What is a red-temperature top order?

Chapter 138: Family Bucket: A neat family



In the WE player seat, two Korean players were communicating in Korean, which made Condi feel dizzy.

Although he couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about, he was extremely pregnant anyway.

"Wait for me to catch you, Smecta!"

"Don't be anxious, hold on steady Smecta!"

Condi glanced at 957 in surprise. It was hard to imagine that 957 was free to be here at Smecta.

"Brother Legs, isn't Captain Black's proficiency not very high?"

"Oh my god, his captain skills are not high yet? That bucket is full of advanced geometry!"

"Then why are you still in the mood for Smecta in this game? You don't usually put on the pain mask."

Hearing Condi's words, 957 chuckled.

"You don't understand. It's like you're playing a dungeon in hell mode every day, and today it suddenly switches to hard difficulty. Although you still can't beat it, at least you can enjoy the pleasure of being ravaged."

The captain is a hero whose early suppression is not particularly strong. This allows 957 to not only gain experience, but also be able to last hits, which is simply a blessing.

But Condi obviously couldn't understand 957's feelings. He wondered whether the leg brother's cerebellum had shrunk due to the beating, and at the same time he looked towards the middle.

It is true that this WE lineup must have four guarantees and one, but before that, he must free up the middle.

Redmi left the last counter position to Kangdi, just to allow Xiye and Condi to link up in the middle and jungle, thereby taking advantage of the bottom lane.

The male gunner had just finished level 2, and he was definitely still in the jungle at this time to make up for his development. When Syndra faced Karma, the two were on a par with each other. With his stance, he could definitely find an opportunity.

When the blind monk reached the river, he chose to go directly to the path near the river on the blue square road.

At the commentary table, when he saw the blind monk's path, Guan Zeyuan was surprised and said:

"Ah? Is Condi going to catch you directly this time?! It's rude to not reciprocate! If your male gun catches me in the bottom lane with two levels, then I will catch you in the middle with two levels! His posture should be defensive, his Keeping his body on the right side, Xiye made the first move! Seizing the opportunity, he QQed directly to Syndra's face and pressed forward to hit the chain. His posture response was very fast, and EQ pushed Karma away!"

"That posture should be able to... oh! The blind monk directly flashed E! The posture obviously didn't expect the blind monk to have such a murderous intention. Although he handed over the flash immediately, he was already slowed down by the blind monk! With the Sky Sound Wave attached, the red BUFF's slowdown hit Syndra, making it difficult for her to move! The posture can only be pulled in the direction of the lower half! Sofm is playing red, can you give the posture some support!"

At this time, the Snakes' players' seats were shouting at the top of their lungs:

"sofm! Look at me! Look at me!"

sofm was still fighting the red BUFF in a one-on-one duel and frowned:

"I can't come. I just went to the bottom lane to gank and didn't get any kills. I want to brush."

"Fuck your mother! I'm going to die!"

"There's nothing you can do about it. I can't beat them even if I come here."

Seeing that there were only two bars of health left, Zhi Zhi couldn't help but curse.

"Damn you sofm, if I don't get rid of your BUFF later, I will have played with Syndra today for nothing!!"

After hearing that the wild monster was threatening him, sofm finally reluctantly started to move towards the middle, but he still kept A while walking, hoping to take away the red buff first.

The attitude finally didn't wait for sofm's male gun.

Although the red buff was knocked out by the male gun, he obviously failed to hold on until that moment. He was flashed by Xiye's Karma and was killed in his own F6 pit with a Q skill.

"WE had two flashes and killed Syndra in the middle. Looking at it this way, two flashes for one head, the Snake team can only be considered a small loss."

After hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, Wuwukai couldn't help but said:

"Is this still a small loss? When Karma levels up, Syndra can't push the lane. And you, Syndra, also handed over your own flash, and let Karma get the kill. The middle lane will be next to the lane. If the jungler doesn’t help, it will really fall apart.”

Wushu, who is also a mid laner, also analyzed:

"Besides, Xiye can still control the line when he goes back. You Syndra didn't dodge. If the blind monk dares to come, you dare to die. Condi will still seize the opportunity and fight very decisively."

"But there's something wrong with Sofm. He just slaps himself in the face without even looking at his posture."

"To be fair, there is actually no use for SOFM in this wave. He has no red BUFF and his condition is not particularly good. Moreover, he has not learned the W smoke bomb at level two, so it feels like it has little meaning in the past."

"But what if the person being chased today is black?"

After hearing the 50-50 question, Wu State pondered for a moment and said:

"I feel that if this wave is black, Sofm will definitely not hit the red one, and will help black first."

After Wu State finished speaking, he saw a contemptuous smile appear on the corner of his half-open mouth.


There was a thud in his heart, and he heard Wu Wu Kai open his big ugly mouth.

"If the middle lane is black, it is impossible for sofm to appear in the red BUFF position, he will squat in the middle lane!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked!

【I’m rough! It has to be Brother Kai! 】

[Living in Bengbu, why does Brother Kai know sofm and Heichu so well? 】

[No status, you are not even as good as the cavity in Brother Kai’s mouth. 】

[I admit, there is something indeed about 50-50, this wave of statelessness is pure clowning. 】

The game between the two sides continues.

WE's bottom lane quickly stabilized the situation.

The combination of Big Mouth and Lulu still has an advantage in fighting rats and Bron.

As for SofM's male gun, after the first wave of sudden level 2 captures, he has never appeared in the bottom lane again.

Catching people is just a matter of following the trend, clearing the jungle is the first priority.

But on the other hand, Condi had a full rhythm during this period. He caught the middle four times in fifteen minutes. Although his posture was obscene enough, he was still caught twice and his record came to 0-3.

In the commentary box, seeing that the Snakes were at a disadvantage, Guan Zeyuan said:

"Condi's rhythm during this period is very good. It directly opened up the situation for WE. It's very uncomfortable to play in the middle lane now. He can only try to use skills to touch up the damage. The level and equipment between him and Karma are already high. It’s too different!”

"Yes," Wushu nodded and analyzed, "and the top lane has not made any sound in this round. Although 957 has been suppressed by black by twenty knives, it is not enough. It is not enough for black to not kill alone on the top lane. ah!"

"Black seems to be a little out of shape today. At this time, I feel that 957 should have gone to the autistic grass retreat in the second tower to practice."

Guan Zeyuan glanced at the panels on both sides and said:

"Maybe this one has something to do with Sofm's jungle route. After all, Sofm doesn't give much help to the top lane. In fact, if you observe the Snakes' game, although Black's personal ability in the top lane is very strong, in fact everyone is As a professional player, even if there is a gap in strength, you can't completely knock out the opponent like a human-machine player. After all, if you can't beat him, you will definitely be able to withstand pressure. In previous games, the reason why black was able to win in the early stage He gained a huge advantage and even directly deprived the opponent's top laner of the right to stand under the tower and smell the experience. This was inseparable from Sofm's frequent ganks before level 6, which allowed Black to rely on his own unsolvable personal ability. It snowballed quickly.”

After hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, Wuwukai nodded and said seriously:

"I feel like the Snakes know how to win the game quickly, but they didn't choose to do that. I feel like they are doing something silly and doing scientific research. Are they already studying MSI players?"

Wushu was upset when he heard the broken gong's voice, so he directly said:

"Black has already mentioned the matter of studying MSI players in previous interviews."

"Really!" Wuwukai looked shocked, "Then I can only say that Black's situation is much bigger than mine!"

Wu State was completely silent this time.

In fact, when he started blowing black, it was not because he liked black, but simply to disgust Uzi.

But sometimes the mask cannot be taken off after being worn for a long time.

After blowing and blowing, he found that Black was really fucking stupid.

Looking at Black, Wu State seemed to be seeing himself in fantasy.

Because he researched the shock wave theory, he fell into endless online violence. However, with his superior game level, he killed gods and Buddhas, killing Uzi and his GSLs. , defeated.

This is a scene that has haunted Wu State many times.

Black, like an angel who came to save him, helped him get rid of his mental internal friction and face life positively again.

But if we open this competition at 50-50, why should we call it black?

His purpose in blowing black is different from his own!

Blowing black by yourself is sacred, pure and comes from the heart.

Blowing black at 55 is dirty and obscene, and someone wants to gain traffic benefits through it!

That's why Wuwukai prepared so carefully and said the flattery that he couldn't match.

Thinking of this, Wu State felt a little sad in his heart.

The loyal believers cannot defeat the devil who is driven by interests.

During the game, Condi immediately lost his temper and began to sing a sutra that was difficult to recite.

"Kandi, Gouba, is really annoying! Why do you keep coming to my middle lane! I'm really going to break my defense! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ci'ao! Ci'ao! Fafafafa!"

Brother Crystal was so struck by the gesture that he had a headache and couldn't help but also cursed.

"It's not about you, can you please stop shouting? I'm going to have a swollen head when I scream! The blind monk also came to the bottom lane twice! I've lost all my advantage in the bottom lane!"

His posture was obviously getting worse, so he directly pinged Sofm twice who was walking in the canyon on the upper road.

"You fucking bastard should still be wandering on the top lane! You're wandering around on your mother's side! Can you take a look at my middle lane? I can't even eat one of my soldiers, just play with your horse-roasted chicken!"

Sofm, who was scolded by the posture, did not respond at all, and went into the WE jungle area, and even said to the posture:

"I want to eat the stone man across the way, can you come and see me?"

His posture was unbearable for a moment, his face was ferocious and he was about to explode, but on the road, the good news came in time!

[snake丶black (ocean disaster) killed WE丶957 (twisted tree spirit)! 】

His posture and expression changed, and he instantly became happy:

"Nice! Nice! Good kill, Brother Wen! It was Brother Wen who returned the favor at the critical moment! A handsome solo kill! Awesome!"

sofm chuckled twice: "Flattery."

His eyes widened, and he obviously couldn't imagine how this Sofm, who treated his boss like a dog, had the nerve to say that he was a flatterer.

"Sofm, when you smuggled over from Vietnam, did your face fall on the isolation net? Remember to take a look when you go back next time, maybe it's still hanging there."

"I'm so stupid," Brother Jingshu, who was still on the line in the bottom lane, lamented, "Brother Wen, this wave of solo kills is so fast. I didn't even see it. Why is the big tree gone?"

Not to mention Brother Crystal was confused, but the three people in the commentary box and the audience were also confused.

The director's shot was still on the road a second ago, and the tree was still full of blood.

The camera panned around the middle and bottom, and immediately cut back when the captain's voice was turned up. The big tree was already lying under his tower.

"Hey, what happened on the road? How come 957 was melted directly?"

The stateless inquiry just sounded, and the director gave the playback in time.

957 just came to the line, and his status was almost full. He was only Qed by the captain when he was filling up the tower knife.

The captain pushed his troops into the tower and moved toward the triangular grass.

957 must follow up to confirm the captain’s movements.

As soon as he took a few steps forward, the captain emerged from the grass and put down a bucket.

The distance of this barrel cannot reach the big tree. The captain obviously wants to use two consecutive barrels. At this time, the big tree will take the damage of this two consecutive blows, so 957's first instinctive reaction is to Ask Captain W to hide the barrel.

But the captain, who had been walking forward, paused at this moment. He guessed that the big tree wanted to turn back and W, so he controlled the distance. He turned back in detail, not giving the big tree the distance to W, and dealt two consecutive barrels of damage.

And after the barrel was dealt damage, the captain turned around and came back!

Before 957's mental inertia was gone, he subconsciously tied it up!

Captain Q used his ultimate move to seal the road, and then hit a double barrel again, which happened to hit a critical hit, and directly exploded the hit into blood, and the last Q took him away!

The entire single-kill process lasted only five seconds and seemed extremely simple and unpretentious, which even made the audience a little uncomfortable for a while.

[No, kill him now? 】

【What are 957 doing? Does this look like baigei2? 】

[957 said that if you don’t send one during the laning phase, you will feel uncomfortable all over. 】

[This feeling is completely because 957 did not expect that the captain’s explosion would be so high. 】

[I just discovered that the captain’s economy is higher than that of Kalma who took three heads! 】

[This is too outrageous. 】

[I’m stupid, the captain costs $188 for fifteen minutes? Damn, what the hell is this? ! 】

[No, has black been opened? Where did the 188 dollars come from in fifteen minutes? 】

[Does anyone know how to do it? 】

[LOL starts sending out troops at 90 seconds, which is 1 minute and 30 minutes. There is a wave of 6 minions every 30 seconds. Every three waves there will be a minion team with "cannon trucks" and 7 minions. 15 minutes is 900 seconds. Since there is no wave of soldiers in the first 90 seconds, but the normal first-level group time, there are a total of 900/30=30-(90/3)=27 waves of soldiers in 900 seconds. There are 9 waves of sports cars in 27 waves in 15 minutes, so the total number of soldiers is =18*6+9*7=171 soldiers, which means that the maximum number of single-line soldiers in 15 minutes is 171. Interestingly, the 27th wave is still on the high ground. , did not reach the first tower at all, that is, there are at most 171-7=164 soldiers in a single line. 】

[The analysis by the data emperor above is very reasonable, but he missed one important point - in this game, Sofm's Toad and Three Wolves, as well as the River Crab on the road, were not refreshed. 】

[So Black didn’t miss a single last hit in fifteen minutes, and he still had time to farm the jungle? 】

[The blackout is so fucking scary. I said this was a solo kill so late in the game, but it turned out that I was using it as a last-hitting master. 】

[It’s not that big trees cannot be killed, but logging is more cost-effective. 】

As the strange cry of 957 rang out, WE realized what kind of monster they had unleashed on the road.

Song Wen's logging journey was obviously not over yet, and he was still developing in a single zone until thirty minutes.

WE tried to speed up the team fight several times, and Dashu released his ultimate move and sounded the charge horn, but the captain in the distance interrupted the offensive with a group of cannonballs.

Thirty-five minutes into the game, in the WE player seat, 957 was beaten by the captain under the tower and ran away with his head covered. The tree sons were thrown one after another. Seeing that he was about to be squeezed out, he finally couldn't help but said:

"I can no longer defend the captain alone. We must start a group!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the second tower on the lower road was also broken.

The other four members of the Snake Team actually attracted Dalong's attention.

"Take the big dragon group! Brother Legs, you come directly and come directly!"

Hearing the call of his teammates, 957 directly handed over the TP. The Snake team was already moving the Baron. This wave of teams was already a decisive team battle that could determine the outcome of the game.

After seeing the big tree's TP, the captain did not choose to continue the single belt this time, and also handed over the TP, as if he was not prepared to drag it on.

Condi did not choose to press in from the side with his teammates at this time, but came to the top of the dragon pit.

After reaching the dragon with Q, he directly chose to enter the dragon pit in the second stage. With a flash of R, the male gun who had no time to react was kicked out of the dragon pit.

Dashu activated his ultimate move, and the other four members of WE rushed forward!

The captain's ultimate move falls from the sky!



Incredible cheers erupted from the commentary box and the audience at the same time!

"The captain flashed three barrels in a row and killed Big Mouth instantly!!! Lulu didn't even react, and couldn't even deliver her ultimate move!!!"

The captain's family bucket not only dropped its jaws in seconds, but also directly exploded Karma and Lulu to ashes!

A round of gunfire negotiated to take Kalma's head, and then the fire knife chased Lulu. She took control of him in seconds after eating an orange, and hacked her to death!

【ACE! ! 】

In the live broadcast room, the screen was filled with question marks!

No one expected that in this game, which lasted for thirty-five minutes, there would be no anxiety or back-and-forth in the final team battle. In just one second, the outcome was decided!

Looking at the captain who had scored three kills, he sighed with emotion:

"Wow! This captain has developed so well! A family bucket, delivered outside, directly brought the WE family back to the spring neatly. It's so scary!"

The Snake team wiped out WE in one wave, directly gave up on the Baron, and chose to advance as a team in the middle, ending the game in one wave!

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