Without the slightest hesitation, SKT, which got the blue side, directly removed the rock sparrow captain Crow in the first round.

In the second half of the S8 Spring Split, the crow has been redone, and now it can also debut as a mid-upper swing.

This version of the crow is a rework of the first version, the frankness has been enhanced, but more of his team battle output ability has been improved.

As a must-have magic weapon for the rhythm mid laner, Rock Sparrow is still very effective under Xu Xiu's continuous improvement.

Needless to say, the captain, as the top laner hero who has been so strong since the start of the spring split, is also one of Xu Ruoguang's special skills, and it is absolutely impossible for SKT to release it.

If Thal adopts a father again, it's still a fart.

These three-handed BP undoubtedly belong to the version move, that is, to carry out BAN for the heroes that the opponent is good at.

"Want to curb our rhythm?"

Redmi looked deeply.

In fact, SKT's intentions are not concealed at all. They just don't want to give UR ​​a hero who speeds up the early and mid-term, and want to win the game through the late team.

On UR's side, Luo, who moved out Zach and wolf.

Zac, as Peanut, has undoubtedly become the choice of the signature hero in the past two years. After the slight rework of the S8 season, he has retained a strong ability to enter the field. For a rhythm jungler like Peanut, The early charging jump can also be a good pressure.

Pig girl is also a very strong choice for grasping the rhythm in the early stage.

After version 8.5, the pig girl with fatal rhythm became popular, and she can quickly play the freezing effect of E.

Luo, is to dismantle the Xia Luo combination.

Because Redmi wants to introduce a hero, this hero. It's hard to beat Xayah in lane.

Redmi didn't feel much about SKT's idea of ​​delaying the late game, because UR is not a purely early game team, and they are not afraid of the late stage operation.

Do you like to play late game?

Then play with you.

It was SKT's turn to grab it.

Without hesitation, he directly grabbed the czar.

A hero like Tsar is undoubtedly a late-game big core, and has always been favored in the LCK.

As for the Czar of faker, the proficiency is naturally needless to say.

It's like the mother of the cow cooking and washing the dishes - the cow is home.

Since you want to play in the late stage, what BP does is naturally the BP in the late stage.

The czar is very strong in the early stage, and the deadly rhythm czar is not capable of changing blood, which is not comparable to the shattered czar in later generations.

What's more, even in later generations, the Czar can still suppress many mid laners.

"Ah, it's a pity that there is no czar anymore."

Xu Xiu felt a little regretful, and he wanted to show Guang Ge his czar again.

"Zoe? Or Thain?"

Redmi said,

Thain is a very weird mid laner in S8. He doesn't do much damage, and he was just like that before he became frank.

There is only one benefit, fast line push.

So why can such a hero play the mid laner T1 position in this version?

This brings us to a piece of equipment that has now been forgotten by many.

Banner of command!

In fact, it is not the first time that the Banner of Command piece of equipment shines.

As early as S5, it has already been sealed.

What was the version of the game at that time? Double AP Fatan version.

The abnormal cancer of this system has even reached the point where it affects the balance of the game.

Dashu Ruiz had a high meat output at the time, so he could tell the other side that he didn't have the strength to beat people?

In this case, Banner of Command comes into play.

Relying on the active effect to strengthen the minions will directly lead to the end of the double Fatan system.

Because this active effect is too perverted.

+100 physical resistance is actually the same.

However, the current Banner of Command provides magic immunity.

There is even a 40% reduction in hero damage.

As a result, the AP of the strengthened cannon car can't be played at all, and can only be played by AD.

In the later stage, it is even possible to complete the legendary May 1 split push.

Cannon Car: I'm coming to C!

Even in the early stage, after making the Banner of Command, relying on strengthening the artillery vehicles, you can directly control the line.

It's a mage's nightmare.

And Sion just happens to fit this piece of equipment very well.

It is no surprise that he has reached the top of the mid laner T1 throne in the current version.

Facing Redmi's inquiry. Xu Xiu thought for a while, and finally shook her head slowly.

"Since he dares to take the Tsar first, he is not afraid of my counter. I also want to compete with him head-on."

"Coach, I want to take Zoe."

He said seriously.


Hongmi didn't ask nonsense like whether he has confidence, it has reached such a point that he trusts the players unconditionally.

Xu Xiu nodded firmly.

"I am sure!"

"Then choose."

Without too much hesitation, Redmi chose the first and second hand.

Zoe, and, Kai'Sa!

Kai'Sa's debut time was already online on March 7, 2018, and she will be able to play in the second half of March, but not many people have played it in the regular season. the reason is simple.

Kai'Sa, who just debuted, is really weak.

The range is basically the same as that of Lucian, and its output method of flying into the crowd has also been criticized.

Most of the current players' views on her are basically: Which ADC is the one who flew to the opposite crowd to output? How to survive?

After an emergency strengthening, the Riot designer told everyone how to survive flying to the opposite crowd.

It's simple, just kill them all.

Kill all the opponents, Kai'Sa will survive?

Kai'Sa's range has been increased across the board, her base stats have been increased, and her passive damage has been increased.

From being unknown, the AD who has even become a jungle hero, jumped up and became a T0-level AD that keeps pace with Verus in the arena today.

And this hero is also a hero that Uzi loves very much.

The style of Uzi's AD is different from other ADs, as can be seen from his famous scenes when he debuted.

At that time, he dared to go around and output when playing Vayne.

Yes, from the current point of view, that wave is not very good, and even the main output is played by Shenchao.

But before this, no AD player has ever made such a choice.

This in itself is a style of play that spans the ages.

Uzi's style of play is like this, very entertaining.

That's why even if he didn't win the championship, there were always people bragging about it.

There are too many famous scenes.

Now in the second half of the LCK regular season, Uzi has taken a total of three Kai'Sa.

The record is very good.

At this time, Hongmi naturally chose to believe him.

Removing Luo is also to block Xia's appearance.

Xayah is a very, very counter Kai'Sa hero.

Really very counter!

There is only one reason why Wanxia can't beat Kai'Sa in this version.


"Kasa Zoe, are the double Cs coming out immediately?"

SKT coach thought.

This Kai'Sa and Zoe put a lot of pressure on him.

A Zoe Renzhuli, a Kai'Sa who is considered to be the most capable at present.

The shadow of a person's famous tree must be taken seriously.

However, bang doesn't think so.

"Give me Verus, I can win against the bottom lane."

He spoke calmly.

Kai'Sa is really strong, but the range is a disadvantage.

Even after strengthening, the range of Verus's 575 yards is not the same.

Bang has the confidence to suppress the line and even complete the line kill.

Your Kai'Sa is really good.


I'm not a ruler!

Courtesy ruler: Do you

SKT took Verustam in two or three hands.

Verus and Tamm have always been golden partners, and Tamm is also a hero that wolf is very proud of.

When it was UR's third turn, Redmi began to think.


In the end, he picked Troll for Canyon.

If you take the jungler in the second round, there is a high probability that you won't get anything, so you just take it in the first round.

The second round of BP begins.

UR blocked Scorpion and Olaf.

Needless to say, Scorpion, Peanut's special skill, after level 6, as long as he has R, he can start a group, and it also has a very strong restrictive effect on Kai'Sa flying into the crowd.

Now that Kai'Sa has been taken out, it is necessary to give Kai'Sa a corresponding output environment.

That's what Redmi thinks.

Relying on the front row to withstand the front to give Kai'Sa output space?

In his opinion. This way is really stupid.

Because heroes like Kai'Sa are not originally output from the back.

If it is forcibly opened, it is inevitable that Kai'Sa will be basically out of touch after using her big move.

At this time, how does Rou Tan protect the out-of-touch Kai'Sa?

Such a lineup is too cumbersome, and Redmi can't imagine how poor a person can think of this system.

On SKT's side, Qing Gangying and Vampire were pressed.

This version of Jian Ji has been cut four or five times in a row, because Jian Ji the Conqueror is too strong.

However, Qinggangying has not suffered much, and in the hands of top Qinggangying players, it can still bloom unparalleled effects.

And Xu Ruoguang has always been the unique skill of Qinggangying.

Not to mention vampires, now the default move is to play UR.

Xu Ruoguang's vampire is too difficult to deal with.

In the fourth hand, UR selected the support, Morgana.

Kai'Sa Bull Head was originally the best match for this version, but there is a problem.

A hero like Tahm is very restrained to melee support, and it is difficult to drive people if you choose a bull head.

In addition, Kai'Sa's hand against Verus is a bit short. After picking the bull's head and avoiding the second company, the opponent can directly all in. Kai'Sa is very difficult to play in the lane.

So Redmi chose Morgana to deal with Verus and Tam.

SKT took out the combination of Prince Narga in the fourth and fifth moves.

Thal's laning ability is not trusted by SKT, but there is still something in the team, although not much.

So give him a hero who is more comfortable in the lane, and then come to military training for Xu Ruoguang.

After the transition to the team battle period, the weakness of the laning will naturally no longer exist.

This is what SKT intends to do.

But they never expected, they thought that Xu Ruoguang would come up with a version like Thain's strong mid-top, but Xu Ruoguang only wanted to play the last sword girl before the revision.

It's UR's fifth turn, without the slightest hesitation, Blade Will, debut!

"My blade, I am willing to serve you!"

Hearing the familiar voice in the earphones, Xu Ruoguang smiled.

"Thank you, Brother Hongmi."

"Fight well, don't let go of my trust in you."


On the commentary stage, the Korean commentary has already begun to get confused.

"Ah? This is, am I not mistaken, Daomei?"

"It seems that I didn't choose the wrong hero. The game has started to load. The Emperor player seems to want to play this sword girl who hasn't been revised yet."

"Ah, really."

The Korean commentary sighed,

"Maybe it's because of his strength, so he will be self-willed. I also know a little about Coach Hongmi. This kind of BP cannot be the sword girl selected by him. Then it may only be because the players themselves want to play."

"It's really pampering."

Game start!

Blue side SKT:

Top Dan Gnar

Jungle Prince


Bottom group Verus Gatam.

Red party UR:

single sword girl

jungle troll

Mid laner Zoe

Bottom group Casaga Morgana.

Thal took a deep breath.

To be honest, he doesn't dislike Xu Ruoguang, both of them were very polite when they met in rank.

However, this person... seems to have ignored him at all.

"What version is it? Dao Mei is a hero who is about to be reworked... Are you actually using this to hit me?"

That's what he thinks.

When is the only time in the game of League of Legends that a hero will be reworked? The answer is simple, this hero has completely failed to adapt to the version, and his appearance rate has plummeted.

This is the case with Daomei.

And it's not just Daomei, the previous Sword Girl is the same.

Some people miss the old sword girl and old sword girl every day. Are they really missing heroes?

No, what I miss is the carefree time when I played black with my friends.

With thal, I can't bear to lose it.

Heroes in the sewers should stay in the sewers well!

"Need help on the way?"

Canyon's question made Xu Ruoguang shake his head.

"It's a bit difficult to play in the early stage, but it's enough to catch the opportunity. It's not a lot of pressure for me, it's unnecessary."


Not much to say about Canyon.

Brother Guang said that there is no need to help, so it is not necessary.

When the two top laners went online, they looked at each other across the river, Xu Ruoguang had a Teemo thumb on his head, and Thal had a Lux thumb on his head.

"It's pretty skinny."

Xu Ruoguang smiled, returned to the line, and started to match the line.

"In fact, Ruoguang is not very good at laning in the top lane. This version of Daomei's fighting ability can only wait for the third level. The first two levels of laning are very important. Let's see how he plays."

On the commentary stage, today's special guest spoke.

"Will Marin choose Daomei in this version of rank?"

The commentator asked curiously.

The special guest, former SKT top laner marin shook his head slowly.

"I don't have any special attachment to Daomei. This version of Daomei is really hard to fight."

Then he smiled.

"But if it's Ruoguang, maybe he can surprise me too."

"Marin trusts Emperor's personal abilities a lot."

marin: ...

You are talking about Gouba, I was robbed by him as the starter, can I distrust his personal ability?

For Marin, even if he plays the accordion and says that no one knows the Emperor better than me, there is no problem.

"Look carefully at the alignment."

He coughed.

Gnar, who came to the line, went straight forward.

In close combat like Daomei, the rune chosen is naturally indestructible.

It is not difficult for Gnar's Q to be indestructible after deceleration.

And Xu Ruoguang didn't just retreat blindly, he pulled back for a certain distance, and then looked at Gnar's laning thinking.

Gnar, did not choose to push the line.

"Want to control the line and jump the tower?"

Xu Ruoguang laughed.

This is also a conspiracy.

Daomei is weak at the first and second level, and she holds the line power in her hands, so she can play as she wants.

But this style of play is a little too familiar to Xu Ruoguang.

Because that's how he played to the death of many top laners.

The pawn line slowly pushed over, Gnar made six strikes, but Daomei missed one strike.

But it doesn't matter, the most important thing on the road is only the level.

Xu Ruoguang forcibly heard the experience, and exchanged blood with Gnar.

Use the displacement of the remaining blood soldiers to approach Gnar, and the Q soldiers retreat immediately after two A shots.

The price is that the blood volume has dropped by more than two hundred points,

This wave of blood loss, but the experience has been gained.

After swallowing the corruption potion, Xu Ruoguang didn't go forward again, waiting for the little soldiers to come to the defense tower.

"This is the wave, how the knife girl handles it is very important!"

Marin concentrating.

Thal wants to push the line of soldiers into the defense tower and continue to suppress. He has already clicked E at level two, and he can retreat at any time.

As long as Daomei wants to get stuck here, she will be consumed by him.

And the sword girl has no chance to fight, because even if she is promoted to the second level, the slow push of the pawn line will cause the sword girl to suffer more damage from the soldiers.

Thal originally thought so.

However, Xu Ruoguang didn't intend to wait for him to advance the defense tower.

After seeing the little soldiers with residual blood, go straight forward, the Q skill sharp blade impacts, and releases it!

The Frost Blade flew in front of Gnar, and the two sides exchanged a tie A.

Daomei is promoted to the second level, and directly hits E to balance the attack. After stunned Gnar, she makes another shot to tie A. Then, like a butterfly wearing a flower, she almost uses her AQ to the limit to clear away the excess blood left by the slow push line soldier.

Pawn line, flat!

Daomei's blood volume recovered a lot after taking drugs, but it dropped to more than three hundred again.

However, he also managed to place the pawn line in front of his defensive tower, slowing down the speed at which thal pushed the line into the tower!

Do you want to push?

Hey, no.

On the pawn line, the understanding of thal is not bad at all, and it is difficult to see this line.

At this time, Little Peanut has not arrived yet, and he is actually very dangerous in this situation.

Although Gnar has E and flashes, it is still difficult to run in this position.

Is it forced to push, or to watch Daomei grow up with peace of mind and then bring the line of soldiers over?

He has to choose.

"Very beautiful handling, Ruoguang is really calm."

Marin nodded appreciatively.

"The pawn line Gnar was sure to be able to advance the defensive tower immediately, and after a wave of pawn lines, SKT can do it."

"However, Ruoguang's handling is very calm. After Q's death, he didn't choose to learn W to restore his status after the death of Q. He chose to learn E instead."

"Stun Gnar, reduce the damage he will receive next, and at the same time clean up the extra minions, shattering Gnar's desire to push the line into the tower!"

"This line, now it's time for Gnar to feel uncomfortable, because the opposite jungler may come at any time, and the river crab will refresh in more than three minutes. It is very easy for the jungler to reach the upper half of the third level and catch it!"

marin exhales,

"This is Ruoguang."

"This risky handling made him reverse the initiative on the road in an instant."

The commentary was a bit incomprehensible at first. After all, commentary is not a profession. It can be seen that the thinking of a profession is a ghost.

At this moment, after Marin's analysis, they felt suddenly enlightened.

"However, Dao Mei doesn't have much blood now, and there is only one level of corruption potion left on her body. Is she still at a disadvantage in this matchup?"

There is an explanation.

Marin was speechless.

"Professional players are not hackers, they can only perform at their best where they can, and make the most correct handling."

"Sister Dao really can't beat Gnar now, and it's already very good to be able to do this."

"For example, the combat power of the third-level former sword girl is 6, and Gnar is 8, so no matter how the sword girl operates, he can at most play a level of 7 points. It is impossible to exchange blood without losing money, so we can only stop damage."

Back on the field, thal finally chose to forcefully push the line.

If this wave line is pushed, I will go home!

That's what he thinks.

Gnar has already reached the third level, and he wants to consume Xu Ruoguang while pushing the line, but this time, he failed to hit the boomerang a few times at this distance.

If playing Gnar eats Q every time, it is recommended to remove Gnar directly.

The soldier line, after all, entered the tower.

At this time, the two junglers also met in the river.

Although Brother Guang said that he didn't need help, he handled his line very well. Gnar's position in Canyon definitely wanted to come and look for opportunities.

And for Peanut, according to his thinking, this is also the instinct after fighting the Emperor for so long.

Pushing the line = clearing the tower, clearing the tower = advantage, advantage = clearing the level, clearing the level = victory.

Only at this moment can Little Peanut's thoughts make such a leap forward.

Then the junglers on both sides met each other.

"That's amazing, contestant peanut, did you actually think that I would catch it?"

Canyon's face turned serious.

"It's amazing, Canyon player, you guessed that I would come and catch you?"

Little Peanut's expression also became serious.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and turned their heads directly.


From behind the pawn line, unwind!

Yes, whether it's Peanuts or Canyon, they don't want to give up this opportunity.

It can only be said that the on-the-spot judgments of the top junglers are basically the same.

So a funny scene appeared on the big screen.

In the front, the two top laners touch me, I A, you touch, and pull them away after the fight.

Behind, the two junglers stood there quietly, motionless.

"Hahaha what is this? Are the two junglers trying to laugh me to death?"

"What a tacit understanding, Peanut player and Canyon player have exactly the same ideas?"

"It's too sweet, Xiba, why does it feel like the two of them are in a relationship?"

"Is this another me in the world?"

With the jungler behind him, Gnar has a lot of confidence.

The exchange of blood is also more confident.

He began to touch Xu Ruoguang's defense tower.

Xu Ruoguang didn't care at all.

You can touch it as you like, and I will mend my knife.

As the sword girl rose to the third level, Gnar became cautious.

The junglers on both sides squatted for more than ten seconds, but they still didn't fight on the road.

It looks funny, but it's all psychological games.

However, good news came from the next road.

"SKT.Bang killed UR.Beryl!"

"UR.Uzi killed SKT.Wlof!"

AD fights and swaps support to show respect.

This wave was an opportunity caught by beryl.

In the pile of troops, the Q skill accurately hit Bang's Verus.

The bang was swallowed by the wolf and spit out immediately, and immediately started to fight back.

Tamm's deceleration hit Morgana's shield, and the ADs on both sides started to focus on the targets that they could output to.

The second-level Tamm learns QW, after all, wolf is not like beryl.

If beryl plays Tahm, it is impossible to learn W at the second level.

And learning QW is doomed, Tamm has no gray shield.

As soon as they fought together, Beryl put the ignition on Wolf, and Kai'Sa cooperated with the strong attack. Tam was completely overwhelmed and was forced to dodge.

And beryl was also hung up on the ignition by wolf, and was almost taken away by Verus' set of output, so he could only flash.

Without the slightest hesitation, the ADs on both sides handed over the healing flash at the same time, passing by?

Uzi killed wolf.

And Bang, also killed beryl.

"Is the bot lane so fierce?"

The commentary is dumb.

However, before they could react, they went on the road, and news came.

"UR.Emperor killed SKT.Thal!"

audience:? ? ?

Commentary:? ? ?

That:? ? ?

How can someone play the sewer solo kill?

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