The boss who ran out of the shop in front of Igarashi was a fat man with a thick beard and a dwarf.

Chapter 664 Repentance

It has been a long time since I saw this special race, and Igarashi became a little interested.

"Look, you have made the customer so troubled. He obviously wants to see the products in my store, but because of your pressure, you have made him so embarrassed. Step back, vulgar dwarf!"

"Listen to your fart! This customer wants to see our products, but is so troubled by you. The customer wants to buy things from our store. Go back, sick elf!"

The elves and the dwarves quarreled, and Darkness's eyes sparkled. In the biographical stories she saw, the relationship between elves and dwarves was indeed not good. One was elegant and the other was rough. The relationship between the two races was not friendly. Everyone thinks so.

"Then it's all bought."

Igarashi didn't feel the anger of the elves and dwarves. The so-called quarrel was like a prank, like a means of attracting customers, but he did not deny that the things they sold were really good.

Sweet steamed buns and meat buns, and some juices.

The girls who got breakfast wanted to find a place to sit and enjoy, Igarashi shook his head slightly.

"Let me show you something interesting."

After walking outside the store for two minutes, Igarashi turned back and walked into the depths of the store.

"Ah, guest, this is our lounge. We are very troubled when you and your girlfriend break in like this."

The gentle elf just now said this in a frivolous and casual tone.

The elf's ears became round like a normal human, and the fake pointed ears were placed on his lap. The dwarf also removed his beard, and his chin was bare.

"Let's talk about it first, we're not fakes."

Seeing that Darkenes and the others had a broken and stunned expression, the elf quickly explained.

"If it is a natural elves living in the forest, they will not have contact with humans, and their ears will still be pointed, but if we live with humans like us, it will inevitably be mixed with a bit of human blood. It has also become round, and sometimes I tell my guests that I am an elf, and they will be shocked and disappointed, saying that I am much different from the elf in their impression, and I have to maintain the elf image in other people’s impressions.”

Seeing this, the dwarf also opened his mouth.

"As for me, part of it is a hygiene issue. I am in the store in the evening, and I have to cook for the guests in the evening and early in the morning. If I cook with a beard, some customers will protest that the beard has fallen into the food. It's very nerve-racking. As for the quarrel just now, it is also a scene that we will perform every time. Isn't there a strange rumor in the market that the relationship between elves and dwarves is not good? Let's go with the flow. "

It's like in a tourist destination in Africa, where locals take out spears and put on clothes such as grass skirts when tourists come, and when the tourists leave, they play with their mobile phones again, which is almost the same feeling.

The girls were silent when they left the shop, and Darkness was the most exaggerated, feeling that the information she had previously learned from epic stories was useless.

"Have you learned? Elves are not necessarily good at using bows and arrows, dwarves are not all bearded, and goddesses are not necessarily what you think."

Igarashi made a point, squinting at Aqua, and she glared at him angrily.

"Could it be that the Demon King's Army is different from the rumored one?"

Yoyo sighed, causing those present to focus on Wiz, who all knew that Wiz was a cadre of the Demon King's army.

The lich raised his hand a little weakly and opened his mouth nervously.

"Well, it's not good to say such a thing here?"

It's really not good. Although the people of the Axis Cult have problems with their brains, there are also many priests. Once the identity of the cadre of the Demon King Wiz is exposed, they are afraid that they will be surrounded and suppressed.

After finding a hotel where the owner was not an Axis cultist, Aqua happily expressed that she would go to the Axis cult to see it. Others stayed away, and Igarashi chose to follow.

He wanted to see if it would be the cult-like Axis believers who brainwashed Aqua in the end, or if Aqua's stupidity made those believers cry.

Axis religion, far less brilliant than the orthodox Eris religion, is a very small religion outside this town, but its presence is amazing.

"Is anyone here?"

Igarashi came to the headquarters of the Axis Cult and looked around. It was unexpectedly deserted.

"What's the matter? Do you want to enroll? Or do you want to be baptized? Or, do you want me?"

The female congregation who was sweeping the floor in the church looked at Igarashi and said bold words, which made Igarashi's expression stagnate. Seeing this, she showed a happy smile.

"A little surprised and shy? Of course I'm joking, what are you thinking about the girl you meet for the first time? Does your head matter?"

This is a rare encounter for Igarashi, or it was someone from the Axis Cult who said that he had a problem with his head, shame, and wanted to hit someone.

"Excuse me, what are you doing? Headed by the highest priest Jesta-sama, the other believers are playing a game called missionary activities... No, they are going out to spread the name of Goddess Aqua, no one is in the church. , if you are looking for someone, please visit again on another day."

It turns out that this kind of bewitching preaching is a game for Axis believers, and the taste is a bit unique.

"I'm looking for a high priest with blue hair."

Igarashi had already discovered where Aqua was, but it was better to explain her intentions.

"She's in the back hall, because all the priests of this church are out. I'm a little embarrassed to trouble the high priest to listen to the confession, but she seems to accept it happily."

The moment Igarashi walked into the confession room, there was a voice.

"Welcome, lost lamb, come and tell what sin you have committed. The gods will surely forgive your sins after hearing your repentance."

Aqua is in the play, and where the priest is, she can clearly see everything in the confession room, and she is still pretending.

"Okay, I repent. I have unreasonable thoughts about my companions. I have some problems with a certain brain, but the goddess who has a good figure and appearance has done excessive things."

Igarashi seemed to be really repenting, and Aqua looked elated.

"Although your description is obviously wrong, as a noble and beautiful priest, I will not hold you accountable, is there anything else? Are you interested in the clothes worn by the Crusader who acted with you, or the magician? Moist and smooth black hair has the urge to smell it? Shouldn't you have any thoughts about the inhuman lich? Don't worry, say it all, the merciful goddess Aqua will surely forgive your sins."

Chapter 665 Hot Springs

Since Aqua didn't respond when talking about pornography, Igarashi simply changed her approach.

"I happened to meet the goddess Eris once before. Well, she is indeed the orthodox goddess in this world. It is completely different from the goddess of water, like Aqua, who is dignified and playful, kind and gentle. Sometimes I pray, It would be great if I could replace the goddess beside me with Eris."

"Wow! You bastard!"

Aqua suddenly opened the partition of the confession room, and rushed towards Igarashi with all her teeth and claws.

Although Aqua has a good strength attribute, she is a pampered goddess after all. When she comes to this world, she will only play soy sauce from a distance when she encounters monsters. Her melee combat ability is about zero, and Igarashi can control it within a reasonable range. she.

"Okay, let's go, your believers are really a headache, but you seem to be very relieved, after all, they are all problematic people, go back with me honestly, or I'm afraid I will use my fist to educate those who are like you. It's a cult like a cult."

In the end, Aqua gave in for the lovely believers. She seemed to feel that she had fully fulfilled her duty as a goddess. With a divine light on her face, she left the church with her head held high.

When they returned to the hotel, everyone disappeared. Igarashi used a little mental power and soon found that they were all bathing in the hotel's bath.

The baths are divided into men's baths, mixed baths, and women's baths, and all those people are in the women's bath.

So Igarashi went to the mixed bath.

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