What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Chapter 106. Macho Washington (16)

Legalizing BOW and completely untying the shackles of girls so that they can walk freely under the sun was Li Yexing's wish, and now, this wish will be fulfilled by Alexa.

Although the dinner was over, the conversation continued, but this time Alexa no longer had to deal with the gentlemen filling the hall. She had to face directly the congressmen from Country A and the officials from the Pentagon.

Standing outside the door of a living room on the second floor, Li Yexing crossed his arms and stood leaning against the wall on one side of the wooden door, holding a cigarette in the corner of his lips, letting the green mist escape from his nostrils and lingering on his face. Next to him, on the other side of the door, stood a neat row of tall, muscular bodyguards of various races in suits and ties. They wore communicators, pistols hidden on their waists, and kept standing. At every turn, they look like a group of sculptures.

After a moment, Li Yexing held the almost-burned cigarette butt between his fingertips and flicked it into the trash can opposite. Then he turned his head and looked at the bodyguards beside him. On the other side, he noticed Li Yexing's gaze. The bodyguards immediately turned their heads and looked at Li Yexing expressionlessly through their sunglasses.

With nothing to do, Li Yexing wanted to express his goodwill, so he smiled at the bodyguards. Suddenly, all the bodyguards retreated as if facing a formidable enemy. The one standing at the front subconsciously raised his hand. He reached for his waist and tried to draw the gun.

"Fuck" Li Yexing cursed in a low voice. He turned his head again and stared straight at the luxurious trash can across the corridor, dazed.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, there was a noise in the room next to me. Then, the door of the room opened, and middle-aged men in the same suits and ties walked out. They turned their obscure eyes from Li Yexing’s door. After sweeping the body, they put on their coats and walked towards the elevator on the other side of the corridor. Behind them, the bodyguards who were guarding the door just now left closely behind. After a while, only Li Li was left in the corridor. One person walking at night.

"Huh" exhaled a breath, Li Yexing stood up straight, turned and walked into the living room.

It is said to be a living room, but in fact the room itself is not big, it is just a place suitable for talking. Large ceramic tiles pave the floor, potted plants are placed in the corners of the room, and the windows are blocked by beige curtains, allowing the yellow light emitted by the fluorescent lamps. There was no trace of leakage. Under this light, Alexa crossed her legs and sat on the soft black leather sofa, with a hint of exhaustion in her expression.

"Dear" Seeing Li Yexing come in, Alexa immediately had a smile on her face. She moved her body and sat on the armrest of the sofa, staring at Li Yexing's eyes and blinking, with a faint smile on her face. expect.

Having shared the same bed with Alexa for almost a year, Li Yexing certainly knew what she was expecting. He quickly came to Alexa's sofa, sat down and sunk his whole body into the soft sofa. In a second, Alexa moved her body again, crossing her legs and sitting sideways on Li Yexing's lap.

Stretching out his hand, he naturally put his arm around Alexa's waist. Li Yexing put his chin on Alexa's shoulder, and whispered softly to Alexa: "You must be exhausted, Lisa, it's really hard work." is you"

"Indeed, I'm really exhausted today." She put her jade-white arms around Li Yexing's neck. Alexa chuckled and said coquettishly, "I think I need my dear to give me a full-body massage to relieve my pain." My fatigue.”

"There will be a full-body massage," Li Yexing said softly: "How did things go? Was it successful?"

"Honestly, it's not a success, but the result is in line with expectations." Alexa said helplessly: "The Pentagon expressed its strong support for putting fully controllable BOWs on the battlefield to replace soldiers in security operations or in the war on terrorism. Although interested, the attitude of congressional officials is a little more ambiguous. They are worried that the implementation of the BOW legalization system will become a lever for political opponents to attack them, especially during this special period."

"Yes, today the FBI just caught a group of guys who wanted to set off fireworks in front of the hotel." Li Yexing said helplessly: "The Tall Oaks incident pushed the people of country A's fear of BOW to the highest point, even if most of this fear Comes from ignorance”

"In short, it is probably impossible to quickly promote the legalization of BOW research and development. The resistance in front of us will be very huge." Leaning on Li Yexing's chest, Alexa murmured softly: "My dear, you need Be patient, this will be a long process.”

"Take your time, Lisa, take your time," Li Yexing said softly through the black cloth, caressing Alexa's slender waist.

Under the light, Li Yexing and Alexa were cuddling on the sofa. They squinted their eyes slightly, feeling the warmth from each other. Although they didn't seem to be talking, they both had a faint smile on their lips until they reached the room. The silence inside was disrupted by the bursts of noise from the corridor. Alexa raised her head and lightly pecked Li Yexing on the side of his face. She whispered: "Let's go back to the room, my dear."

"No problem." Li Yexing nodded and responded softly.

Then, there was another silence.

"Lisa" After a long while, Li Yexing lowered his head, frowned slightly and said, "Didn't you say go back to the room?"

"Yeah, go back to the room," Alexa said with a chuckle, lying sideways on Li Yexing's chest.

"Aren't you going to move?" Li Yexing couldn't help but ask in a low voice, looking at Her Lady Queen who was pressing on him like a large orange cat.

"My dear, why don't you take me back?" With a girlish look on her face, Alexa narrowed her eyes and said coquettishly to Li Yexing: "I have been walking in high heels for a day, and my feet are sore and I can't walk. "

"Carry you back? Here

inside? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Don't you think it's inappropriate?" If someone sees it, will it affect your image? "

"It doesn't matter. The dinner has been over for so long. Who will stay here? Everyone is very busy." Alexa chuckled and said: "Besides, it's not far from the elevator. Once you get on the elevator, We go directly to the top floor, where we only have our room and there won’t be a third person there.”

"Okay." Li Yexing never minded satisfying the little caprices of his girls. He put one hand through Alexa's armpit and the other hand under Alexa's knee. Li Yexing He stood up directly and hugged the Queen in his arms, just like he did when he was in the undersea oil field.

Stepping forward and asking Alexa to help open the wooden door of the living room, Li Yexing stepped into the corridor amidst Alexa's silver bell-like laughter and headed straight for the elevator.

Just as Alexa said, by this time, there was no one in the corridor on the second floor. Li Yexing stood in front of the elevator holding Alexa, watching Alexa press the elevator button. The elevator door opened with a soft "ding", and Li Yexing and Alexa entered the elevator together.

As the elevator door closed, the sound of mechanical operation sounded. In this faint hum, Alexa suddenly said with interest: "Remember? My dear, the elevator should be regarded as a unique place of memories between us, right? ?”

"Don't make trouble." After gently shaking the girl in his arms, Li Yexing chuckled and said, "We won't make trouble until we get back to the room."

After a while, the elevator took Li Yexing and Alexa to the top floor of the hotel. There was another soft "ding" sound, and the elevator door slowly opened. Li Yexing raised his legs and was about to step out, but... I saw a man standing in front of the elevator door

Glenn Arias!

One update.

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