Weird Calendar

Chapter 242 God’s Story Meeting

"In other words, if there is a person in this world who can get out of the maze..."

"Do you, the mechanical race, seem willing to meet such a person?"

Before Qin Ze left the level 1 level, he asked one last question.

The mechanical tribe said:

"The king will give you the answer."

Qin Ze nodded:

"Then your machines are distributed in various mazes... waiting for someone to appear?"

"Kings throughout the ages will wait for one person. That is a long story."

Qin Ze suddenly looked forward to such an answer.

Perhaps, as long as you meet this king, you can know all the history.

But first, you have to show corresponding value.

"Then I'll say goodbye. I'm going to start making my next choices."

Qin Ze headed towards the door.

There are only two doors in the entire lv1 level.

One door is in the city, and the other is in the foggy jungle.

The garbage dump is in the middle of the level.

Qin Ze found a way to eliminate the stench in the city, and it was actually very fast.

Because we still need to find a special NPC - the mechanical tribe.

In other words, if you are pursuing speedrunning, you should choose to enter the city at the beginning, then get the bookmark, eliminate the curse, and finally run to open the door, and the first level will be over.

Maybe the guards will only appear until the third wave.

Maybe he still has enough time to go back all the way from the city and go to the misty jungle to see what the other door looks like.

But Qin Ze triggered a hidden mission, a mission that even the Maze King himself didn't know about.

Mechanical clan.

With the help of the ability to listen to the voice of the heart, Qin Ze found the NPC of the mechanical tribe.

And he successfully proved himself to the other party, and received the task of getting out of the maze and entering the country of machines.

This task, for some reason, seems to Qin Ze to be more important than getting out of the maze, or even defeating the seventh-level god, the Maze King.

So Qin Ze doesn't have time to check the door of the misty jungle now. No choice.

He has only one choice, and that is to push open the city door.

The pattern on this door shows a group of people sitting around a campfire.

Eight people formed a circle, with a bonfire in the middle.

But outside the circle of eight people, there was another man wearing a cloak and holding an axe.

Qin Ze couldn't understand the meaning.

The fifth wave of guards has spawned around him.

Qin Ze did not choose to activate quick thinking. He thought for a while and decided that he had to push the door anyway, so he should push it.

The guards attacked, approaching Qin Ze with swords, guns, swords and halberds.

But the next second, Qin Ze waved his hand gracefully and entered the night inside the door.

lv1, ended perfectly, lv2 started.

The huge moon hangs high in the sky.

When Qin Ze opened his eyes, he felt slightly shocked.

He had never seen such a big moon.

It's as if you can see the craters on the moon's surface with the naked eye.

Under the giant moon, a little light appeared in front.

There is some breath of life appearing in Qin Ze's perception.

Qin Ze did two things.

First, he touched his pockets.

The bookmark is still there.

This convinced Qin Ze that there was indeed something that could be taken away from the maze.

The second thing he did was take out the magic lamp.

The magic lamp seemed a little old in the moonlight.

This was not an illusion. Qin Ze realized that the things that Fu Jie brought out from the world of human fantasy would have a lifespan in the world of the old calendar.

He rubs the magic lamp.

The evil djinn is sleepy.

"It seems that you may not be able to accompany me through all my choices."

"Perhaps you could consider taking something valuable from me? Like physical fitness."

Qin Ze looked at the Deng Shen.

The djinn shook his head:

"This has to do with the ability of the boy who took me away from the world I was in."

"His abilities determine my abilities. This maze is repelling me, and I didn't expect this."

It’s time to practice the Talisman Level.

Xiaoshi, Fu Jie, Hu Dongfeng, Gong Ping, these are the people Qin Ze met after becoming a Old Calendar...

Qin Ze actually felt that their foundation might be better than the official one.

Duke, Cheng Wan, Lin An and Luoshu are naturally reliable, but Qin Ze always feels that these people he meets can form a stronger team.

Qin Ze shook his head:

"How much more can you hold on to?"

"At most...two levels." The genie was a little helpless.

Qin Ze continued to ask:

"Is it that I can only summon you twice, or that no matter whether I summon you or not, you will disappear after two levels?"

The genie said:

"You can only summon me twice."

Qin Ze understood:

"It seems that I can only call you when I am really undecided."

Now that it has been summoned, Qin Ze of course has to use it.

"I need to know some information about this level."

"Then the price you need to pay is seventy hairs, okay?" The price proposed by the Deng God is still very small.

Qin Ze nodded.

Talisman level props are as reliable as Talisman level.

Originally, the words "evil magic lamp" made Qin Ze think that this was a prop that he needed to be wary of.

But now it seems that this prop is very useful.

There is a little more hair in the djinn's hand.

For a man with healthy hair, or a weak hair style, dozens of hairs are nothing.

The genie said:

"What you lose at this level is the perception of safety."

"In other words, in this level, you will not be able to distinguish between what is safe and what is dangerous."

"Everyone in this level is the same."

"You will keep telling some stories and keep putting yourself in dangerous situations."

"In the end, only one person survived."

Qin Ze suddenly understood.

The eight people surrounding the campfire are eight challengers.

Everyone has lost the concept of "what is safety and what is danger".

Then, no matter what you do around the campfire, you may be rushing to death.

The self-preservation instinct of life has been lost.

In other words, from this moment on, you may reveal your secrets and do something extremely dangerous, but you feel it is normal and do not feel any sense of violation.

Qin Ze actually already feels this way.

Before entering this door, Qin Ze would have thought about how to avoid this game.

Instead of joining the seven other people sitting around the campfire…

Because no matter what these seven people want to do, they must be aiming for "only one can live."

But now, Qin Ze thinks this is very reasonable. He can only live one life, and he may die. There is a conspiracy here...

Qin Ze found the thoughts very interesting.

In other words, Qin Ze now is a Xiao Qin seeking death.

But Qin Ze's basic judgment ability has not been lost.

Although he does not realize now, the importance of losing the ability to distinguish between "crisis and safety".

But he knew that the most important thing for him to pass through the maze was to find what he had lost.

So Qin Ze quickly set a goal in his heart - to find what he had lost.

"It doesn't seem to be a very important thing, but based on my experience in the previous level, this thing should be of some use to me. I have to get it back first."

The Deng Shen felt a little relieved after hearing what Qin Ze said.

Because it is aware of security risks, it knows very well that Qin Ze is now a lunatic who doesn't even care about life or death.

Everything is just for fun. If he thought death was fun, he might die too.

This sounds bad, and it is.

When something is lost, logic will also be lost. Many things in people are connected together.

For example, if a person loses his memory, then he loses more than just his memory. Experience and the basic framework for adapting to things will be lost.

So Qin Ze can now make finding the lost things his first goal...

The Djinn thought that this was already a miracle.

Finding firelight in the dark is not difficult. The surrounding environment looks like the streets of a long-abandoned city.

But at night, Qin Ze couldn't distinguish the details.

He didn't think about the prototype of this place.

Now, Qin Ze found the place where the bonfire was.

The other seven people were already sitting around the campfire.

When Qin Ze's figure appeared, among the seven people, a man with a scar on his face said:

"You're finally here, let's start the ceremony."

Qin Ze nodded:

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm late."

[Why is he late? Did you encounter something interesting? What extra preparations had he made? Wouldn't it be more interesting to let him die first? ] is the voice of a girl. It sounds like the voice is a bit squeaky.

[Finally it’s time to start. I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time. 】The voice of the scarred man.

【Will I die? Isn't death interesting... Based on the information I know, will the God of Calling take me in? ] It was also a man's voice, but it seemed a bit sharp and excited.

When he said the words "Am I going to die?", he was not afraid, but excited.

Death, among this group of people, does not seem to be something to be afraid of.

Qin Ze looked at this man. If he wasn't in this area, then this man would definitely be a very timid and sly person.

[Kill them all, kill them all! Kill them all! My preparation was seamless! There's no way I'm going to lose. ] said the tall, thin man with long hair.

The characteristic of this man is not his hair, which is longer than that of a woman, but his murderous eyes.

[I just want to go home, I just want to go home, I just want to go home... These people are all madmen, it’s so scary, I don’t want to die here. 】

[I really want to go home, but my wife is still waiting for me... If her body is not sprayed with new chemicals, it will smell. I hate mice, I hate cockroaches, and I hate maggots. 】

[I want to go home, I want to open her eyelids that cannot be opened, and I want to kiss her lips that cannot be opened. I am happy only when I am with her. 】

【Why do I have to come to this ghost place...】

The voice this time came from a man with a somewhat vulgar temperament.

Qin Ze had to admit that cheating felt very comfortable and fun.

All the voices of these people were exposed.

And this time, Qin Ze seemed to hear something different.

He glanced at the wretched man pretending to be casual.

"He seemed to have something about him that other people didn't."

"He used the word... afraid? What is he afraid of? Isn't this a very interesting place? It looks like the game we are going to play next is extremely interesting..."

"Wait, I'm afraid..."

An imperceptible smile formed on Qin Ze's lips.

The voices are not all over.

[I prepared the God's Manual, which is a taboo, although I don't know what the cost of releasing the taboo is...]

[But I think it will be more exciting than other people’s preparations, right? 】

The owner of the voice is a woman who exudes a cold aura.

He looks at other people as if he were looking at a dead person.

Her long hair was disheveled and she was wearing white clothes. In this moonlight, she looked like a female ghost.

[Although I don’t know the rules of the game, it seems that all I need to do is prepare a story. 】

【I am the king of stories. My rich experience will make everyone like me. 】

[Death is interesting, but living is even more interesting. 】

The voice comes from a young man with a bright smile.

This smile made Qin Ze feel that this weird bonfire was no longer so weird.

Subconsciously, he had a crush on this young man.

But then, Qin Ze realized that this kind of favorable impression was undeserved.

"A person from the Old Calendar has a special profession. I'm not sure what his abilities are."

All members are in place.

A girl with a hairy hair, a guy with a scar, a guy with an excited eyebrow, a tall, thin manic guy, a wretched necrophiliac guy, a cold ghost girl, and a brilliant guy.

Qin Ze quickly named these people.

Counting himself, the late eighth person, the last corner of the campfire - make up.

When Qin Ze sat down, the campfire emitted a strange green light.

The green bonfire seemed to be out of this world, and the atmosphere was suddenly a bit gloomy.

Scar Man said:

"Now it's time to start, everyone, we have all lost something very important."

"We've all reached a point of desperation."

Scar Man seems to be the initiator of this unknown game.

Qin Ze sat quietly.

"We each have different beliefs. We are constantly traveling in the world of the old calendar, and we have accumulated a lot of experiences that others don't know."

"These experiences are our precious wealth."

"And not long ago, I also found a way to turn this wealth into cash."

"Next, I will start this game and open the special way of worship."

"Who will become the food of the gods and who will be judged depends on each person's own ability."

"Only one of us can survive. Do you all understand?"

[It’s really interesting that so many people are going to die. ] The whimpering girl was excited inside.

【Kill, kill, kill, kill! All things are created to nourish man, and man has nothing to repay heaven with, kill! Kill them all! ] The body of the tall, thin manic man was trembling slightly.

[I don’t want to die, I’m afraid of death, so you’ll all have to die! 】

This voice comes from necrophilia.

Qin Ze noticed that necrophiliacs were the only ones who were afraid of death.

Even Qin Ze himself is not afraid of death.

He even felt that this was an anomaly.

But Qin Ze has realized that in the previous level... he was deprived of the ability to communicate.

After regaining his abilities, he received a crucial hidden mission.

So I don't have a sense of danger and safety... Is this the reason why I lose my fear of death?

If this is the case, then when you get back what you lost, will you be able to realize the details in this game that others don't know?

But the question is, how to get it?

At this time, the scarred man said:

"If you have no objections, then God's Story will begin now."

"Who's going to start the first story?"

No one spoke.

The scarred man didn’t care and said:

"Then let me start."

Qin Ze planned to ask about the details of the story meeting at this time.

But before him, the man with a bright smile asked:

"Wait a minute."

The scarred man looked at him in confusion:

"You want to start first?"

The brilliant man shook his head:

"Things on my body always change unconsciously. For example, memories sometimes turn into other things, substantive things. Yesterday's memory turned into cheese after I woke up. And I originally dry food, turned into polenta.”

"My clothes become my hair..."

Qin Ze was stunned.

What kind of occupation is this? This ability is interesting.

Things that belong to you will undergo unpredictable changes.

It looks good and bad.

"Ah, what I'm saying is that I don't remember the rules. Can you tell me what the rules are for the story club?"

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