Then Igarashi returned to the Red Devils, and simply used the method to brainwash Xi Wei, the cadre of the Demon King's army, and let "she" leave with her subordinates.

Why "she"...

Because Xi Weiya looks like a beautiful big sister, but she is actually a synthetic beast. Well, "she" currently has all the characteristics of men and women. Even Igarashi, who is crazy and stretches his claws to various races, can bear it. not live.

So there was no crisis in the Red Devils, and this time, it completely returned to calm, and even there were no hidden dangers.

After all, the Red Devils Village is a village. There is no food of all kinds, and there is no real scenic spot. There are only a group of middle-level and powerful magicians.

Aqua began to shout that she wanted to go back to Axel, go back to lie on the sofa in the mansion, eat snacks, take a bath, although Wiz didn't say anything, but as a lich, she watched the Crimson Demons abusing the Demon King's Army a little bit. Scared and wanted to run away.

Megumin was tired of the family's constant attempts to sell her daughter to Igarashi's mother.

Darkness doesn't have any objections. It is better to say that even if she expresses her desire to stay in the Red Devils, if Igarashi takes her away forcefully, this female knight will be happier and more excited.

So the group used teleportation magic to prepare to leave.

Yunyou followed up silently.

Seeing this, Mimi also shouted that she would go on an adventure with her sister, but was held by Pyo Saburo, while the wife next to her gently told Igarashi that when Mimi grew up, she would be sent over. , Piao Saburo wanted to refute, fell asleep on the ground on the spot, and his wife shot again.

Sent here for what? Is it possible...

Igarashi never thought about it. When he returned to the Axel mansion, he lay lazily on the sofa. He felt that he was really great to drive out the Demon King's army again. He should have a good rest. What a lot of trouble, Goddess Eris knows that she should repay herself with her promise.

"Igarashi is also true. As soon as I came back, I started to be lazy. However, I don't know why, I feel relieved when I see you like this. There is a feeling that I don't have to work hard."

Living in Igarashi's house, eating Igarashi's food, and spending Igarashi's money, Aqua plans to be lazy like Igarashi.

Darkness, who was on the side, wanted to say something to discourage her, but she didn't know what to say. She couldn't say whether Igarashi was not, but she couldn't accuse Aqua, who studied Igarashi, either.

At this moment, Megumin hid in her room inexplicably, and Wiz went back to the magic item shop. Yunyun should also return to where she lived. Looking at Igarashi and Aqua who had a strange tacit understanding, Darkness was born. I felt a sense of being abandoned, and I simply learned to waste time between the two of them.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the entrance, and a man's voice came in from outside.

"Excuse me, is anyone home?"

Igarashi and Aqua looked at each other and gestured to each other silently.

After signaling for a long time, neither of them responded at all.

Igarashi meant to ask Aqua to open the door, but that fellow Aqua was squinting his eyes in a serious manner, what was she thinking? Did she think she was playing some game with her?

In the end, it was Darkness that opened the door.

"Isn't that Hagen?"

The man who came to the mansion was a young man who looked like a deacon. It seemed that this deacon was hired by the Darkness family.

"Miss, the reason why I am here is precisely because the situation is urgent. In fact, it is like this..."

"Shut up, I don't want to get into trouble again!"

Aqua, who was still lying on the sofa, covered her ears with her hands, and went to the Red Devils. Although it was fun, it was also very tiring. Don't go back to the mansion for ten minutes to rest and what troubles will happen? .

Aqua's words seemed to touch Darkness, and she began to take the posture of seeing off the guests, and the old deacon said hurriedly.

"Miss, you must agree to this matter and handle it carefully, otherwise the entire Dustinis family will suffer."

The deacon said something serious, and Igarashi frowned secretly. When he saw that the deacon took out a letter and handed it to Darkness, he showed an amazing speed and took the letter in his hand.

"Igarashi-sama, a great adventurer who defeated many cadres of the Demon King's army and contributed a lot to this country. I want to talk to you very much after hearing your active performance, so I hope you can enjoy and have a meal together."

At the end of the letter, there is the national emblem and the sender's name.

The sender's name is Alice.

She is the first princess of this country.

Is someone finally here? Igarashi also wondered if the upper echelons of this country were like Aqua and the Crimson Demons, who had problems with their brains. Back then, he expelled a few Demon King army officials on the front line, took a huge bounty, and then solved it. The Destroyer of Mobile Fortress, and let the lord of Axel run to the front line to die, so many things, the royal family should have responded long ago, and now it is finally here.

"It's better to decline this kind of thing! If there is something wrong with the First Princess Alice, our heads will be gone! You hate that kind of boring stuff, don't you? Right? It's better to decline! Yes, yes, let Which delicious restaurant is the Dustinis family planning, find some relatives and friends, and hold a banquet to praise your achievements! So...!"

Darkness, who also saw the contents of the letter, had a strange attitude, and Igarashi glanced at her.

"No, I agree."

Chapter 679 Princess Alice

The largest mansion in Axel is under total martial law today.

In order to support the scene and cope with various possible emergencies, the number of servants who are not many on weekdays has also greatly increased.

This is only natural, after all, the country's first princess Alice has lived in this mansion.

Therefore, Igarashi was able to see what the girls looked like in dresses. Darkness was in a white dress similar to the one before, so was Aqua, and Megumin was in a black dress. She was a loli in a black dress. It doesn't seem nondescript, but it has a completely different glamour than before.

Originally, Wiz and Yunyun should also be there. After all, they are also members of the team. However, Princess Alice strangely invited Igarashi by name in the letter, but did not mention the others, if it weren't for Aqua and Megumin. I strongly requested that Igarashi was the only one who came to see Alice now.

Well, I also need to add Darkness who is in charge of reception. At this moment, she is indeed very aristocratic, with elegant manners, and all kinds of etiquette are well done.

The spacious and luxurious dining hall is illuminated by the fire of the candlesticks, which is bright and has a sense of tranquility and solemnity.

Several servants were quietly waiting around the table. In the room covered with a real red velvet carpet, luxurious dishes were placed on the large table, and a girl in a pure white dress was already sitting.

On both sides of the girl stood two young women, one wearing a black dress, wearing a number of rings with different styles and sharp angles on their hands, they should be magicians.

The other was wearing a white suit with a sword hanging from his waist, no doubt a knight or something.

A magician and a knight can indeed handle all kinds of situations.

The entourage is all female, because if the princess in her prime is male, there will be various inappropriatenesses, and the consideration is extremely thoughtful.

Darkness led Igarashi and his party to the three people, because Igarashi had always lacked respect for the powerful, not to mention Aqua and Megumin, so this time Darkness proposed She came to deal with Princess Alice.

"I've kept you waiting, Your Highness Alice, these are my friends and adventure partners, come, three, this is the first princess of this country - Her Royal Highness Alice, please behave yourself without rudeness. introduce."

As she said that, she gestured to the girl in the middle with her hand, a girl who fits the word princess very well.

With golden medium-length hair and clear blue eyes, she is full of royal atmosphere, giving a dreamlike beauty to a beautiful girl.

Aqua gently lifted the skirt of her dress and bowed with impossibly perfect rules and movements.

"I am the high priest, my name is Aqua, please take care of me. Then, allow me to present a performance as a greeting."

Darkness, who heard Aqua was about to perform acrobatics, grabbed her hand.

"A little rude! Your Highness Alice, I have something to tell my companions."

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