What is the experience of simulating a fairy?

Chapter 378 The surprise of finding something!

After hearing Shen Lue's analysis, OAA conducted in-depth research from this perspective.

He even personally visited more than 1,000 low-level cosmic civilizations, played more than 30,000 games, and came to the final conclusion: Death is right!

Games designed for residents of low-level civilizations generally have repetitive routines.

Basically, do tasks and become stronger. Do tasks and become stronger...

The players he is looking for must also have similar characteristics.

OAA asked seriously:

"What is your ultimate goal?"

Thanos paused and said firmly: "Become the top being in the almighty universe."

Only in this way can it be recognized by death.

He is not worried that saying this will arouse the fear of OAA.

Anyway, He is invincible and supreme, and no matter what efforts I make, I cannot surpass Him.

OAA's brows frowned more and more:

From the weakest to the strongest, perfectly fits the player’s characteristics√

He continued to ask: "Thanos, don't you feel that your speed of getting stronger is a bit too fast?"

Thanos disagrees:

"Because destiny is on my side."

It is easier to obtain advanced props than NPC, which perfectly suits the characteristics of players√

Look into the almighty universe.

There is no one who fits the characteristics of the players better than Purple Sweet Potato Essence, and the suspiciousness index ranks first.

All the expressions on OAA's face fell into silence:


"By revealing your identity so brazenly, do you think I can't do anything to you, or have you prepared special measures?"

In His opinion.

The Thanos in front of him has already exploded, acquiescing that he is that player.

But such a laid-back attitude confused OAA:

Isn't he afraid?

OAA's original plan was to find and hijack the consciousness of game players, then relieve the data congestion of the copy, and negotiate directly with game developers.

If you don't stop controlling the copy, then vote!

But this plan has serious shortcomings:

That's one chance.

The moment the copy congestion is relieved, the game developer will regain control of the copy, and the time left for him may be less than a ten thousandth of a second.

What if the target of the kidnapping is wrong...

All efforts were in vain.

OAA stared at Thanos with burning eyes:

"Why do you dare to be so arrogant?

"Is it because you think I don't dare to take this gamble?"

Thanos was completely confused:


What on earth is this supreme being talking to me about? Why did I become less and less understandable later on?

However, OAA has gone away:

"I will find enough flaws in you.

"Then take action..."

Looking at the old man walking away, Thanos touched his shiny purple forehead:


Forget it, the Supreme Being of the Almighty Universe should not deliberately target me.

I'd better contact death first.


He breathed a sigh of relief:

"Speaking of which, I have been actively contacting Death for such a long time, but He has hardly ever taken the initiative to find me."

Ziya Jing felt melancholy for a moment.

He recited prayers and connected with death.

On Earth in the 616 universe, Shen Lue is on vacation on the beach, holding a glass of orange juice in his hand.

This time is very leisurely.

Without Thanos, the ultimate villain, the entire universe has become peaceful.

OAA still seems to be looking for gamers.

But it looks like there's no progress.

Just as he was about to go surfing in the sea, a familiar prayer suddenly sounded in his ears.

"It's purple sweet potato essence!"


The bait is salty and the hook is straight. I would rather have it finally delivered~

Shen Lue quickly opened the simulated fairy control interface, sat on the skeleton throne of the God of Death, and appeared in front of Thanos.


"I survived, I'm not dead yet."

Purple Sweet Potato Essence looked extremely excited.

But he soon realized that what he just said was completely unnecessary.

Death controls life and death. He must know clearly whether I am alive or not. Thinking of this, Thanos becomes even more melancholy. Death clearly knows that I am still alive...

But he didn't care at all.

Don't listen or ask.

Of course this is not His problem, it is mine!

It was me who failed to deal with the 616 Universe Galactus who dared to covet Him, but instead allowed Galactus to evolve into the Ultimate Galactus!

It's all my fault!

So Thanos' tone became more humble:

"Death, I'm sorry...

"I didn't complete the task you gave me. Logically speaking, I don't have the right to see you again.

"But please give me a chance."

Although he does not have the Heart of the Universe, there is no shortage of powerful artifacts in the Almighty Universe. There are many ways to improve his strength. Sooner or later he will make a comeback.


Shen slightly cleared his throat:

"It's true that you are useless."

Thanos lowered his head in shame.

But he quickly changed the topic: "But there were many accidents involved in this incident. The final failure cannot be completely blamed on you. I can give you other opportunities."

Thanos’ eyes lit up:

"You speak."

Shen Lue paused for a moment, and then said something shocking:

"I will give you a kill list, which includes the Living Tribunal, Franklin Childs, and the Phoenix Force host of the Ultimate Universe...

"I need you to hunt these people."

Thanos' eyes widened and he almost thought he heard wrongly: "Huh? This..."

These people all have great reputations in the Almighty Universe!

Even surpassing the five creation gods!

Isn't death no longer satisfied with taking the lives of ordinary people and aiming at the level of the gods of the universe?

He hesitated to agree.

With his current strength, any opponent he faced would end up in ashes.

It is estimated that even the soul cannot reach the kingdom of death.

Shen Lue saw that he didn't say a word, and his attitude became aggressive:

"Since you failed once.

"Of course it will be repaid at a more serious price. You should be able to understand this rule, and you must understand it."

In fact, Shen Lue had no interest in the people on the list.

This was done entirely to deceive OAA.

Just imagine:

A person who grows rapidly, does whatever he wants in the omnipotent universe, is keen on constantly provoking various world bosses, and can finally win...

Who could be more like a player than such a person?

Thanos gritted his teeth and finally nodded with difficulty:

"I can do it...

"But it may take a long time."

After all, he lost the Heart of the Universe and needed to find a new source of power.

Shen slightly shook his head:


He opened his palm, and the radiant heart of the universe appeared in his palm.

Thanos was suddenly stunned:

How could the heart of the universe be here in death?

"Don't be surprised. I personally killed the Ultimate Galactus and then got the Heart of the Universe. It's of no use leaving it here. I'll leave it to you." Shen Lue said nonsense.

He waved his hand.

The Heart of the Universe appeared in front of Thanos through the gift system.


The purple sweet potato spirit swallowed.

His heart was filled with the joy of finding something.

Of course, what's more important than this is that death has not given up on me. He still allows me to do some things... that make Him happy!

He put it away carefully, and at the same time he was more in awe of Shen Lue:

Kill Galactus and have no interest in the Heart of the Universe...

It seems that the level of death is much higher than I imagined!

Thanos raised his head:

"Death, I will hunt the people on the list right away...


"I'll go now!"

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