UR e-sports club:

"I'm very pleased to inform you that after a long period of negotiation, the UR e-sports club, which was exclusively funded and established by ASUS's player country ROG, will enter the League of Legends LCK league from now on."

"Nowadays, e-sports has increasingly become a new outlet and symbol of this era. ROG and UR will bring you the most peak events and the most sincere e-sports ecology. We will announce the 2018 LCK spring later. The main players in the Kespa Cup and the opening game of the Spring Split."

"Stay tuned."

This microblog did not cause much splash at first, and the first reaction of many people was:

You are a batch of LCK teams, you don't manage Twitter ins, what does it mean to post this message on Weibo in the first place?

Why, a demonstration, right?

"Who are you?"

"What rotten fish and rotten shrimp? Don't think that you are NB because you are ASUS."

"ROG doesn't invest in the LPL team and invests in the LCK team, right? What kind of rare peripheral supplier."

"No problem, even Brother Guang was forced to leave, LPL is really not worth entering."

The UR staff didn't care at all, because they knew that the news that was about to be sent was the real heavyweight.

UR e-sports club:

【UR Electronic Sports Club Announcement】

"After full and friendly communication between the club and the players, we are very pleased to announce that DWG e-sports club League of Legends jungler Jin Jianfu [ID: Canyon] will join UR e-sports club from now on.

The boy is nameless, just once.

We will carry on the current and sail in the same direction.

On the field, you will become the king at the top of the jungle, the king who leads the overall rhythm, and the unparalleled sharp edge of your carry teammates, standing up and unstoppable; in life, you will be an indispensable part of UR and become the cornerstone of our dynasty.

Unite and move forward fearlessly.

The golden stove is on fire, and the peach blossoms are blooming!

What is farther than the distance is the limitless future of teenagers.

Welcome, UR. Canyon! "

Almost no one cares.

There are very few people who pay attention to the LCK in this era, let alone the lower level of the sub-league.

No one thought he was a strong player because he was unknown.

However, UR didn't care at all, and immediately sent out the remaining two notices about Showmaker and beryl.

UR e-sports club:

【UR Electronic Sports Club Announcement】

"After good exchanges and communication, we are honored to complete the signing process with the former DWG mid laner Showmaker. From now on, Showmaker will join UR and join us in the 2018 League of Legends competition.

Flying sharp blades cut through the sky, you are a peerless assassin with every inch of blood on your throat.

Endless energy is condensed into a ball, and you are the core of the rhythm sitting in the middle.

Although a boy is young, he can draw his sword bravely.

Although the Showmaker player has only entered the professional league for half a year, we also have very serious expectations and trust in him.

And he will definitely become a top mid laner who will not lose to any player!

Welcome, Showmaker! "

The heat underneath has risen a little.

The main reason is that Showmaker himself is the top ten rank king in Hanbok all the year round, and his ID always appears frequently in various collections, so he still has some popularity, although not much.

"Is this the King Syndra's unique skill brother?"

"It seems to be true. This person's style of play is still okay. The enchantress Syndra played well, so it makes sense."

"Nakajung looks okay? Although the jungler is not well-known, I checked the statistics, and the carry jungler played really well in the LCK."

"That's the way Nakano is. Look at the configuration of top laner and AD. If you want to win in this era, top laner and AD can't be worse."

This is the early days of S8.

canyon and Showmaker are not famous players even in the LCK, let alone in the LPL.

It's normal to dislike them.

But the UR staff remained calm.

Because they know that the big one is yet to come.

UR e-sports club:

【UR Electronic Sports Club Announcement】

"After friendly exchanges and communication, we are very happy to reach an agreement with former DWG team AD Zhao Qianxi [ID: beryl], and beryl will start again as a UR support player.

In the past, you were the C position that the team trusted. Now even if you become a support, we still believe that you will become an indispensable member of UR.

Take a step forward and open up the sea and the sky.

The future is unknown, but we are willing to believe!

Thank you for joining and let's welcome UR.Beryl! "

This one, the heat is obviously higher.

But it's not because beryl is more famous, it's simply because the switch from AD to support is a bit magical.

Although this is not the case in LPL, such as Golden Horn.

But it's really rare in the LCK.

"Wait, obviously there is an AD, but the AD has been transferred to a support. So, the ADC of this UR team shouldn't be weak?"

"It's true, otherwise why should you transfer? This AD may be a little famous."

"I haven't heard of anyone leaving. Bang went back to SKT, imp went to JDG, deft went to KT, pary? It's unlikely, they are all old players."

If the first three news only aroused some interest for LPL audiences, then the following news will completely detonate the entire LPL and LCK.

Because UR's announcement was sent out simultaneously, some people even started to pay a little attention to it in LCK.

UR e-sports club:

【UR Electronic Sports Club Announcement】

After full and friendly communication between the club and the players, we hereby announce to everyone that Jane Proud [ID: Uzi], a player from the League of Legends branch of UR e-sports club, has successfully signed the contract.

We've seen everything about you.

On the arena, your soul-stirring crossbow arrows are invincible, and your ghostly moves attract the attention of the whole world.

The courageous young man is stepping on passionate drumbeats, coping with the ever-changing battles with ease.

It's been six years since my first debut.

Between the lines of the story, there is the tenacity to go against the trend, and the relentless and eternal pursuit of the champion.

Opening a new page, hunters in the dark night should use the limit as their sword to start a new hunting moment.

Xingshuang is not afraid of roads and distances, and will be at the top to see the heights of the sky.

The trumpet of chasing dreams is sounding again. We are honored to fight hand in hand with you in this foreign country. We look forward to writing more soul-stirring epics of courage in our beloved arena!

Welcome, UR.Uzi! "

This news is not only sent by UR, but also by the parent company ASUS and ROG at the same time.

Immediately, it ignited the hot spot of the whole network.

Whether it is RNG fans, EDG fans, or some other people who have scolded and praised Uzi, it is the first time that they feel what it means to be dizzy.


"Am I not mistaken? Isn't this UR the Korean team? Uzi joined because he couldn't beat it?"

"It doesn't make sense, Uzi is not such a person. He didn't go when he was abused by LCK at the worst time. What are you going to do now?"

"Is your news true?"

"It's not right, it's not right!"

"The RNG really failed to keep Uzi, it's easy to run! Otherwise, I really died in the RNG, Wuhu, dog blowing ecstasy!"

And RNG fans are the most vicious.

"I've been procrastinating and refusing to renew my contract. After a long time, I went to the LCK. After getting out, I don't want to come back. What a villain!"

"RNG treats you well, right? Everyone is fighting around you, Bai Xing is still your fan, you just walked away like this, are you worthy of RNG?"

"An unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

"You let me down so much. You canceled the account and Xiaoming sacrificed so much for you. You dumped all the blame on them. I don't know what you mean!"

For a while, the comment area was excited.

Of course, it was RNG fans who were excited.

EDG fans are pure fun people, and they have begun to gloat at this time.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the most humane club. The players really want to stay, the quality of the fans is really high, and the results in the S competition are really good!"

"Haha, after the game, there are still a bunch of people scolding Uzi. My evaluation is, it's a good run!"

"What to do, RNG, the sky is falling!"

Before waiting for the angry RNG fans to output again, UR's last announcement directly made them dumb.

UR e-sports club:

【UR Electronic Sports Club Announcement】

"After our unremitting efforts and sincerity, we finally moved him."

"We are very happy and excited to announce this exciting news to everyone. The top laner Emperor of the former IP team will sign with UR e-sports club as the top laner from now on."

"Three years since his debut, the boy is already full of glory!"

"2015 Global Finals FMVP!"

"2016 Global Finals FMVP!"

"2017 Global Finals FMVP!"

"He has been the FMVP for three consecutive years, moved between LCK and LPL, and achieved such dazzling results in three different teams. He is undoubtedly the cornerstone of the championship team!"

"S5, the sword fairy outside the sky has become the savior of SKT."

"S6, the future guardian in the lightning smashed everything and helped K1 win the final."

"S7, the elegant and precise Lady Gray kicked off the back of the invading enemy and was crowned king for the third time in the Bird's Nest!"

"And now, the former SKT, K1, and IP prefixes have become UR."

"We always believe that he is our absolute core."

"If anyone can afford such praise, then it is only him."

"Let us welcome together, UR.Emperor!"

In the picture below, the red and black team uniform with a minimalist design was gently placed on Xu Ruoguang's shoulders.

He has a bright smile and a look of ten thousand years.

Now, not only ROG and ASUS are forwarding this news.

The official account of the League of Legends of the LPL.

Riot Games official account.

Official account for League of Legends events.

All are forwarding!

And it's even crazier abroad.

Immediately after the news of Xu Ruoguang's transfer came out, Riot Games instantly changed his profile picture to that of Xu Ruoguang's makeup photo.

For the first time, Riot Games, which only sends out event news, posted a tweet.

What caught my eye was Xu Ruoguang wearing the UR team uniform.

On the top of this picture, Riot Games wrote impressively.

"After a month of contention, all speculation about the Emperor has stopped at this moment."

"Welcome back, we are already looking forward to how the only champion of the League of Legends will perform in the S8 season."

"Everyone, welcome to witness the birth of UR.Emperor!"

The first article below is LCK's official likes and replies.

The reply is very simple, only one sentence in English.

“We are extremely honored.”

We are extremely honored!

Opening the profile photo of LCK, I found that the original LCK logo has also changed to the picture of Xu Ruoguang once holding the cup in SKT.

It can only be said that LCK knows how to be disgusting.

And on Weibo in China, under this news, Xu Ruoguang's personal fans were completely detonated.

"Okay, I haven't retired! Brother Guang, I am Brother Diguang! A ten-year-old fan of the UR team came here uninvited!"

"Tengjing's disgusting people really don't blame Brother Guang for leaving. Although I like LPL, I also feel disgusting."

"Hey, the old LPL fans are really heartbroken. Why is such a player forced to go to the LCK..."

"Damn it!"

"Pure passerby, LPL? I'm not familiar with it, I'm a Han Zao now!"

"Don't be embarrassing, the capital behind UR is ASUS ROG, and the C is an LPL star player. The first time you post Weibo is in China. Isn't this your own team?"

"Indeed, there is nothing wrong with it, but I have a kind of NTR pleasure!"

"Does Han Zazhi support UR? I want to ask."

"Hehe, Ben Hanza said that I am not familiar with LPLLCK, and I am just Guangza at this moment!"

"Indeed, I used to like the LCK just because the LPL was arrogant and inflated, and the players were bad, so I couldn't like it at all, so I reluctantly chose a less bad LCK. Now that Brother Guang is here, I must be I support Brother Guang's explosive killing of the LCK team!"

"I'm dying of laughter, Han Za's face is always good, but this is the first time I feel kind, because Teng Jing is really disgusting."

To put it bluntly, Xu Ruoguang's public opinion is too good.

Although it is mainly because of good grades, it is not only this.

This also has something to do with his conscientiousness and never doing anything wrong.

A player who trains hard every day and hasn't even heard rumors of hanging up in queue and cursing others.

An anchor who has always liked Pengci players all praised him after the lineup, thinking that this player can lie down.

A player who is crazy when he should be crazy, and can be humble when he is humble.

A player who has won the championship for two or three years and can still concentrate on training new heroes every time and practice hundreds of thousands of moves until the audience feels like vomiting.

One, an eighteen-year-old Triple Crown winner.

Who can not like it?

But although many people understand it, there are still people who scold it.

After all, our motherland is so big and majestic, with so many people.

Not a few idiots, do you think you live in heaven?

When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

Xu Ruoguang didn't even bother to look at this.

At this moment, he has invested in a new round of RANK.

S8, preseason.

Version, 7.22.

Tryndamere told him that S8 is a season with brand-new changes, which makes Xu Ruoguang look forward to it very much.


That's great.

It really made him invincible all the time, but he was actually a little lonely.

When you open the version update announcement, what you see is a seemingly inconspicuous change that is actually quite thought-provoking.

The game start time has been changed from 1:20 to 1:10, and Homeguard's bonus has been increased.

What does that mean?

It's very simple, the opening rhythm of the game has been sped up.

"This is probably just the beginning."

Xu Ruoguang knew very well that this should only be the first step.

The S7 version is biased towards the late stage. If there is any change, he can think of something almost instantly.

speed up!

And now the fist announcement clearly proved that his guess was not wrong.

Second, the damage of all heroes' basic attacks on minions has been increased by five points. According to Riot, this is because the PVE bonus is too low due to the change of runes.

"Increase, confrontation?"

The PVE bonus is low, so there is only one explanation, the PVP bonus has become higher.

Xu Ruoguang's eyes flickered, and then he looked down.

Some fixed BUG, ​​new rotation mode ascension mode, nothing to look at, skip it.

Then, there is the change of the keystone rune.

Xu Ruoguang sat up straight.

The first rune, Omen of Kleptocracy.

"After releasing a skill, your next attack on the hero provides an attack distance bonus and loots extra gold coins. Is there a small probability that you can loot additional consumables?"

Xu Ruoguang laughed out loud.

"This is encouraging gaming and acceleration again."

If you want to trigger the burglary omen, you have to learn to pull and choose, which involves the game.

Acceleration is even easier.

The faster the equipment is produced, the earlier the time to fight the team will be.

Glacier boost, runes for tanks and support to keep people in, not a good idea.

Unsealed cheats, get summoner pieces at two minutes, and then every six minutes, up to two pieces.

When in the store, you can replace the summoner skills you carry by consuming summoner fragments.

A player of Xu Ruoguang's level has an exaggerated version reading ability, and he discovered the great value of this rune almost instantly.

"If the timing is right, this will have more bonuses to the operability of the mid laner, and even one side can directly rush off Baron by switching to double punishment?"


League of Legends Designer!

You seem to have a new life, so you don't need to bite your lighter today.

Then, there are Phase Rush, Olympiad Comet, and Summon: Alley's three cornerstone runes.

There is nothing to say about summoning Aery and the Olympic Comet. The pure consumption of runes has not changed much.

Phase rush, this is interesting.

The trigger mechanism is similar to Thunder, but unlike Thunder, Phase Rush provides a speed boost that lasts for three seconds.

Xu Ruoguang's first reaction was: "Could it be possible that my buddy's vampire can be saved?"

In fact, he has always liked vampires, but the conditions for vampires to appear are really harsh, because sometimes there is no chance to enter.

Because there is no flash or push stick, or when teammates can't help keep people, it is difficult for vampires to play in team battles.

They are not stupid, how could they stand up and give you R?

But now with Phase Rush, it feels like it can really be played.

This three-second movement speed is really a solution to the vampire's urgent need.

Then, there is a rune identified as AD by a thimble.

Fast pace, online consumption and long-handed AD should be very comfortable to use.

Strong attack, a necessary choice for AD who wants to play counter kills and make up for damage.

Deadly rhythm, the ability to fight against AD with basic attack has been greatly enhanced.

Then, there is the dark harvest, predators, and electrocution.

Dark Harvest seems to have good damage, but it is biased towards the late game.

Predator, provides an enchantment to boots that, after channeling for 1.5 seconds, provides a 45% haste for 15 seconds.

Ends after being attacked.

As for electrocution?

The youth version of Thunder is nothing more, the trigger conditions are not as good as Thunder,

The last ones are three runes that seem to be exclusive to tanks.

Guardian, Aftershock, Grip of the Undying.

Xu Ruoguang just skipped the guardian's one-shot for hard support.

Aftershock is suitable for the top lane of a controlled tank, Xu Ruoguang didn't care much about it.

Then, there is the Grip of Immortality.

"This is kind of fun."

He loves it.

Every four seconds during the battle, the next attack will cause damage equal to the percentage of the maximum health, and then restore blood to yourself, and increase the permanent health by 5 points.

Rubbing his chin, he was about to try the Immortal Grip Sword Girl.

If you can't get the sword girl, try Camille the Undying Grip,

It seems to be quite strong.

Open Hanbok and click Rank.

League of Legends, start!

Perhaps because of the preseason, many players are getting familiar with the new version of runes.

It usually took at least seven or eight minutes to qualify for the king rank, but it only took three minutes to get there.

Xu Ruoguang was quite happy at first.

However, when he entered the team, he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.

hide on bush has been added to the game.

EDG.Scout joined the game.

UR.Emperor joined the game.

Xu Ruoguang: Ah this.

hide on bush:?

hide on. bush: UR. Emperor?


hide on Bush: (West Eight)

hide on bush:? (Why didn't you notify me immediately?)

hide on bush:,. (My dear brother, my heart aches.)

Oops, Barbie Q!

It was only then that Xu Ruoguang remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to call the people he knew after confirming with UR.

It's all fists! If you have to update the version at this time, it will cause me to play RANK!

Otherwise, didn't I call them a long time ago and tell them?

It's not so embarrassing.

It's all about fists.

Faker looked a little angry, because although he used to talk like a stick in rank, he never scolded anyone in the chat box.

But now, Xu Ruoguang was the first person he scolded.

This is not over yet, scout has also started.

EDG.Scout: (Yes)

EDG.Scout: .(You didn't tell me either)

EDG. Scout: (T_T)

Xu Ruoguang: ...

He's already starting to tingle.

But faker has already started asking questions.

hide on.bush:? (Why don't you talk?)

hide on.bush:? (Is it because of new friends?)

hide on bush:. (Brother, I am really angry)

Facing the two former mid laners, Xu Ruoguang fell into a big crisis!

At this time, faker, who filled the position, wanted to play the mid laner.

He still likes the feeling of hitting the top with Xu Ruoguang.

But scout strongly disagreed.

After finally entering the game, Xu Ruoguang's eyes turned dark.

Xu Xiu, who was sitting next to him, was already cheering.

"Wuhu~! Brother Emperor, I seem to be in line opposite you!"

"Did you see it?"

"I saw."

Xu Ruoguang replied weakly,

"Xiu'er, why do you use this number?"

Xu Xiu's current ID is...

UR. Showmaker.


Xu Xiu didn't know why.

At this time, the SKT club and the EDG club are among the clubs.

Faker and Scout sat up straight at the same time, their eyes became sharper.

He is Emperor's new mid laner?


Let me, Lee Sang-hyuk (Lee Ruichan), try your looks!

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