Igarashi, who was thinking about the empire's sudden discovery of what he wanted to do, suddenly felt a weak force that seemed to want to probe himself, but was bounced off by the laws surrounding him like driving insects away. Looking at the source, Igarashi saw that Fluder's disciple, Arshe, was covering his eyes in pain, eh, Fluder? The good magic caster mentioned in Sebas' report?

"I didn't feel the magic fluctuations, little girl, is this your inherent ability, innate ability?"

Because the power of the probe was too weak, the law did not take the initiative to fight back, so although Arshea was a little painful, he was not injured. The so-called natural ability is the name of the special ability that this world has for some people, including strengthening summons, Unrestricted use of various props, etc., Arshee in front of him should have mastered the ability of exploration.

Although the other party is a beautiful girl, this kind of sneaky and probing action undoubtedly shows that the other party has ulterior motives. Igarashi did not take the initiative to go forward to relieve Arshee's pain, and Suo Liuxiang leaned down like a cheetah. Ready to attack at any time according to Igarashi's orders, Soluka is an assassin, but to deal with the weak in front of her, assassination is not necessary.

"I'm sorry, I apologize for my companion's actions, this time we came with the goodwill of the Empire."

Arshee's almost unfavorable magic eye was countered by the opponent. This is the conclusion drawn by Renas. Renas's first reaction was not to attack, but to apologize, and calmly raised the name of the empire, However, it was only to show her intentions. Renas did not dare to threaten Igarashi with the empire. You must know that the people in front of her were unscrupulous and annihilated the elite troops of the teaching kingdom.

"Tell me, what kind of goodwill does the empire have?"

Empire, this is the country that has already been conquered in the Igarashi plan. After teaching the country, in addition to the kingdom, the next step should be the empire, goodwill? If the Empire really had any kindness, Igarashi might be a little hesitant, but the probing actions of the person in front of him just now didn't seem so friendly.

She glanced at Arshee, who was in a panic because of her natural ability being subdued, worried that the magic eye would fail from now on. Lenas knew that she couldn't help her, so she gritted her teeth secretly, damn, I thought that this time It was a task that was taken without much risk. Who knew that the enemy would become hostile soon after meeting.

"Guardian of the empire, Mr. Fluder heard that Your Excellency Igarashi has made great achievements in magic, and hopes to explore the abyss of magic with you. His Majesty the Emperor also has good intentions for you."

I also hope that you can serve the empire. Renas didn’t say this. Igarashi’s clothes are not gorgeous, and even looks a little ordinary to Renas. However, she also feels this way in Fluder. I felt in front of me, because I didn't reach enough height, I couldn't understand the strength of the other party.

Why didn't I think Igarashi was an ordinary person? That's because Renas, in addition to reading some information about Igarashi, also sensed the danger that made her horrified from Soryuka, who looked like a maid behind her. With such a strong servant, what ability does Igarashi have as a master, is it really so easy to be subordinated to others?

"I've never seen anyone who could explore the magical abyss with me."

"Isn't the strongest magic caster in human beings not qualified? You are too arrogant!"

Alshee, who had confirmed that her magic eye was still effective, was relieved, but she heard Igarashi's arrogant words, and she couldn't see the situation in front of her like Renas. She was annoyed by being attacked by the opponent. Excited to speak.

"I didn't see the strongest human beings, I only saw a little girl with her teeth and claws."

Igarashi spread his hands. In fact, he mastered super-level magic and tenth-level magic. He had the capital to look down on Fluder who could only use sixth-level magic, but the legend of Fluder, Igarashi Somehow, he has no intention of insulting the guide of magic in this world.

"Hmph, you are obviously not much older than me, don't pretend to be old-fashioned!"

Archer tried to defend himself, seemingly forgetting his previous anger.

Chapter 277 Excited Empire Guardian

"In this case, please allow us to leave. I have brought the goodwill of the Empire. I hope Your Excellency Igarashi can establish a friendly relationship with the Empire."

Continuing to stay, it may be dangerous. Although it is possible to achieve her mission, Renas, who is unwilling to take the risk, flinched, and pulled Arshee, who still wanted to speak, to leave.

"You are very polite. You have come all the way here. Let me give you a small gift."

Igarashi looked at Reinas' profile, which was covered by the blonde hair, her eyes passed through the hair, and stopped at the terrifying wound that kept secreting thick juice. Reinas herself was a very attractive person. A royal sister-type character, but unfortunately this wound has left her beautiful face with a flaw that cannot be ignored.

Igarashi's words made Renas instantly nervous. From her point of view, the gift Igarashi mentioned, in addition to the so-called favor, was also likely to be a "gift" of the opposite meaning—as in her face A wound on your face is like a scar that will never go away.


Before Reinas could move, she found that Igarashi's hand was close at hand, it was really close, only an inch away from her cheek, and she subconsciously closed her eyes to prepare for the next attack. But Nasi felt the wound that stimulated her nerves with severe pain all the time, and felt comfortable after a long absence.

Warmth, this is the feeling I haven't felt for a long time since I was cursed by the dying monster. When Renas opened her eyes again, she didn't feel any pain.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly and carefully touched her side face, but she didn't feel the thick juice as before. Even if she didn't see her face in a mirror, Renas had already dreamed about it in her mind, but she has never seen it. Unrealized thoughts, side wounds, okay? !

"Sister Renas, your face is better."

Noticing Reinas' movements, Arshee followed her uplifted hair and peeped at Reinas' profile face, which had been concealed for a long time. It was as clean as jade and flawless. The current Renas is perfect.

"I didn't expect you to be able to solve Renas' sister's curse. This is something that my teacher can't do anything about. Did you use a precious tool? Thank you."

Arshee still firmly believed that Fluder, the guardian of the empire, was the strongest magic caster in the world. Igarashi must have relied on some powerful magic item to lift the curse, but this made Arshea feel grateful and sincerely. thank.

However, Arshea did not understand Renas' mood at this time. Originally, Renas was the daughter of a noble, and once relied on the weapons in her hands to suppress the monsters in the territory. , everything has changed. After the attempted treatment failed, the originally harmonious family finally kicked themselves out of the house for fear of the curse falling on them.

After hardships and defeating countless opponents to become the Four Horsemen of the Empire, Lenas used her power to complete her revenge, but the wound on her face, after the legendary magician also said that she was helpless, became an eternal pain.

Renas never thought about what would happen when the wound that had been tormenting her and even made her unable to show her face was healed, because this idea later proved to be too extravagant. Laughing Igarashi, Renas is willing to offer true loyalty.

Igarashi doesn't know Renas' heart, he just pursues beauty, and compared to Arshee, who uses her natural abilities to probe herself, Renas has always behaved very well. In return, Igarashi used it against him. The eighth-order holy magic, which is not worth mentioning, can easily purify the curse on Renas.

"I already know about the empire, I believe we will meet soon, goodbye."

Soon after, after Sebas confirms that the Empire has no hidden world-class items, Igarashi will go directly to the capital of the Empire to "visit".

Igarashi took Soryuka to leave through the portal, which prevented Renas, who wanted to be loyal, from making the next move. After a little hesitation, remembering what Igarashi said, Renas temporarily stopped wanting to follow. Igarashi thought that Igarashi did not have much goodwill towards the Empire, Renas could see that, then, she should use her position to do something worthwhile.

I will do my best to repay you.

Renas stroked back and forth on the side of the face where the wound had disappeared, staring blankly at the position where Igarashi was before she left.

Igarashi used the tenth-order magic, the portal, but Archie didn't see it. Even if her teacher stood here, she wouldn't recognize this magic. It was an existence beyond their understanding. He didn't notice this, just thought it was Igarashi's unique magic.

"So, although Igarashi did not show hostility, he also rejected the kindness of the empire... No, it can also be understood that he showed kindness."

Emperor Jircniv tapped the table with his fingers, digesting the information brought by Renas and Arshea. He did not notice the look on the face of the legendary magician Fluda beside him. Looking for something, and fearing that this is false expectation and fear.

"You mean, Igarashi counteracted the magic eye that Arshee saw through, and then used magic-like means to unravel Renas' curse, and finally used teleportation magic without singing, right? Tell me now!"


Renas nodded expressionlessly, and Arshee also said yes.

Fluder's face was constantly changing, and his fingers were constantly tugging at his long beard. Jircniv, who noticed this, couldn't help but speak.

"Father, this doesn't necessarily mean Igarashi is a high-level magic caster."

"No, no, you don't understand, yes, there are magic props that can make the magic eye lose its effect, but it can't counteract it. Maybe there are magic props that can be counteracted, unlock the curse, and teleport magic instantly. How could he have so many magic items? How could he use it so casually?"

"Master, calm down."

"Calm down, no, I'm calm, I've always been calm, I'm just a little bit happy, I'm going to find him, go now!"

Fluder completely ignored the Emperor's dissuasion and left the room excitedly.

"Then, please make another trip, Renas and Arshee, I don't think the old man will refuse to follow you who have seen Igarashi. If there are too many things to deal with, I also want to go and see , What kind of character is Igarashi?"

After a brief silence, Jircniv spoke calmly, handling this sudden event perfectly.

Is this God's will? After the curse was purified, Renas seemed to have returned to Girls' Generation. She began to reverie and suppressed her restless heart. Renas nodded flatly and left with Arshee.

Chapter 278 Encirclement and suppression

One of the founding concepts of the Adventurer's Guild is to protect human beings from external threats. For this reason, the guild has a stipulation that it will not be involved in disputes between humans. Otherwise, the guild will not be able to cross the barriers of the country. Thrive everywhere and help each other.

Therefore, even if the union can save some lives as long as the action is taken, they will put pressure on adventurers to abide by this unspoken rule based on the possibility of uninterrupted incidents after the action, sometimes a warning, sometimes not introducing a job, the most serious Punishment will expel the union.

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