What is a red-temperature top order?

Chapter 143 Stir-fried pig skin and put positive energy on the public screen (a big chapter in 5k!)

April 29th.

The LCK division ended the entire Spring Split schedule. The SKT team finally won the Spring Split championship and successfully obtained a ticket to MSI.

May 7th.

The 2017 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship Play-Ins finally came to an end after a week of fierce battles.

The main competition stage will officially start on May 11th.

As the first global event of the 2017 season, MSI represents the competition between the top teams in each division in the first half of the 2017 season, and has attracted a lot of attention.

While summoners around the world are discussing the MSI event, the focus of the LPL discussion is somewhat different.

Just one day ago, League of Legends professional player Black’s number one internet fan, Weibo big V League Encyclopedia, uploaded an interview video on his Weibo.

As soon as this video came out, it instantly caused an uproar!

Except for Uzi, all members of the RNG E-Sports Club are present and enjoying Song Wen’s interview.

As soon as the video started, Song Wen's smiling face appeared on the screen.

"Hello, dear fans and friends, I am the top laner of the snake team, black."

The questioner's voice soon came out.

"Black, in front of the camera, do you have anything to confess?"

Xiaohu clicked his tongue twice and said:

"As expected of a black fan leader, his questions are so sharp when he comes up with them."

Letme blinked, "But there is indeed a pattern to the hacking. He clearly knows that the leader of his gang is facing him, but he still accepts the interview."

Facing Encyclopedia's sharp question, Song Wen sighed, crossed himself on his chest, and looked pious.

"May the Lord bless you and me, Amen."

"What are you doing?"


"Why do you need to repent like this?"

Song Wen blinked: "Because I am a priest."

The Mala Xiangguo didn't stop for a moment: "Oh my god! What is he doing! I'm really convinced."

Xiaohu also silently crossed himself on his chest, repenting in his heart for not being able to hold back his laughter just now.

"What are you doing, Xiaohu? You also want to be a priest?"

Xiaohu's face turned red and he said awkwardly: "Don't bother watching the interview!"

Encyclopedia is worthy of being the leader of anti-fans. Compared with other interviews that Song Wen has received before, Song Wen took the initiative to start the group, but in this interview, Encyclopedia's questions always pointed to the sharpest points.

"Why do you always want to hack UZI? Are you unhappy in life?"

"I said it many times, I didn't criticize him, I just told the truth."

"There are so many players in the e-sports circle, why do you always talk about UZI?"

"You are a gangster, dead sister Bu and her EDG, Big B and Ruobu group, as long as they do all kinds of evil, who of them will I not execute justice on them?"

"Do you think your actions are just executions? Don't you have any selfish motives?"

Song Wen, who answered fluently, was silent for a rare moment.

"I am not a great man, and I do have my own selfish motives."

"So you hate UZI, right?"



Song Wen changed his sitting position, looked at the ceiling, and fell into memories.

"It was late one summer night. I wanted to take a bath, but found that there was no shower gel at home. So I went to the supermarket to buy shower gel, but the salesperson told me that the brand I wanted was no longer available."

"You know, I have sensitive skin. If I use a bad shower gel, my whole body will turn red. I must use Johnson \u0026 Johnson's baby shower gel, which is as smooth and non-irritating as a baby. But the salesperson told me , there are only two bottles left in stock, both of which were just bought by a little fat man."

As Song Wen continued to talk, the expressions of everyone in RNG became strange.

"I rushed out of the door, but fortunately the little fat man didn't go far. I caught up with him and begged him sincerely if he could sell me a bottle first. After all, one bottle of Johnson \u0026 Johnson Baby Shower Gel for adults and children is enough for one bottle. Liter! One bottle can last for more than a month. I promised him to go to another supermarket to buy two bottles and return them to him early the next morning, but he still rejected me. "

Encyclopedia interrupted Song Wen's statement, "Although it's miserable that you can't take a shower in the summer, and it's miserable that your sensitive skin can only use Johnson \u0026 Johnson shower gel, but after all, people have already bought it, and it's their freedom whether to give it to you. You It’s moral kidnapping.”

Song Wen sighed and said:

"You're right. But what's hard for me to accept is his reason for rejecting me."

"What did he say?"

"He said that Johnson \u0026 Johnson shower gel is rich in milk ingredients. One bottle should be used for milk baths and one bottle should be used for drinking."

Encyclopedia was silent for a rare moment.

"So this little fat guy is Uzi?"

"have no idea."

"Then what does your story have to do with Uzi?"

"One thousand readers will get a thousand lawyer's letters."

The encyclopedia was silent again.

Malaxiang Guo scratched his hair, feeling like he was about to grow a brain.

"What does the phrase "Haizou" mean?"

"I understand!" letme replied with a smile, "Brother Hei... what he means is that the allusion comes from a thousand readers and there are a thousand Hamlets. Anyway, he just told this story, and he didn't mention the little fat man. It’s Uzi, and I didn’t say that the little fat guy is not Uzi. You can experience it for yourselves. Anyway, he doesn’t take the blame and is afraid of a lawyer’s letter warning him.”

Xiaohu glanced at letme in surprise: "How do you understand so well?"

Letme chuckled: "We often chat, and Heide even said that I have the potential to be a coach."

In the video, Encyclopedia asked again:

"You seem to have a strong opinion against Abu. Did Abu also steal your Johnson \u0026 Johnson shower gel?"

"No," Song Wen shook his head, "I just don't like women."

"What's wrong with you, woman?"

"Women got me scolded."

"It's not good for you to be like this. According to the survey, female fans account for 40% of your fans, accounting for almost 80% of the number of female fans in the entire league."

"I am a professional player," Song Wen said seriously, "I hope I am recognized for my strength."

"But women are the largest consumer group, and they have invested a lot of financial and material resources in you. Don't you have a grateful heart?"

Song Wen smiled:

"I didn't take any of the woman's money and donated it all to charity."

"I'm rough! Great!"

Spicy hot pot has begun to pay tribute to Song Wen.

Xiaohu hissed and muttered: "Now I am more and more convinced that he was defrauded of two million in online dating. Why do I see women avoiding him like snakes and scorpions?"

Xiao Ming looked weird and said, "But I feel like if he says this, the female fans will go even crazier."

"Some people say that your spring championship was entirely based on the mentality of messing with other players off the court, which caused the strength of other teams to decline. You won the championship in this insidious way. Do you agree?"

"I get trolled by hundreds of thousands and millions of people every day. Why doesn't my strength decline? I hear people say that Uzi is mature every day. How old does Uzi get in a year? It's really not possible to heat it up in a microwave."

"Your team is going to participate in MSI soon. Do you know what MSI stands for?"

"represents what?"

"Representing the honor of our LPL, do you think you can shoulder this burden?"

Song Wen chuckled: "What other honors does the LPL have? I only represent myself and my team."

"You once said before that you wanted to beat up Faker. Now that SKT has won the LCK Spring Split, you will definitely play against each other in MSI. Do you still have this confidence?"

"EDG can do everything at MSI, why can't I?"

Song Wen paused for a moment, as if he remembered something, and said:

"Speaking of which, can RNG have some say? Guodian has won several championships. What is Uzi doing? I heard that Uzi is going to commentate on the MSI game. I hope that when I win the championship, Uzi won't take away my trophy. Steal.”

As the video ended, the entire RNG training room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore, Xiaohu, please read the comments!"

Xiao Ming, spicy hot pot and letme all laughed so much.

Seeing Xiaohu silently turning off the video, Mala Xiangguo became anxious.

"Why did you close it? Let me show you the comments. This comment must be really fucking funny."

Xiaohu coughed lightly: "Oh, what's so good about this kind of thing?"

If he remembered correctly, it was still spring.

At least at the last moment, the temperature in the training room was still spring.

But he also has sensitive skin.

He is extremely sensitive to temperature.

Xia Tian has arrived behind him unknowingly.



St. Paul.

The initiator of the uproar on the domestic Internet was standing leisurely in front of the window, admiring the tall buildings outside the window.

Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil. The overall construction is very prosperous and there are many high-rise buildings.

The entire Snake team flew for more than thirty hours before arriving in Sao Paulo.

After getting off the plane, the escort took them directly to the bus and to the hotel.

Zhi Zhi took a sip of the local drink, choked with tears and sniffles, and said:

"Brother Wen, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Song Wen turned around and looked at the posture: "If you are still the 200-pound fat man before, I will go out with you."

Sao Paulo looks like a very prosperous and modern city, but in fact, the security is very poor. Even in broad daylight, robberies often occur on the streets.

As the leader of this team, Zhu Kai repeatedly emphasized that the team members should not go out without authorization.

"Oh, it's a rare trip abroad and I end up being locked up in a hotel. This is too boring."

Song Wen ignored the gesture's complaints, sat on a chair nearby, picked up his phone, and started reading.

"Send to Hamida!"

"Ah you ah sai yo!"

"Manlaso Panga is not rice!"

He lay on the bed and turned over impatiently, "Why are you starting to learn Korean again? Gouba's Korean is jabbering like a ghost. It makes my head spin."

"You know nothing. You don't understand my structure at all."

Song Wen reviewed it again and stood up: "Let's go, let's go to the restaurant to eat."

The two came to the hotel lobby and happened to meet Brother Crystal and Hudie.

Brother Shuijing and Hudie, who were going abroad for the first time, were obviously full of curiosity about everything. Although they had lived here for two days, they still felt like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Song Wen rarely held a live broadcast and greeted fans with a smile.

"There is a competition tonight. Let me show you. I will definitely not eat beef noodles today."

[Haha, the animal god is really a dog. After scolding people, he immediately fled to Brazil. 】

[Brother Hei, come on, come back with a championship. 】

[I suggest you go out and have a bowl of beef noodles, otherwise who will take the blame if you lose? 】

The waiter who served the meal seemed very enthusiastic and said to Song Wen with a smile:


Song Wen frowned, looking very dissatisfied.


"What did she say, Brother Wen?"

"She called us two beasts."

The waiter obviously noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and quickly said:

"Sorry, sorry, Chinese?"

Although there are not many Chinese people in Sao Paulo, the ones who will fall out if they are treated as little people are definitely Chinese.

A Chinese friend of hers told her before that for Chinese people, the most unpleasant curse word is Japanese.


Seeing that Song Wen's expression softened a little, she pointed to Brother Jingshu and Hudie who were sitting on the other side. The two of them were happily drinking yogurt from the children's meal.

"Are they your friends?"

"No," Song Wen shook his head, "They are Koreans."

In the live broadcast room, the barrage exploded instantly.

[Hahaha, I’m living in Bengbu. Brother Hei, can you be a human being? 】

[I would like to call Brother Hei the ambassador of China! 】

[Brothers, put positive energy on the public screen! 】


May 11th.

Sao Paulo CB LOL Studio!

TSM team lounge.

"Let us congratulate the SKT team for defeating the GAM team and winning their first victory in this MSI!"

The impassioned voice of the commentator came from the screen, and the audience cheered. The big devil Faker stood up calmly, seemingly without any emotional ups and downs because of the victory in a game.

"Oh...skt is in really good shape. We will play them in the first game tomorrow. I'm a little nervous just thinking about it."

After hearing what top laner Hauntzer said, mid laner Bjergsen smiled and joked:

"Why are you thinking about tomorrow's game? Aren't you nervous about the next game against an LPL team?"

"Are you talking about snake's team?"

ADC player Wildturtle Yegui Ge said: "Isn't the LPL this year not ideal? I have never paid attention to this team before. Where is EDG? Where is RNG? I remember there is also WE. These clubs are not the best in the LPL. A strong team?”

Hearing Brother Yegui's words, Bilson shook his head:

"Just because you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they aren't great. If they can't beat the teams you know all the way, how can they come to MSI? Snake is undoubtedly a dark horse in this year's LPL Spring Split, and I checked After looking at the information, I found that the reason why they were so brave in the Spring Split was because their new top laner had not lost a single game since his debut and could carry almost every game. He was suspended for a period of time during the game. Snake's The strength is quite different, and it can be seen that Snake’s top laner is very strong.”

Bilson glanced at his top laner Hauntzer and joked:

"Hauntzer, whether we can win the first game may depend on your performance."

Jungler svebskeren sneered.

"They're just a bunch of yellow-skinned guys. Except for the LCK division, which has some gaming talent in the LPL, what championships have they ever won in the LPL?"

As soon as these words came out, auxiliary player Biofrost's face instantly turned ugly.

Because he is a Canadian-Chinese player.

Bilson frowned and said in a serious tone: "Svebskeren, I have reminded you many times, don't always talk about these racial remarks."

Seeing Bilson warning him, svebskeren shrugged his shoulders, obviously not taking it to heart.


Brother Yegui shouted in an exaggerated tone.

“I was just talking about Snake’s top order, and I saw news about him!”

He glanced at svebskeren with a smile and continued:

"This person cursed you during the interview."


After Song Wen went to Sao Paulo, he didn't post on Weibo for several days because he didn't have any nutritional supplements.

This made his fans anxious.

Seeing that Snake's first game at MSI is finally about to begin, with fans eagerly anticipating it, Song Wen's Weibo finally came out and was updated.


"Hello dear fans and friends, I am in Sao Paulo and have a game coming soon."

"In our traditional Chinese culture, whenever warriors go to war or every happy event, pigs and sheep are killed to add a delicacy to the table."

"I have found a good pig in Sao Paulo and will kill it on time when the game starts. I look forward to all the fans and friends coming."

"By the way, this pig is a white-skinned pig called Svenskeren (only for Svenskeren). I will show off my cooking skills and make a stir-fried white-skinned pig for everyone."

As soon as this Weibo appeared, many people felt a little confused.

[What does hacking this Weibo mean? Why don't you understand? 】

[What white pig? Going abroad to engage in zzqs? It's really embarrassing to be exposed. 】

[No, it’s the cloud audience upstairs, right? Even Svenskeren, the swollen knight, doesn’t know? 】

[Isn’t Svenskeren TSM’s jungler? What does it mean? Do you understand? Please explain in detail. It’s quite urgent to wait online. 】

[Svenskeren changed his account nickname to "xxChingChong" during his preparations for S4 in 2014, and asked his passerby opponents "how is my nickname?" 】

【What is xxChingChong? 】

[Popular science: xxChingChong is a term that mocks English accents and Chinese people’s inaccurate pronunciation. It is now a term used to mock Chinese people. Ching chong refers to the word "Qing Dynasty". Ugly people deliberately imitate the pronunciation of Chinese or Cantonese to make fun of the Chinese. In addition, the Chinese consider themselves the descendants of the dragon. During the Qing Dynasty, they were called "Qing Chong" by foreigners, and their pronunciation was ching chong. 】

[Damn, I can only say that the animal god scolds well! 】

[This wave cannot be called an animal god, the black god is a good scolder! 】

【pattern! ! 】

【great! ! 】

[Brothers, give me all your positive energy on the public screen! ! 】

At the same time, many major league Vs also forwarded Song Wen’s media interviews with foreign media.

Facing the camera, Song Wen still looked humble and said with a smile:

"Svenskeren is a brainless little piglet in my eyes. Today I will make him pay a heavy price for his past words and deeds. I hope he can shrink his head and be a good person after losing the game, otherwise I don't mind letting him Let him experience our Chinese kongfu."

[I feel like hackers in foreign media are not very powerful? Will he be called so harshly in the country? 】

[Is the guy upstairs brainless? Swearing a white-skinned pig in foreign media and waiting to be banned? How can you stir up the white-skinned pig after being banned? 】

[Reasonable, planned, courageous and resourceful! 】

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