100% winning rate, We don’t want Hu Dongfeng, another partner in the firm, to be involved.”

"It's understandable that this is a 100% loser case, because not only public opinion supports the school, but even parents support the school."

"When it comes to teaching children, there are always people on the Internet who say that children cannot be punished corporally, but in fact, anyone who has actually had children knows that the education of parents and teachers cannot completely determine a child's character. There are still many uncontrollable factors in life. .”

"Sometimes it takes corporal punishment to learn a lesson. Besides, the admission rate of this aristocratic school was 97.6% last year. It is the admission rate of a key university."

"So in order for the children to have a good future, parents also understand the school's approach."

"As for the abuse that the mother said, it doesn't exist at all. The hospital also issued a certificate saying that there was nothing wrong with the child at all."

"This incident happened about four weeks ago. The two had a conflict. But they seemed to have reconciled not long ago."

Li Lu is worthy of being a great reporter and knows quite a lot.

But Qin Ze had a good impression of Hu Dongfeng.

According to Li Lu's description, Hu Dongfeng should not have taken this case at all.

He felt something was wrong here.

4 weeks ago…

Four weeks ago, Qiao Wei should have started arranging the inheritance and preparing to enter the old calendar world.

At that time, Qiao Wei specially asked Hu Dongfeng to be responsible for the subsequent handover of the inheritance. Was she just admiring Hu Dongfeng?

Qin Ze and Li Lu hung up the phone and made an appointment for a meal before hanging up.

Then, he called Hu Dongfeng.

This is also the most important thing among what he has to do today.

The phone rang for a while, and the beeping sound continued, like the sound of a person's gradually weakening heartbeat.

Qin Ze felt a little worried inexplicably. Because Hu Dongfeng's text message really seemed like he was working hard and embarrassed.

It wasn't until the call was answered that he felt relieved.

"Mr. Qin? Is it Mr. Qin?" Hu Dongfeng's voice was very low.

There was a bit of joy and a bit of fear in his tone.

Qin Ze responded calmly:

"Lawyer Hu, it's me. I've been on a business trip these days and there is no mobile phone signal here. I'm sorry that I only received your message now."

"You seem to be in trouble?"

Hu Dongfeng, who was far away in another place, looked around cautiously. After making sure that no one was there, he forced a smile and forced his tone to sound less sad:

"It's okay, I just didn't handle some things well. Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, but I may not be able to give you her inheritance in different time periods according to Ms. Qiao Wei's request."

Qin Ze heard what Hu Dongfeng meant.

Probably because he didn't know that he would not be able to survive in the future, he planned to give all of Qiao Wei's inheritance to himself.

Qin Ze's tone was very calm, but there was a sense of strength:

"Lawyer Hu, I want to ask you a question."

"You say."

"Is your current situation very bad?"

"um, yes."

Hu Dongfeng hesitated slightly.

Qin Ze continued:

"I remember when I met you in the first week, you were only slightly tired. But there was still light in your eyes."

"When I met you the second week, you were obviously more tired and your voice was softer. At that time, your friend Ms. Yui Gumemon seemed to agree to handle the case with you. You still had hope. .Although I feel that you are very tired."

Hu Dongfeng did not expect that Mr. Qin Ze would observe him so carefully.

He suddenly didn't know what to say.

Qin Ze sighed and continued:

"It's the third week now. To be precise, it's been almost ten days since we last met."

"Ten days can actually change a lot of things. What a person sticks to in his heart seems to be able to last for a long time, but it depends on the intensity with which he faces difficulties. If the intensity is too high... it may change in an instant. "

"It's the third week, Lawyer Hu. Have you lost someone important this week?"

This sentence is like a heavy hammer.

Hu Dongfeng's voice on the other end of the phone was choked with sobs:

"Yes, Mr. Qin, I lost an important partner not long ago."

Qin Ze said:

"Is it the lady in Yui?"

Hu Dongfeng didn't speak, he just gritted his teeth and breathed heavily.

Qin Ze said:

"Now please tell me, Lawyer Hu, are you still willing to continue to uphold justice?"

"Are you still seeking fairness and justice for your client?"

"Even though as far as I know, whether it is the judiciary, public opinion, or other parents like your client, they are all on the opposite side of you, you still firmly believe that what you do is not for fame and profit, but for fame and profit. Is it for justice?"

"Still, you should understand that what you are fighting against is an existence that you cannot win. You should grow up. You should protect yourself and not let your partners sacrifice in vain."

Qin Ze very much hoped that Hu Dongfeng said at this time - I give up.

Maybe this is also a kind of growth.

Despite this, Hu Dongfeng may have been blocked in his Taoism, and in the future, the boundaries between black and white in this world will become muddy in his eyes.

But this is the correct way to open the world, there is no black and white, justice is something defined by the strong.

But Hu Dongfeng did not give this answer.

He was still breathing heavily, as if he wanted to swallow up the whole world.

After a while, Hu Dongfeng shook his head, probably realizing that Mr. Qin couldn't see his movements on the phone, so he suppressed his tears and said:

"Mr. Qin, I have seen how terrible the darkness in this world is, but I don't want to give up shining."

"My client suffered inhuman abuse. Not only him, but many children also suffered inhuman abuse in that school..."

"This case is not what the world knows! The things involved in this case make me question the reality of the world..."

"And the forces behind the case really scare me."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you this."

"I can console myself by knowing that if I die now, the last person to know the truth will die."

"I have to survive to have a chance to seek justice. I can comfort myself like this."

"But the darkness of this world is too heavy. It is a burden! It will bend my waist."

"Perhaps when I am immersed in the joy of living, I will no longer have this spirit. Even if I know the truth at that time, I will not have the courage to tell the truth."

"Mr. Qin Ze, I will continue to uphold justice until my death."

Maybe he heard something from Qin Ze's words. Maybe he was the only person who talked to him about this case these days and didn't scold him...

Hu Dongfeng actually expressed his inner thoughts to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze is now convinced that this case is very complicated, so complicated that perhaps the authorities have been deceived.

But he didn't find it troublesome, because Lawyer Hu gave an answer that was impossible for someone like him.

Qin Ze asked himself whether he was a passionate fool or a hero.

But he loves heroes and passionate people in this world.

He smiled and said:

"Okay, Lawyer Hu, I feel your determination. From now on, I am your partner. I don't want my wife's inheritance transfer arrangement to be interrupted."

"Please continue to bring surprises to me at the same time every week."

"And now, I will work with you to seek justice."

Hu Dongfeng was stunned. He wanted to refuse.

Because there was a powerful force behind this case, and the case itself also had some... weirdness that he couldn't understand.

He shouldn't have dragged Qin Ze into this.

But he couldn't refuse. In such a dark moment, he needed fellow travelers so much.

"My ability may be much stronger than you think. Lawyer Hu, I will go to you next. You will tell me your address, and... I need you to be mentally prepared. During the process of you telling the case, I Maybe I can tell you some... strange things."

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