"Sounds good!"

Feel the enthusiasm of the audience in the audience.

Dong Chen and Ji Yu, standing in the center of the stage, their eyes red with excitement, kept bowing in thanks.

At the beginning, they had no qualifications for the concert of the top four contestants of "The Birth of a Group" and could only envy them. Tonight at the Bird Cave Stadium, they finally experienced the beautiful scene of flowers and lights they longed for.

Along the way, I really want to thank the noble man behind Lin Zhixing.

"Thank you to Leap Miracle and Ran Iijima for your wonderful singing!"

The female host stepped onto the stage and introduced solemnly: "Now I am invited to sing the theme song "Tomorrow will be better" for this charity show. Everyone welcomes it with applause."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar name appeared on the stage screen.

【Tomorrow will be better】

[Singing: I am the King of Singers]

[Lyrics: Lin Zhixing]

[Composer: Lin Zhixing]

[Arranger: Lin Zhixing]

"Wow! It's a charity theme song composed by Brother Oh!"

"The World Cup theme songs are so well written, so this song will definitely be good too!"

The name "Lin Zhixing" has now become an adjective for "high-quality songs", and the audience is full of expectations for this song.

The auditorium under the stage.

"Will tomorrow be better? This song title is quite a gamble!"

Zhao Weiguang frowned slightly, feeling that Lin Zhixing was very courageous.

Most creators don’t dare to name it like this, so how can they prove that tomorrow will be better? If you can't write the lyrics, you will definitely be scolded, and if you get involved in public welfare, you will be scolded badly.

Huang Xiao also sat up straight silently, wanting to hear whether the song fit the theme.

Performance backstage.

"Brother Jian, please!"

"No, no, no, Xiaolin, come here."

The singers showed humility to each other because of the order in which they appeared.

"Sister Weiwei, you take the lead!"

Lin Zhixing took turns to be humble according to his age and seniority.

Zhao Weiwei also waved her hand and refused, "No, no, no, you wrote this song, you should take the lead!"

Make a concession...

Lin Zhixing's eyes finally fell on Guo Jiahe, and their eyes met...

"Okay, then I will take the lead."

Guo Jiahe looked at the back of Lin Zhixing who turned away resolutely, his nose was twisted with anger, and he cursed in his heart, "Made, if you don't want to let me go, don't stare like this next time!"

On the gorgeous stage.

"Oh Brother, I love you!"

"Wow, Brother Ye is taking the lead!"

Amid bursts of applause and cheers from the audience, Lin Zhixing took the lead in waving and came out, and the queue was full.

The singers lined up in a row, with Lin Zhixing and Song Ge occupying the C position.

After the audience's applause gradually died down, a soothing and melodious prelude floated in the stadium. The melody was very pleasant to the ears, and it felt like gently awakening the earth.

When it came to the main song, Lin Zhixing, who was in a good mood, slowly raised the microphone.

"Knock gently to wake up the sleeping soul"

"Open your eyes slowly"

“Look at the busy world”

"Are you still wandering around lonely?"

Because there are not as many singers singing this song as in the original version, each singer's proportion of lyrics is also more than in the original version.

"The spring breeze blows the hearts of young people with its incomprehensible charm."

"Let the tears on yesterday's face dry with the memory."

Song Ge raised the microphone to sing, and his clear and moving singing voice conveyed positive emotions.

The auditorium under the stage.

Zhao Weiguang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The constant principle that impresses people is the sense of substitution.

Gently, he opened his eyes and looked at the busy world from his own perspective. Such an opening is natural and cordial, without any imposition, and can quickly resonate with people.

The tears on my face yesterday have dried with the memory. This sentence is not bad. It tells everyone from a caring perspective that it will all get over.

Just from the beginning of this song, you can tell that the quality is not bad.

"Look up and look for wings in the sky"

"Migratory birds show their traces"

"Bringing famine from afar"

"News that the relentless flames of war still exist"

Fang Jian raised the microphone and sang. The song was elegant and ethereal, sad and warm, and could touch the depths of people's souls.

He likes the lyrics of this song so much. In terms of lyrics level, 99% of the songwriters in the music industry are not at this level, and it is a level beyond his reach.

The auditorium under the stage.


After hearing this, Zhao Weiguang was completely attracted by this song.

The horizons are widened, including the sky, famine, and war. The concern is also highlighted, from the individual to the world, which is consistent with the theme of the charity performance.

The audience was already moved, and even more moved by the singer's high-pitched coda, which will easily accept the "tomorrow will be better" that the next song will express.


"The white snow falling on Jade Mountain burns the hearts of young people"

"Let the true feelings melt into notes and pour out distant blessings"

A group of singers sang in sequence according to the lyrics assigned in advance. Everyone sang very seriously, singing with sadness, enthusiasm and passion.

The song has also reached its climax.

"Sing out your passion and stretch out your hands"

"Let me embrace your dreams"

"Let me have your true face"

"Let our smiles be filled with the pride of youth"

When the singers sing together, the chorus becomes more powerful and moving.

The audience's emotions were affected by the song, and the live broadcast room received rave reviews.

"We can have nothing, but we can't lose our yearning for a better life; we can lose everything, but we can't lose the pursuit of our dreams."

"Spiritual power is infinite. This is real music, which gives people strength and hope! Big praise!"

"Look up and look into the distance, the sky will always be so vast. Keep your head down and meditate, tomorrow will always be so beautiful!"

At the same time, when the audience listened to this song, they felt inexplicably wanting to donate.

"27 million!"

"30 million!"

"33 million!"

On the stage screen, the accumulated fundraising figures continued to rise. In just half a song, the figures had already caught up with the "Later" just now.

This increase far exceeded Hong Bo's expectations and was no worse than yesterday's All Stars concert.


Xiao Li, who had just listened to "Later" and was crazy about his first love, suddenly became enlightened after listening to this song.

Think about those people who cannot even have food and clothing, think about those people who are suffering from war and may lose their lives at any time, think about those people who are isolated and helpless in natural disasters and man-made disasters. This pain of mine is not even worth mentioning. Not really.

In the journey of life, you will be emotional, sad, and lost. This is human nature and normality, and there is really no need to dwell on it.

At least we still have tomorrow, but people in the war may only have today.

Xiao Li was moved by the song, silently took out his mobile phone, clicked on the donation page, and donated half of his salary.

At this moment, the male audience members who left the nude photos of his ex-girlfriend beside him were also moved by the song.

He looked at the empty balance on his WeChat account and wanted to give his love, but he was unable to do so.

"Hey, man!"

He silently opened Baidu Cloud on his phone, bumped Xiao Li with his elbow, and patted the audience member who had just spoken to him.

"Do you still want to see the photos? Donate 10 yuan to see one."

"Who can ignore his own homeland"

"Leave behind the memories of childhood"

The second part of the song is sung by Guo Jiahe. By singing a song with these powerful singers, while being affected by the emotion of the song, my mood also changed.

From the initial aversion to singing, he gradually started to enjoy it, and even found it more enjoyable than singing and dancing with the band members.

Maybe this is the charm of the song?

The auditorium under the stage.

Huang Xiao likes this song so much, far more than he likes the World Cup theme song "The Flag Begins to Win".

He feels that this song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" goes beyond the constraints of traditional inspirational songs that focus on matters. It looks at the world, pays attention to nature, is close to people's hearts, and is suitable for people of almost any state of mind to listen to and feel.

With a peaceful and eager tone, it expresses people's beautiful wishes for peace and hope for a better tomorrow. The voice of people who have longed for world peace for many years is naturally integrated into the melody.

The first piece of music is very smooth, telling people's desire and prayer for world peace.

The second high-pitched melody is magnificent and repeated many times, deepening the theme and highlighting people's yearning for a better life tomorrow.

"What a great talent!"

"This kid is really amazing!"

in front of the screen.

A female primary school music teacher was deeply moved by this song and fell in love with it. Now she was worried about what song should the children in the art performance class sing, so she immediately decided to sing this song.

Based on her judgment on music from many years of working in the industry, she felt that singing this song with a "child's voice" might have a better effect and make it easier to move people.

On the gorgeous stage.

"Sing out your passion and stretch out your hands"

"Let me embrace your dreams"

"Let me have your true face"

The atmosphere at the scene reached the climax of the night. The singers held each other's hands and made the final finishing touches to the song together.

"Let our smiles be filled with the pride of youth"

"Serious prayers for tomorrow"

The auditorium under the stage.

"Old man, I can't write as good a song as him!"

After listening to the whole song, Zhao Weiguang showed a relieved smile, "This song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" is so well written. I am far inferior. It will really be a stage for young people in the future."

Huang Xiao patted his arm and said with relief: "It hasn't been tested by the market yet, so don't be discouraged! I think it's all good."

Zhao Weiguang looked at Lin Zhixing on the stage, smiled and shook his head, "Good boy, I came back after 5 years and lost to you in both games!"

"35 million!"

"38 million!"

"40 million!"

Director Hong Bo stared blankly at the data backstage. He couldn't believe his eyes. The amount of donations now was almost equal to yesterday's charity performance by all the stars.

There's obviously a huge gap in popularity. Is it because of the popularity of the songs?

After the song accompaniment ends...

There was thunderous applause from the audience and rave reviews from the audience.

"At any time, music is the best medicine to soothe our souls. In particular, inspirational songs inspire us to move forward bravely."

"Everyone will encounter difficulties to some extent on the road of life. This song tells us that no matter how big the difficulties are, as long as we get through this period, tomorrow will be better!"

The singers bowed to the audience together and thanked them. At this time, director Hong Bo, accompanied by the staff, waved and walked onto the stage.

He took the host's microphone, pointed to the big screen on the stage, and thanked: "Thank you everyone for your love. We will donate these funds to people suffering from war and hunger. The ticket sales of this charity performance All will be donated.”


The audience applauded again.

At the same time, a backstage staff member walked to the center of the stage holding a donation box. Hong Bo pointed at the donation box and said: "Our "I Am the King of Singer" program team has donated 500,000 yuan! And our singers have also decided to donate a donation. Love.”

Fang Jian was the first to take the microphone and promised: "I will donate 200,000!"

Zhao Weiwei also took a step forward and said: "Ku Meow also donated 200,000!"

"Leap to Miracle 200,000!"

"I'll donate 50,000!"

Wang Jiawei donated the least. Her income is indeed much lower than that of other singers. Since her debut, the only program with more income is "I Am the King of Singer".

"I'll donate 200,000!"

Ran Iijima raised her hand and reluctantly spoke out the number in somewhat broken Chinese.

"Wow, Lan Lan's wife came to China to make money, but she still donated so much?"

"Kind sister, Lu Zhuanfan!"

After the singers set an example, the fundraising data once again experienced a small increase, rising to 41 million.


Exceeded last night’s fundraising!

"I will donate 1 million!"

Hearing this number, the scene was in an uproar.

The camera gave a close-up of Guo Jiahe, and no one expected that he would donate so much.

"I'll cry to death, what does a high-quality idol mean?"

"Husband Jiahe is so caring. I really don't like the wrong person. I will be a fan of you for the rest of my life!"

Dong Chen was stunned, looking sideways at the confident Guo Jiahe, and was surprised, "1 million? This is because he wants to rely on donations to become a hot search."

The members of Super July M backstage looked at each other and they all didn’t understand his decision.

He is indeed very profitable, but the trainee's contract is too screwed up, and all the large profits are divided up by the economic company. The contract has not expired yet, so this 1 million is a lot, and it is somewhat impulsive.

Feeling the thunderous applause from the audience, Guo Jiahe was in a very happy mood. The limelight at this moment was all his own.

He looked sideways at Lin Zhixing beside him, his eyes provocative, as if to say, "How much do you plan to donate? It won't be more than 1 million, right?"

"Fengqi Wutong donated 200,000!"

Lin Zhixing took a step forward and added: "In addition, I will donate all the proceeds from the song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" to be used for medical care and education in our country!"

Profit from the song?

The audience applauded again. With so many outstanding singers singing together and the song being of such high quality, the revenue from this song will definitely be more than 1 million.

Donate all proceeds?

Guo Jiahe, who was handsome for a while, looked at Lin Zhixing in disbelief, who was cheered by the audience, and then became messy in the wind.

Is it cool for 10 seconds if I have 1 million to co-write?

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