Stark Industries Building.

Shen Lue told the Avengers members about his upcoming departure.


Tony Stark, who was working, heard that he was leaving and turned around in surprise:

"Why did you leave suddenly?"

Spider-Man Peter Parker is also here, preparing to take away the new spider alloy suit Tony gave him. He is also surprised: "Lee, where are you going?"

Shen Lue made up a random location:

"The boundary of the omnipotent universe, z9999 universe."


The two were shocked. The z9999 universe has always existed only in legends. It is said that it is the focus of the omnipotent universe and is completely composed of pure antimatter.

Anything that enters there will be instantly offset and annihilated.

Not even the gods of the universe dare to set foot there easily.

Although it is all hearsay, according to the research of modern astronomy and cosmic physics, this terrifying z9999 is likely to exist, and it is even more terrifying than imagined.

Tony's expression became serious:

"Why...why do you want to go to a place like that?"

Shen Lue continued to make nonsense:

"I have a friend who wandered in there by mistake and is now surrounded by antimatter creatures. I have to rescue him."

"Can we help?"

"No, only I can enter the z9999 universe, and you will be in danger."

Spider-Man Peter Parker is a little disappointed:

"That's it..."

On the contrary, Tony told Peter with relief:

"The places in the Almighty Universe that need to be protected are far more than just the Earth."

He patted Shen Lue on the shoulder:

"Go and come back safely.

"good luck!"

Shen nodded slightly and disappeared into Tony's office.

New York City, Holy of Holies.

This is where Doctor Strange lives.

Although the earth is relatively peaceful for a short period of time, Dr. Strange still needs to be stationed in a reasonable place to prevent attacks from the magic side.

Shen Lue landed inside.


Doctor Strange was immediately alert and used space magic to come to him.


The dark red magic cloak flew out and wrapped around Shen Lue's arm.


He stretched out his hand, and the magic cloak was stopped, falling lightly into his palm.

Strange blinked:

"Li? So it's you."

Shen Lue threw his cloak back.

Then he looked around. The Holy of Holies was dimly lit and had a medieval British architectural style. Although it was not extremely grand, it exuded an air of elegance.

"Dr. Strange, I may have to travel far this time.

"I have a surprise for you before I leave."

Strange stretched out his hand, used space magic to capture a cup of fragrant English milk tea and handed it over:

"Travelling? Where are you going?"

Shen slightly smiled:

It's okay, the first question is where I am going, not what I want to give you.

Strange seemed to read his thoughts:

"Of course, I don't mind if you tell me what the so-called surprise is by the way."

Shen Lue put down the milk tea:

“It’s to go to other universes to help friends.

"As for the your Eye of Agamotto unusable?"

Strange lowered his head.

He recited a spell and opened the golden eye pendant hanging on his chest. It was empty, and the time stone had long since disappeared.

"That's right.

"The time stone was broken for unknown reasons."

His eyes were a little depressed.

As the supreme being of this generation, it is his lifelong mission to protect the original stone of time, but it was mysteriously broken.

Shen Lue was not surprised.

The "Eternal God" who was in charge of time at that time was killed by Thanos. The original time stone lost its power support and would naturally fail.

When planning to recover the data, I did not pay attention to this detail.

Shen Lue raised his hand.

Pinch your index finger and thumb together.


A translucent rough stone emitting emerald green light appeared. Beside it, the powerful energy caused obvious distortions in the surrounding space and time.

He created a rough time stone on the spot.

Strange's eyes widened:

"Here, how did you recover?!"

"Keep it secret."

After letting the time stone fly back to the Eye of Agamotto, Shen Lue waved his hand:

"Doctor, time is tight.

"I won't stay any longer."

Before Strange could say hello, Shen Lue had disappeared from the Holy of Holies.

An upscale apartment in New York City.

The hospital is on vacation and Janata is eating snacks.

However, her expression was not pleasant, and she looked like she was frowning.

Shen Lue appeared in the room.

Ganata raised her head, and after seeing Shen Lue, her eyes were blank for a moment, and she even stopped chewing the food in her mouth:

"Old, Dad?"

Shen Lue looked at her:

"Why, why do you look so sad while eating?"

What Ganata was eating was not an ordinary snack, but planet biscuits compressed from the highest quality planet fragments in the food production room of the Galactus Battleship.


Ganata suddenly rushed over with tears streaming down her face and gave Shen Lue a big hug:

"Dad...I thought you wouldn't come back!


"The biscuits you produce are really terrible, oooooo~"


Shen Lue wanted to say goodbye to her as if nothing had happened, but he didn't expect Ganata's reaction to be so intense, as if she knew what happened before the data was restored.

He asked tentatively:

"Why do you say that? I will definitely come back?"


Ganata pouted:

"I am also considered a cosmic god. I can still remember everything that happened before the destruction of the almighty universe. Don't think you can fool me!


"Actually, he is the player in the Almighty Universe. Death is also your account, right?"

Since the data of the Marvel copy is too large, the planner only made a rough restoration.

So there are still small loopholes.

For example, many of the memories of cosmic gods like Ganata are not reset.

Shen slightly raised his eyebrows:

"Then...what do you think?"

Ganata shrugged indifferently:

"What can I say...

"If I have to ask, it was when you played against OAA, it was so shocking!" She said, giving a serious thumbs up.

She is very smart though.

But I have no interest in studying the profound philosophical issues of God. Regardless of who controls the almighty universe, the joy of eating is the most important thing.

Shen slightly nodded with satisfaction:

“If you think about it, that’s definitely the best thing.

"Besides, as a player...

"I may have to return to real life for a while."

Ganata unexpectedly expressed understanding:

"I see.

"But... since you are a player, it should be okay to come back often, right?"

Shen slightly nodded: "Okay."

After promising to have Galactus produce more delicious food for her in the future, he left the apartment.

Walking on the streets of New York City, Shen Lue was ready to quit the game.

"Here, let's take a picture!"

In a corner of Times Square, there was a roaring voice, which sounded familiar.

"Take a photo with the powerful and kind Titan Thanos for only five dollars!"

Shen Lue turned around and looked:

"Ah? This..."

Purple sweet potato essence!

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