Weird Calendar

Chapter 245 Sacrifice Ceremony for Outer Gods (Happy New Year in Advance)

Qiao Wei.

Qin Ze did not expect to hear Qiao Wei's name in this story.

Is it a coincidence?

Lao Dao looks young and does not look like the kind of old calendar person who has been famous for many years.

But in Lao Dao's story, Qiao Wei is a little girl.

The same name? This is interesting.

Qiao Wei is a very common name, and many people use this name in Longxia.

But Qin Ze suddenly remembered a very important piece of information.

Hu Dongfeng mentioned that Qiao Wei left a property for himself, which was located in Baichuan City.

Lao Dao is still telling the story, and the story that follows is no longer relevant to Qiao Wei.

To put it simply, it was the other beastly things Lao Dao had done.

These things show that I am a wicked person. After I return to reality, each of these things is enough to kill me.

There are some very real things, but Lao Dao deliberately said them as if they were false.

But in front of Qin Ze, who has the ability to listen to the heart, it has no effect.

Qin Ze's attention is still elsewhere.

"Qiao Sen is Qiao Wei's father..."

"Qiao Wei never mentioned her family."

"Lao Dao thought he had killed three members of the Qiao family."

"But after Lao Dao stepped into the realm of ghosts and gods, he doubted that he had killed the three members of the Qiao family."

"Lao Dao wants to kill people, there is no doubt about it."

"When Qiao Wei was a child, she was contaminated by some evil force because of Qiao Sen's taboo behavior..."

"They live near Baichuan City. That place is immune to all the negative effects of the old calendar's power."

"No one can find Baichuan City unless they have the corresponding mission. The Qiaosen family is very close to Baichuan City..."

"Qiao Wei left me a property in Baichuan City."

"If this Qiaowei is Biqiaowei..."

"So, the Qiaosen family did not die, but entered Baichuan City to escape this disaster?"

"But the time doesn't match up."

"Wait a minute..."

Qin Ze suddenly felt that something was connected.

Akas once said that before the curse of the Land of Chaos was broken, the time inside the Land of Chaos was different from the outside world.

When Qin Ze and banker Lu Buwei were throwing dice...

However, a long, long time passed in the country of Chaoswei.

"And this old swordsman said not long ago that a long time ago, two groups of people came to the Old Calendar World..."

"They are people from Chaoswei Country and people from Baichuan City."

"Is it possible that these two places are related? And the time in both places is different from the time in other places."

"Well, this guess is a bit far-fetched, but let's press it for now."

Qin Ze analyzed in his heart and felt that it was too forced, but he did not deny his guess.

Qin Ze's murderous intention towards the scarred man had slowly grown, but he did not choose to expose the lie and kill the scarred man.

"This is a maze. Everything in it really happened outside. It stands to reason that I have taken someone's place..."

"Only one person here can survive, maybe the scarred man, maybe someone else. But this person also died in the end."

"Otherwise, there would be no such material in the maze. In the ritual of pleasing the outer gods and asking the outer gods to extend their lives, some people survived, but eventually came to die in the maze."

"So, in a sense, these people are all dead people. There is no need for me to be angry with the dead people. Even if it involves Qiao Wei."

"No matter what, let's listen to the story first. The greatest value of these dead people is to provide stories."

"Ling Hansu's special luck allows me to bump into... something that interests me or is related to someone important to me almost every time."

"Maybe there will be some stories next."

After the Scar Man's story was told, no one knew where the Scar Man lied.

Then a second person begins to tell the story.

The second person is equivalent to a duel with Lao Dao.

His story, which also had to expose himself to danger, also had to have a lie.

This story may have to be more liked by the "outer gods" than Lao Dao's, and it would be difficult to find the lies, so that it could survive.

Everyone had guessed that Lao Dao might have seen more than one alien god.

Lao Dao is probably the spokesperson of some kind of outer god church, and the outer gods will not sanction him.

So it's difficult to choose someone to play against Lao Dao.

Because no one wants to face off against Lao Dao.

"It seems that no one is willing to play against you. How about... Lao Dao, why don't you pick one?"

Qin Ze spoke.

He thought for a while, and if Lao Dao opened his mouth to pick him, he would tell the contents of the Golden Calendar manuscript.

If Lao Dao opens his mouth and chooses someone else, he will be the audience.

Anyway, he is not afraid of the old sword.

The reason why he doesn't expose Lao Dao now is that Qin Ze still wants to know if Lao Dao has any other secrets.

[This guy is so brave, but I want to kill that guy even more. ] Lao Dao glanced at Qin Ze.

He dared to pick anyone at random, and he recognized Qin Ze's courage as the one who opened his mouth.

But right now, he has someone he wants to kill more.

He hated that manic man with long hair who was full of murderous intentions.

So Lao Dao chose a manic man with long hair.

"You come."

"Me? Okay, let's start by killing you!"

The long-haired manic man began his story.

"My name is Ren Tu. You can do whatever you want, Tu Tu, but I prefer others to call me Rentu!"

Bai Qi? From the Hall of Valor?

Qin Ze was not too interested.

The story of human massacre is also very simple.

Not long ago, there was a big shot in the world of killers who wanted to retire.

This big shot has a high status and reputation in the killer world.

It is so high that it is likely to affect half of the killer world.

As Ren Tu, who had come into contact with the Outer God, the God of Killing, received guidance.

The so-called guidance is the ravings of the external gods.

It's just that the ravings of the outer gods don't turn people into monsters like the ravings of the fallen gods...

Instead, Ren Tu's heart was filled with murderous intent.

Ren Tu was asked to kill some people.

He wants to kill everyone, but as he is influenced by foreign gods, his killing will not be affected by the ravings of gods.

This story, again, requires exposing oneself to danger.

So Ren Tu told the killer's name.

Moon pupils.

When the other people heard this, they were all in an uproar.

[Yuetong...that killer emperor? According to legend, like Hawkeye, he can kill a person from thousands of miles away. 】The hairy girl was a little surprised.

[That killer emperor? Is this kid crazy? The strongest in the real world may be the five gods in the Hall of Valor...but the ones they least want to provoke are definitely the four killer emperors. 】Lao Dao is also quite afraid of Yuetong.

[It's incredible, this experience is like death... Even if I am a magician, I don't want to provoke those people. 】

How strong is Yuetong? It is said that on a full moon night, Yuetong can be in the capital of Shu and kill Linxiang people illuminated by the moonlight.

Who has a farther attack range between Hawkeye and Mooneye... has always been a matter of controversy.

But most people still think Yuetong is stronger.

Qin Ze's attention was not there, because he who could hear his heart... knew that this person had lied.

In the story of the long-haired manic man, the killer he persecuted was not Yuetong.

[He is the number one killer emperor who is stronger than Yuetong, Cole. 】

The manic man with long hair said:

"What I got was a mission from God... I want to kill Yuetong's family."

"All of Yuetong's girlfriends died in my hands! He doesn't even know who killed them!"

"Hahahahaha, kill, kill, kill! The God of Killing knows that he wants to retire! Then let me kill all his bonds in the world!"

"Let the death of a loved one tell him that once he is a killer, he will always be a killer!"

"Let him know that it is impossible to retreat! He will be killed because of all the ties in his heart, and he will regain...the desire to kill."

"He will always be that... pawn in the hands of the God of Killing!"

"Me too, I am willing to offend such a person for the sake of the God of Slaughter."

Through the story of the manic man with long hair, Qin Ze learned that the romantic Cole...

There are about one hundred and nine girlfriends, the ones who show off in a high-profile way, and there are many who don't show off much, so they are not included in the ranking.

But what the long-haired manic man didn't expect was...

He killed so many women in Cole, but did not arouse Cole's desire to kill...

Qin Zede sighed with emotion. In different people's stories, Cole showed different appearances.

People are indeed complicated.

In front of Hu Dongfeng, Keer was a daughter slave.

He is humorous and seems to be an English gentleman.

But now... After learning that Cole had killed more than a hundred girlfriends, he was still lifeless, without any desire to kill, and he insisted on retiring...

Qin Ze also felt that Cole was actually very suitable to be a killer.

He knew very well that his relationship with those women meant that he needed to vent his desires.

The life and death of those women has nothing to do with him.

It was only after he had flesh and blood that his human side was awakened. In other words, there is no awakening, just because...the flesh and blood are his own, and women don't count?

People are indeed complicated.

The story of the manic man with long hair continues, but Qin Ze is no longer interested in the content that follows.

Wait until the story is over...

This God's Story Meeting ushered in the first "elimination".

Scar Man didn't guess correctly, Cole is the victim in the story.

And the long-haired manic man didn't know that the little girl in Lao Dao's story was not named Qiao Na, but Qiao Wei.

Neither of them guessed the lie in the other's story.

Therefore, the life and death of the two people must be decided by God.

Ren Tu, who was manic with murderous intent, stared at Lao Dao, seeming to think that he was sure to win.

After all, he had real contact with alien gods.

And everyone here has been exposed to alien gods. It just depends on which god you are in contact with and how you are in contact with it.

The green bonfire swelled in an instant, and the surrounding night was dyed with a faint green.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see a blurry figure in the green flames.

It was a black mass among the green flames.

Outer God!

I just don’t know which alien god it is!

Qin Ze suddenly had a strange feeling that his connection with the outer gods had deepened.

Because... they offered a sacrifice.

A piercing scream sounded, filled with pain.

It seemed that there was no joy or scream that could be caused by any pain known to the world.

But because it was so short, it was unclear whether it ever existed.

When the green flames end...

Everything has returned to calm. There was more joy on Lao Dao's face.

"It seems that God has made the right arrangements as always."

Everyone was silent.

The voice of the heart is not important at this moment.

Everyone felt a little bit of fear.

Eight people, now the first one is dead.

It seemed very easy to kill the figure of God in the green bonfire.

"It seems that his story is not as attractive as mine, and if he really offended the killer emperor Yuetong... he probably won't live long, right?"

Lao Dao was very proud.

Qin Ze suddenly said:

"At that moment... the connection between me and the outer gods seemed to be strengthened? Do you feel this way?"

The other people all expressed the same feeling in their hearts.

Lao Dao also spoke:

"Yes, such a ceremony is difficult. It is difficult to gather eight people who have been in contact with foreign gods, who all believe in foreign gods, and who are all destined to die... it is difficult."

"And those who can survive this ritual... will continue to enhance their perception of external gods."

"When the last person dies, the one who survives can communicate with the outer gods."

Qin Ze was shocked.

Not that the answer is so unexpected.

But he was surprised by... the effect of the maze in restoring this event.

In fact, he did not attend the ceremony.

He was just running through the maze. The maze simply replicates Lao Dao's ritual.

But even so, Qin Ze still felt that his connection with the foreign gods had strengthened.

"The Labyrinth King's maze is indeed something. This ability already involves the ability to transform virtuality into reality."

Qin Ze quickly suppressed his inner surprise.

At the same time, he also began to look forward to it.

"If I win, then to what extent will my perception with the outer gods... be strengthened?"

He didn't think about this for long.

Because the next story has begun, the girl started to tell:

"Hahaha, it's my turn! I hope the one who can compete with you!"

The whiny girl pointed at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he didn't like this kind of mentally ill woman.

And obviously, the people present were not a little sick, but were designated to have some serious illness.

Qin Ze removed himself from the ranks of perverts. The girl looked at Qin Ze's calm expression and said:

"You really have the potential to be a pervert!"

"Well, ladies first! I'm going to tell my story!"

"I will kill you, because I quite like your style!"

Qin Ze's mouth twitched. He discovered that Fafa Nu Nu's thoughts were really like this.

Although you are seeking death, I am not interested in you...

Qin Ze shook his head:

"Sorry, you'd better change your opponent, or if you are confident that you can advance to the semi-finals... you can kill me during the semi-finals."

"As for me, I have no interest in killing little girls."

"Lao Dao, you decide. The person I want to kill is that guy."

Qin Ze pointed at the necrophiliac.

Necrophilia looked at Qin Ze in fear, wondering why Qin Ze wanted to kill him.

But Qin Ze... indeed looks the most normal among these people.

The excited man, the yandere-haired girl, and the magician with a bright smile...

It seemed like it wasn't something he wanted to face.

Therefore, although the necrophiliac was afraid, he did not refuse.

Even when looking at Lao Dao, there was a vague feeling of "I accept it".

The whiny girl tilted her head:

"Huh? You actually avoided me... what a boring man!"

"But that's okay. I'll kill you in the next round. I like to save the delicious ones for last. That's all up to you."

The whiny girl pointed at the woman with a cold face that looked like a female ghost.

Women always make things difficult for women first.

The ghost girl did not refuse, and this round of story duel began.

Everyone is looking forward to it, because if another person dies, the connection between everyone and the outer gods will be stronger.

They don't care who dies.

The hairy girl seems to have issued a declaration of victory:

"I will definitely win this round! Hehehe, you will all be killed by me, because -"

The hairy girl's eyes widened and her face looked a little scary:

"I am the daughter of God, my mother will not hurt me!"

Qin Ze is interested, mother? Which alien god is this?

(Take up some space in the main text. Although the plot of the maze seems slow now, the pace is actually very fast later. Also, I wish you all a happy new year. I forgot how many years it has been since I wrote the book...from the earliest one Starting from the 404 book, and then pretending to be a boss to officially enter the industry. Thank you very much. The group number is 864246414. I will definitely give out red envelopes tonight. Interested book friends can join the group, but... basically no novels are discussed in the group. , the fate of book club groups is to talk about everything but books.)

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