What kind of job does such a dish play? Go home and raise pigs

Chapter 161 Power of sudden death, three stages! [Second update, five thousand]

In the chilling canyon, K1, after taking the baron, decided to advance in the middle.

This is Xu Ruoguang's choice, and he has already made his choice.

Procrastination will be harmful rather than beneficial to K1, and it is necessary to end the game as soon as possible during the strong period.

It's like falling in love, the atmosphere is all set to this point, if you don't directly A, what if they become sober and refuse to agree to you?

For heroes like Cannon Calista, the rhythm cannot be interrupted. As long as it is interrupted once, the game will become very difficult to play.

At this time, K1 has the greatest advantage and the most momentum, and must win the game in one go.

EDG is waiting in front of the high ground. It is impossible for them to let K1 easily push down the high ground tower.

"Klein is going to charge later, Meiko just watch!"

Pawn said loudly, with unyielding faith in his eyes.

His Victor finally got a two-piece set.

More than 20 minutes, this development is definitely not qualified in the professional game.


There is a chance.

A Victor who was crazily scratched, this development is really exaggerated.

As long as we divide the battlefield and keep Sivir who is not flashing, then...

Can win!

pawn, so believe it.

Although the second seed can also go to the World Championship, sorry, I want to be the first.

This is his pride as the S4 champion mid laner.

Deft is under unprecedented pressure. The veins in his hand holding the mouse are faintly visible. He holds it firmly, as if holding his own future.

If you can't pass K1, how dare you look forward to the World Championship! ?

Sivir's position is very late, and he doesn't even have the intention of using W to go to A's pawn. It all depends on Q and pawn's E to clear pawns.

However, the dragon buff will strengthen minions, and the pawn's damage cannot be cleared all at once.

No, if this continues, it will be worn off directly.

"Let me drive!"

Meiko suddenly said.

He is in a hurry.

Once the highland tower falls, there is no way to fight.

In S7, meiko was named the most bloody player in EDG, which is not for nothing.

"I open!"

Ming Kai, who had been silent for a long time and hadn't spoken, spoke.

"I'm coming, pay attention to me R."

His voice was a little hoarse, but the firmness in it was something Meiko had never heard before.

Even when K1 is advancing, it still maintains a very perfect formation.

Ah Shui, who has always been impulsive, did not go up Tower A despite Xu Ruoguang's constant warning signals and the sound of restraint in his voice.

"You dare to A? Don't die? Don't die in front of me."

"Stand back, stand back, stand next to the scout!"

"Don't be a soldier, let's come to the front row!"

Xu Ruoguang spoke bluntly.

This kind of thing is what the front row needs to do.

In K1, Ah Shui doesn't need much output.

He only needs to do what AD should do, and Xu Ruoguang will output the environment for him.

Ah Shui frowned, and pushed behind everyone,

At this moment, Ming Kai, the team started!

He hid in the blind spot of the high ground, waiting for the opportunity.

K1's vision of Kamikochi was blocked by EDG several times, and their defense was extremely firm.

And now...

Here comes the opportunity!

Ah Shui retreated, but because the soldier was stuck, the model of the skateboard shoes moved forward a little distance.

At this moment, Xu Ruoguang's pupils shrank, and he handed it over without hesitation!

Almost at the same time, the wine barrel on the high ground, E flashed down!

Kled, staggered from being hit by the barrel.


Xu Ruoguang roared.

After all, it was a beat slower.

Ah Shui, a little too relaxed!

Even though Ming Kai's E flash was blocked by Xu Ruoguang's flash, Ming Kai started the group with the determination to die, so why would he hesitate at this moment! ?

Big move, blast the barrel!

Ah Shui's skateboard shoes were blown into the high ground of EDG uncontrollably!

"Skateboard shoes are second! Ah Shui made a huge mistake!"

"This wave of team battles, could it be said!?"

The exclamation sounded from the commentary, accompanied by the sound of Sivir starting his ultimate move.

Four hits five, can't fight anymore!

Xu Ruoguang didn't pursue Ah Shui's mistake at this moment, this is not the time.

"Go go go go go go!"

He roared anxiously.

K1 wanted to retreat, but Sivir's group accelerated, too much!

The pawn was even about to smile.


You've finally made a move!


Backstage, Abu stood up abruptly, clenched his fists and shouted.

Here comes the opportunity!

Sivir, who was in his early years, beat Xu Ruoguang without pain or itching, but Enchantress and Spider couldn't handle it.

Sivir was originally a hero who hit the front row and melted the back row.

Almost instantly, with pawn Victor's ultimate move, K1's Nakano almost melted instantly.

If it weren't for one with a hanging wire and one with a phantom shadow, K1 would instantly reduce its staff.

But even so, Nakano's blood is almost useless.

Can't get away!

Xu Ruoguang clearly realized this without any hesitation.

Klein's R skill is activated, reverse charge!

The target was directed at Sivir.

But what is the use now?

Xu Ruoguang knew that he couldn't kill Sivir.

With the protection of Braum and Barrel Viktor, it is almost impossible for Sivir to die.

However, if he doesn't look back, K1 will be wiped out!

Kled's equipment was really good enough, so good that he almost cut off Sivir even in the heavy siege, and so good that he resisted all damage for a full five seconds.

However, it was not cut off after all.

The last thing Xu Ruoguang can do is to find ways to give his head to Nosuke.

However, it still hasn't been delivered.

Victor, got the head!

EDG took advantage of the opportunity to find an opportunity to deal with the pawn line and made all the vision.

The originally difficult pawn line situation improved instantly.

In this wave, the economy directly caught up with a big bite!

Although there is no exaggerated bounty of 1,000 rice in the future, even so, the loss of Kled's death is still immeasurable.

K1, began to fall into an embarrassing situation.

push? Can't push it away!

Sivir and Victor's equipment is getting better and better, and they are dealing with the line too quickly.

drag? You can't win.

How could it be possible for the Skateboard Demon Girl to be better than Sivir Victor in the later stage.

The economy was directly pulled back to the lead of around 3,000.

Dalong Bai didn't say anything, but gave EDG a big mouthful.

At this time, Ah Shui, who was the chief culprit, was ashamed.

"sorry Sorry."

His face was a little pale, with self-blame visible to the naked eye.

"Now is not the time to talk about that, we haven't lost yet."

Xu Ruoguang's cold voice sounded,

"Let's talk after we get off the stage, finish the game first, listen to my instructions, don't make mistakes, you still have a chance to redeem, Bozi."

What can Ah Shui say?

I can only nod.

"It's just a wave of losses, it's good to fight back."

"Wang, turn on the scan more, we will find a way to get rid of the field of view in the wild!"

"Scout, seize the opportunity and try to steal a set of C positions on the opposite side!"

"Xiaoping, protect Ah Shui, how bad is Ah Shui's hurricane?"

"Eight hundred."

Ah Shui said quickly.

"Okay, eat the center line, be careful, the opponent does not dodge, don't commit crimes."

Xu Ruoguang abandoned all distracting thoughts, and directly began to concentrate on directing.

He didn't hold on to Ah Shui's mistakes, and he didn't say any nonsense.

Everything, wait until the fight is over.

His attitude made K1, who was a little restless after losing the group, regain a lot of calmness.

As long as Xu Ruoguang doesn't panic, K1's command will never go wrong.

Backstage in the K1 lounge, kkoma also focused on the development of the next game.

It cannot be said that it is commonplace in K1 to send Ah Shui, at least it happens from time to time.

For kkoma, this thing is very criminal, but not so criminal.

Because Ah Shui is indeed only in the first year, it is normal that the rank habit cannot be changed.

K1 is not a team that plays four guarantees and one. In most cases, just give it away, and the output can be played out.

kkoma has very low requirements for Ah Shui.

Moreover, Ah Shui has been improving in the summer season, and this is the first time he has such a problem this season.


This wave is really big.

Only send the key?

Kkoma thought of this sentence inexplicably.

kkoma is already planning to have a good talk with him.

There is still a long time before the World Championship, and there is time.

Moreover, K1 also has this patience, waiting for Ah Shui to get better.

"They will be chaotic. Next, we can reverse the wave in the middle."

What pawn said was very firm.

He has never seen those dark horse teams that can hold back after the rhythm breaks.

But Ming Kai has a different opinion.

"No, they will hold on because they have Xu Ruoguang."

Ming Kai said in a deep voice.

Xu Ruoguang?

Pawn was startled, then nodded immediately.


His admiration for Xu Ruoguang is now deeply rooted.

If other players can't do it, then Xu Ruoguang can definitely do it.

It's not because he is also Guangza, it's purely because he has fought too much.

Your opponents sometimes know you better than yourself.

EDG was methodical and began to operate.

There are dual cores in the late stage, and the economy has also recovered a lot through team battles. They played very calmly.

"K1 is dangerous now. EDG's C position is almost replenished, and team battles are no longer easy to fight."

"Ah Shui's position is too strange. Was he blocked by a soldier? Flash didn't hand it over. It's too criminal."

"It was supposed to be K1's draw. Could it be that Kled, who is so fat, can't even win the game?"

The commentary was originally not so direct in order to avoid the rhythm, but the upper wave sent too much.

The commentary looks silly.

You know, Ming Kai's E flash was blocked by Xu Ruoguang's flash, and the skateboard shoes had every chance to hand over the flash.

But he just didn't pay.

This is so sick.

"What's the situation with Ah Shui? We've secured a summer split, and now it's starting, right?"

"This AD is really Sima, he can walk from that position."

"What is Ah Shui doing? Is he in such a bad state?"

"It's reasonable. You deft gave it first. It doesn't hurt if you deft the first one and give me the second one!"

"It's reasonable to send it too much. It's reasonable to go to your father's dermatitis."

The barrage directly arrested Ah Shui.

They don't need to play games, and now they don't need to go through the procedure, just start scolding!

As for Xu Ruoguang, he chose single belt.

For a top laner, there is nothing that a single belt can't solve.

If so, take it to death.

K1 team battles are weak visible to the naked eye, so don't fight at all.

In a popular sense, the saying with a relatively high EQ is that Xu Ruoguang has to be operated in a Korean style.

A little bit of low EQ is stealing.

As long as Sivir appeared in the field of vision, he immediately took it forward,

The first goal is to climb the tower!

"Whose defense tower is this? No one asked me to take it away."

This pawn can bear it! ?

Immediately call a cart of bakers to arrest Xu Ruoguang.

But, no use!

It's too easy for a Kled to leave.

Open an R and slip directly, EDG has no chance at all.

EDG saw his plan, stopped pretending, and had a showdown.

They asked pawn to defend the high ground and push K1's outer tower head-on.

For the economy?

Then change it.

Can I be afraid of you in the late stage?

Xu Ruoguang knew that changing the economy was not a loss for EDG. It was too difficult to win with a single belt in this game, and Sivir cleared troops too quickly, so he didn't have the ability.

But, who said that the tower is for the single belt?

After demolishing the second tower on the top road, Xu Ruoguang walked towards the Ueno area of ​​EDG.

EDG immediately sent a signal, and Sivir, who was protecting Deft, came over to see if Red was still there.

But they didn't know that Xu Ruoguang turned on the scan and went back to the autistic grass on the EDG side of the top road.

The fourth little dragon, brushed.

EDG won without any suspense, and pawn chose t to go to the top lane to clear the line.

And the moment he landed, Xu Ruoguang, who found Bron and Sivir among them, activated his big move!

"I'm rushing towards Victor, and I'm holding Sivir head-on!"


The scouts started harassing Sivir, preventing him from going up.

Kled is almost four pieces now.

The three-phase giant nine black cut ghost cloak, the output is full.

Pawn never thought that this person is actually here.

He thought Xu Ruoguang used tp to see Xiaolong.

Therefore, when he saw Kret rushing over aggressively, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious.

Kled, rush to the tower!

Ming Kai appeared, and the big move was blown up!

"When I don't exist?!"

Xu Ruoguang smiled slightly,

"Thank you for the old iron barrel!"

Kled moved forward and was blown right in front of the pawn!

Pawn surrenders Blink, but Kled still has E!

The Q skill accurately predicts the position of the pawn, and cuts!

"It's Emperor's singles again, this wave of opportunities is very good, the bottom lane team can't make it through, can it be said?!"

The commentary was all excited.

This wave is too personal heroism.

As for the South Korean commentator, the position is even more obvious.

"Pawn opened the golden body, but Kled is still resisting!"

"Emperor! Kill me! Kill him!"

The South Korean commentator roared.

Support K1 or EDG?

For Korean commentators, it must be supporting K1.

The reason is simple, K1 defeated SKT, and Emperor is the champion of their division together with SKT!

Anyway, it's half my own person.

As for the pawns?

After S4, go to LPL to retire, it's just an unpatriotic mid laner, only rice in his heart!

Let me tell you a very interesting thing, after S5EDG defeated SKT at MSI, the domestic audience thought it was Mingkai holding pawn's thigh, and the LCK audience thought it was pawn hugging Mingkai's thigh.

It's also hard to hold back.

It can only be said that the LCK audience is really strict with the so-called "traitor" in their definition.

Enthusiasm keeps adding up, without Sivir on the road, a wine barrel can at most harass Xu Ruoguang, and it doesn't even have the ability to threaten him.

When the second-stage E crossed the wine barrel, Ming Kai's E came down, but Xu Ruoguang was not in a hurry, he flashed a knife, and chopped off Victor!

"Victor was caught!"

The South Korean commentator is beaming with joy!

In front of the pawn, the Emperor has become their support object.


They couldn't help cheering him on, applauding him.

In the middle lane, scout almost lost Sivir in seconds.

He is too smart, and the proficiency of the enchantress is too high.

W first cheat E in the past!

Deft didn't dare not pay, he couldn't bet with a enchantress on whether the damage would be enough.

Yan Shuangying came and killed them all.

He dared to bet that there were no bullets in Yao Ji's gun, but Deft didn't dare.

After Sivir E was handed over, scout went back with W first, then flashed R to copy W, and stepped on Sivir's half blood!

Q then E triggers thunder!

The blue electric light flashed along with the green healing light.

If it wasn't for Sivir's fast delivery of treatment, this wave would have died directly!

At this time, the skateboard shoes, which were honestly clearing the line, started.

Without the slightest hesitation, the flicker that was just activated and was useless was used at this time!

Flash QE!


Sivir, dead!

From Ah Shui, attack flash!


Hirano Aya couldn't help shouting.

This flash QE pulls the spear, which is too critical.

Ah Shui showed a relieved expression, and smiled weakly.

To be honest, Ah Shui has just thought about how the netizens will turn into grave diggers and organize his ceremony after losing this game.

So, faced with this situation, Ah Shui chose to...

Call back with your own hands.

If he is really cowardly, then he is not Ah Shui.

The good and bad of this style of play are obvious.

Only when you are at a disadvantage can you see a true hero!

Although the disadvantage is that he sent it out by himself, it is a bit difficult.

The double C was cut to death, and the form of K1 was suddenly reversed!

Two-level reversal!

Abu from the backstage almost didn't come up in one breath, so he can lose! ?

"Deft, deft!"

He hammered the table angrily, and the assistant coach next to him trembled.

You can say that scout played well, but it is also true that deft gave away.

The audience was also dumbfounded.

Today, is it more criminal than the AD on both sides?

There were twists and turns, no one thought that this hand could be played so fiercely.

"It's a classic that's about to come back and die immediately."

"Deft is also someone who wants to be liquidated, I understand."

"Are Ah Shui and Deft blood brothers? They have to take turns to prevent the other party's public opinion from being too bad, right?"

K1 broke two roads. This time, Xu Ruoguang did not rush forward to command a wave, but chose to go home to replenish.

He's about to cheer up.

This time, he didn't hesitate anymore, facing the five EDG players, he charged straight into the battle!

"Emperor rushed in!"

"Sivir has flashed, can this wave create miracles!?"

"No! Deft can't take care of himself, Yao Ji's poke is too flexible when someone is holding it in the front row!"

"Deft is still outputting, deft is not dead yet!"

"Bron was hooked by Aya Hirano, and deft was released!"

"The pawn divides the battlefield, but Xu Ruoguang seems to be in no man's land."

"This Kled is so good at fighting!"

"Ju Jiu keeps splashing, hit him! Hit him!"

"Deft! deft! deft!"


In the LPL commentary, there is a commentary that looks like a mourning concubine,

"Little Peanut Spider took a bite! deft, down!"

What if there is a flash?

It's just that I can stand up to it and do it for you in a flash!

Just leave the rest to your teammates.

Ah Shui's skateboard shoes are now in the last strong period.

This wave began to slide wildly.

Pawn's AOE is already enough to explode, the problem is that no one can protect him anymore, Ming Kai's skills can save him for a while, but cannot save him forever.

With the double C killed every minute, the scout enchantress scored three kills!

"The game is over!"

"Let's congratulate K1! Two to zero, defeated EDG and got the match point!"

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