What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 367 Square Box Swallowing Star in Parallel Universe

Tony raised his hand:

"Don't interrupt in a hurry, just listen to what Li has to say.

Then he clicked the start button on his chest and put on the Iron Man suit.

Shen Lue emphasized the process again:

“Using instruments to travel through time, which parallel universe you enter is completely random, which means that except for me and Thor, everyone else will most likely be left alone.

"Everyone should be mentally prepared."

Everyone nodded.

"in addition.

“After assimilating yourself from the first parallel universe, you will have the ability to split, and you can turn into two people and act separately, and so on.

“So it was difficult at first.

"When more and more split bodies can act on your behalf, the efficiency will explode exponentially, and you will soon be able to absorb yourself from all parallel universes."

Shen Lue looked at the time:

"Everyone, let's take action!"

Tony Stark's wife - "Pepper Potts" - is responsible for pressing the start button.

She looked at everyone with worried eyes.

Especially Iron Man.

This operation is very special. First of all, the members may be sacrificed in the parallel universe, or they may be reversely assimilated by other selves and completely lose their self-awareness.

Tony hugged her:

"Don't worry, I'm confident that I'm better than those Tony Starks in the parallel world."

Botz held back tears and nodded:

"I see.

"This is the fastest and most efficient way for you to improve your combat effectiveness."

Only in this way can the Avengers successfully resist Thanos.

She pushed the joystick hard:

"Everyone take care."


The parallel universe teleportation machine in the center of the hall bloomed with a faint blue light, which resonated with the watches on the wrists of the members, and the light quickly swallowed everyone.

Boz was the only one left in the huge hall.

She prayed silently:

"Please God bless everyone."

Shen Lue held Sol's strong shoulders and directly used space folding to jump to the boundary of the universe:

"be prepared."

Thor felt his mind go blank.

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of magnificent stardust, mysterious celestial bodies, and countless abstract pictures appeared in front of his eyes, which were completely beyond the scope of his cognition.

"Are we... jumping through the gaps in time and space?"

After he made his judgment, he was even more surprised:


"Your strength is more terrifying than I imagined. Before, I thought you were on the same level as Father God."

Saul was referring to his father:

That is, the former king of Asgard, Odin.

Shen Lue is concentrating on:

"Get ready, it's almost there."


The two felt that their bodies were severely squeezed, and with strong pain, they finally got their feet on the ground.


"The codename of this parallel universe is b346, and its common name is the anime universe."

Shen Lue chose the landing place, which is Asgard in the anime universe.


Thor, the god of thunder, was stunned:

"Li, are you sure you didn't come to the wrong place?"

The Asgard of this anime universe is actually only as big as a yoga ball! There are dazzling cartoon buildings on it, and many little paper figures are walking through the streets.

Not only that.

This universe is not that small either.

With their eyesight, they can even see the boundaries, and the size is estimated to be only the size of the Earth.

Shen Lue called up the introduction information stored in the parallel universe shuttle.

"That's right.

"The b346 anime universe once gave birth to a super civilization. In a super conflict, both sides used dimensionality-reducing weapons unscrupulously.

"Most living things became two-dimensional, and the universe collapsed sharply, becoming what it is now."

Thor stepped forward and stared at this super mini version of Asgard with his big eyes.


People with these thin pieces of paper began to tremble as if facing a powerful enemy.


A tiny arc of electricity flashed across, and a golden paper figure rose into the air. He glared at Thor:

"Who are you?

"Exit Asgard quickly or suffer the consequences!"

Thor didn't pay attention to his warning at all, but instead stretched out his hand and picked it up lightly.

According to the prompts of the shuttle instrument on your wrist:

This is the Thor of the b346 anime world.


Sol smiled innocently: "Isn't this too cute?"

Click! ! !

The Paper God of Thunder fired an arc less than 10cm long and struck Thor hard on the face:

"Stupid outsider!

"How dare you offend me, the King of Asgard!"

Thor's beard instantly emitted black smoke.


In his eyes, this piece of paper thunder suddenly lost its cuteness.

"With your level, you still dare to call yourself the King of Asgard? It seems necessary to let you know what a true God of Thunder is."

Sol pinched his fingertips.

Bah la la~

Electricity spread throughout the paper thunder god's body, and the edges of its originally golden body became scorched black, and there was a faint smell of burning.

Paper Thor lowered his head feebly.

It was stunned.

Sol asked: "Is this okay?"

Shen nodded slightly:

"As long as it no longer resists, just use the particle micro-entangler to assimilate it with you."

The device on Thor's wrist emits a beam of light.

A flash of white light.

Paper Thor simply disappeared and was completely erased from this anime universe.

Thor closed his eyes:


"My energy level seems to have increased a lot in that moment!"

He couldn't help but get excited.

This is just me who has assimilated a low-level parallel universe. If I could assimilate them all, the ultimate strength would be unimaginable!


There is hope to fight against Thanos!

Thor asked: "Li, should we find you in the parallel world?"

Shen nodded slightly:

"I've started looking."

His consciousness spread directly throughout the entire anime universe. Since the area here is very small, he quickly locked onto Galactus:

"found it!"

He grabbed Thor's shoulders and appeared on the other side of the universe in an instant.


There was a sound like chewing an apple.

Sol and Shen Lue looked at it together.

I saw a fat square box of paper, its mouth opening and closing to swallow "asteroids" that looked like footballs.

Thor's eyes widened:


"What the hell is this?"

He never expected that Shen Lue from the parallel universe would be such a strange thing.

Because everything in the anime universe is too abstract, Thor failed to associate the small square box with Galactus.

Thor was just curious and wondering now.

Shen slightly scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Eat, eat, eat, just know how to eat..."

Fanghe Tunxing sensed someone appearing behind him and quickly turned around.

When it saw Shen Lue, it was so frightened that it almost burst open on the spot:


"You are from Universe 616..."

Although he has been reduced to his current appearance after the cosmic catastrophe, Fang Hexengxing is still considered a god of the universe, and he immediately realized what Shen Lue wanted to do.


It quickly dropped the asteroid and rolled its body to get away.

However, it is too weak.

Shen Lue stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air, tightly restraining the square box swallowing the star. Then the assimilation instrument on his wrist flashed with white light, and the small box was erased.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of energy entered Shen Lue's body out of thin air.


"Victory in the first battle."

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