Soon, it was time to enter the dungeon.

This is Jiang Yu's fourth dungeon now. In fact, she doesn't have much fear anymore, but she is still nervous.

After all, every entry into the dungeon is an unknown journey, maybe she will die on this journey, Jiang Yu can't help worrying. was the path she chose. Jiang Yu doesn't regret it, and she can't regret it.

When Shi Jun came to find Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu was already ready.

She smiled lightly: "Are you ready?"

Jiang Yu nodded slightly.

When Jiang Yu opened her eyes again, what she saw was a painting style full of Western aesthetics, which seemed to have a palace feel.

She was in a room, which she roughly judged to be her own room.

Jiang Yu didn't rush to look at the surrounding environment, but took the phone away to look at the task first.

[Dungeon: Birthday Party (B-30%)]

[Task: Let the princess have a happy birthday. 】

Jiang Yu was taken aback, and the first thing she noticed was the level of the dungeon.

Her current character level is only C-80%. According to common sense, the level of the dungeon she has experienced should also be below this.

But the level of the previous dungeon was higher than her character level, this dungeon is also like this...

What's more, he directly crossed the level and jumped to the B level, which made Jiang Yu have to think a lot.


She frowned slightly. At present, she could only think of one possibility. Someone of high level came to this dungeon?

Jiang Yu sighed lightly.

But no matter what kind of speculation or possibility, the current result cannot be changed, and she must face this fact.

It is useless to speculate here, and it is impossible to lower the level of the instance.

Jiang Yu quickly adjusted her emotions and calmed herself down.

Then I enlightened myself, the dungeon level is high, and the rewards she will get after clearing the level must be a lot, haha...

Jiang Yu took a deep breath and withdrew her thoughts.

She looked at the task, and it seemed to be somewhat clear.

With such an arrangement and the title of princess, she should be in an ancient western court?

This task looks both simple and difficult.

The simplicity lies in that it clearly clarifies the requirements of the task very directly, and does not require people to guess, and it does not require too much brainpower like the hidden task in the previous dungeon.

But that's where it's not so simple.


What exactly is a happy birthday?

How is this happiness judged?

Only when the princess feels happy can the task be counted as completed, but...

What if the princess is an unhappy person by nature, no matter how hard they coax her, it will be useless?

A task without standards is difficult.

Jiang Yu sighed softly, and then didn't worry about the task.

However, there is a time limit for this task. Since it is to let the princess have a happy birthday, the deadline must be after the birthday.

If the princess is unhappy... what kind of punishment will she face?

Jiang Yu didn't know, and she hoped that she would never know.

Jiang Yu took a general look in the room, but did not search carefully, because it looked like a guest room, and there was nothing that could identify her.

She sent a message to Zhong Yu, planning to meet Zhong Yu first.

Fortunately, the other party quickly replied to her.

Jiang Yu walked out of the room, glanced at the number plate on her door, and then found the room she was in according to what Zhong Yu said.

Jiang Yu knocked on the door, and soon the door opened.

Shi Jun looked at Jiang Yu who was looking for her, and smiled lightly, "Come in first."

She looked at Jiang Yu, "Have you read the mission yet?"

Jiang Yu nodded.

Shi Jun asked, "So, what is your analysis of the task?"

Jiang Yu pondered for a while, first talked about her previous doubts and conjectures, and then said hesitantly: "Do we need to make her happy at the banquet?"

But before the other party answered, she denied it herself.

"I always thought it wouldn't be that simple."

Of course, it might not be easy to make the princess happy. Jiang Yu just felt that there should be more than this way to clear the dungeon.

Shi Jun smiled lightly, and said softly: "How we can make her happy depends on our identities."

Jiang Yu was startled for a moment, but quickly realized.


Since it is a princess, it means that the other party is a person of status in the court, and most importantly, they need to understand how they should approach the princess on their birthday.

However, given their current environment, it can be concluded that they are undoubtedly the palace, so they are exempted from the trouble of being ordinary civilians.

As for whether they are invited guests, servants in the palace, or the person in charge of preparing the birthday party...

Shi Jun took out a wrapped thing and handed it out.

Jiang Yu lowered her eyes and found that it was a very beautiful and luxurious dress packed in a dust bag.

She glanced at Zhong Yu's current attire, it was obviously out of tune with her.

Jiang Yu understood: "Is this a gift from 'we' to the princess?"

Shi Jun smiled satisfied.


Jiang Yu looked at this gorgeous dress again, and always felt that it was very similar to the beautiful dress described in a fairy tale. It was both dreamy and beautiful, as if it was conjured by magic.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but bend her lips: "Should this gift make the princess happier?"

Shi Jun didn't answer, not rushing to judge.

Then she said, "What's the gift in your room?"

Jiang Yu: ...

Shi Jun smiled and said, "It seems that you haven't looked for it yet."

Jiang Yu nodded in embarrassment. "I... came out to find you first."

Shi Jun slightly raised her eyebrows, but there was a trace of happiness in her heart. She smiled: "Okay then, I'll go back and look for it with you."

Jiang Yu did not refuse.

The two returned to Jiang Yu's room. Jiang Yu searched and found a beautifully packaged collection of poems.

"So this is the gift that 'I' wants to give to the princess?"

Shi Jun nodded.

Jiang Yu pondered: "But will the princess like it?"

Shi Jun said: "There is no rush for this, further judgment is needed.

And in my opinion, the banquet will not start so early, we should have time to prepare. "

Jiang Yu nodded.

Jiang Yu opened the collection of poems and looked at it. The painting style was very western fantasy. Although she couldn't tell the specifics, this collection of poems did not surprise her as much as she had imagined.

Jiang Yu thought for a while: "Could the princess's happiness be related to our gift?

For example, if all the players who entered the dungeon gave the right gifts, the princess would be very happy, and if one person gave the wrong gift, the dungeon would fail. "

Shi Jun: "Maybe."

However, in her opinion, maybe everyone gave the right gift, and the princess might not be happy. On the contrary, giving the wrong gift would cause some bad things.

After all, a B-level dungeon won't be that easy.

Because they just sent it over now, there is no need to be anxious about some things. In addition, there is a lot of information that has not been investigated, so Shi Jun is not in a hurry to make a judgment.

She just said: "These gifts should be replaceable."

Jiang Yu nodded, she thought so too.

Shi Jun said: "Let's go, go out and have a look."

Jiang Yu nodded and went out with Zhong Yu.

On the way, they were lucky enough to meet a maid, and then learned from the maid that the princess’s birthday was about to usher in. The king was very happy and said that he would hold a special event, and the banquet would be held for three days, and the whole country Celebrate.

The first day is to benefit ordinary people, not only to implement a series of burden reduction policies, but also to set off fireworks and distribute cakes in various places, so that everyone can feel the grace of the princess, and let everyone pray for the princess and celebrate her birthday .

At the same time, they will entertain guests from other countries who have status and come from afar in the palace.

Jiang Yu thought of the room they lived in, and thought that they should belong to the category of guests.

On the second day, the palace will entertain the princes and nobles and all the ministers to have fun with the king and queen.

On the third day, it is the day of the princess' real birthday, that is, on this day, the princess will make a grand appearance.

On the third day, the king, queen, and all the princes and princesses will come out to celebrate the birthday of the most favored princess, and there will be a dance in the evening.

The scale of the ball is relatively large. In addition to the palace, there is also a place for the ball in the inner courtyard of the palace. At this time, all the invited guests can go to the ball, but there are very few people who have the opportunity to enter the palace. .

These people are famous young talents with status and appearance, as well as beautiful and noble noble ladies. They are invited to the ball, and at the same time, they are also to choose spouses for the royal family.

The banquet on the third day will not end until the sun rises on the fourth day.

Hearing this, Jiang Yu understood, which meant that their time was these three days.

Especially the third day should be extra important.

After all, it was only on the third day that the princess appeared in the real sense.

Shi Jun was thoughtful, and then asked: "So when will the banquet start?"

The maid smiled: "Three days later."

Jiang Yu watched the maid leave, "We still have three days plus two days."

Shi Jun nodded, "It's okay."

Jiang Yu couldn't help but sighed helplessly, "Is that so... why do I feel that the time is so short."

Shi Jun smiled lightly, looked at Jiang Yu, "Are you scared?"

Jiang Yu thought for a while, "It's not that I'm afraid, I just feel unsure."

Shi Jun hooked her lips: "Don't worry."

Jiang Yu looked at her, although she really didn't want to admit it, and she didn't want to lie down, but after hearing Zhong Yu's words, Jiang Yu found that she was indeed relieved a lot.

They then walked outside. On the way, Jiang Yu and Shi Jun met game players.

It's still easy to recognize.

After all, everyone here is dressed in a uniform style, only the players wear their own clothes.

But the people in the palace didn't think there was any problem.

Walking towards him was a girl in a pink skirt. After seeing the two of them, the pink skirt walked over without hesitation.

"Hello you all."

Jiang Yu wasn't sure why she came, so she just greeted her shallowly.

The pink skirt said: "No accidents, this mission should be a group mission. Ah, that's great, there is no need for players to fight each other."

The corners of Jiang Yu's lips twitched. Although she really wanted to laugh along with it, she felt that she didn't really want to laugh at the moment.

But she still gave a kind attitude, "Well, it seems so."

The pink skirt smiled: "So you don't need to be so nervous, I have no malicious intentions."

Shi Jun lazily raised her eyes and glanced at her, "So, what's the matter with you?"

Pink skirt: "It's just a rare encounter with players, so I want to discuss the mission with you. After all, it should be rare if I'm alone."

Shi Jun twitched the corner of her lower lip: "Then what do you want to discuss?"

The pink skirt didn't mean to hide it either, she re-stated her analysis of the task, but it was not too different from Shi Jun's previous analysis.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Yu: "What do you think?"

Jiang Yu nodded, "Well, you're quite right."

"..." Fenqun asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Jiang Yu thought for a while, and then said: "Do you think the dungeon clearance has something to do with our gift?"

The pink skirt said: "I think it's related, otherwise, why should the dungeon single out the gift option?"

Jiang Yu lowered her eyes slightly.

At this time, Shi Jun asked, "What's your gift?"

The pink skirt hesitated.

Shi Jun said: "Mine is a skirt, and hers is a collection of poems."

Pink skirt: "Mine are some special snacks."


Jiang Yu frowned slightly, "Isn't it broken?"

The pink skirt smiled: "Don't worry, I checked it specially, there is nothing. They are all things that are easy to store and will not break."

Jiang Yu nodded.

After bidding farewell to the pink skirt, Jiang Yu looked at Zhong Yu's pensive look, and asked softly, "Did you think of something?"

Shi Jun shook her head, "There are not enough clues, not yet."

Jiang Yu bent her lips: "Don't worry."

Shi Jun looked at her, "Why, now you are not in a hurry?"

Jiang Yu was inexplicably embarrassed by her teasing, she smiled: "I'm not worried about you."

If it was Jiang Yu herself, then she was indeed a little anxious, but if it was Zhong Yu who was anxious, Jiang Yu would be worried about her body.

When Shi Jun heard this, she narrowed her eyes in a little pleasure.

They didn't walk outside for long before it was time for dinner.

Shi Jun said, "Let's go."

Jiang Yu did not refuse.

Presumably, other players would not refuse this dinner.

After all, on the one hand, they do need to eat food. On the other hand, as mature players, when faced with a non-competitive task, they should all be like pink skirts. Thinking that this is a group task, they need to cooperate with others to pass the level.

So they would never miss such a meeting point for dinner.

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