"The newly-promoted great god Zhichun Zhigang is suspected to have collapsed with Longteng Chinese Website, and is looking for another way out."

"[Forecast post] The next stop of the strength analysis and suspense master Zhichun Zhigang!"

"According to our reporter's strength report, Chuangwen.com attacked Hu Longteng with heavy blows."

"The old covenant of the Great God may be broken, and the appearance of the new covenant will be a joy or a worry for the Great God..."

I don't know who started to bring the rhythm first, but suddenly a new trend was set off in the online literature Jianghu forum. First, from Zhichun to the new website where the next new book will be published, and then to those who are interested in revealing that Longteng Chinese.com may revise the Great God’s Agreement, etc...

The content of this discussion became more and more mysterious. None of the great writers who were the vested interests of the great gods made an appointment. On the contrary, those writers who were poor in writing and even signed a contract were the most troublesome. I have seen it three or five times. I thought I had seen through the whole "world" after just one post.

One point of truth plus nine points of falsehood made up by my own brain constitutes a new post.

The editors of the five giants always say that they don't need to care about the facts in the online literature arena rather than the posts, but they have to pay attention to the direction of public opinion in the online literature arena every now and then.

Suddenly, there was a bad wind on the Longteng Chinese website, and someone reported it to the editor-in-chief Brilliance in the first place. Not only that, but in just one day, at least a dozen authors of the Great God's Covenant came to him after getting the news and asked him about the authenticity of the content, but he temporarily prevaricated them with the word "will handle".

So a meeting of the management of Longteng Chinese Network was held urgently.

"Brilliance, tell me what's going on at the Wangwen Jianghu Forum?" Just after the meeting started, a leader attacked Brilliance. After all, they are the management of the same company, so it doesn't mean that everyone is of the same mind. There are always people who have their own little calculations in their hearts. For example, the person who spoke up wanted to put his own person in the position of editor-in-chief.

"This is a simple report of what happened. You can read it first." Brilliance asked the secretary to put the prepared report in front of every leader, and then continued, "It is obvious that someone is behind the scenes. It is nothing more than Want to drive a wedge between us and Zhichun Zhigang...

It is also possible that the agent of Zhichun Zhigang deliberately recruited the navy to give us a false impression of pressure. However, I have read the information of the agency studio and the agent, and it does not seem to have such strength, so I dare to infer with a high probability that it is the method of our old opponent! "

"How to solve it?" Someone asked back.

The analysis was well-founded, and the other leaders agreed with Brilliance's explanation in the blink of an eye, but they agreed with it. How to deal with this matter quickly and satisfactorily is what the people present wanted to hear.

"Simple! The key to solving the problem lies in the issue of signing the great god agreement with Zhichun Zhigang. The other party's conditions have been made out, and everyone had a lot of meetings and discussions before. It just happens that today is full of people, and it is time to come to a conclusion!"

At that time, Luo Huasheng, the CEO of Longteng Media Company, the capital force behind Longteng Chinese.com, bent his index finger and middle finger and tapped on the table.

"Brilliance, the Chinese website has been entrusted to you for so many years, and I have trusted you for so many years from scratch. Can you tell me, is this pure and pure value worthy of us breaking the rules and revising the God's promise?"

In the final analysis, this question has only one meaning: Is the future of Zhichun Zhigang a short-lived talent, or the rising sun will rise higher and higher, and its light will become brighter and brighter!


"Then let go and do it!"


With the approval of the company's CEO Luo Huasheng, Brilliance has obtained Shang Fang's sword. No matter what decision he wants to make in the future, no one will be in the way.

Of course a decision is a decision, what should be done next,

How to revise the specific details of the Great God’s Covenant, after this party agreed to Li Chungang’s modification of the Great God’s Covenant, how to appease and compensate other works that have signed the Great God’s Covenant, etc., need to go through round after round of meetings to discuss and agree just work.

It's just that things are decided by the insiders, and these things don't need to be arguing and wasting saliva with the managers who are over fifty years old, potbellied and full of the word "interest". The editor-in-chief of the large group waits to close the door and solve it by himself!

"After working overtime in the recent period, the first volume of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has been urgently produced. Later, I will have someone send you a template by email. Look! If you have no comments here, Our publishing house will immediately start arranging the announcement!"

"Also, we have already proofread the contents of the entire "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". If there is no accident, the basic manuscript fee will be paid to you through the financial department today and tomorrow. You can pay attention to check it when the time comes!"

People are sitting at home, happy to come from WeChat.

Li Chungang was still on his morning run when he received a voice call request from He Qiaoqiao, the editor of Manjinghua Publishing House who was in charge of contacting him. As soon as he connected, the other party brought him good news.

Not only the production of the first volume of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is completed and it is about to be put on the announcement schedule, but also his one million publishing fee, which really solved his urgent need. With this money, "Fighting in the Snow" The unlock amount of "Knife Walk" is enough.

These days when I was free and didn’t really want to play games, Li Chungang was a bit uncomfortable to be honest. When I recalled the busy days when I couldn’t leave the computer desk several times a day when I was writing "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", I will miss this very much. A sense of fullness.

"Should I take the time to sign up for a driver's license?"

He found that since the brain region was expanded, the ability to rotate thinking has greatly increased. A small problem is that it is too easy to diverge thinking. He just thought about the good news that the first volume of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was completed, and then he did not know why. All of a sudden overtaking on a curve, I thought of coming here to test my driver's license.

In the end, it was time to get down to business. I opened the Titan Notebook I brought back from Shanghai, and boarded my QQ mailbox.

"The template of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern Ⅰ: Exquisite Ancient City""——He Qiaoqiao, editor of Manjinghua Publishing House

Front and back covers, prologue, testimonials...

The exquisite bookmark and three posters presented with the book...

After reading it, Li Chungang couldn't help sighing: As expected of the number one publishing house in China, the cover designer and illustration artist are too strong, and the paintings are a hundred times better than he imagined, especially among them. A poster is the scene of the protagonist Hu Bayi when he went to the grave for the first time and opened the coffin.

"Sister Qiaoqiao, get me two sets of this template book."

"no problem!"

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