Seeing the old man drinking, Qin Yuan laughed three times and asked him, "Senior, have you ever experienced life and death in your experience? Have you ever seen the sunset at dusk?"

The old man opened his eyes, and then laughed in the same way, "Naturally I have experienced it, naturally I have seen it!"

"Haha, that's your heroism!"

"Why, say it!"

Qin Yuan took a mouthful of turbid wine, looked at the setting sun, and said loudly, "While swallowing the wind and kissing the rain and burying the sunset, the seniors have never hesitated. Bullying the mountains and driving the sea to practice snow trails, the seniors have not despaired. He refuses to bury that son and daughter! With such a temperament, why is the senior not a person with great pride?"

Hearing the words, the old man was shocked all over, only to feel a long breath that had been accumulated in his heart for many years rushing to the top.

What did the boy say! After life and death, the old man still loves his senior sister deeply for 70 years, how can he not be a man of great pride?

How many people in the world can compare with this old man's temperament?

It's just that those words are a bit awkward, how do you say it?

"Come on," Qin Yuan raised the wine jar again and said loudly to the old man, "Come on, the cup is full of bitter wine, no one should come to block it today! The flowers are too fragrant, the flowers are too fragrant, the flowers are dead and the flowers are impermanent!"

Hearing this, the old man burst out laughing, "What a romantic, drink!"

Gudonggudong, the two took a long sip of wine, the wine slipped from the corners of their mouths, and wet their clothes, but no one cared.

Qin Yuan said again, "Senior, can I borrow your long sword?"

The old man laughed, "Why not, come with the sword!"

With a roar, a long sword fell from the sky and fell into Qin Yuan's hands in a timely manner.

Qin Yuan held the sword, drinking and dancing wildly under the blood-like setting sun.

"My sword, where should I go, love and hate are hard to choose! I'm drunk, I'm hazy, grace and resentment are illusions and emptiness! Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, I wish we could meet, love is in a hurry, hate is in a hurry, everything is in a hurry With the wind!"

With the sword qi, I saw the wind blowing from the ground, the leaves flying, rolling up the inexhaustible unrestrained pride!

In the distance, a slender figure was lying on top of a boulder, staring blankly at all this.

In those eyes that were as clear as a pool, the autumn water was full of waves, and the waves were slightly rising.

The pretty face that was pale because of the injury suddenly had some blood, and it was soft and ruddy.

"Little Qinzi..."

Su Ruoyi murmured in her heart.

At this time, the old man's sense of drinking became more and more, and he summoned a long sword to dance with Qin Yuan.

"Haha, boy, drink again, dance again, and recite poetry again!"

"Hahaha, what's so difficult about this! Senior, have you ever seen the surging river and the vast mist?"

"The old man has traveled countless times to find the fairy, how could he not have seen it?"

"Then have you ever seen a long smile in the sea?"

"How can the sea laugh, come on!"

"Hahaha!" Qin Yuan laughed loudly, then picked up his long sword, drawn a sword light like a rainbow, and said, "A laugh from the sea, the tides on both sides of the strait, the ups and downs follow the waves to remember the present! The sky laughs, there are tides in the world, who is the loser Who knows better than heaven! Senior, how much pride do you have left?"

"The pride of the old man is still infinite!"

"Haha, the pride of the younger generation, but now there is only one side of the sky left, a night photo!"

After saying that, the long sword suddenly slashed, and the sword qi roared out, and rushed to the top of a boulder by the lake, only to hear a rumbling sound, the boulder burst open, and countless debris flew up.

"Good swordsmanship!" The old man praised, and then he held his sword and danced. Suddenly, the air was filled with sword energy, the wind was surging, and the lake suddenly trembled wildly. A wild wave with a height of dozens of feet exploded, and the lake was directly divided into two!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Under the setting sun, the two figures let out a long laugh, the laughter pierced the sunset and shot straight into the sky!

At this point, the wine in the jar is dry!

Throwing the wine jar to the ground, Qin Yuan asked the old man, "Senior, now you know, what is pride?"

The old man smiled and said, "Haha, a pot of wine, a little friend, is pride!"

After that, he put aside the wine jar, pulled Qin Yuan to sit on the ground again, and said in a low voice, "Little friend, it is inconvenient for you to say those words and the poem at the beginning..."

Qin Yuan waved his hand and said, "Convenient! As long as I can help senior, I will copy it down with you."

I thought to myself, Chai Mang copied all the famous ancient poems, and he also won the title of "Wen Sheng", known as Wen Sheng Wu Xian, the first in all ages.

Can you copy the lyrics yourself?

Moreover, he is more embarrassing than him. One is not to publish it publicly, and the other is to say that he wrote it himself, just to help this old man who has been single for more than 80 years to win the heart of beauty, is it a merit?

The old man immediately grinned, "Great, great!"

After thinking for a while, Qin Yuan said again, "However, seniors should remember it at that time, and don't do it deliberately."

"Why deliberately?"

"It's just that if the senior can't go up, it's a recitation. At least you need to drink a little wine with her first, and then reminisce some past events. After the emotions are set up, it is best to get up and hold the wine for a long time."

The old man nodded abruptly, "Exactly what he said!"

Hurala, dozens of golden lights burst out instantly from the top of the head!

Qin Yuan was stunned to see it.

Good guy, this is the energy that spews out of being single for more than 80 years!

Immediately, the body is full of upright energy!

You can go up to rank four!

The old man took out a pen and paper from his Nashi, and Qin Yuan quickly copied down the lyrics and verses that he had just used and gave them to him.

After carefully putting away the things, the old man finally said, "Okay, little friend, I can tell you about the three-point immortal energy."

Qin Yuan's mood was immediately shocked and he said, "Senior, please speak."

"Five hundred years ago, when Sword Immortal Chai Mang became immortal, he left eighteen fairy spirits, one of which was this carp."

"This...what are the Eighteen Fairies?"

"Poured into the immortal energy of Chai Mang. If you get it, you can cultivate the way of immortality! Today in the world, the spiritual energy is weak and the demonic energy is full of evil spirits, which is no longer the same as it was in the past. If there is no such thing, if a first-rank cultivator wants to break through the void and enter the transcendent state, there is no possibility at all. ."

When Qin Yuan heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Good guy, do you really have the idea of ​​becoming an immortal?

The old man twisted his beard and continued to say, "Cai Mang left twelve fairy spirits in the past, the original intention was to let the descendants of the Chai family have the opportunity to become immortals. However, this move may be against the law of heaven, when he flew into the sky. After that the place where these twelve fairy spirits were kept in captivity was suddenly hit by thunder, breaking the barrier set up by Chai Mang, and these fairy spirits took the opportunity to escape without a trace.

However, in the past few decades, for some reason, the demon realm has flourished. And these fairies can also reappear in the world. The Great Emperor's visit this time was called to observe the sentiments of the people, but he was actually looking for these fairies.

At present, there are already six known to have obtained fairy spirits, and including your little friend, there are already seven. "

Hearing this, Qin Yuan asked curiously, "Dare to ask senior, have you already obtained it?"

"Haha," the old man smiled lightly, "Old man, it's the sixth one."

Hearing the words, Qin Yuan pondered for a while, and then asked, "Then, may I ask if the six of you know each other?"

"You don't have to be nervous, little friend!" The old man smiled again, "We are all just first acquainted with the spirit of immortality, and there are not many rules or old rules to follow. Therefore, it is the right policy to support each other and share with each other. The way to seek immortality is full of thorns. , and his becoming an immortal does not mistake me for becoming an immortal, based on this, the six of us formed a 'immortal search club'."

"Finding Immortals?"

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