Weird Calendar

Chapter 280 The Road to Godhood


Qin Ze once thought about why there was Nuwa but not Pangu.

Now he understood that there really was Pangu.

The huge amount of information made Qin Ze a little stunned, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The chairman was not in a hurry and waited for Qin Ze to speak with a smile.

Qin Ze finally said slowly:

"So, the company is yours, and the Hall of Valor is yours too."

"But you are sick. You can no longer control the Hall of Heroes. Those black calendarers can no longer be restrained by you who are seriously ill?"

The chairman nodded:

"Whether it is a black calendar person or a white calendar person, whether it is the Hall of Valor or a company, I created them all to find colleagues with sufficient qualifications."

The topic returned to the original topic, fellow travelers.

Qin Ze said:

"How can I be considered your companion?"

He no longer uses honorifics. The chairman in front of me is certainly very respectable.

But Qin Ze is a person with double standards. In his opinion, if there are still people in this world who are black calendar people, who have been deceived into the old calendar form by nonsense, and are still worthy of trust...

It must be Qiao Wei.

He is not the commander, and he will not have a filter for the chairman.

When he learned that the chairman actually came from the Hall of Valor, no... the chairman was the founder of the Hall of Valor, he felt wary in his heart.

The chairman was not surprised. The reason why he told Qin Ze this was that he was sure that he could convince Qin Ze and make Qin Ze understand his original intention.

"Let me think about it, Qin Ze, how should I tell you?"

"Well, let's use the content in this book."

Qin Ze did not speak and listened carefully.

Although he was vigilant, the huge gap in strength left Qin Ze unable to do anything.

He could only hope that the founder of the Hall of Valor could truly match his words with his actions.

The chairman slowly narrated:

"A long time ago, the superpower system in this world was not called the Old Calendar, but the Advance."

"Maybe you already know part of it, but you might as well listen to me."

"The pioneers discovered that the world is sick and terminally ill."

"Just like when humans are sick, if their own immunity cannot change the diseased body, then they need to use foreign substances, that is, drugs."

"The so-called medicine is the power of the old calendar."

"The two most powerful ancestors of the old calendar created a new system to repair the world that the advance forces could not repair."

Qin Ze's face was expressionless, but he was analyzing word for word in his heart. The chairman's words were quite different from what the Machinery Nation had heard.

It's just explained from a different angle.

"But when drugs entered the world, although they killed everyone, they also caused other diseases."

"The elimination of the advance crisis has triggered the crisis of the old calendar."

"The risk of fighting fire with poison is that the new poison may be stronger than the old poison. It will replace the old poison and become a new deadly crisis."

"An ancestor from the old calendar has become a new disease in this world."

"The other ancestor of the old calendar has been fighting to prevent this disease from spreading to the entire world."

This is to say that the First Ancestor of the Old Calendar, as the container of the God of Corruption, eventually degenerated into the new God of Corruption.

The second ancestor of the old calendar, Zhou Baiyu, was on the top battlefield, fighting against the God of Corruption alone.

This is a secret heard in the Machine Kingdom. Qin Ze doesn't care why the chairman knows it.

After all, this man is the closest person in the world to the Lord of the Old Calendar.

I'm afraid, if there is anyone the messenger can't kill, it's the chairman.

Qin Ze continued to listen.

"The great ancestor of the old calendar used many methods, and they were all effective."

"A group of people were transported to a world full of diseases and struggled to survive. But they also realized the most terrifying thing, the power of time."

"There are many more people who appear in safe organs. In this organ, new cells and blood are continuously delivered to the diseased world to fight the disease."

Qin Ze nodded pretending to understand, but in fact he completely understood. What we are talking about here is Linxiang City and the country of Chaoswei.

"We are the new blood born in this safe organ."

"We are now as small as cells, and it is difficult for us to affect the disease and health of this giant in the world."

"But we can use the old calendar to become a behemoth. We will continue to evolve until one day we can become people who support the ancestors of the old calendar."

"I'm lucky, Qin Ze. I moved forward and got in front of everyone."

This is really a humble and proud statement.

How can a person who can get in front of everyone be just lucky?

"I saw a different scenery. If I want to lead the battle at the top and become a behemoth that can control the world's diseases... I have to become the same existence as the ancestor of the old calendar."

"But on the other side of this path, there is countless corruption and corruption."

"The deeper you go into the diseased area, the more likely it is that the cell that saves the world will become a new diseased cell."

"The Golden Calendar manuscript records two ways to become the master of the old calendar..."

"But one of them is a lie, written by the fallen master of the old calendar."

"I can tell you, and you don't have to bear the cost."

The chairman looked at Qin Ze, as if asking for Qin Ze's opinion.

Qin Ze was convinced that it was absolutely impossible for the chairman to know some of his secrets.

But Qin Ze also thinks it's reasonable for the chairman to avoid the messenger.

The strongest in the world is this kind of unreasonable. It seems that everything can be said about this kind of person - this is very reasonable.

Therefore, Qin Ze dared to listen to the secrets of the Golden Calendar manuscript even if he had no immunity.

He nodded:

"All ears."

The chairman said:

"The first path, as a Bai Li, kills the worthy gods, and endures them one by one. Everything is not suitable, hundreds of difficulties are coming, and there is no recovery."

"The order can also be reversed. You can first avoid all kinds of difficulties and catastrophes, and then kill the gods."

“As long as you do everything, you’ll be fine.”

Qin Ze didn't expect that it would be like this. He actually thought that what the chairman wanted to say was what Jesus said, to become the old calendar form, then overcome the old calendar form, and control the old calendar form.

Eventually became the ruler of the old calendar.

That is to say, let the body transform into the old calendar. According to Jesus, the old calendar is the master, and it is natural to pass the hurdle of the old calendar.

This sounds reasonable.

But what the chairman said today made Qin Ze feel more reasonable.

The Lord of the Old Calendar may not be the one who dominates the transformation of the Old Calendar... but rather has overcome the most difficult taboo and stood at the top of the weird Old Calendar.

That is to say, the kill is worthy of the gods, and the successful experience will never be recovered.

This is the real master of the old calendar!

Jesus was indeed a liar.

Qin Ze was a little excited:

"What about the second way?"

The chairman said:

"The first path is the white calendar path, and the second path is the black calendar path."

"The so-called black calendar path is to experience the corrosion of nonsense and abandon the human body..."

"Regain the human body."

Qin Ze was stunned, this seemed... to be what Jesus said.

"After reaching the realm of catastrophe, he fell into the form of the old calendar, and finally controlled the old calendar form, and then returned to the human body."

“Experience the greatest corruption and erosion and achieve self-transcendence.”

"This is the second way."

The chairman’s words are almost a replica of Jesus’ words.

Qin Ze couldn't help but ask:

"You mentioned before that one of these two ways is fake..."

"So, which one is false? Is it the latter one?"

The chairman looked at Qin Ze meaningfully:

"Which one do you hope is false?"

Qin Ze's first reaction was, of course, he hoped that Baili's path was fake.

But he suddenly felt... something was wrong.

If the Baili people's path is fake, then wouldn't Nuwa, no, Qiao Wei's efforts have been in vain?

Everything Qiao Wei does is a joke.

After Qin Ze thought for a moment, he said:

"I hope both are true."

The chairman shook his head:

"There are five people under me in the Hall of Valor, six including me. All of us have chosen the second path, the Black Calendar Path."

"Qin Ze, Bai Li's approach is fake."

Qin Ze didn't speak, waiting for the chairman's explanation.

The chairman asked a question:

"Have you ever experienced anything unfavorable?"

Qin Ze wanted to deny it, but in the end he nodded. Only by outputting some necessary information could he get the information he wanted.

"Yes, I have experienced it. That day was quite unforgettable. It was all thanks to the commander, otherwise I would have died."

On that day when everything went wrong, the commander was still at odds with himself.

Arrangements were made for Yuan Fen to steal the house, but Yuan Fen was teleported into the maze.

When I met the commander on the road, I thought it was adding insult to injury, but I didn't expect it to be a help in times of need.

The chairman just nodded:

"The Commander is a good boy, but he is not the topic we want to talk about now. What I want to tell you now is about the lies in the first path."

"This world has the ruler of the old calendar, and there is also the ruler of the fallen old calendar."

"The Lord of the Fallen Old Calendar wrote false information. In other words, the contents of the Golden Calendar manuscript may also be false."

"Of course, most of the information is true and false, and there is absolutely no false information."

"The false information was extremely limited, but unexpectedly, it got stuck in the most critical position."

"The Lord of the Fallen Old Calendar, along with the Fallen Messenger, are all lying in wait."

"Since you have experienced all kinds of unfavorable things, you understand that there is a place specially designed to imprison you."

"The person who imprisoned you is the fallen messenger."

Qin Ze nodded, that was indeed the case, he had indeed encountered a fallen messenger.

The chairman said:

"You and I both escaped from that place safely, but we both know that we have no guarantee of escaping from there twice."

"Once we enter that place again, the Fallen Messenger will not let us go."

"So the way of the White Calendar, the way to reach the Lord of the Old Calendar... is fake."

Reasonable and well-founded. Qin Ze himself has experienced it.

Now even he feels that the Black Calendar Path is real.

But soon, Qin Ze felt something was wrong again.

If I am fully prepared, is there really no way to escape from the prison of the fallen messenger?

What if I survived through all kinds of adversity and escaped the captivity of the fallen messenger? Then, what if I would repeat this operation again in the face of eternity?

What if you really achieve this?

Although, this premise is that you enter the realm of catastrophe.

Qin Ze already has a lot of free money in his hands. It is enough to help you quickly overcome ghosts and gods and reach the realm of heaven and humans.

All he needs to do is break through to the heaven-human realm.

Although this is not an easy thing to do, reaching the realm of ghosts and gods in two months, isn’t it possible for me to achieve such a feat?

So Qin Ze couldn't help but think that the fallen messenger was lying in the path of the Baili people, preventing the Baili people from achieving domination of the old calendar by breaking taboos and overcoming tribulations——

Does it have to be fake?

Just because there is an ambush by a fallen messenger? But why can't it be understood as an obstacle?

Logically speaking, the path without obstacles is the path that lures others into the trap.

Qin Ze said:

"Chairman, is it possible that the White Calendar Path is real? The Black Calendar Path is also true?"

The chairman did not answer directly, but simply said:

"Qin Ze, I have tried both paths."

"Maybe you can explore more things than me. Maybe the things you have been exposed to allow you to think more comprehensively..."

"But I've made my choice. My choice is to try both."

"I also successfully survived the catastrophe."

Qin Ze was moved.

He is worthy of being the strongest person in the world, and the chairman has already passed through the catastrophe that is more terrifying than the impending disaster?

In other words, in the white calendar path, the chairman has already completed half of it?

"I just need to kill the God of Value. I can also do this...but unfortunately, the fallen messenger and the fallen master of the old calendar made me sick."

Is this the truth behind the chairman's illness? The disease turned out to be from the fallen messenger and the fallen Lord of the Old Calendar.

The chairman said:

"At the end of the road, it's a scam."

"If I become the master of the Old Calendar, I will write the Golden Calendar manuscript so that no one will fall into the trap again."

It is said that it is everyone, but it seems that there are only a few people who are qualified to compete for the master of the old calendar.

Amaterasu, Shiva, Jesus, Odin, Nuwa, Pangu...

These people, without exception, seemed to have all chosen another way to reach the summit.

Qin Ze felt a little emotional:

"So you can only choose...the Black Calendar path, so you became a Black Calendar?"

The chairman nodded:

"The advancement path of the Baili people has been blocked by the fallen Lord of the Old Calendar..."

The Lord of the Fallen Old Calendar.

Qin Ze remembered that when Zhou Baiyu, the ancestor of the old calendar, was summoned by him...

Take yourself to a strange place.

There was a hut in that place, and in the hut lived a strange man.

That man seemed to be the father of the original owner of the strange weapon in Sima Yi's hand.

That person is the Lord of the Fallen Old Calendar.

What was Zhou Baiyu doing when he took himself to that place?

Just a glance?

Wasting an extremely precious ten seconds of opportunity that can be called a miracle just to show that weird man the fragments of the white bandage?

This doesn't seem to be Zhou Baiyu's style.

Is it possible that the fallen master of the old calendar is just a roadblock...

Is the Baili path actually real?

This time, Qin Ze did not tell what he was thinking.

Instead, he continued to listen to the chairman's story.

"The white calendar path didn't work, so I chose the black calendar path."

"This path also has many forks."

"One of the roads is wrong. I walked that road and almost suffered a real catastrophe."

"And Nuwa is repeating the path I have walked!"

Qin Ze's eyes widened. He did not expect that this conversation would involve Nuwa.

The chairman said:

"Nu Wa is about to make a big mistake... Only the Hall of Valor and the company can stop Nu Wa. Only by combining the power of the Hall of Valor and the company can we deal with the next catastrophe."

"And only if I...overcome my illness can all the Old Experiencers work together."

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