What kind of job does such a dish play? Go home and raise pigs

Chapter 526 Why doesn't my hero have an E?

The opponent in the first hand actually has nothing to say.

The classic European and American teams, FNC, which is basically difficult to miss in the World Championship every year.

This team is also a veteran European giants team, and they are very strong competitors in many e-sports events.

Such as csgo.

Of course, Europeans and Americans can shoot guns, but not LOL.

In fact, except for the fact that FNC stole the S1 world championship in the Internet cafe competition in the first year, the European and American teams have not won any results. Any Chinese or Korean team passing by can kick him.

Why is S5S6 said to be the darkest years of LPL? It was because the LPL couldn't even beat Europe and the United States in those few years, so it seemed very dark.

You know what I mean.

Winning Europe and the United States in the LPL is what it should be, and losing must be other people's fermented bean curd.

Some people say that the darkest year of S5 was because of Uzi. Let me clarify here, Uzi is in OMG in S5, and they are almost on the bench. They didn't go to the World Championship at all.

Little Heizi is almost done, and everything is blamed on Uzi. Are you trying to destroy one of the four ancient Chinese mythical beasts? 【angry】

This year's FNC still controls Thunder in its own competition area, which can be called a model of trouble in the competition area.

Top order Bwipo.

Bibabo, old bubble gum.

European and American comedians are on the order, and what stands out is the fun.

I often make funny expressions before various games, and I have a good grasp of my mentality.

But the strength is also possible, at least for those top laners in Europe and America, it can be said that it is very enough.

You know impact doesn't know me?

Opposite Xu Ruoguang?

It's okay, I'm bibab!

He is very confident.

Although you haven't won, but this time you haven't beaten me in the World Championship, so I don't think you are the number one in the world!

Play wild broxah.

This old man looks a bit vicissitudes of life, and he has a kind of beauty that stands out among a group of young people. To be honest, he is a bit like President America in that kind of political drama.

But the strength is still very good, and the jungler he plays is relatively strong. He plays all kinds of spiders, blind monks, and barrel diggers.

Don't tell me if you play well, I'll just ask you if you can play!

At least FNC trusts him more.

Of course, it's hard to say whether he believes in himself or not.

Maybe he himself sometimes thinks: Falk, choose a spider for me, choose a blind monk and choose an excavator, am I better than him?

It can only be said that this dude is still under a lot of pressure today.

Mid laner nemesis.

Lemon Siss, the famous sour king.

Snake lovers.

After caps left North America, the mid laners in North America were basically no different from experience babies.

The older generation of French kings like Pilsen is no longer good.

There are no heroes, but the sour emperor is king.

Sour King's strength cannot be said to be the world's number one mid laner, but there are still top three in North America.

Not because he is fierce, but because the others are too good.

However, because of his excellent record against FPX in the training match, Suanhuang at this time can be said to be very confident.

I laughed at EDG's lack of strategy, and UR's lack of wisdom!

FPX is here?

Why do you think such FPX can pose any threat?

Asians are in trouble, it doesn't make sense, watch me sour and ruthlessly treat you!

At this time, the sour king is gearing up and has already begun to think about what to say in the post-match interview.

He is very confident.

Because the FPX training game can't be called a pile of shit, at least it is a pile of chocolate.

Looks like shit.

But such FPX seems to be treated very carefully by EDG and UR.

This made the Sour King naturally begin to doubt the strength of the Asians.

It can only be said that the big brothers in Europe and America are still too honest.

Leaving aside the state problems caused by jet lag, even if FPX did not have any problems in the training match, it means that he has never played against FNC. He has no reason to take Asian teams lightly just because he played well in the training match.

Because no matter the LPL or the LCK, hiding things in training games is basically already subconscious.

The European and American big brothers always go all out in their own training games, which is too pure.

If you really want to talk about the championship of the training match, it is better to award it to TSM.

Oh, TSM didn't come this year, so it's okay.

AD, rekkles.

Ou Cheng, our old friend.

Although the name Ou Cheng evolved from European Gao Xuecheng, Ou Cheng can only say that fans follow the master, just like Gao Xuecheng himself, as time goes by, he becomes more and more like a fan.

Even though Ou Cheng's chest was not shining with the same red scarf as his sister-in-law's top laner when they played against each other, he was always very Asahi when facing LPL teams.

What stands out is that a fart is useless.

Now that it is S9, Ou Cheng's current laning strength is completely weak, and it all depends on support.

Eldest brother may only be sick intermittently, while Ou Cheng is intermittently normal.

It is recommended that two people fit directly.

Unless the LPL and LCK ADCs are in a bad state and have nothing to say, otherwise they basically suppress him.

Of course, that's normal.

In fact, the FNC bot lane team at this time is not ordinary, and this is about their support.

Auxiliary, hylissang.

Beaver-san, or rather, hello.

This supporter plays very unrestrained, quite like the support position Ah Shui and support position ts.

What stood out was the one who dared to fight, dare to rush and dare to die.

Beaver Mulberry can always send you a big wave when you don't expect it, but there is also a small probability that you will suddenly play a wave of astonishing moves when you don't expect it.

The duality of god and ghost is for him to understand.

In the case of such a supporting player, the general LPL and LCK teams really dare not say that they can rely on FNC.

Because his ability to drive the rhythm is top-notch, once he drags the situation to the chaotic stage, the biggest advantage of LPL and LCK "operation" will be useless.

And when it comes to fighting, European and American players are really not particularly afraid.

It may be a bit overwhelming, but at least it doesn't have the ability to resist like playing operations.

After all, four guarantees and one guarantee are not popular in Europe.

Their mid-upfield strength has always been at least at a mid-up level.

So although Ou Cheng's condition is not very good, but the outstanding match with Beaver Mulberry is a 50-50 split.

Many bottom lane teams will be a little at a loss when facing him.

Because I've never seen it played like this.

The players on both sides are already in place, and the BP has also been done.

Kkoma still held his little notebook, and began to calmly make a final explanation to the players.

"...So as long as we lock these eye positions and suppress Nosuke's movements, we can easily win them with our personal ability."

"FNC isn't strong, but it's not particularly weak either. I hope you can calm down and don't let them affect your rhythm."

After the final explanation, kkoma shook hands with the FNC coach with a smile and walked to the lounge.

Seriously watched the game.

The BP of both parties is as follows:

Red Square FNC:

top order captain

jungle blind monk

Mid laner Ryze

Bottom group Casa Gallo.

Blue party UR:

Top laner Lucian

wild spider

Mid laner Jess

Bottom group Xia Jia Titans.

FNC's lineup is more inclined to the late game. The captain Ritz Kai'Sa's three-core lineup is actually no problem. This is their original plan. They use a relatively late lineup to fight for the big late team battles.

Although FNC said they didn't think UR was strong, in fact BP was still very cautious and chose the lineup they thought was the most stable.

But... They really didn't expect that the top laner in this hand would be Lucian.

Because how long has it been since Xu Ruoguang played?

Not to mention the S9 summer split.

I haven't seen him play in the S9 Spring Split!

It will take a year to keep it conservative. How can you still get it out when you want to?

This also led to the fact that when they were satisfied with selecting the captain, they found it difficult to have many effective top laners.

This hand of Lucian directly made them uncomfortable.

Because usually playing the captain or Jess or the crocodile now, at most an angel.

Neither Jace nor the crocodile is a big threat, and the captain is completely manageable.

In the later stage, these two can't touch the captain's output ability.

The early captain will not be particularly uncomfortable.

But Lucian... that's different.

AD on the road station, what's the next sentence?

It is conceivable that the average AD has absolute laning pressure against the top laner.

Unless you want to send it yourself, it's really hard to fail the laning.

FNC's lineup is ideally good, but kkoma's backhand lineup is even more extreme.

Don't you like to take the late lineup?

here you go.

I will give you full strength in the early stage!

On the road Lucian hit the captain, blood pressure.

Jess hit Ryze in the middle, which was also overwhelming.

Xia Jia Titan, the same pressure!

Your lineup is fierce in the late stage, but how do you last until the late stage?

This is kkoma.

He'll put out a lineup that you can't refuse, and then hit you with another lineup that beats you that you haven't seen before.

Of course, the hero pool of the main UR players is really deep enough, and this kind of lineup is completely acceptable.

"We have a good lineup, stick to 25 minutes, and then we can play whatever we want."

Beaver-san is very confident.

No matter how fierce your UR is, can you blow us up in more than 20 minutes?

He didn't know that the last team to think this way was SKT.

Even SKT's early operations couldn't withstand UR's offense, and they were forced to play an offensive system in the end.

FNC, can you handle it?

Xu Ruoguang controlled Lu Xi'an to go up the line, and instead of pressing forward in a hurry, he gave Teemo's thumb a light on his head.

Some players are the skinny kind.

You give him a bright expression, and he can't help interacting.

Because it is not clear whether FNC is frantic and wants to squat himself, Xu Ruoguang directly started using the Bibabu trap.

"Did he see us? Gone."

Beaver-sang was slightly disappointed, and clicked to return to the city.

I knew that this hanging man was not so simple, and it was impossible to give this kind of opportunity.

He was just giving it a try, anyway, it doesn't cost money to try.

So FNC's bottom team clicked to return to the city.

But within two seconds of returning, Xu Ruoguang counted the time silently in his heart, and came.

After learning the W skill, he played enthusiastically, and it was a W to the grass.

The bot lane group, which had already counted down to six seconds, was interrupted when returning to the city!

After the skill hits, the calmness of Xu Ruoguang's sub-type is triggered.

"Is there really someone there?"

Xu Ruoguang was happy.

To be honest, he just gave it a try, anyway, he was going to learn W to play laning later.

I didn't expect it to be tried out for him.

Should he be interrupted by going back to the city?

Thinking of this, another expression appeared on Xu Ruobald's head.

Jinx - made me cry.

rub rub rub!

The fire on Beaver-mulberry's head was slowly rising, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only retreat aggrievedly, and then return to the city again.

But after going back and forth like this, by the time the bot lane team goes online, it is doomed to lose experience.

The arrangement of FNC at the beginning, on the contrary, made them fool themselves!

Bibabu wanted to laugh a little, but he froze.

It's a little too impolite to laugh now.

After all, they are teammates, so bear with it.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Three minutes into the game, he has already begun to doubt his life.


"Why can he keep hitting my buckets?!"

How can a hero like the captain play without E?

When he was level one, he was overwhelmed by Xu Ruoguang. After finally reaching level two, he planned to exchange blood with buckets, but he couldn't tap any of them!

Yes, none of them can be ordered.

This Lucian played very unrestrainedly, as if he didn't see his barrel at all, and always took the initiative to exchange blood with him on his face.

But when he wanted A to drop the bucket with his backhand, Lucian's flat A could always get stuck at the moment of his shot.

As a result, Bibabu was either giving Xu Ruoguang a bucket knife, or he couldn't come out at all.

No reason, no reason!

Bibabo is a bit over the top.

He knows that Xu Ruoguang is a very strong top laner, and it can even be said that Fault leads the world.

But no matter how strong you are, you won't be able to make no mistakes every time, and you can light the bucket for me so easily every time, right?

But what is more regrettable is that...

It really is.

Compared with Xu Ruoguang's reaction and judgment, Babu has already caused a crush.

As long as there is a chance to click the bucket, Xu Ruoguang will definitely click it for him, and there is no possibility of any mistakes.

Take it easy.


"Oops, clicked again!"

"My God, can't this be blown out?"

"It's over, bwipo is stunned!"

Senior Colonel Guan happened to be explaining today, and at this time his face already showed a horrible expression.

Terrible captain.

He had never seen such a languid matchup.

He doesn't have the ability to fight back at all, he can only dazzle the orange QQ to consume blood.


What's the use of learning, it's just sending money to the other side.

A pure bucket of money.

"It's just so unfair."

Bibabu couldn't help complaining.

"Is this kind of laning a human should play?"

"He passively brings an extra round to tie the A, it's impossible for me to order it!"

He completely lost the confidence that the coach gave him after he got the captain when he was in BP.

The rhetoric at the beginning is almost silent now.

It's really a bit of a defense to be ordered by the bucket.

But he is also very tall, obviously he has been ordered to hit the bucket, but he just wants to let go.

"Even if you beat me this time, I don't really approve of it!"

Bibabu almost gritted his teeth.

He originally thought that Xu Ruoguang, as the top laner in the world, would have something to say when he came to the World Championship.

I didn't expect it to be so dirty!

If you dare to order me a bucket, I will ask you if you dare!

Bibabu is now playing games every time he clicks the bucket.

He often stops, trying to trick Xu Ruoguang into making a move.

But how could this kind of deception deceive Xu Ruoguang?

He thought Xu Ruoguang was playing a game with him.

In fact, Xu Ruoguang didn't take it to heart at all.

What he ordered the barrels was not based on the game, but on the basis of real reactions.

What is hard eating?

The moment he saw Bibabu make a move, he clicked for the last time.

At the moment when the blood volume of the barrel decays, click the last one.

Even the flight time of level A is considered very thoughtful.

It's all about hard reactions.

In this case, it would be a ghost for Bibabu to win the game.

Bibabu was addicted to the game, but he didn't notice that Xu Ruoguang had quietly consumed his blood to a very dangerous level.

With half blood up, this amount of blood is considered safe in his eyes.

However, in Xu Ruoguang's eyes...

That doesn't count at all!

The moment the captain tried to put down the bucket again, Xu Ruoguang took the corruption potion and made a move.

Lucian made a short E shot, A key to select the captain, and the first shot immediately received the Q penetrating holy light.

A fired the first shot again, and before the special effect of the passive second shot appeared, he flashed out W's enthusiastic bullet, and connected the last shot to level A!

The captain who handed over the flashing orange is still dead!

EAAQAA flashed WAA, and Lucian broke out the fastest combo when facing each other.

W's hand raising is the longest, and it is also the easiest to be reacted to.

So Xu Ruoguang flashed directly, predicting that the captain would flash back, and finally added WAA.

Cooperate with the extra damage increase of the corruption potion and the strong attack, and take it away in one set!

"Did you really think that buddy played a game of barrels with you?"

Xu Ruoguang was a little funny.

This biwop feels a bit bewitched, why do you have such a blood volume in front of me attacking Lucian?

"This is too fast!"

The Korean commentator couldn't help but click his tongue,

On the one hand, they were amazed at how fast Xu Ruoguang's first solo kill came in this World Championship, and on the other hand, they were also amazed at the speed of Xu Ruoguang's combo.

But Xu Ruoguang definitely wouldn't admit it when he heard it.

Can I hurry up, you have to ask Enjing, what is it called here?

"Brother Guang is still that Brother Guang, this pairing, my God."

Colonel Guan was dumbfounded.

Just now, I was playing a game between you and me, but suddenly I started, and then the captain died just like that.

This ability to seize opportunities, as always.

Now the game time is less than five minutes, and the captain has already been suppressed for nearly twenty dollars.

This is very scary, because there will be no soldiers in the first minute or so.

Not only was the barrel numb, but the people were gone.

Tougher than Bubba.

The top laners I encountered in Europe before were not like this!

It can only be said that he is somewhat popular.

After a year of fishing, he had already forgotten what kind of person Xu Ruoguang was.

In front of a top laner like Xu Ruoguang, do you dare to show your flaws?

Ok, let's go home and watch black and white TV.

He wanted to kill, and Jesus couldn't save him.

The maniac from E Province, the king of points, Xu Ruoguang!

In fact, UR is not the only one blooming at this time.

The middle and lower ones also bloomed twice, and the sixth teacher was ecstatic.

To put it bluntly, the intensity of European laning is too low. What did UR rely on to make it from the playoffs to the finals?

It's not just about operations, it's more about laning!

Xu Xiu may not be able to quickly play a crash rhythm against other top LCK top laners.

But what is your sour emperor?

He also took a hero with weak laning like Ryze.

Xu Xiu, who got Jess, didn't hold back at all, and his laning pressure was full.

At the second level, he directly played the flash of the sour emperor, and at the third level, he was forced to go directly to the state of handing in T supplements.

Xu Xiu is currently in excellent condition. After that period of special training, there is basically no laning mid laner stronger than him in the World Championship.

Maybe S8's rookie can fight.

But the rookie of S9 doesn't work!

And is Sour King's laning ability comparable to rookie?

Obviously, no.

At this time, the sour emperor had been beaten into a daze.

This, this is wrong!

They have played quite a few scrims against FPX.

Although Doinb's laning ability is good, Sour King doesn't think he will be solo killed by him, but he just feels disgusting and difficult to exert strength.

The laning period is really not particularly difficult to play.

But this Showmaker... put too much pressure on him.

He didn't think about a question.

Can Doinb's laning style be the same as Xu Xiu's laning style?

For Doinb's standard team mid laner, his laning ability is sufficient, and he relies on playing games with his brain.

But Xu Xiu was not.

He is a pure thug in UR, and has never intervened in the command.

All you play is laning!

So it's normal to put so much pressure on Acid King.

Some people may ask, since it is so difficult to play online, what about playing wildlings?

Oh, being chased by spiders in the canyon in the wild.

Broxah had never been wronged like this.

He took the blind monk, isn't there not many natural enemies in the wild?

Although it is said that the blind monk is easy to be blocked by the little spider when he hits the spider, but he is also a professional jungler after all, and it shows that he is confident.

As long as he is not overshadowed, he is really not afraid of spiders in the Conqueror blind monk field.

But that's an ideal situation.


He's been bullied by canyon all the time.

From Broxah's point of view, Canyon is like a ghost.

Often the jungler fights, and suddenly a spider pops out, and then he snatches the wild monster.

It doesn't matter if you grab it, the Q handed over by the backhand will be dodged by him!

It's okay to hide, I'll eat other wild animals.

Then he came again!

Broxah was getting bored to death.

But as his experience fell behind, he became more and more unable to fight.

During this time, no one can help him.

The top and mid laners themselves are hard to protect themselves, and the bottom lane team is also crushed to death.

Three roads are suppressed, what can the jungler do without shopping?

Don't talk about helping online, just say that I can't even defend the wild area!

The economic gap was simply exaggerated, and it was directly pulled to more than 5,000 in ten minutes.

This is very exaggerated. In ten minutes, you can get a 5,000 economic difference, and it has basically collapsed.

And so Beaver Mulberry began.

After playing Luo, he didn't want this game to end like this!

He started wandering wildly.

But UR didn't feel it.

Do you still dare to swim away?

Ou Cheng, you don't want to be killed by jumping over the tower, do you?

Ou Cheng: ...

One tower was honestly released.

And Beaver-sang, who was wandering, also went on the road, trying to help the captain get up.

But he got the wrong guy.

Xu Ruoguang made 106 knives in 10 minutes, and he has already made a dilapidated Lu Xi'an who is about to level nine. Could it be that he, a dilapidated Luo Neng who has only just reached level six, messed with it?

The broken one took a sip, and the backhand directly hit two.

Beaver-san didn't expect to be melted directly.

Like leather?

Then die!

The baptism of the backhand holy gun once again wiped out the disabled captain, jumped directly over the tower, and completed a one-on-two.

After this wave, FNC also sent it completely.

Eighteen minutes into the game, UR crushed FNC with a huge 17-0 head-to-head ratio.

It also allowed audiences all over the world to see Canyon Pioneer dancing at the opposite base for the first time in this World Championship.

"Let's congratulate UR! Is this the state of UR after rest?!"

Colonel Guan couldn't help but said,

Who said that UR has been playing badly every day recently?

Fortunately, it wasn't our LPL that was fooled!

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