"If you can't pass the make-up exam, you won't be able to become a Valkyrie, and you will have to repeat the class."

Although he turned in the papers so early, but he was worried that he would fail, he wouldn't be the same as Kiana, would he?

Ya Yi hesitated for a while, but she couldn't help comforting her with a gentle nature.

"You just came to the academy, it doesn't matter if you fail the exam. I don't think the principal of the academy will embarrass you."

The guy who punched and kicked himself in a coma and vented his emotions would think about me? nonexistent!


Anyway, there are make-up exams, so find a few books to read and remember.

"By the way, Igarashi-san, where is your dormitory?"

My group lives with A-rank Valkyrie Immeasurable Tajiko, because I am a Herrscher like a ticking time bomb...

Mei, who was slightly depressed, showed a friendly smile again. She was a little curious about Igarashi's residence. She wouldn't live in a girls' dormitory, would she?


Igarashi pointed to a dormitory building in the distance that was empty except for himself. That was the male dormitory. Igarashi was taken to the dormitory by Theresa before, thinking that it was unpopular and somewhat gloomy. The place is a haunted house for students to play.


Seeing Igarashi sitting there speechless, Mei asked worriedly.

"What's the matter, did the food I cook not suit your taste?"

"No, it's just..."

What operation? After seeing where she lived, Mei He showed a look of pity, and then took herself to Jizi's luxurious villa to cook for herself.

"Just what! It's just! Ya Yi worked so hard to cook for you, but you eat!"

Kiana looked at Igarashi with dissatisfaction, not only disturbing herself enjoying the breath of Mei on Mei's bed, but also letting Mei cook specially when it was not meal time. This guy is his enemy, right?

"Bronya judges that Kiana's current feelings are: jealousy."

"Ahhh, do you want to fight?"

"Okay, let's eat together."

Mei once again showed her leadership in the family, comforted Kiana very skillfully, and then looked at Igarashi and tentatively opened her mouth.

"Igarashi, before the collapse, did you live in Changkong City?"

"Well, I went to high school in Changkong City."

This is the identity arranged by the world consciousness. There will be no flaws in this world. If you check it, you can find the corresponding information.

"Is that so..."

A trace of pity flashed in Mei Yi's eyes, and then the girl showed a reassuring smile again.

"Then, in order to become a powerful Martial God, you have to work hard."

In this case, even if you become a lawyer, the other party can kill you in time without causing any damage.

Another personality in Mei's body is restless, Igarashi can see clearly, that's the personality of Mei's Herrscher, right? Originally biased towards a ruthless and indifferent personality, he was so mad that Igarashi was a little amused. Even if he was not recognized by the world, would he still have an insight similar to that of a god? Don't worry, I won't kill you, you are also Mei.


Results announced today.

"Excellent, qualified."

"The results of the actual combat test are better than I thought~"

"Okay! The ranking has risen."

"Second and third place are transfer students Bronya and Mei! It's amazing!"

Unlike a group of students who were rushing to find their name on the huge screen, Kiana showed a rare calm side, until she heard the last words they said, and finally couldn't wait, and rushed in front of the screen. , look up.

"It must be me first!"

First place: Fu Hua.

"What, it's actually her?!"

That old-fashioned monitor who talks a bunch of things he doesn't understand all day long?

"Where is my name then?"

Could it be fourth?

"Cough, Kiana, you are just as unqualified as I am."

Sure enough, it is impossible to pass the two subjects with zero points, even if the average score has exceeded 60, Igarashi reluctantly pointed to the only two names of the unqualified people, one is Kiana, and the other is himself. It's just a public execution. In this situation, I really don't like the school's ranking.

"How can this be!"

Directly tearing up the list of unqualified people, Kiana thinks that the school has made a deviation.

"You two, one of the written exams failed, and the history was zero. No grudges, right? Why do you do this? Forgot to introduce yourself, I teach history."

Under the scrutiny of the history teacher who seemed to be waiting for a long time, Igarashi raised his hands innocently.

"I really don't know those things!"

"Well, it's fine if you don't know the year when the weapon of destiny was unearthed. You don't even know when the third collapse happened? I'll give it to you a month before you write it!"

A true warrior will not answer the test sheet even if he knows he fails.

Igarashi knew that the history teacher in front of him was in a bad mood right now, so it would be better not to say more.

"Prepare for the make-up test next week, Igarashi, although you just came to school, you didn't have to pass this test, but if you can achieve full marks in all four subjects, you won't tell me that after the make-up test, you still failed in history. Right? Kiana, you too, you are the best looking for make-up exams."

Chapter 427 Hidden Records in the Cross

"It's just a small chest and no brains!"

After listening to the descriptions of the girls, Jizi scolded Kiana with very appropriate adjectives, and Mei also showed a worried look.

"What should I do next week's make-up exam? If you don't pass, you won't be able to become a Valkyrie..."

"There's no other way but to do special training, including Igarashi."

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