What kind of job does such a dish play? Go home and raise pigs

Chapter 546 Don't, don't, brother Guang, don't kill, don't kill!

Go home and get 875 pickaxes and critical strike cloaks directly. The first one is endless, and there is only one synthesis fee.

In the current version, since there is no mythic equipment, it should not actually be done.

For heroes like Xiaopao who need both attack speed and critical strike, they usually make a storm sword first, and then make artillery or electric knives for the first big piece.

However that is the general case.

Is this average?


Xiaopao is too fat!

Fat to a point that is bordering on scary.

A normal little cannon can develop at most a storm sword and a pair of straw sandals in seven minutes.

As for Xu Ruoguang, who has perfected the small cannon, he can naturally start doing endless.

With the attack speed shoes on him, the attack speed with the Q skill is enough for the time being.

The most important thing now is to bring the damage to a terrible level!

"Pioneer can't compete at all... The development of this small cannon is too exaggerated, it is impossible to win."

Lin Weixiang spoke in frustration.

He also plays AD. Naturally, it is clear what the small cannon equipment means at this point in time.

See who is second and whoever.

How to fight this team battle?

Besides, there is a Tahm who can protect the small cannon. Even if the small cannon has not cooled down after flashing, it is not so easy to rush to death.

Is this really a fight?

At least Lin Weixiang feels that he has accelerated after hitting.

downhill? Step on the gas pedal!

That's how it feels.

The problem is, Doinb is not reconciled.

It's been so hard to fight until now, so the first one just let it go?

If the small cannon doesn't dare to fire now, won't it be even more useless to fire it when the small cannon flashes and cools down?

"It must be fought, come all come!"

Doinb said decisively,

"Let's focus on the small cannons, we can't take the canyon, kill the small cannons, and take his bounty to have a chance to come back! Lin Weixiang, you must get this bounty!"

"If Tamm swallows the small cannon, kill Tamm first, we still have enough damage now!"

Doinb's Akali still has flashes, and he has room for manipulation in this wave.

FPX, start to assemble!

It can be said that this decision was beyond the expectations of the South Korean commentator.

"Is it really possible to fight? FPX seems to have a great desire to fight."

"They really want to play, and the bot lane team has already arrived."

It can be said that if FPX is a Korean team other than KT, almost all teams will choose to play it directly.

But here they are.

This is also the characteristic of the LPL team.

Sometimes, it will be easier to comeback than the LCK team.

Sometimes, it will be sent faster by the LCK team.

They do not lack the courage to fight.

"Dare to fight?"

Xu Ruoguang was not surprised, but raised his eyebrows.

He has gone home again, playing enough to make endless money.

Go directly to the vanguard.

The only small cannon in the audience!

At this point, Xu Ruoguang didn't think anyone could kill him.

Since you FPX want to pick it up, then I, Xu Ruoguang, don't mind playing with you.

"Before going out, take a good view, don't give them a chance to go around, and assist them to scan directly!"

Xu Ruoguang waited for his teammates while commanding.

On the way to Pioneer, he began to adjust his position.

Although it is said that UR is not afraid of fighting at all, but for UR, how long will it take to sort out the formation?

In many cases, if the details can be handled better, the winning rate of the team battle will be higher.

This is the biggest difference between UR and other teams that like to attack.

Xu Ruoguang made his debut in SKT.

kkoma taught him a very important truth: no matter what the situation, if you can't give a chance, don't give it.

No matter how big the advantage!

Don't make waves if you don't have to.

In today's version, even though SKT's operations are outdated, this sentence is still very correct.

A truly strong team is to minimize its own mistakes while maintaining its core advantages.

This is also the reason why IG failed to play UR in S8, because while UR has a strong ability to seize opportunities, it hardly gave IG any chances.

IG's reckless play in this situation will only give more.

Naturally, you can't beat UR.

It's just that the general strong teams can't play IG at all during the laning period, so even if they know how to play IG, it's useless.

UR arranged the formation and calmly approached the vanguard.

Along the way, I really swept out two visions.

One is inserted by Xiaotian, and B is an eye in the position of the three wolves.

One was made by Doinb, the view of the river close to the river on UR.

These two fields of vision are very tricky, it is difficult for ordinary teams to find out, and their own movements will be seen clearly.

However, UR has done special research on FPX.

It's a pity that these two eye positions UR have been clear for a long time.

The FPX field of view is also very clean, and there is no field of view left for UR.

This is what happens when top teams collide.

It is understandable to be studied by opponents.

The two sides began to put up a posture at the vanguard.

As an advantage, UR should have been bold enough to move the dragon directly. After all, with Qianjue and Tamm, Xiaopao is really hard to die.

But UR didn't do that, and instead let Xu Xiu's Enchantress start POKE first.

Why not do it if you can destroy the opponent's state a little more before the team battle?

UR is in no hurry.

"so annoying."

Lin Weixiang felt a little sick.

Yao Ji has been catching him to Q, not even letting go of QR, just Q, then W comes up to Q him, forcefully draining his blood.

The FPX lineup pays attention to the flow of team battles, so it is naturally impossible to play a demon girl.

So there is no good way to face Xu Xiu's Poke.

It's annoying, it's annoying, hum!

Although Yao Ji's damage is not that bad, it's not enough to hit him with a Q.

But like a mosquito, it's also disgusting!

Let's imagine.

On a hot summer night, luckily there was a power outage.

You had no choice but to open the mosquito net and take a fan to cool off.

As a result, taking advantage of this time, a group of mosquitoes quietly rushed into your mosquito net.

It suddenly starts to "buzz buzz" when you are about to fall asleep, which is annoying to the noisy person.

Then you get bitten.

The key is that the black light is blind, you still can't get it!

Do you understand this feeling of suffocation?

This is how Lin Weixiang feels now.

Fortunately, UR has finally launched the pioneer.

Lin Weixiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Should I rob or start a group?"

Xiaotian is eager to try.

He was a little aggrieved by Canyon in the wild in the early stage.

Jungle is like this.

No matter how strong the jungler is without the advantage of the line, it will be difficult to play. If there is no line right to play the jungler online, it will be very uncomfortable. In the wild, the strength will automatically drop by one level, and he will not dare to fight with others.

After the fight, a carload of breadmen immediately came to support, and your teammates were still crushed under the tower.

What is this jungler doing?

So it is normal for Xiaotian to feel uncomfortable.

"League! Pioneers are not important!"

Doinb resolutely opened his mouth.

His eyes were serious and his concentration was full.

"Golden directly blocked their back lane. When you charged in, Galio opened up to follow you. When Galio hit the ground, I would charge with Lin Weixiang. Tamm rushed Verus first after eating the small cannon!"

"Xiao Tian, ​​try to block Verus and Tam as much as possible!"

"If you can cover Tam, Tam won't be able to eat the cannon."

Doinb's thinking is very clear.

When at a disadvantage, FPX can't hit the front row or people who can't be killed at all.

They must focus.

In terms of judgment, Doinb did win.


Xiaotian didn't say much, just nodded silently, fixed his eyes on the position of the UR player, and was always ready to start a team.

Don't call three two one when starting a group here.

The moment Xiaotian rushed in, his teammates would immediately make the most correct decision.

Pioneer's blood volume is getting lower and lower.

And Xu Ruoguang's position is getting further and further back.

Xu Ruoguang knew very well that if UR said that there was any possibility of losing this wave, the only possibility would be that he was killed.

So it is impossible for him to give a chance.

As for why the Super God Xiaopao is so cowardly?

This is not cowardly.

When you can not give the opportunity, why do you have to give it?

When the opponent finished the first wave, it was his performance time.

"Canyon, no one can ignore me. If I get flushed, I can just use R as long as my health drops to half!"

Xu Ruoguang spoke calmly.


Canyon nodded earnestly.

Pioneer's blood volume is getting lower and lower.

It is clearly a vanguard group, but in fact the real protagonist is not a vanguard at all.

But even if Pioneer has ideas, he shouldn't feel anything.

Pioneer: It doesn't matter, buddy is just one who comes to work.

Six thousand!

The captain of Jin Gong started to move forward quietly, put down the gunpowder barrel in the grass beside him, and waited for the opportunity.

five thousand!

Liu Qingsong's Galio is ready to go.

Although the bottom lane team was killed once, the experience gain of the bottom lane team has not been cut, and it is not difficult to assist level six in eight minutes.

four thousand!

Doinb's Akali is already standing on the flank, ready to enter the field at any time.

Three thousand!

Team battle, start!

"The artillery fire roars!"

The captain of Jin Gong raised his hand, and the rear row of UR was covered by artillery fire!

Xiaotian's prince also directly enters the stage with EQ at this moment.

While forcing Verus to flash, he directly framed Verus and Tam.

"There is a problem with my position after flashing!"

Viper's heart sank.

Almost at the same time, a huge circle covered the huge area centered on the prince.

Galio's ultimate move, the hero debuts!

After the 1.5-second boot time, Galio landed the moment.

Although there was a problem with the positioning, Viper did not give up resistance.

The backhand shot directly at the prince, charged up WQ and shot, and the E skill was sprinkled, trying to hit the most output of oneself during this time.

"Don't eat!"

he growled.

"Brother Baoguang!"

Originally planning to swallow Verus the moment Galio hit the ground, Meiko, who was protecting Viper, stopped.

Since Viper said it, then...

Just trust him.

Viper's insight into the battle situation is very keen, and it is impossible for this wave of FPX to kill Verus to win.

Because now it's Super God's little gun who is fat, and it's not Verus who only got two assists.

If FPX really wanted to kill him, he would be happy instead.

Because of this, they have no output to deal with Brother Guang's small cannon.

This is what makes Viper different from many ADCs.

For an absolute core like Uzi, Tamm may eat it directly, regardless of how fat the account cancellation and letme are, anyway, no matter how fat they are, they will not output.

But Viper has Xu Ruoguang.

So he can choose to believe that Brother Guang can harvest.

This is the difference in decision-making brought about by the gap between teammates.

In fact, just like viper's idea, although the bottom team was knocked into the air at the same time, FPX didn't care about the bottom team at all.

Akali and Kai'Sa entered the arena at the same time, aiming directly at the small cannon standing at the back.

Akali passed over Verus.

And Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa is more aggressive. He directly moved his big move behind Verus, and then turned on the E skill to fight A with the small cannon.

But this wave, FPX rushed too reluctantly!

Verus has been dealt with by the captain, but with Akali and Kai'Sa, does FPX feel that...

Am I afraid?

In Xu Ruoguang's eyes, there was some doubt.

But the hand was not slow at all, he activated the Q skill to shoot rapidly, and the explosion sparks of the E skill directly hung on Kai'Sa.

Akali has not yet handed over the smoke bomb.

It is impossible for Xu Ruoguang to waste output on Akali who has not yet handed over the smoke bomb, because it is difficult to explode instantly.


Lin Weixiang, who gave you the courage to fly in my face?

Xu Ruoguang narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a step back, asking Canyon beside him to help him share the damage of Kai'Sa's Q skill.

Then turn around and output, one knife, two knife, three knife!

Lin Weixiang was dumbfounded when he played A three times.

I am super, what B damage?

Three hits to level A and one knife did not explode, but knocked out half of Kai'Sa's blood with his shield!

Without the slightest carelessness, he directly treated the flash and pulled away after full communication.

Brother Coin, it's up to you!

The damage is so fucking scary.

Fortunately, the flash treatment handed over by the first-level regiment is now cured, otherwise Lin Weixiang would have died suddenly.

Doinb laid out smoke bombs, and when Xu Ruoguang was outputting Kai'Sa, he slowed down with a Q skill, and the moment he played a passive level A, the E skill Falcon Dance hung on Xiaopao's body.

"Can kill!"

Doinb was refreshed.

He has an exclusive combo.


To know

Now Akali can use Q when flying in the second stage of E, this is a mechanism that will not be canceled until the S11 version.

Cooperate with the damage of electrocution and the beheading of the second stage R.

Although this small cannon with blood volume seems to be at about two-thirds of the safety line, it is actually already at the killing line of Akali.

Doinb is sure that it is almost impossible for Xu Ruoguang to react.

Because this set broke out too fast, and Galio had already charged W and flashed W immediately.

Cannon's R skill can only deal with Galio.

Under all eyes, I, Doinb!

Thousands of troops from it, beheaded the enemy's core cannon!

Today is the day I Doinb become a god!

Don't call me Coin Brother anymore, call me Coin God.

Let me think about it again...

Standing before you now is:

2015 LSPL Spring Championship, 2015 LPL Summer Championship runner-up, 2016 LSPL Spring Championship, 2017 Regular Season MVP!

2018 regular season MVP second place, 2019 regular season MVP, 2018 LPL spring third mid laner, 2019 LPL spring third mid laner, 2019 LPL summer champion mid laner!

Your precious Flammulina velutipes golden cuckoo, Super carry Doinb!

However, at the moment when he flew over with the second stage E, he kicked Xu Ruoguang's blood to half.


The enchantment lingering with the breath of life and death, rise up!

Qian Jue's big move, the spirit of sheep lives!

Akali Q plus two-stage R is played.

But the cannon...it still fell.

Xu Ruoguang Xiaopao's health bar turned golden.

Xu Ruoguang turned around, and tied A three times to cooperate with Qian Jue's damage to kill Akali, who was out of the range of the Lamb Spirit's breathing ult.

Xu Ruoguang smiled.

"You want to kill me too?"

"Fantasy again?"

Doinb with a black screen stares angrily, out of breath,

"Xiba'er!! Whose Qian Jue's half-blood will directly open R!? Will he play it?!"

This is too stable for Xiba.

Even Doinb never considered this situation.

Half blood direct Qian Jue R?

Xiaopao is the only person in this R! Just to save Xiaopao!

Canyon, aren't you the top wild king?

Why do you want to be a dog for people!

This R is too extravagant.

Yet Canyon never thought about it that much.

Since Brother Guang said that half-bloods open R, he opened it directly.

Listen to brother Guang, don't let him get hurt.

The magic of angels... ahem, it's over.

With Qian Jue's second-stage R falling, Xiaopao, who spit blood back, jumped up!

The target is Kai'Sa!

"Xiaopao started to jump! FPX's middle and lower double C can't kill Xiaopao at all!"

"Ka'Sa has no place to run, Lin Weixiang rushed too aggressively!"

"Double kill!"

"The prince can't run away, Xiaotian wants to turn around and EQ, but Tam just flashes to eat the cannon!"

Accompanied by the fierce commentary, Xu Ruoguang roared.

"Delicious, field!"

Coming out of Tian Ye's body, he continued to shoot the prince directly.

The prince can't bear it at all!

"Three kills! Is there any more?"

"Qianjue stopped, Galio is dead, four kills!"

"Oh, what a pity, the captain ran away!"

The South Korean commentator couldn't help but hammered his thigh, his face full of pity.

Jin Gong's captain ran away when he saw that the situation was not good.

"If you can't catch up, forget it."

Xu Ruoguang shook his head.

Pentakill or something doesn't matter to him at all.

After playing for so many years, the number of pentakills on the court has been close to twenty times.

And besides him, no one else has even done it ten times.

That's the huge gap.

To him, pentakills in professional competitions are really not such a rare thing.

After winning the vanguard, Canyon didn't even pick up the vanguard, and Xu Ruoguang picked it up directly.

What is a good jungler? This is!

Tapi doesn't even want to divide it, so it's right not to take a single needle and thread.

The little hands are terribly clean.

Xu Ruoguang cooperated with Pioneer and pushed FPX off the road.

This is still a tower.

For more than eight minutes, what is the concept of a small cannon with twelve heads?

When Xiaopao came out again, he was already on the way down.

Verus went on the road to develop honestly alone.

Now viper's assistant Tianye has become Xu Ruoguang's assistant.

And Xu Ruoguang didn't come out directly.

Instead, he waited for the moment when Kai'Sa appeared, and jumped face directly.

What equipment is the cannon now?

The artillery is almost done!

At the moment of landing, hang up E, three critical strikes almost killed Kai'Sa directly.

However, even though Galio taunted him, Kai'Sa had no choice but to leave.


Because he still has an explosion spark on his head!

If you fight back now, you will definitely not be able to fight, and because you die too fast, the small cannon W will be refreshed directly.

Galio couldn't leave either.

However, Lin Weixiang thought about procrastinating with his life, is it really useful?

it's useless.

Xu Ruoguang followed Galio directly, waiting for Kai'Sa to jump and slow down Galio after he was killed.

One knife, two knife, three knife!

How much meat can the assistant Galio have?

Eat two layers of tapi, go home, and make cannons.

Xu Ruoguang has already started looking for someone to kill.

This time, his target is the mid laner, Doinb's Akali.

Xu Xiu's acting skills are still passable, double-stepping directly clears the soldiers, making the illusion that she wants to return to the city.

This made Doinb relax some vigilance.

And at this time, the enchantress who originally read back to the city suddenly became violent, and directly shot E!

Although Doinb's reaction was already exaggerated, he immediately handed over the W smoke bomb, but it was useless at all, and he was still imprisoned!

"The jungler is not in the middle, what is he doing?"

Doinb was wondering, when he saw a small cannon with a scanner jumping into his smoke bomb.

Doinb: Oh shit.

The moment Akali handed over a piece of R, Xiaopao had already activated the Q skill, EARA.

It's that simple.

The moment the R skill is fired, it catches up with a round of A, and with the extra damage of the artillery, Akali is dropped directly.

In this time period, Akali's blood volume is at most a thousand.

The small cannon facing the endless artillery is so fragile.

Energetic damage + one critical strike + one layer E damage + one R + one level A without critical strike.

It's enough to clear Akali's health.

Akali's second-stage R was instantly killed without a chance to hand it over.

Doinb even owes Xu Ruoguang some blood!

"It's over... If Akali is beaten in the face by Xiaopao like this..."

Colonel Guan couldn't bear to see it anymore.

Isn't this horse riding too ruthless?

In about fourteen minutes, Xiaopao had fifteen fucking heads!

One head per minute?

Is this killing too exaggerated? ? ?

Although he didn't finish his sentence, everyone said they understood what you meant.

When an assassin is face-mounted by an AD hero and there is no way, this one has almost been sent.

Fifteen minutes later, the second pioneer was refreshed.

However, at this time, FPX has almost completely lost the ability to receive groups.

The poor economy has reached a terrible nearly 10,000.

And Xiaopao alone was nearly seven thousand ahead.

When the captain finally made the three-phase, he won the vanguard and pushed down the three-way and one-tower small cannon, and he has already made a three-piece set.

Endless, artillery, blood drinking sword and a pair of attack speed shoes.

In addition to shoes, each is a batch of expensive equipment.

The attack power has almost broken three hundred.

75 crit rate!

This attribute, at the time of less than twenty minutes, can only be described as a god.

UR began to directly surround the small cannon and advance in the middle.

Speaking human words is push.

Such a simple and crude tactic does not seem to be what UR will do.

But right now it's really the best.

Because the development of Xiaopao is too exaggerated, FPX can hardly find any way to face UR's middle push.

Who can handle this little cannon?

Not to mention that Blink is already healed, there is still a Blood Drinking Sword.

The current Kai'Sa and Akali may not fight back as much as Xiaopao.

FPX's determination to defend is still very firm.

But what good is determination alone?

This is not Tianyuan breakthrough, you can become stronger without limit if you have faith.

League of Legends is, after all, a game for capitalists.

The rich and fat people are the masters!

Alas, capital.

"I can't hold it at all! The high ground is about to fall!"

"What does FPX want to do? Do you want to fight a wave?"

"Fight! FPX chose to start a team after all!"

"But it's useless! The small cannon is flashy! There are two bodyguards beside Qian Jue Tam, and Verus helps to keep people, and the output is completely stress-free!"

"Xu Xiu's enchantress has been stealing damage, no one can control him!"

"Ka'Sa is second!"

"Xiao Pao, jump up!"

"My God, Xiaopao's E skill exploded and killed two of them at the same time. This is a double hit!"

"Xiao Pao is still chasing! Emporer has scored three kills!"

"Another quadruple kill? It's over!"

"Let's, congratulations UR!"

Colonel Guan's fatal rhythm finally cooled down.

The barrage has exploded.

Xiaopao's record is fixed at 20/0/2.


"This one, Brother Guang seems to have broken the kill record in the World Championship!"

The South Korean commentator was so excited that he opened his mouth in ecstasy.

The record has been broken!

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