Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 249: Harvest Alliance, the man behind the scenes

Chapter 248 Harvest Alliance, the man behind the scenes

In the desert at night in the wasteland, the cold and biting wind blew.

At midnight on September 30, a falling moon pressed down on the wasteland world.

In a desert full of rust and yellow sand, there is a player camp with a few dim lights.

X stood alone, contemplating his plan. Around him were a dozen first-level players who were afraid and did not dare to disturb him.

Because the current game cycle is coming to an end, players in the camp are seriously preparing to return.

It was midnight at this time, and occasionally there was an icy night breeze blowing.

The wind blew up the yellow sand and scratched the rough edges of shoes and trousers. The wind also brought a smell of engine oil, which was emitted by the vehicles parked in the camp.

In addition, there was a smell of feces, urine, and a nauseating body odor, which came from the indigenous people in the cage.

Looking at the scene before him, the natives who were reduced to food, and the players who prepared carefully, X felt extremely ironic.

He smuggled himself to the peaceful world and met the players in the peaceful world, such as the player in the research institute.

Thinking of his previous experiences and their safe and comfortable life, X gritted his teeth and snorted.

He believes that the players in the institute, in a peaceful world, will never notice a small thing that every player must experience.

That is the uncomfortable state of weightlessness, dizziness, and heart palpitations caused by the change of game cycles, when returning or traveling through time, and switching bodies.

As a first-level player with limited strength, the uncomfortable physical state will last for five to ten seconds when the cycle changes.

In a peaceful world where the surrounding environment is very safe, five to ten seconds of adjustment time is nothing.

Those people stay in bed in the morning, or spend more time pouring a cup of tea or making a cup of coffee.

But what about the wasteland world that is full of crises and wars?

What's more, what does the five to ten second window mean in a battle?

As far as the Moonfall World is concerned, although player organizations have controlled most of the cities and bases, the natives cannot willingly become food.

Therefore, there have always been some indigenous forces hiding in the dark, or building private bases underground, intending to resist.

But perhaps because they have been "dealing with each other" for a long time, the indigenous people have discovered that players will collectively become ill at midnight in the middle and end of the month.

And because of this discovery, there have been several cases in recent months where the natives of the Falling Moon World will attack player camps at midnight every mid-month and end of the month.

Gradually, they even mastered time and rules.

A few months ago, when weapons and supplies were about the same, the natives would have been unable to compete with the players and would have lost every battle.

But now they have discovered the player's weakness. As long as they deploy and cooperate well and only attack small camps, there is a possibility of success.

Due to the changes in the indigenous people, players have also begun to be wary, so they must be prepared every time the game cycle changes.

In the desert camp under the shattered falling moon, eight or nine players walked out of the lit tents.

These eight or nine players jumped into the trenches one after another. They are the backbone of this camp and there is no need to keep vigil tonight.

Although the trenches were crowded with people just like the tents, the trenches were better at being hidden. If there was an indigenous attack at midnight, the trenches would protect their safety.

Apart from the eight or nine players who entered the trenches, there were still six players standing outside the trenches in the camp.

They are the weakest and are arranged to keep vigil when the game cycle changes.

In the camp with dim light bulbs, the six of them were scattered in various locations, guarding the camp with guns in front, back and left.

Or to put it bluntly, if an accident occurs, they will be the first to attract firepower and buy time for the backbone of the trenches.

As for the leader of this camp, he is the only second-level player X.

He has an independent, more concealed and safer trench, and five meters outside the trench, there is a modified armored pickup truck parked, which is prepared for him and exclusive to him.

Although as a second-level player, the weakness and discomfort caused by the game cycle change only lasts three to five seconds for him.

In fact, if there was an attack on the hour, he would definitely be the first to react in this camp.

However, the wasteland world, which has completely lost its order, has nakedly divided people into three, six or nine levels.

As long as you are strong enough and your status is high enough, you will have the most resources to survive.

And if they are weak, their available value is to serve as cannon fodder, just like an alarm bell, reminding powerful players before the war that they are about to fight.

As for those who have no strength in the end, such as the natives of the Falling Moon World who cannot fight, they can only live in cages and give flesh and blood at the right time to allow those with strength to survive.


X admitted that he, who has always been strong and has always had the best resources, has never paid attention to some things and has no need to pay attention to these things.

But now, I went to the world of the Endless Sea, lost the core of the earth, found it difficult to become a third-level player, and was controlled by others...

X, who was no longer qualified, looked around. In just a small transit camp, class and the law of the jungle were clearly displayed.

Players in the peaceful world, players in the wasteland world, players at different levels in the wasteland world, and indigenous people. Each type of people has a different life and different treatment.

X began to feel the same way.

Enter your own independent trench, which is safe and clean, without the stench of collective trenches and the various excrements produced by those people's vulgar pranks.

It’s unclear exactly why, X suddenly wanted to keep everything he had now.

Not to prevent the end of the world, the end of the world may be very close, but it is far away for a single person, because it is not a matter of one person at all.

And everything in front of him, X touching the inner wall of the trench, the clean and independent trench, the special pickup truck nearby, and the awe of countless first-level players, as well as some second-level players, these are the things closest to him.

X knew that he couldn't lose these.

If his superiors, the elders of the player organization, knew that he had lost the core of the earth, he would no longer be able to complete contribution tasks, and his path to becoming a level 3 player would be cut off.

Then from now on, he may have to squeeze into the dirty collective trenches with those first-level players.

What's more, if the Council of Elders knew that he was controlled by players from other worlds, then...

Looking at the cages where the indigenous people were kept in the camp, X knew that being reduced to food was his destiny.

Therefore, compared with these two endings, it is worth paying no matter how high the price is.

The tattered falling moon was in the sky, and on the system interface, the countdown to the last ten seconds of this cycle began.

X took a deep breath and prepared himself.

The spell that controls the growth of the tree seeds in his body will be automatically cast every twenty minutes starting from midnight.

In other words, he only has twenty minutes after the new cycle starts.

As long as twenty minutes pass and he does not appear at the designated location of the institute and is not blocked by the growth-stopping spell, the tree seeds in his body will sprout.

And every twenty minutes, as the growth spell is cast again, the saplings in his body will grow bigger and become stronger.

This weird thing will never kill him, but it will make his life worse than death.

The feeling of being tortured yesterday resurfaced, and X felt chills all over his body.

He opened the system backpack and used the world ladder, and then the system popped up an interface.

The interface shows the stowaway destination world and the specific location to be reached.

X first entered ΦT01 in the stowaway destination column, which was the number of the world he was going to.

Immediately afterwards, he entered Mount Ouranos in the specific location column.

After he finished all this, the ten-second countdown ended, and the system prompted that a new game cycle began.

Perhaps it was because his physical condition was really poor. This time he returned, X felt dizzy and palpitated for five seconds.

The physical discomfort subsided and X opened his eyes. He had returned to the player world where he was born and raised.

A brick and stone house with a heavy iron door. This is a safe house. Outside the house is also endless coldness and barren wasteland.

Because they forcibly formed a player organization and did not care about the rules and costs of the world.

The game world and the player world where X is located, except for the slight difference in the falling moon in the sky, are infinitely close in other aspects.

Time was running out, and X didn't care about anything else. When his health had just improved, he used the World Ladder with the address already filled in.

The next second, X disappeared from the safe house.

The soft breeze blows on my face, the warm sunshine shines on my body, and the fragrance of flowers and grass penetrates my nose.

After another five seconds of stowaway discomfort, X opened his eyes.

At this time, what he saw in front of him was a lush green area, with exotic flowers and plants everywhere, and birds and butterflies flying around.

Not far ahead, a clear spring stream flows through the dense grass. The spring water falling from the mountain makes a pleasant gurgling sound.

Above the creek is a stone bridge with a simple appearance but meticulous workmanship.

Just looking at all this beautiful scenery, X felt it was the ultimate enjoyment.

There is no coldness and dryness of the wasteland here, nor is there the smell of engine oil and the endless stench of the wasteland.

There is just moist air that nourishes the skin, and warm sunshine that drives away the cold.

Living in this kind of world, X really wanted to lie down and bask in the sun.

Unfortunately, at the same time as he arrived, the two guards in black in front raised their guns.

X has seen this kind of gun before. Their appearance is not as cool as the mourning bird, but their functions are much more advanced than the mourning bird.

These guns have target recognition and locking functions. As long as they are locked, bullets will surely bloom in the brain and will always track the target. Even if X uses skill particles to escape, he cannot get rid of it.

At this time, for X, the twenty-minute countdown has begun.

Although he was pressed for time, he was pointed at a gun and did not dare to move. He only raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and waited for the guard to speak.

"You just came here some time ago? I've seen you, X from the Moonfall Wasteland?"

A guard in black asked.

"Yes, I was here just a few days ago."

Seeing that the other party was impressed, X breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then what are you doing here? Is the Harvest Alliance just something people like you can come to if you want?"

The other guard was visibly displeased.

X, who was ridiculed and looked down upon, did not dare to say anything. This was the headquarters of the Harvest Alliance - Mount Ouranos.

The two guards in front of him are both members of the Harvest Alliance. Even if they are both second-level players, their strength is much stronger than X due to their world level.

Not to mention, they have more advanced weapons.

"Both of you, calm down and please listen to me first. Although I am not from the Harvest Alliance, I also serve Mr. Greedy Wolf.

In the last cycle, I discovered an extremely important clue for Mr. Greedy Wolf in a fifth-level world. I really didn’t dare to delay, so I came to bother you two again. I also hoped that it would be convenient for you two. "

X immediately explained and begged, fearing that the other party would not believe him, and even said that he owed the Harvest Alliance contributions and interest.

After listening to X's explanation, the two guards remembered that this was the case.

"Are you really talking about the fifth-level world?"

One of the guards asked in confirmation. It seemed that he didn't believe it.

The fifth-level world is the highest-level world in the known world.

It is said that they are the earliest worlds created by the Creator God. They are rare in number, and each one has an extremely long history.

And in their long history, there have been countless variables and countless uncertainties.

No one can tell what those things are, but everyone in the Harvest Alliance knows that the Level 5 world is full of dangers.

"It's really a fifth-level world, absolutely true!"

The anxious time in his heart was passing by every minute, and X immediately replied.

Seeing that he was very confident, the two guards looked at each other hesitantly. Knowing that the leader Tanlang valued the fifth-level world, they stopped blocking him and allowed X to pass.

The Level 5 world is full of danger, but the guards also understand that amid danger, it is full of opportunities.

It's just that the opportunities in the fifth-level world are not prepared for second-level players like them.

They have no qualifications and no strength.

Only third-level players who have obtained godhood are qualified to seek those opportunities.

Only third-level players who have integrated their godhead to a certain extent, such as Greedy Wolf, the leader of the Harvest Alliance, have the strength to profit from those opportunities.

On the mountain path, which was like a paradise in paradise, X flew all the way up.

In order to save time, whenever he had enough energy, he would use particles to escape and go up the mountain faster.

His destination was the majestic palace on the top of the mountain, where Greedy Wolf, the leader of the Harvest Alliance, was located.

The name of this mountain is Ouranos, named after Greedy Wolf. It is said that it was originally the name of the first generation of god-kings in the world Greedy Wolf experienced.

Under the control of Greedy Wolf, who has godhead and can control nature, Uranus is like spring all year round.

According to rumors, Greedy Wolf has fused his godhead to 800 points, which is enough to control the sun and moon with his current ability.

X raised his head and glanced at Nuanyang. He knew that the rumors were true.

At this time, the game cycle has just changed, it is midnight, but the sun is still hanging on Mount Ouranos, but this has nothing to do with the time zones of the eastern and western hemispheres.

Everyone knows that as long as Greedy Wolf thinks, there will always be warm sunshine here.

Sighing heavily,

Then the two wasteland worlds he is in can be as beautiful as Mount Ouranos, and the unlucky falling moon will never fall.


Knowing clearly the purpose of his trip,

After running all the way up the mountain, X finally arrived in front of the palace on the top of the mountain. He was inevitably questioned by the guards again.

After wasting some time again, X was finally led into the palace.

Different from the majestic appearance outside, the interior of Tanlang's palace is actually solemn and minimalist in gray and black style.

This contrast is just like Greedy Wolf himself and his name.

At Qi Chu, before meeting Tanlang for the first time, X thought he would be a strong man similar to himself, with muscles all over his body and even a scar on his face.

But when X actually met Tanlang, he found that the other person was actually a gentle and gentle young man with a very elegant temperament.

At this time, following the leader, X walked into a palace hall nearly twenty meters high.

Looking around, the overall tone of this hall is solemn black, with black floors, black stone pillars, and black walls.

Sunlight filters in from the top of the hall and the extremely high windows around it, making the blackness here even more oppressive.

In the main direction of the sunlit hall, there is a high platform accessible by steps.

The high platform was very large, but the furnishings were extremely simple, with only one simple yet majestic high-backed chair.

On the chair, the gentle-looking Greedy Wolf was sitting on it with an indifferent expression.

He lowered his eyes and looked down the steps in front of him, where a man was kneeling.

The man looked a bit older and had a handsome face, but he was as shaky as chaff at the moment.

Seeing this scene,

What should he do? He only had twenty minutes, and a lot of time had been wasted.

However, the instinct to avoid danger reminded X that even if he grew a sapling, he could not interrupt the gentle-looking young man here.

Helpless, X could only stand on both sides of the hall like Greedy Wolf's other men.

He was so anxious that he subconsciously looked at the man kneeling in the middle.

Very strangely, X suddenly felt that this man looked familiar. He must have seen him somewhere.

At this moment, a voice came from the high platform:

“A godhead contaminated by filth can be exchanged for 200 points of contribution, in other words, 200 points of godhead fusion.

It's such a pity that you made me miss the Lava Lord of Wind's Breath for your own personal gain.

You swore an oath to never betray me, but you didn't keep your oath.

So now, what do you think I should do with you, my lord the king? "

There was no harshness, Tanlang's voice was soft, even with a smile.

But when these words fell into the ears of the man kneeling on the ground, he couldn't stand upright and collapsed to the ground.

On the other side, X, who also heard this, his eyes widened in shock. He was almost stunned.

Looking at the man lying on the ground, X suddenly remembered that this man was the king of the endless sea!

During the few days he was in the Endless Sea last cycle, he did see his portrait on banknotes.

‘The king of the fifth-level world, the Endless Sea, is actually a player!

And this player is also involved with Greedy Wolf and is suspected to be his subordinate!

Not only that, but it turns out that Greedy Wolf has known about the Lava Lord for a long time, and he has already reached out to the endless sea. ’

X, whose brain was shut down, couldn't figure out what to do at this moment.

At this moment, the king lying on the ground humbly raised his head and explained tremblingly:

"Mr. Greedy Wolf, this is Penlos Fell, the governor, he is so cunning, he lied to me!

And I also discovered that there are other variables in this matter, and someone is also eyeing the Lava Lord. I can explain it, please listen to my explanation! "

Did Greedy Wolf allow the king to explain? X had no intention of listening clearly.

Because the names and words like "Pangros Fell" and "Governor" mentioned by the king just now have ruined all X's luck.

It turns out that Greedy Wolf was also involved behind the scenes in what he experienced in the Endless Sea last cycle.

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