Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 122: Not just a cat? Sia's identity exposed

"Got you! Got you!"

On the beach lined with rocks, a pale paper man the size of a palm was caught on Li Feng's pants. Google search reading

And using its mouth that was cut out in the shape of a smile, it made shrill and harsh sounds that were neither male nor female:

"Got you! Got you!"

‘Investigator’s paper spirit? ’

On the rocks by the sea, Shia was stunned when she saw this scene.

Paper spirits are paper-cuts that have been artificially infused with magic. They are usually fragile and can only perform some auxiliary work for their owners.

The investigator's paper spirit is a kind of paper spirit created by extraordinary beings and used to find people.

Its function is similar to that of a dog that finds people based on scent and can be used to catch criminals.

It's just that compared to dogs, they are more easily disturbed by other magic and are more fragile, but also more flexible.

So it's not a very useful paper spirit.

Generally speaking, only for those cases where there is no clue, the police will bring the investigators' paper spirits to the crime scene.

Then through some rituals, magic and weak spirituality are infused into the paper figures to make them "alive".

The living paper man will collect certain substances left at the crime scene, and then fly to people with the same substances.

This is how they find criminals.

‘But now, why did they find Rhine?

And the people who came were not policemen, but people from Storm's End? ’

Xia was worried and quickly recalled what Li Feng had done, hoping to find out the reason quickly.

But she soon discovered that there were not many reasons for Storm's End to find Li Feng, and none of them were unfair to him.

"What should I do? Do you want to run?"

Xia felt a little guilty and asked Li Feng through the contract.

"No, it's just a matter of time before they find me."

Li Feng also simply replied through the contract.

As he spoke, the knights of Storm's End and their soldiers surrounded Li Feng.

As for Sia, who was just an inconspicuous black cat, no one paid any attention to her except for being accidentally kicked away by a soldier who thought she was in the way.

Almost falling over, Xia glared at the soldier fiercely, then walked aside to listen to the negotiation.

Since Li Feng was a free man in front of the Sea Throne, who was professed by the kingdom, even if the people on the opposite side came to arrest him, they were still polite and did not dare to skip the due greetings.

And Xia was also surprised to find that Li Feng didn't panic at all when his enemies came to visit him.

‘What did this guy eat growing up? ’

It's good to have a calm attitude when things happen, but Shia is very worried now.

Because the knights of Storm's End represent the Governor, and the Governor is definitely not a character that is easy to fool.

"Mr. Rhine, this little spell may be just a misunderstanding, but according to the law, you still have to come with us."

A knight from Storm's End said to Li Feng.

As he spoke, he waved to the paper man, and the paper man who was grabbing Li Feng's trouser leg and screaming flew into his hand, and at the same time closed the cut-out mouth.

Hearing this, Li Feng had no intention of refusing or defending. He just nodded, then looked at the paper man and asked:

"I want to know what's going on?"

"Is such that."

The leading knight said:

"We are tracking down the murderer who killed three noble knights of Storm's End a few days ago on the outskirts of the city. Sir, please come over as soon as possible."

The knight who spoke smiled inexplicably and made a gesture of invitation.

The soldiers surrounding Li Feng followed his gesture and made way for a narrow path amid the tight siege.

It was said to be an invitation, but in reality it was just a polite arrest.

Seeing this, Li Feng just smiled and said nothing.

As the footsteps faded away, Xia was the only cat left on the huge rocky beach.

"Three noble knights on the outskirts of the city? Isn't that the day!"

Xia suddenly recalled the scene when she and Li Feng, who had changed their appearance, walked back to Wind's Breath City on a small road together.

On the way, the two of them met three patrolling knights of Storm's End, all noble transcendent beings, who were interrogating passers-by for the death of Berg Moroth.

Shia remembered that Li Feng, who was disguised as a lawyer at the time, did not want to argue with them at first.

But the opponent is really aggressive and wants to temporarily lock their extraordinary abilities and bring them back to Storm's End.

In the end, good words failed to make sense, and Li Feng chose to kill the other party.

A few days have passed, and Storm's End actually uses the investigator's paper spirit to catch the murderer.

'This is how to do? ’

The cool sea breeze blew over the rocks, making Shia extremely anxious.

If Li Feng did not do this, the Governor would not be able to say anything if the evidence was found during the public trial.

Li Feng has the status of being personally entrusted by the king, and the governor does not dare to go too far.


Those three people were really killed by Li Feng. They arrested him today, but they did not accuse him unfairly at all.

On the dark brown wet reef, Shia's fluffy paws paced back and forth.

Suddenly, something occurred to her.

Li Feng used the extraordinary ability of the Hidden One to kill those three people that day.

Although Shia didn't know why he was a hunter, he also became a hider.

But except for himself, others don't know that he is still a hidden person.

Therefore, as long as the autopsy is conducted in court, judging from the supernatural appearance attached to the wounds, it will not be unknown that they were killed by the hidden person.

Thinking of this, Sia felt a little relieved, but then another thought came to her mind.

'However, since the Governor wants to deal with him, he must have thought of this a long time ago. If he wants to escape, he has to...'

Having made up her mind, Shia immediately returned to Storm's End.

"My Lord Viscount, I asked you to arrest the murderer. Why did you bring Mr. Rhine here?"

Storm's End, the majestic Hall of the Eye of the Storm.

Penlos Fell, who was sitting on the governor's throne, looked surprised and confused.

He looked at the heartbroken Viscount Tilly who was crying below the steps, and then said:

"Albert, I know you lost two sons and a niece first, but you can't accuse Mr. Rhine of being the murderer without any reason, right?"

As the governor spoke, he looked at Li Feng aside, with a slight apology on his face.

But Li Feng knew it completely in his heart.

‘One of them sings the white face, the other sings the red face, and they are acting together for me.

Now that this matter has Albert Tilly as the culprit, and the culprit has found me, then I must prove my innocence.

If it can be proven, it is a misunderstanding. From the governor's point of view, he does not need to break up with me.

And if I can't prove it, then my status as a free man in front of the Sea Throne cannot absolve me of the crime of killing a noble.

The Governor is really good at calculating, but...'

When Li Feng killed people in the suburbs that day, he had prepared countermeasures even if he was in today's situation, so he didn't even bother to bury them.

That day he disguised himself and used the power of the Invisible Man to kill people.

So today, this case has nothing to do with him hunting people.

But what Li Feng didn't understand was why Governor Fair wanted to do something so obvious?

Rather than saying that he wanted to frame me, it would be better to say that he had other motives.

On the way to Storm's End Castle, Li Feng had a lot to think about.

Finally, it was concluded that the murder of the noble knight was false, and the governor's true intention was still related to the notebook.

"Lord Governor!"

Albert Tilly, who was being questioned by the Governor, looked excited. He took a step forward and reported back to the Governor:

"I have been ordered to investigate the case these days. The murderer is very secretive and cunning, so I consulted the bachelor and used the investigator's paper spirit.

After taking the paper spirit to inspect the scene, it was the paper spirit who caught Laing himself. "

Albert Tilly was filled with indignation when he said this. He had already regarded Li Feng as the murderer of his niece.

But when Li Feng looked at this man, he thought of his sons-Jamie Tilly and Jerry Tilly, the two nobles he first killed.

What a coincidence, the several conflicts were caused by members of his family.

He had already prepared a backup plan, and Li Feng was too lazy to speak at this time.

Just listen to Governor Feier trying to smooth things over:

"Investigator's paper spirit? It's just a small spell, a child's plaything. Viscount Tilly, this is too ridiculous!"

"How is that possible! Lord Governor!"

Viscount Tilly, who pretends to be a white-faced person, still refuses to give up:

“Although the investigator’s paper spirit is a small magic, it can accurately find people who have been to the crime scene.

Therefore, I hope that the Governor, Mr. Rhine, will give us Storm's End a reasonable explanation. "

Viscount Tilly returned the initiative to the Governor. After hearing this, the Governor shook his head slightly and said:

“The investigator’s paper spirit is very susceptible to external interference, and its results may not be accurate.


Speaking of this, Governor Feier looked at Li Feng with a troubled expression on his face, and said in a very friendly tone:

"But Rhine, since Viscount Tilly believes that you have been to the crime scene, he also suspects that you are the murderer.

Then why not tell Viscount Tilly where you have been and who you have met in the past few days, so that he can feel at ease after losing his niece. "

Governor Penros Fell's voice echoed through the halls of the Eye of the Storm.

As his words fell, the retainers and nobles in the hall all looked at Li Feng, waiting for him to give an explanation.

Sure enough, what is supposed to come will still come.

Li Feng, who was watched by everyone, just smiled indifferently.

In fact, he could not explain where he had been or who he had met.

After all, he is really the murderer and he has been in disguise. Even people who have seen him can't prove it to him.

But if one path doesn't work, you have to completely turn around and take another path.

Li Feng had previously learned about the process of police solving crimes in this world.

A few days after the incident, the case was still unsolved, so the victim's body would be soaked in a special supernatural potion, leaving key evidence for the case.

This rule applies even to the corpses of nobles. After all, nobles do not want their family and friends to die in an unknown manner.

Therefore, an autopsy in court can be done.

When everyone saw the hidden person's nature remaining on the wound of the deceased, Li Feng, as a hunter, was naturally cleared of suspicion.

The arrangements were clear in his mind, but just when Li Fenggang was about to propose an autopsy, a young female voice sounded from behind him.

"Father, please wait a moment."

The sound was crisp, round and powerful. It came from the door of the Eye of the Storm Hall and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Li Feng also turned his head curiously.

At this moment, I saw a young woman standing facing the light at the entrance of the Eye of the Storm Hall.

She looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old, tall, plump, with slim shoulders and slim waist, a long and graceful neck, and a pair of golden eyes on her ivory white face.

The bright sunshine shone on her body, and the long white dress with blue ribbon reflected the bright light. Li Feng was stunned for a moment.

The person in front of him was indeed extremely beautiful, probably the most beautiful person Li Feng had ever seen in the world of Endless Sea, but this was not the reason why he was stunned.

The reason why he was stunned was that when the woman appeared, he suddenly felt the existence of the contract.

And as the woman walked into the hall, he felt the presence of the contract getting stronger and stronger.

In the majestic Eye of the Storm hall, Xia walked straight in.

She crossed Li Feng and walked diagonally in front of him, pretending not to recognize him in his surprised eyes.

"What's up?"

The Governor was quite dissatisfied with Sia's sudden appearance, and there was impatience in his voice.

"Father, I just learned something about this gentleman through divination."

Xia turned slightly sideways as she spoke, referring to Li Feng, and at the same time said to him through the contract very unnaturally:

"Can you please stop staring at me? It's not like I've never seen him before."

"Oh, I really haven't seen it before."

After a few seconds of reaction, Li Feng finally figured it out.

Shia is a giant dragon. Since she can turn into a black cat, she can also turn into a human. This is really not unusual.

No wonder she was vague when asked if she had gone anywhere before. It turned out that she had infiltrated the enemy's family.

And through what she just said, Li Feng suddenly realized it.

It turns out that the great fortune teller of Storm's End Castle whom he has always had a good impression of is actually Shia.

In this way, it makes sense to initially deliver medicine to him and then help him frame the blame on the Hidden Pirates.

But at the same time, Li Feng suddenly remembered.

I once complained about the great fortune teller in front of Sia, saying that her predictions were not accurate at all.

Thinking about it now, I feel a little ashamed.

"We will talk about this later. We are strangers now."

For some reason, Xia always felt that she felt a little guilty because of being looked at by Li Feng.

"I know, but now everyone here is looking at you. If I don't look at you, wouldn't it be even more problematic?"

Sia: "..."

Looking around for a moment, it was true that everyone present, including the governor, were waiting for her next words.

With a slight nod, Shia spoke to everyone:

"First of all, regarding the cases in the suburbs..."

She said to Albert Tilly as a transcendent being:

"Lord Tilly, the investigator's paper spirit is a very low-level spell. It is easily interfered by the outside world, so it is not enough to serve as evidence.

If you want to verify whether Mr. Rhine is a suspect, you only need to do an autopsy.

And it just so happens..."

Sia said as she handed a report in her hand to Albert Tilly, and then continued:

"I just sent someone to the police station and got Miss Tilly's autopsy report. She and the other two knights were all killed by the Hidden One."

Albert Tilly looked down at the autopsy report, his face uncertain, and he thought that there was no such thing as a great fortune teller in his plan.

Unsure of what to pay attention to, he could only look at Governor Fehr.

At this time, the governor had already reacted. He smiled and waved:

"Let me just say, this is just a misunderstanding."

But then he looked at Sia and asked with half-squinted eyes:

"But Sia, why did you make this trip yourself?"

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