And there is honor!

This is the truest feeling in the hearts of all the readers who supported Li Chungang after they learned that Chungang's interview was actually reposted by the communist teenagers.

Author A: "My monthly income from writing novels is higher than yours!"

Li Chungang: "I was named and praised by the youths of the Communist Party."

Author B: "The novel I wrote was adapted into a hit TV series!"

Li Chungang: "I was named and praised by the youths of the Communist Party."

Author C: "The novel I wrote has been published in various languages ​​and sold well!"

Li Chungang: "I was named and praised by the youths of the Communist Party. No, my book was also published, and my grades are better than yours!"

Author Ding: "I..."

Li Chungang: "I was named and praised by the youths of the Communist Party."

A, B, B, Ding received HP-99999 crit damage, died!

Located at N20°02′45.97″ north latitude and E110°11′38.39 east longitude, the southernmost province of China——South China Sea.

"Handsome guy, let's learn about fitness, swimming, yoga, and weight loss?"

"Pretty girl, let's learn about fitness, swimming, yoga, and weight loss?"


"Are you blind? I'm only in my early thirties, old man who is bigger than you, get out of here!"


This is already the 100th time that Zhang Yangyang was rejected by passers-by tonight. He still stubbornly refused to leave after looking at the thick leaflets in his hand for so long. Only three or five people were sent out. Fen has not followed the new owner for a few steps, but it has been abandoned on the ground, and it will be trampled underfoot anytime, anywhere.


"Yangyang, let's have a rest. Brother Gen is just looking for trouble. How can you attract customers this big night?" A young man wearing the same black T-shirt with "Leyi Fitness" as Zhang Yangyang came from He patted his shoulder from behind and complained.

The kindness in the young man's hand is not weaker than that of Zhang Yangyang's leaflet, so one can imagine that there will be "closed doors" tonight!

"Why did we both fail to meet the minimum performance standards last month? Brother Gen asked us to work overtime at night to distribute leaflets to attract customers. Think about it, the customers who pass by our gym every day with fitness ideas There are so many, and there are so many people during the day, how hard it is to grab them.

It's different this big night, look at how many people are coming and going on this street! This is all about walking! "

For Zhang Yangyang's statement full of positive energy, the companion obviously didn't appreciate it at all, and even sneered a bit. If it is really like what Zhang Yangyang said, why haven't the two of them issued a membership card yet?

He just took this overtime work as a punishment for not completing the performance task last month. He is still here, but he really doesn't know where Feifei has gone.

It’s a bit inappropriate to use Douyin on the street where people come and go, so I have to choose to read the daily headlines......

"A 20-year-old guy earns a million dollars a month writing novels, will you be next?"

As soon as I opened the APP, the first news that came into view completely attracted my attention, especially after I clicked in and read the content, I was left with envy and hatred.

Comparing people to people, it makes people mad!

Others have achieved the achievement of earning a million a month and becoming a millionaire at the age of 20 before going to college. Look at yourself, let alone a million, and even subtracting two digits is not enough.

Just as he was about to read the next piece of news, a memory suddenly flashed in his mind...

Trotted in three steps and five steps to catch up with Zhang Yangyang, who was a little far away, grabbed his shoulders, brought the content on the phone screen to his eyes, and urged: "Yangyang, take a look! Look at what he wrote The first novel can make a million a month, I think you can try it, Yangyang!"

"Don't tease me about you, others are others, we are us." Zhang Yangyang patted the palm on his shoulder.

"When did I tease you, have you forgotten, the things you wrote in high school caused a stir in our school, at least I think your writing is not inferior to the ones in the news.

I've made up my mind, you go to write novels, I'll be your literary agent, we two brothers shoulder to shoulder! "

"Are the leaflets still distributed?"

Zhang Yangyang was a little speechless about his classmate, friend, and colleague's whimsical thinking, and gave him a big white eye. You can understand what it means.

Seeing Zhang Yangyang's firm attitude, Hou Dongsheng continued to read his today's headlines. As for the leaflets, whoever wants to send them, anyway, he will not do it!

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

When the idea of ​​"writing a novel" was proposed by Hou Dongsheng, Zhang Yangyang rejected it without even thinking about it, but the idea was quietly planted in his heart, waiting for an opportunity to take root.

After the two finished their overtime work tonight, they went their separate ways and went home.

For some reason, the idea of ​​"writing a novel" popped up in the mind of Zhang Yangyang, who wanted to take a shower to relax after a day of exhaustion...

Teng, Teng, Teng Teng.

The computer turned on, but instead of directly opening and clicking the icon of a certain game as usual, and joining the pleasant "multiplayer sports" immediately, it opened the website of Longteng Chinese. novel.

Writer's Zone—Writer Benefits—Longteng's most "star" plan.

This "star" plan is a series of guarantee plans created by Longteng for new writers. It can also be said to be a guaranteed benefit.

Especially the perfect attendance award among them attracted Zhang Yangyang.

"It's better..."

"At once……"

"Try it?"

With the thought of giving it a try, even if it fails, there will be no loss, Zhang Yangyang finally couldn't hold back the idea of ​​writing a novel that sprouted in his heart, especially for Xiaobai who is not completely ignorant of writing novels.

Hou Dongsheng didn't talk nonsense. He did write a novel with tens of thousands of words in his hand when he was in high school. in the books.

Chinese documents are vivid stories, experiencing history and changing history.

Mathematics books are rigorous formulas, learning knowledge and mastering knowledge.

Not to mention, publishing it on a novel website might really attract a lot of readers, at least in terms of creative points!

Just like countless domestic authors, from registering an account to creating an author account... Zhang Yangyang can be said to have embarked on the road of writing novels step by step.

It's just that he didn't write blindly in a hurry, but thought of the interview that Hou Dongsheng showed him today.

It didn't take much effort to find this interview on Longteng Chinese website.

"He will be my target from now on!"

Zhang Yangyang looked at the protagonist Zhichun Zhigang in the interview, and silently regarded him as a target on the road of the novel—or an idol, Fu Zhixin thought of a perfect title...

"Start with a million dollars a year"

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