What kind of job does such a dish play? Go home and raise pigs

Chapter 338: There are so many people in the wild, true and false peanuts!

"Get ready, let's go."

Backstage, Xu Ruoguang picked up the peripherals, stood up quickly, and spoke calmly.


Faker nodded and stood beside him.

IP, complete assembly!

"Finally! After so many days of waiting, Emperor's problem has been resolved, and he can return to the arena he loves."

Although the colonel stuttered a bit in his excited speech, the audience didn't care at all, because their emotions had been completely affected by the young man on stage.

Seeing that familiar figure appear in the player tunnel, he still has such a calm and stable expression.

Some fans' eyes were a little moist.

"it is finally over."

"Seeing Brother Guang instantly felt stable."

"World Championship, your emperor is back!"

Some players are those who can give fans a great sense of peace of mind as soon as they play.

Although Abin played pretty well in the next few games, but when it comes to IP top laners, they only think of one ID, Emperor.

"Finally I can see my favorite Brother Guang again."

In the dark live broadcast room, Zhuzhu Shanniruo licked his lips and smiled.

"Abin? Although Abin is also very strong, he is not the anchor's belief!"

"What does it mean that I recognize Brother Guang as my father? It's not okay for the anchor to express his love, right? You bastards are serious."

Pig said dissatisfied.

"Hehe, the anchor has downloaded a lot this time, right?"

"I laughed. Does the security guard really think that Zhuzhu likes Brother Guang instead of Mi?"

If Shanni was too lazy to take care of it, he stared at the screen tightly.

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, don't make noise, the game is about to start, this is the key."

Looking at Xu Ruoguang who was sitting in the unit on the IP, the Korean commentator's mood went down after a while, and his tone became a lot lower.

With a strong smile,

"Ah, we can see that now IP's starting top laner Emperor has finished the investigation and returned to the game, so today's game may be a bit difficult for KT."

The other Korean commentator was not much better, he reluctantly nodded and smiled,

"Nai, there is no way to do this. I hope KT can perform well and don't let us down."

He didn't even dare to say that KT could win.

"It's okay! It's always going to be fought!"

On KT's side, deft spoke calmly.

He is so brave. Never afraid of difficulties.

This is actually true, if you want to win the championship, you have to fight.

His mind is steady.


Damn it, it's easy for you to talk, and it's not that you are fighting against him!

"The version is different. In this version, the top laner can't do it. Come on, Jing Hao, just stay in line with him."

Coach KT comforted.

Smeb reluctantly nodded and collected himself.

Indeed, this is the S7 World Championship, why is the top laner C?

They are all honestly in the front row, and their ability to influence the situation is not as good as before.

No matter how strong your Emperor is, you have to conform to the version!

If you are not in the front row, your back row will be smashed by our KT.

If you have the ability, you can choose a light-armored fighter, and see if our KT arranges for you, and the job will be over.

BP, let's go!

Kkoma adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, exuding a cold and sharp aura.

Choose a side, and the IP chooses the blue side.

This is an unquestionably advantageous side, because the top three bans of the red side must give a skater.

Kkoma's strange luck once again played a role in this critical round of vying for the first place in the group.

"Wine barrel."

The first move was not aimed at the mid laner, the barrel was moved first.

The fixed-point control of the barrel and the card is very effective in team battles.

The intention is not concealed at all. If you move Galio, I will move cards next. If you don’t move Galio, I’m sorry to give you cards and we can play casually.

KT knew that the IP system was outrageous, so they didn't want to challenge their own weakness, so they directly pressed Galio.

"It's really his style."

Kkoma raised his eyebrows slightly, and pressed the card with his second hand.

In the absence of Silas in the current version, Card is the only mid laner who can compete with Galio in support.

Not to mention the rock sparrow Ryze, the effect of Ryze's ultimate move is much worse than that of Galio, and the rock sparrow is even worse.

Only cards can barely counter Galio.


In the second move, KT chose to target Jackeylove's Xia.

Now the priority of the bottom lane is probably that Xia Luo is greater than Verus Lulu, greater than Mouse Fengnv, greater than Mouse Bull Head, and Xiaopao Bull Head.

Dismantling Xia Luo is a must, and the IP bot lane team will be too difficult to target after getting Xia.

Why is S7 Xia strong? Why are skateboard shoes under one person and above ten thousand people?

Because the life-saving ability is too strong.

In this version, AD has output when he is alive.

"Wind girl."

In the third hand, kkoma removes Fengnv, who is capable of keeping people first-rate.

"Skate shoes."

Needless to say, KT's third hand is basically a fixed move.

Putting on skateboards is tantamount to surrendering.

LGD is still staring at them with unrepentant eyes!

In the first three hands, IP pressed the wine barrel card Fengnv, and KT pressed Galioxia's skate shoes.

The relocation is basically concentrated in the middle and lower fields, and a single ban position on both sides is not taken.

This is normal. After all, what version are you still playing?

Now is the era of team battles.

The priority of the top laner has been lowered too much, and Riot's strategy really works.

If it is the S7 Intercontinental Competition, I am afraid that KT has no choice but to move the Qinggang Yingjianji skateboard shoes, and that is the real deal.

Different versions have different ways of playing. The champion of each World Championship is undoubtedly the strongest team in that version.

Forced to be stronger than anyone else, like Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong.

At most, the dominance can be compared. This is like, whoever loses less will have stronger dominance.


Kkoma thought for a moment, and directly grabbed Verus.

"Deft, can the small cannon play an advantage?"

Coach KT asked.

Deft nodded cautiously, "It should be possible."

Verus is very powerful in combat, and it is really uncomfortable to use the mouse to fight the lane.

The early burst of the small cannon is enough, and it is not particularly difficult to fight in the line, holding a certain amount of initiative.


Coach KT nodded,

"Small cannon, Lulu."

This is a very strong bot lane group, and Lulu said that the version support is no problem.

So, why doesn't kkoma take it?

Because he has already figured out what to use to fight.

"Lo, Ryze."

kkoma said calmly.

The reason for choosing Luo instead of Lulu is simple, kkoma wants the initiative in team battles.

Lulu's protection is stronger, but Luo's R flash W team is also strong.

What kkoma grabs is the initiative.

The first three moves force the opponent to press Galio, the purpose is to get Ryze for faker.

There are no Galio cards, and Ryze's dominance is stronger than that of the rock sparrow.

"Third hand, it is impossible to figure out the jungler, take out your rock sparrow."

Kkoma chuckled, showing an expression that everything was under control.

He is using BP to compress KT's selection route, allowing KT's BP to move with his mood.

KT is really suffering.

Because the priority of the bot lane group is too high, it is impossible not to choose KT in the first round.

But if you choose, you have to face a problem. You can only play mid laners in the third hand, and it is difficult to get jungle heroes.

Coach KT knew that kkoma wanted him to take the mid laner, and even thought that kkoma wanted him to take the rock sparrow.

But he can't help it, he can only take the rock sparrow.

Because the only mid laner with support ability is the plane Twara, it is too difficult for Ryze to use the plane to fight the faker, and the early stage ability of the plane itself is not good enough.

Can only choose rock sparrow.

"Rock sparrow."

No matter how unwilling he was, Coach KT could only exhale slowly and said.

To be honest, if you don't fight with IP, you will never experience this kind of BP pressure.

IP can stand out in every lane, causing KT's BP pressure to be ridiculously high.

People can play any hero, how do you do BP?

Coach KT just wants to avoid disadvantages.

Even knowing that kkoma is manipulating his BP rhythm, he still has nothing to do.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. It's not that his BP ability is really beaten by kkoma, but it's that the hero pools of the two teams are not at the same level.

The game enters the second round!

"Sejuani, Jarvan."

Coach KT's last two bans were almost all aimed at the jungler.

This is his redemption.

Because my own jungler is already suffering, it is difficult to get any useful junglers in the second round.

So coach KT simply broke the game pattern completely.

Won't you give me a useful jungler?

Then stop playing!


Fight your skills, come on!

"Excavator, big tree."

kkoma removed the last version of the jungle excavator in the fourth and fifth moves, and then pressed the big tree that all living beings are equal on the road.

The strength of the big tree is still high, there is no need to release it to increase the difficulty of the early stage.

After smeb suffered a loss, it is impossible to give another chance. Anyway, kkoma has moved enough, it is arrogant.

By the way, beware of the unique score spider and the big tree of smeb.

It's KT's fourth pick.


As expected by kkoma, KT really chose the spider.

This is the hero with the most scores in the summer split, with an astonishing 12 games, and a winning rate of 66.7%, which can be said to be very good.

Little Peanut is gearing up and eager to try.

"Brother, choose that one for me."

The wine barrels of the prince and pig sister are gone, and the pattern of the jungler is different again.

And Little Peanut is also a hero at the bottom of the box.

kkoma nodded slightly,

"give it to you."

He turned to look at Xu Ruoguang next to him,

"Ruoguang, what hero are you going to choose?"

Xu Ruoguang pondered for a while.

This is his first game in the World Championship, and he knows that many viewers may want to watch him play Warrior, even if this version of Warrior is rubbish.

Rationally speaking, another good choice for the road is still out in the current version.

Void fears big bugs, definitely works well.

However, Xu Ruoguang didn't really want to play with this thing.

It's not because he's rebellious, but because he doesn't want to disappoint the audience.

There is no way, warriors are hobbies, swordsmen are life, and big bugs are the jobs of this version.

Then someone may ask, is there any hero choice that has the best of both worlds?

Xu Ruoguang's eyes lit up.

If you want Brother Guang to tell you, there is ~really~ yes!

He looked up and said the hero he wanted to play.

Kkoma's eyes lit up, "This is fine."

He was actually wondering if Xu Ruoguang wanted to play Camille the Sword Princess.

While thinking, I heard Xu Ruoguang's answer.

This hero made kkoma a little surprised, but also a little relieved.

After all, Xu Ruoguang is not a player who only cares about his own appearance.

IP finally took out with both hands.

"Troll, Zack."

Coach KT frowned, troll?

Kind of disgusting.

Originally, playing the big worm in the fifth hand was very cool, but the frankness of the worm without the big tree was exaggerated.

Even if it is Verus, it will take a while to dismantle a normally developed big bug.

Can Verus fight meat? It can be played for sure, but AD does not have the effect of AP, and it still takes a little time.

"Ghost, Zack the troll, this Ueno is about to fly."

"Brother Guang lowered his head a little bit. I thought I was going to bring out Sword Fairy, didn't I dare?"

"Hehe, if you don't wait for the troll, you will definitely be scolded if you lose, right?"

"Que, the troll is fine, it fits the version."

The bullet screen has also been discussed, and generally speaking, it is more supportive of Xu Ruoguang.

This one really can't take the sword girl, the opposite lineup of sword girls can't stand at all.

Just like what some viewers said, don't look at Xu Ruoguang being accused of taking the troll now, if he loses with the sword girl, then the person who said it is really exaggerating.

At that time, it will be "Why is he pretending like this?" "Doubi!" and so on.

"Fear of the Void."

KT thought about it, and still chose the big bug.

Formation of both teams:

Blue Party IP:

top lane troll

Jungle Zack

Mid laner Ryze

Bottom group Verus

Auxiliary Luo.

Red party KT:

top order big bug

wild spider

Middle single rock sparrow

Bottom group Xiaobao and Lulu.

Game start!

The lineups on both sides are very solid, which is also the standard lineup for the S7 World Championship.

It can be said that although coach KT made some mistakes in BP, the heroes he took are still reasonable, and there is no such thing as a laning that cannot be played.

So he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief before stepping down.

No matter how the players play, his BP is no longer a big problem.

# coach status

Such hot searches should not be settled on him.

After entering the game, Smeb skillfully turned off the ID display, and he was relieved to see the name of the Troll King displayed.

Skillful is distressing.

If Xu Ruoguang found out, he would probably laugh out loud and ask a question.

"So much pressure?"

Don't blame smeb, if anyone is beaten from S5 to S7, their mentality will be very difficult to stretch.

After going online, Xu Ruoguang was not in a hurry to change blood.

It's a bit against the sky to exchange blood with Big Chongzi. People's A soldiers can fill up the line with a wave of troops. Before the sixth level, there is basically no chance of solo killing.

No matter how big the bug is, it is basically impossible.

This is not the version after the Conqueror came out, and the effect of enthusiasm is not as strong as the Conqueror.

So what did he do?

One, quickly walked to the pile of soldiers.

Two, dance.

Only make up for the last knife, and the self-discipline ability is full.

The corner of Semb's mouth twitched, seeing this troll jumping with silly steps was really disgusting.

But he held back.

The troll is in the army pile, and if he wants to spend it with E, he will push the wave directly.

Xu Ruoguang from baay!

I am not fooled by you!

Xu Ruoguang didn't care, he still had the ability to smeb, it's impossible that he didn't understand this at all.

But you don't push it, do you?

Then I will push you!

The troll started to push the line, making smeb a little confused for a while.

Why do you control the line and push the line at the same time?

Are you not afraid of me playing wild? Get more of this guy.

"Brother Guang, do you push the line directly? If you go on the road, you may be caught."

Colonel Guan didn't understand.

"Because the bottom lane is very strong, and the top lane needs to distract the jungler."

Miller had an idea and said seriously.

"Brother Guang is a troll, no matter how he catches team battles, it will be effective. If he attracts junglers to come up, the effect will already be there, ensuring the development of the bottom lane."

"It really is."

Colonel Guan thought for a while and nodded.

"He really, I cried to death!"

"Brother Guang, why is he so Asahi?"

"Shuizi put me down hard, let your jungler figure out a way!"

"I can't hold back anymore, what is going on the road, spicy pot?"

"It's a classic self-destruction style of play, pulling the opponent's jungler to self-destruction, right?"

"He's too hot for a team!"

The barrage was startled. Although Brother Guang is sometimes very team-oriented, it is too rare to be able to do this.

Xu Ruoguang is not in a hurry at all, will our IP lose in the double C?

If you come to the jungler, you can come, I don't care.

At this time, IP classic double C has already begun to suppress.

If it is said that Ah Shui, who is in the bottom lane, is still a little restrained, and he is afraid of the early explosion of the small cannon.

Faker didn't treat pawn as a human being a little bit.

To put it bluntly, how does pawn's current state compare with faker who has reached his peak?

And he was still playing Ryze.

If you take off Faker's clothes layer by layer, the last pair of underwear must have Ryze printed on it.

What a 100% success rate enchantress is not as good as his Ryze.

The pressure in the middle is very fierce!

Little Peanut was not idle during this period of time.

Although it is not a strong jungler.

After all, it has been said from the perspective of God.

"Give me a weak jungler, am I fucking weaker than him? Take a weak jungler?"

Note that the weak jungler here is Zac.

But although Zach is weak, S7 is ~really~ no problem.

Because the current version has a field experience compensation mechanism.

Little Peanut's relationship with Xiangguo for so long is not for nothing, there is no need to learn anything else, Xiao Peanut already understands Xiangguo's flattering style of play.

Because he is essentially an offensive jungler.

S6 is famous all over the world, but also the leopard female spider!

His strength is engraved in the bone marrow.

From God's point of view, why did S7 go to SKT's Peanut and couldn't perform?

Because kkoma at that time wanted Xiao Huasheng to be the second bengi, not the first Xiao Huasheng.

After forcibly reversing his style of play, it is devastating to Peanut's ability.

If you let a jungler who plays offense every day to play control maps, in the end, he can only control maps and has no understanding of offensive ability.

Kkoma himself said in the interview, "I feel very guilty for the player Peanut, because I didn't realize his potential, but dragged down his growth. SKT is sorry for him."

Even kkoma felt that he really didn't teach Peanut well, so I'm sorry for him.

He wanted Xiaohua to become a top jungler with both offense and defense, but he didn't know that things like style can't be changed casually, and not every player is a faker.

It is a remarkable thing that faker can transform into a big core again after the fall of the assassin version.

But you can't ask everyone to play like that.

From the perspective of God, the wild core that Ning Wang Xiaotian can't learn is not a style restriction?

Not every drop of milk is a milk deluxe belongs to yes.

So now the group of little peanuts who have a good relationship with Xiangguo have learned a part of Xiangguo's style of play and have mastered it. At this time, they have become like magic weapons whose rust has been wiped off by a whetstone, and have truly become an invincible sharp knife.

What is the specific performance?

In the first five minutes of the game, he was only at the fourth level.

But the opponent's score game can no longer be played.

Being exposed to the vision of IP all the time, the experience is even more backward.

Just force it into your wild area!

It just forces you to have no place to arrest people!

You want to arrest someone? Sorry, not possible.

Score was playing with his eyes, but Zach's frankness in the early stage was not what the spider said, so Score had nothing to do.

"Little Peanut is here!"

"Little Peanut is here again!"

"My God, here he is again!"

"Don't you have your own wild area?"

"Punishment! It's numb, the score is completely numb, I haven't tried this punishment yet! Then I have to talk about the score, why is this game so difficult to play?"

Colonel Guan was dumbfounded.

Take a look at the ID, peanut.

no problem.

Wipe your eyes, huh? mlxg?

This is too tasteful!

Zack can play with spiders like that, but spiders can't.

The hero Spider is playing the early rhythm, and now he can't even move and is completely exposed.

Even if the junglers on both sides exploded, the spider would suffer a blood loss.

The key IP is a three-way push line, and the score does not dare to chase it for too long.

Aggrieved, aggrieved to death!

"It's really useful, thank you Shiyu."

Little Peanut had a great time.

This is what Xiangguo told him, this version of the jungler can really play like this.

The strength of the three routes is the key to the jungle and the jungle.

Pawn's forehead was already slightly stained with sweat.

Faker, who doesn't need to worry about the pressure of the jungler, is fully fired. Pawn, who has already suffered from injuries, can still hold on at first, and the more he fights, the more powerless he becomes.

This is the power of time.

S5, he is not afraid of fakers.

not now!

The middle lane has fallen behind by eight knives, which is already a very serious line inferiority.

Although Deft in the bottom lane can not lose the wind, but the initiative is always in the hands of Ah Shui and Xiao Wu. He has only one result when he jumps in the face rashly, and he is beaten out of the flash.

But if you don't jump, Verus will continue to consume.

The bot teams on both sides pretended to go out with double salaries, and the explosion of the small cannons was seriously insufficient.

And what about Xu Ruoguang who was on the road?

As the time came to eight minutes, he was already planning to plan a solo kill.

Give smeb a little LPL shock.

Is it hard to kill? Difficult to kill.

Is it difficult? difficulty.

But, Troll Dip once said:

"Don't be afraid of any difficulties we encounter!"

"Smile at it!"

"Persistence is victory! Come on, Aoli!"

Xu Ruoguang's laning is still detailed. Even though he didn't have much advantage in blood volume due to the abnormal recovery ability of the big bug, he still managed to make up the knife and develop steadily.

The big move of smeb has already eaten the cannon soldiers.

He didn't expect Xu Ruoguang to want to do it either.

Dude is full of blood, big bug, can you second me?


Seeing the troll go home, he was also indifferent.

Until, he saw the equipment on the troll from TP.



The smeb was shocked, something was wrong!

Although trolls can indeed use this thing to match greed, they only use it if they want to gain an advantage.


Could it be that?

Smeb took a quick look at the map and locked his eyes on Faker.

"The opponent may want to overtake me, can you support me?"

He clicked directly to go back to the city, not greedy for soldiers at all, and asked quickly.

"Yes, I will make a move!"

Pawn nodded seriously.

If you can't beat the line, the support must work.

Smeb felt a little relieved.

But the next moment, he saw the troll rushing over with a line of troops.

A pillar interrupted the big bug's return to the city.

Smeb's pupils trembled, "I'm a big bug full of blood, so you want to jump over the tower and kill me!?"

Impossible, absolutely impossible!


I am super!

It feels so familiar, he's coming again!

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