"Haha, it's a rare opportunity, I'll go and say goodbye too."

"The place to wash your hands is here."

Although the sink was old, it was cleaned quite cleanly, creating a calm atmosphere, and the water scooped out was also very clear, Igarashi asked after washing his hands and gargling in a decent manner.

"Worship...how should I do it?"

"Huh? Just go to worship the way you like."

Hearing such a casual answer from the shrine priestess and manager, Igarashi said helplessly.

"But the witch is by my side, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if I do it casually?"

"Aha, it doesn't matter, even God thinks that you are very happy to come here to worship, so you don't have to be so cautious."

"...Then I'll follow your example."

If God knew Igarashi's intentions, he would never be happy.

Chapter 492 Undercurrent is surging

Go up a few steps and the cash box is in front of you.

As expected, the worship hall in front of it is very beautifully arranged, full of the style of a shrine.

"Because it has been said on TV recently that you have to bow twice, so everyone remembers it very clearly. First, bow once."

Igarashi bent over, and a gap appeared in Shinhwa.

"And then there's the incense money, as much as you want."

According to the custom, it should be five yuan, which is a pitiful incense money. No wonder a certain red and white witch is so unscrupulous.

Put the coin into the cash box, and the unique collision sound is recalled all around.

"Then just shake it."

The goddess Muying grabbed a rope connected to the bell, and a metallic sound rang out.

"Next is the second bow."

Igarashi bowed his head again, the myth appeared at the door, and the **** of disobedience was about to appear.

Then, he was pressed back by the giant hand of Igarashi's control law, and at the same time, the door leading to this place was reinforced with the law.

Get it done.

Sure enough, it would be safer to kill the unsettling factor directly in the cradle than the **** of disobedience, even if it was removed in Oumu Ran. This time, unless it is a **** of the god-king level, it is impossible to have divine power. From the arrival of the myth to Okuran, even if it is the king of gods, it will take a long time to attack the door, and Igarashi will be able to find it in time.

On the other side, in the "Undead Realm" called Netherworld, a girl with purple double ponytails in a white dress stared roundly. The existence of a new life for the godslayer who was on the verge of death after the first killing of the gods. Pandora pays attention to every **** who appears in the world, because the **** of disobedience has only two endings. One is to be beheaded by the godslayer. To kill, one is to be beheaded and make people become new godslayers. However, there are very few gods who refuse to obey, abandoning their dignity and lingering on the earth like mice.

But what did Pandora see? The **** of disobedience just appeared from the myth, and before being weakened again by the ritual on the earth, was actually pressed back by life? Not only that, but that person even fortified the door, preventing the possibility of the appearance of gods in that area, god-king level? How could the gods, who are constrained by the will of the world, take a huge risk and appear on the earth?

"What a horrible kid..."

The boy named Igarashi has no breath of this world, he is an outsider.

This is a message from Pandora, a **** who compromises with the will of the world. The will of the world is against the will of the gods. The will of the world will be distracted by an "ordinary person". Igarashi is an ordinary person. This is before Pandora The definition below is that Pandora, who is watching Igarashi on the earth in the Netherworld, can only see his actions, but not the invisible things. What Igarashi has shown before, in Pandora's view, is just a " Ordinary people of the "Great Knight" class.

But, now, Igarashi seems to have put the God of Disobedience back into mythology, which means that he has the power to kill the God of Disobedience in one second, and at the same time is concerned by the will of the world...

The true **** of another world? Or the existence of true **** level?

Perhaps, pulling him to his own camp is a good choice.

As a god, Pandora is the only **** whose true body exists outside of mythology, because she has compromised with the will of the world. She is a traitor to the gods' camp. She manipulates rituals to weaken the power of gods, constantly creating godslayers, and at the same time. Looking forward, there is a **** or man who can change the current situation.


I don't know which god's insubordination body was pushed back by myself. If it is Cha Yiji, I'm really embarrassed. Next time I change places, I must ask for advice.

"Then, communicate to God what you want to petition or whatever."

The goddess Muying didn't know what Igarashi did. She had a soft smile on her face. Igarashi had no thoughts in her head. After all, it was too provocative to petition the gods who might be angered by her. .

"Lord Cha Yiji, Lord Lan is back."

A very low voice came from the goddess Muying.

Igarashi felt that now he was no longer attacking Tiannv Muying, but Tiannv Muying attacking himself.

"Next, the worship is over, why don't you have a cup of tea?"

Igarashi did not refuse the invitation of the goddess Megumi. After all, in the first place, he came to visit the shrine, not to worship.

The goddess Megumi took Igarashi's hand and was about to go to the resting room when a cat meowing suddenly came.

"Ah, the master is back."


Looking at the goddess Muying who has been greeted by the cat, Igarashi does not know why she has such a strange name, maybe it is because of the pure spiritual power of the goddess Muying, the cat she put on her head at this time, it is With a fairly decent intelligence, at least human conversations, it can barely understand.

Although she lives alone in this shrine, the goddess Megumin still has a good friend.


One of the few high-end residential areas in London, Hampstead, has a mansion similar to the old city in its corner, a four-storey building, and four towers. The owner of this huge mansion is only a woman , and all the others are her servants.

Alice Louis Opp, Nafal, commonly known as Princess Alice, the former Speaker of the Council of the Sages of Green George, who is now a consultant for physical reasons, has beautiful platinum blonde hair, listening to the maid's report, Princess Alice's eyes flashed .

"Are you saying that Neon has the **** of disobedience? It doesn't seem to have caused any response, so which godslayer attacked him? Leaving their respective stations, there will never be a new godslayer born, right?"

"Miss, the breath of the **** of disobedience is fleeting, and it may be hidden in an instant."


Princess Alice thought for a long time and asked her maid.

"Where is the exact location?"

"Near Neon Ashikaga City, this is the news that the local priestess got, and they can't investigate in more detail."

"Okay, I understand, you go down."


This news, several other godslayers also know about it.

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