What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 100 Declaration of War (Please subscribe)

The metropolitan area is the core area of ​​Liberty City.

It will also be the economic and political core of the new empire.

Haiqing District is just a transitional area.

When the basic framework construction was completed and most of the metropolitan area was restored, the economic and political center began to slowly move to this core area.

Swarms of drones hover in the sky.

Shining weapon platforms buzzed and hung high in the sky.

Railguns, laser cannons, cannons and many other artillery are installed on the weapons platform.

They are controlled by a central fire control system and will launch an attack without hesitation once an intruding target is discovered.

The spiers of towering towers shone with light.

That's where the shield projector is located.

They protect the entire St. Ann district.

Arranged in staggered rows, huge industrial machinery is using robotic arms and bulldozers to level the ruins, move large pieces of debris away, and begin construction of new buildings.

Large tank trucks discharge liquid concrete under the operation of workers.

Some suspended industrial measuring instruments test the flatness of foundations and roads.

There are also some workers who are laying out colored stone slabs quarried from the wilderness and processed into complex mosaics.

They are building the Imperial Plaza, which will be needed soon.

Qin Zheng plans to hold the founding ceremony here and declare war on the corrupt and lower-class areas of Liberty City.

Win those people over with a ceremony and a declaration of war.

In order to ensure the perfect operation of the ceremony, Qin Zheng even visited Dadu District in person to supervise the work.

He stood on a hulking construction crawler, observing the progress of the Empire State Plaza project.

A group of architects were advising him on the layout of the Imperial Forum and other administrative buildings.

Drawings and constructed holographic projections were cluttered on the table behind him.

Until someone came to tell him that Bai Qi came here on his order.

Qin Zhengcai left the engineering architects and went to talk to Bai Qi.

The basic framework of the empire has been established.

Albus was appointed director of the Bureau of Psionics, a branch of the Ministry of Justice.

The first team of psykers was pulled up by Bai Qi.

Normally, this position should be given to Bai Qi.

It's just that Qin Zheng has evaluated it and used his ability to peek into the future.

Bai Qi is not suitable for such a position.

He should probably become a general.

Just like the one in history.

His future should be on the battlefield.

Instead of becoming a scholar who is restricted by a pile of paperwork and stays in his study all day long.

Qin Zheng called Bai Qi over just to talk about this matter.

Qin Zheng had to ensure that Bai Qi would not be resentful about the affairs of the Psychic Affairs Bureau.

Throughout the ages, making a cake is difficult, and cutting the cake is even harder.

Human nature is selfish.

Qin Zheng and Bai Qi were walking on the streets of the newly completed Dadu District.

Guards hovered around them.

His eyes were wary of every civilian.

Even those who wanted to praise Qin Zheng's glory were blocked.

No one can bear the responsibility for Qin Zheng being injured or having an accident.

After all, he is the emperor of the empire, although the founding ceremony and enthronement ceremony have not yet been officially held.

However, various laws and documents promulgated so far have clearly determined Qin Zheng's identity.

"You must have some complaints about Albus being the director of the Psionics Administration."

Qin Zheng looked into the distance, waving to those who shouted long live His Majesty from time to time, while talking to Bai Qi who was traveling with him.

On the isolation line established by the guards, some fanatics cheered for seeing Qin Zheng.

"The Emperor, our Emperor."

"For the glory of mankind, for unity."

"His Majesty."

The cheers were different, but equally enthusiastic.

They chanted various slogans.

Various flame flags and banners on hand.

The flag of the Galactic Empire is the flame.

It means the rekindling of the fire of civilization.

Fire is the beginning of human civilization.

When the first primitive man knew how to use fire.

The gears of human civilization began to turn.

Flames, tools, and words are each an important process in human history and civilization.

And the flame is definitely the most important.

It shattered the night.

Let humans no longer be afraid of the dark.

The slogan of the Galactic Empire is to crush the Eternal Night Era, restore mankind's past glory, and reshape mankind's glorious era.

The flame flag naturally became the flag of the empire.

During this period of publicity and various profit-sharing measures, the Galactic Empire gained a group of loyal supporters.

If we can win a few more victories, the fanatical crowd advocating for the Galactic Empire will also increase dramatically.

By that time, the fanatical crowd will inevitably expand dramatically.

"Everything is subject to His Majesty's arrangements." Bai Qi said: "My life belongs to Your Majesty, it's just a position, how can I have any objections!!"

The name of the Galactic Empire has been confirmed through various documents.

Qin Zheng's identity has also been explained.

Naturally, Bai Qi can no longer call Boss Qin Zheng the way he used to.

Instead, you should address yourself as Your Majesty.

Qin Zheng smiled.

"If you have an opinion, you have an opinion. What does it have to do with whether your life is mine? You are the founder of the psyker team, but the position of the psionic affairs bureau was given to Albus. Don't talk about you, I will do it." have opinions."

"Your Majesty knows all this, why do you still ask? Yes, I have an opinion. Even if Albus is knowledgeable and knows how to manage those things, I will still be dissatisfied. Why is that position his and not mine. "

Bai Qi actually knew early on that the location of the Psychic Affairs Bureau would be given to Albus.

But when the results came out, he still felt a little unwilling.

He came earlier than everyone else except David! !

Why can't he be compared to Albus, who joined later?

He understood Qin Zheng's arrangements.

The Imperial Code clearly stipulates that everything owned by Imperial citizens belongs to the Emperor.

This law is to prevent chaebol capital and family power from coming back again.

It is also to create a new era.

But that’s how people are.

Understanding does not mean there is no resentment.

"This is why I let you come out. Do you know that in ancient times, people like you who followed me from the beginning would usually get hereditary titles, and those in power would promise you prosperity and wealth for generations to come. Because if If they don’t give those people the glory and wealth from generation to generation, they will be said to be ungrateful, and those people will rebel.”

Qin Zheng paused for a moment before continuing: "According to those people's ideas, I should give you the position of the Psychic Affairs Administration, or let you sit on the parliamentary seat. But I won't do that, because we They are all just passers-by. The empire belongs to all mankind, to everyone who suffers, and to everyone who has not yet arrived. Giving you this position means that we are no different from those plutocrats. No matter how good the slogan is, This is true no matter how well the law is formulated.”

"The reason why the Emperor of the Empire can only serve one term is this. After fulfilling the historical mission, it is time for us to exit. At that time, we still have to leave the Empire to those ordinary people. You may think that we fought hard to win the Empire. We enjoy it. So what if we let our descendants enjoy it!! In that case, everything in the imperial code will become unfair, and those regulations will be questioned and loopholes will be taken advantage of. "

"When playing cards, if you always hold the best deck of cards in your hand and the others are just your companions and responsible for losing money, people will definitely be dissatisfied. After a long game, people will not If you play again, you will even turn over the table directly, and the card game will be broken up, and the players will become enemies. You will either be killed or thrown out. Therefore, the cards must be shuffled every once in a while to balance the winning and losing. , let everyone rely on their strength to play cards, only in this way can people be willing to admit defeat."

"Sometimes, those who lose money also know that if they overturn the card table, they will have nothing, and the situation will even get worse, but human nature is like this, it is okay to win-win, and it is okay to win and lose. But if you keep winning, he If you keep losing, you would rather flip the table and lose together than win alone."

Qin Zheng looked at Bai Qi.

"The same goes for the empire. Power and violence only last for a while. If you want to survive for a long time, you must constantly shuffle the cards, let the players win or lose based on their ability, and make everyone willing to admit defeat. In this competition of the Competitive Psychic Affairs Administration In terms of position, you lost to Albus. He has enough knowledge, enough sense of responsibility, and enough ability to hold this position, so choosing him is the best choice."

Qin Zheng had no choice.

Bai Qi is a psychic.

The strength is also very strong.

But he is just not suitable for the position of director.

Forcing him to go up would only disrupt the entire empire.

Not only Bai Qi, but David also didn't get any good position.

Most of the ten people who came out with Qin Zheng were placed in the Ministry of Military Affairs by Qin Zheng.

Except for Bartmos, who was transferred to the Ministry of Scientific Research, and Juba, who was transferred to the Ministry of Interior, they were the only two people with better positions.

After a while, Juba's position may also be given up and he will serve as a prosecutor in the Integrity Bureau. "

If we want the Galactic Empire to go further, we must eradicate the cancer of hereditary power from the root.

Even the emperor of the empire can only serve one term, and it is even less possible for others to obtain wealth and honor from generation to generation.

Not even the group of people who followed Qin Zheng from the beginning.

Otherwise, when Qin Zheng established an empire, they would follow the chickens and dogs to heaven.

Will their family and friends be promoted? ?

Will their blood descendants be promoted? ?

Over time.

What is the difference between the Galactic Empire and those old times controlled by plutocrats? ?

It's nothing more than a different name for the arrogant losers.

"I understand, everything must be fair." Bai Qi whispered.

"I know you don't want to work under Albus. I also found another way for you." Qin Zheng said: "You can't stand those boring documents, and you don't want to be able to calm down like Albus." Studying various psychic books has destined you to have nothing to do with internal affairs, justice and other jobs. So I want you to go to the Ministry of Military Affairs and lead a team first. After a while, I will gather troops to attack Drew District.

"That is a wonderful opportunity to gain merit. As long as you can get enough merit in this battle, you can continue to climb up. Military talents will be in demand for a long time in the future. Of course, you You can also choose to leave like this, and the empire will compensate you a sum of money in accordance with the regulations of the Imperial Code. All choices are in your hands, Bai Qi."

"I choose to go to Drew District with Your Majesty," Bai Qi said.

Drew District is where Bai Qi was born and grew up.

Returning there also had extraordinary meaning for him.

Maybe it would solve the nightmare that had been plaguing him.

Come to a complete end with your past.

"I thought you would choose to leave in anger." Qin Zheng said with a smile.

Bai Qi shook his head.

"I'm not that naive. I was born in Drew District. I have known one thing since I was a child. Nothing in this world is what you are born with. You have to give something in order to get something."

"And I also said that my life belongs to Your Majesty, and I also know His Majesty's majesty and strategy. Starting from St. Ann District, you have already started planning to establish the empire. If people like me don't meet Your Majesty, , I'm afraid it has long been reduced to a pile of withered bones. It would be ridiculous if you thought that you must receive meritorious service and rewards for your little credit."

Qin Zheng smiled and patted Bai Qi on the shoulder.

The tone also became more serious.

"I hope you can always stand by my side, Bai Qi. One day in the future, what I do will inevitably attract countless enemies. They will attack the empire I created and attack everything I have done. I wish they could Kill me quickly."

"I will kill them all for Your Majesty." Bai Qi said word by word: "They can't even think of harming Your Majesty until Bai Qi is dead."

"Is this an oath? Bai Qi." Qin Zheng looked at Bai Qi and asked.

"Yes." Bai Qi said, "I swore to sacrifice my life for Your Majesty."

Qin Zheng smiled.

"I hope you can abide by this oath. You are already quite accomplished in spiritual power, but your physical strength cannot keep up. Maybe you should consider strengthening it."


Bai Qi showed a trace of hesitation.

Qin Zheng smiled and said: "I will personally be responsible for your surgery. If you can get a strong body and combine it with your innate spiritual talent, you will become a spear that pierces everything on the battlefield. In addition, we It is impossible to be trapped here. When you reach the star sea, you will also need to be strengthened, otherwise it will be impossible to command a complex space battle."

"Everything is at your Majesty's discretion," Bai Qi said.

"I will help you strengthen your body." Qin Zheng said: "I just hope that one day you can remember your oath today and kill all the enemies among the stars for me.

in the next period of time.

Qin Zheng carried out several military expansions, while working hard to promote economic recovery and factory production in Free City.

Then he took Bai Qi into his secret base.

Choose the appropriate genetic technology to strengthen Bai Qi's body.

After completion of intensive surgery.

Let him and the Imperial Guard sleep in the hibernation chamber and learn those combat skills through the neural connection device. .

Wait until the crusade against Drew District, and then wake them up together.

The agreed date for the celebration is slowly approaching.

Qin Zheng and others also arranged most of their official duties to Dadu District.

Planned relocation of office spaces in Haiqing District and Xinku District.

Metropolitan area.

Celebration ceremony.

After warm-up and publicity.

There were many people watching the celebration, it could be said to be a sea of ​​people.

Except for necessary, open space reserved for the army.

If you look at any line of defense, you will basically see densely packed heads.

After a cannon shot.

The giant bells placed throughout Liberty City were also rung.

The deafening bells announced the beginning of the celebration to the world.

These giant bells were left by the ancestors of mankind.

They have witnessed the rise and fall of Liberty City.

The loud bells that sounded seemed to span thousands of years, tens of thousands of years.

echoes in this ancient city.

People who were not able to attend the event turned on projectors that could receive film and television signals.

Or take to the streets to watch the projection screen suspended in the air.

Or go see the big screens hanging from the airships floating around the city.

The old era is coming to an end.

A new era is about to begin.

This day is destined to be remembered in history.

The melodious bells slowly fade away.

It's like the dim roar of an ancient behemoth that has escaped into mythology.

Sharp music sounded in the venue.

Eight hundred trumpets and trumpets played the triumphal music.

The azurite and marble collected from the wilderness were polished and polished, and then paved into a super giant square with an area of ​​1,200 hectares.

The towering celebration platform stands tall, offering a commanding view of everything.

On the majestic cliff-like high walls, there are mechanical devices and turrets that look like mountains.

An avenue runs through the metropolitan area, from the entrance of the metropolitan area to the core building of the airport.

Most of the reconstruction work in the metropolitan area has been completed.

Qin Zheng asked people to build the parliament chamber and voting hall around the Empire Square.

They are tall and majestic, classic vaulted structures.

To the east of the square are some municipal buildings that have just been decorated.

The offices of the Galactic Empire will surround this area.

This grand boulevard also connects industrial and residential areas, as well as parks.

Near the park, there are residences for officials, all of which have been planned uniformly.

The scenery is beautiful and completely different from ordinary people's residential areas.

Officials from the former Core Families and Free City's puppet government liked to live in the airport.

Like a mouse hiding behind layers of walls, cutting itself off from the ground floor.

The level of status is even determined by the height of residence.

Qin Zheng had no idea of ​​advocating that kind of ethos.

In addition, the airport was originally a building used for logistics transfer.

It is also an important building connecting the ground and space.

The Galactic Empire will move towards the stars in the future.

Put the office area and living area in the airport.

It will have to be relocated in the future.

It is better to get it right now and directly set up another residential area.

Warning cordons have been set up on both sides of the square and soldiers are guarding it.

Prevent military parades from injuring onlookers.

Many cordons have used mechanical shields to prevent people from attacking the cordons and causing stampedes.

The people who came to watch the ceremony were very excited.

Experienced the incompetence and greed of the chaebols, and experienced war.

They urgently need a new government that can take care of their interests.

This is a turning point.

The founding of the Galactic Empire heralded the beginning of a new era.

Many people hope that this empire can reverse the decline of civilization that has been in decline.

Hope to take them back to the stars.

"We will eventually get rid of the suffering and regain the glory of our ancestors. Everything will start again. My compatriots, a new era is about to begin."

"Rejoice, our time is about to begin and suffering is about to end."

Qin Zheng's projections were suspended everywhere, and his impassioned voice was mixed with the noisy music and discussions.

When the bells ended, the troops entered in neat lines through the entrance to Liberty City.

At the forefront are the Empire's strongest military forces, the Stormtroopers.

A thousand huge storm warriors, like little giants, gathered into a square formation and walked in front of many armies.

Then came the array of heavily armed infantry.

Behind them are mechanical troops such as tanks and mechas.

There were roars in the sky, gunboats, shuttles and other flying vehicles.

They move forward in a certain order.

The army filled the entire Imperial Plaza, and the sky was filled with various armed flying vehicles.

The training time of the army is not long and it looks a little unorganized.

But it was enough for people to see the strength and determination of this galactic empire.

Those talents selected by Qin Zheng and the group of old people who followed Qin Zheng in the past also stepped onto the high platform.

The members of the band played the high-spirited music with all their strength.

People are eagerly waiting for the arrival of the most important protagonist of this grand ceremony.

The high platform of the square takes on the shape of a pyramid.

On the side facing away from the square, there is a suspended viaduct.

Connecting the high platform and the giant building next to the square.

The high-ranking officials of the empire walked through this building, then through the viaduct, to the high platform.

The same is true for Qin Zheng.

Under the protection of the guards and Two-B, Qin Zheng entered the building.

Then prepare to follow the corridor and viaduct to the high platform.

According to the arrangements of the celebration ceremony, he was the last one to appear.

This arrangement helps to highlight his status.

The big shot always exists as the finale.

After today, Qin Zheng will become the first and last emperor of the Galaxy Empire.

I thought everything was going well, but I was on my way to the high platform.

Several premeditated assassins disguised themselves as celebration personnel to assassinate Qin Zheng.

They are all top-notch extraordinary warriors.

One of them is the top expert of the Shadow Organization, known as the strongest transcendent under the threshold - Saphiro.

When Qin Zheng passed by, he suddenly became violent and revolted.

Holding a long knife in his hand, he directly attacked the team escorting Qin Zheng.

Extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of knives were fired.

The light of the sword filled the entire corridor.

The few guards standing at the front died on the spot.

The body and head were separated, and the body was shattered on the ground.

The other guards stayed where they were.

Couldn't react.

Qin Zheng also sighed slightly in his heart.

There are no strong enough guards.

He could be bored to death by these damn assassins in the future.

Even if you can't kill him, it will waste a lot of his time.

We must vigorously develop the imperial guards. Forty is far from enough. Ten thousand are needed.

Among the crowd, apart from Qin Zheng, only Two-B also reacted.

She was equally fast.

He held the sword tightly and struck hard with the opponent.

The force fields intertwined, bursting out with terrifying impact.

The huge impact forced both sides to take a few steps back.

At this time, several more killers rushed out.

Without exception, they all exude a strong spiritual energy.

"kill him."

A killer's tone was filled with endless killing intent.

The eyes showed the bravery of looking forward to death.

They were all mentally prepared to die during this mission.

As long as you can kill Qin Zheng, you will have earned it.

Those big shots will take care of their affairs.

The security personnel protecting Qin Zheng have been specially trained and strengthened, and ordinary people are not their opponents.

But they are still too weak in front of these killers.

In just a few rounds, he was killed so hard that he fell on his back.

Only a few elites are still holding on.

But soon, they also fell into a disadvantage and were killed one by one.

"Your master is really generous."

Qin Zheng looked at the killer coming towards him.

They all exuded a terrifying spiritual aura.

They are all top masters.

Can field a lineup of this level.

No need to guess, you know that the two camps are taking action.

It is necessary to solve the serious problem of Qin Zheng in one fell swoop.

"Who makes you so arrogant!! Qin Zheng, you originally had a great future, but you want to challenge the status and majesty of the core family. To be honest, you really don't know how to live or die."

An old man among the killers said.

He was wearing a lightweight battle suit full of dark silver electromagnetic patterns.

In his hand was a long sword that exuded an ominous aura.

He was not wearing a helmet, revealing his old face.

Qin Zheng recognized the other party at a glance.

The person who came was one of the three right-hand men under Mr. Zhao, the legendary psychic in Liberty City.

It is said that he has already stepped into the threshold of demigod.

I have solved many S-level supernatural incidents.

"The alliance camp really took great pains to assassinate me and was willing to spend a lot of money." Qin Zheng glanced at the crowd and said with a smile.

"Hmph, don't think about delaying time." The old man waved his hand, "Let's get rid of him together."

The establishment of the Galactic Empire and the celebrations have long been known to people in the Alliance camp.

Although they have left Liberty City, they still have many spies here.

Some people have even sneaked into Qin Zheng's team.

Whatever troubles occur in Liberty City cannot escape their eyes.

The founding of the Galactic Empire and those propaganda slogans aimed at the plutocrats.

Let the alliance camp realize Qin Zheng's wolf ambition.

From beginning to end, this guy is a white-eyed wolf.

Even if he is given bones and meat, he still wants to bite their throats.

The Allied camp gave up all illusions.

Everyone can see that Qin Zheng's previous forbearance was all for planning the establishment of a galactic empire.

The other party's ambitions are frightening.

Not satisfied with even one planet, he still wants to seize the stars in the sky.

If it is not curbed, once it grows, the consequences will be disastrous.

Coupled with the previous humiliation of the envoy.

Qin Zheng must die.

Many reasons add up to everything.

The camp that assassinated Qin Zheng was naturally very terrifying.

It can be said that I tried my best.

Several ninth-level psychic experts were dispatched.

There is also a top-notch psychic powerhouse who has half a foot on the threshold of a demigod.

Such a luxurious camp has not appeared even when dealing with S-class weird incidents.

Qin Zheng can be said to be the first person in history.

These people responsible for the assassination, in addition to being first-class extraordinary strong men, are also good at concealing their presence.

Once it is damaged, it will be a huge and unimaginable loss to the alliance camp.

They had been planning this assassination for a long time.

The spies who had sneaked into the Qin government were mobilized.

bribed some people.

Get a detailed plan for the entire celebration.

After discussion, they reached an agreement.

It was decided to place the assassination at this time of the celebration.

Seize Qin Zheng and go to the high platform without strict protection.

They not only wanted to assassinate Qin Zheng, but also wanted to tell the world something through Qin Zheng's death.

Chaebol companies are always something that cannot be offended.

Anyone who attempts to challenge the authority and status of the core family will pay a heavy price.

Their plan was perfect and executed smoothly.

Now is the final moment.

As long as Qin Zheng is successfully killed, the mission will be completed.

Miss Two-B was stopped by two psykers.

Even if she is an AI robot born for killing.

Face a being with extraordinary power.

It was also difficult to win for a while.

The old man, Saphiro, and the other killers dealt with the other guards who were in the way.

Then he killed Qin Zheng.

They joined forces to attack Qin Zheng, and they wanted to give Qin Zheng a real decisive blow, and did not want to leave any chance of survival for the target.

As soon as Qin Zheng dies, they will chop off his head.

Hang outside.

Let the fools who come to watch the ceremony know the consequences of standing up to the core family.

Qin Zheng looked at the extraordinary people rushing over.

His eyes only blinked.

The flow of time slows down.

Everyone moves like a snail.

He had already anticipated that he might be assassinated.

The ritual armor he wore did not affect his swift movements.

The pitch-black sword was pulled out of its scabbard.

The flames spread along the sword, and it burst into flames with a bang.

Qin Zheng's speed was terrifying in the eyes of the assassins.

The opponent easily broke through their defense.

He waved the long sword in his hand and struck at the strongest old man in the encirclement.

The old man's eyes showed terrible murderous intent.

The sword in his hand was engraved with complex subspace runes.

When swinging, a strange sound could be heard vaguely in the sword.

The ominous aura emanating from the sword is also frightening.

It must also be a sealed item that requires a price to use.

The two swords collided, and time in Qin Zheng's vision returned to normal flow.

A powerful impact exploded, knocking others away, and the encirclement collapsed, turning into a fight between Qin Zheng and the old man.

The old man's skinny body burst out with terrifying power.

Like a tide of spiritual energy pouring into the long sword in his hand along the withered body.

The temperature of the air dropped sharply.

With the idea of ​​death, the old man tried his best to confront Qin Zheng and create opportunities for others to take action.

Qin Zheng held a sword in one hand to fight against the opponent, and punched the opponent with a fist in the other hand.

The old man thought.

Then the psychic shield was turned on.

A faint glow enveloped his surroundings.

But it was broken by Qin Zheng's punch.

The crisp sound of glass rang in the air.

That was the sound of a psychic shield breaking.

The old man flew out, and half of his face was shattered.

If it weren't for the psychic protection, I'm afraid he would have died immediately.

The fight between the two sides was lightning-fast.

Extremely fast.

Saphiro and others watched Qin Zheng strike at the old man, the old man blocked with his sword, and then saw the old man being knocked away.

They didn't react at all.

It happened so fast.

The old man was repulsed.

They also looked shocked.

This is a spiritual leader who has only half stepped into the threshold of demigods, and he was knocked away just like that! !

"You've come, why don't you all stay?"

Qin Zheng rushed towards the stunned Safiro and other killers.

The flames bursting out from the sword in his hand became more and more intense.

This sword was forged by Qin Zheng himself.

Possessing extraordinary power.

Able to slay the Eternals and those warp gods with immortal essences?

Killing psykers is of course a piece of cake.

With one stroke of the sword, even if he mastered all kinds of incredible extraordinary skills, he would definitely die.

Saphiro is known as the strongest psyker under the threshold.

But he only lasted one round under Qin Zheng.

His head was cut off.

Other psykers are even worse.

Just like chopping melons and vegetables, they were slaughtered.

When the old man got up again, his companions were almost dead.

The old man's eyes showed fear.

He got some intelligence from the hostile camp and learned that Qin Zheng was very strong.

But he didn't expect that the other party was so strong.

It has only been a few minutes since the fight.

The carefully selected group of killers were slaughtered.

Such strength is too terrifying.

Is this guy really still human? Or should we say that we have already crossed the threshold between mortals and gods! !

"Drop your weapons now and I can consider letting you live."

Qin Zheng looked at the old man with a half-smile.

Give the other person a chance to live.

"Dream, even if I die, I will not surrender to your power. Just..."

Before the old man could finish speaking, Qin Zheng struck him with a sword.

The old body was split in half from head to tail.

Everything started so suddenly and ended so suddenly.

The assassins who had planned carefully for a long time died like this.

Everything they do looks like a joke.

One of the extraordinary beings who besieged Miss Two-B died, and the other was specifically asked by Qin Zheng to survive.

Not long after the battle ended, the soldiers responsible for security during the ceremony hurried over.

The battle is over.

They only saw broken corpses scattered everywhere.

"Your Majesty." The officer was trembling with fear in his tone.

When something like this happened at the founding ceremony of the empire, he was already thinking about where to be buried after his death.

"Let this gentleman take a bath." Qin Zheng pointed at the extraordinary person who was captured alive. "Let him have a good meal and let him take these people's heads back. Let him tell those idiots that I We’ll find them soon.”

The flame of the black sword in Qin Zheng's hand gradually extinguished and turned pitch black again.

"Take care of this place. This matter is not allowed to be revealed, otherwise I will kill you."

After seeing the officer nod, Qin Zhengcai turned and walked towards the high platform of the venue.

Miss Two-B also followed him.

When Qin Zheng reached the high platform, he was a few minutes later than the original time.

But when he appeared on the stage, he still attracted bursts of cheers.

People chanted Emperor.

Looks excited.

The only exception is the core family informants who are among the crowd.

Their faces all became extremely ugly.

Qin Zheng walked out.

It means that the assassination operation failed.

That was a team led by an extraordinary strong man who had awakened his divinity and just barely crossed the threshold of demigods.

Such a lineup can fail! !

What kind of monster is Qin Zheng?

None of this can kill him.

Qin Zheng's mere appearance on the high platform brought the celebration to a climax.

Countless cheers came and went.

Qin Zheng ended the chaos in Liberty City and gave them new hope.

The voices of those civilians mingled with the sounds of war engines.

The entire Imperial Plaza was extremely noisy.

"Quiet, my countrymen."

Qin Zheng spoke.

He just stood in front of the high platform without using any speakers.

The sound can be understood by everyone.

The crowd fell silent.

People looked up at Qin Zheng, waiting for him to speak.

The sound of the machine also became quieter.

She seemed to obey his orders.

"Our race has been suffering for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. We can't see the future, we can't see hope, and we are in a state of confusion, just like the walking dead. Haven't we had enough? Do you still want to make yourself better? Will future generations continue to suffer in this dark, hopeless hell?"

"Tell me." Qin Zheng's voice struck everyone, "Tell me, are you willing to continue to suffer in this hell? Continue to be ignorant, waste your life like a walking zombie, and let those high-ranking plutocrats arbitrarily destroy you. Relegated to trash? Tell me, my countrymen, my brothers and sisters."

The crowd was silent.

The first voice was made by a young man.

He looked fourteen or fifteen years old, at his most passionate moment.

"We don't want to, we don't want to."

The words were like a match thrown into a powder pile.

"I don't want to."

More people spoke up.

By the end, everyone had a voice.

Those who did not come to the scene, watched this grand ceremony through various channels.

Army soldiers present.

"I don't want to."

"I don't want to."

"I don't want to."

they chanted.

The sound was deafening.

Everyone shouted that they were unwilling.

They were fed up with that bad world.

Enough of this.

Buttermoss, who was on the high platform, also joined in.

Qin Zheng's speech was too bewitching.

"Then let us change it." Qin Zheng stood on the high platform and looked around everyone, "From today on, it will be the first day of the first year of the empire. The Galactic Empire is proclaimed today, and we will return to the sea of ​​​​stars and regain the The glory of the past.”

Qin Zheng's voice silenced people again.

They listened to Qin Zheng's voice.

But his face was still red with excitement.

"Maybe you will look at me and say, look, he is the savior who created the Galactic Empire and saved us from suffering. He defeated those enemies and won us a future. I tell you, the truth of the matter is not that Yes, I am just a person. I cannot build weapons by myself, become an army that defeats all enemies, and complete all production by myself. I am just a person, a person who may have some talents but is still ordinary."

"You are everything to this new empire. You are its muscles, heart, and even blood. The establishment of the Galactic Empire cannot be separated from each of you. I hereby issue a call for us to unite and make mankind great again. Make the Empire Great Again."

Qin Zheng made a fist with his right hand, placed it on his heart, and swore an oath.

"I will dedicate my life and loyalty to the rise of the great empire, and humanity will once again shine among the stars."

All the soldiers and stormtroopers followed his example and placed their hands on their hearts, declaring their oaths.

"I will dedicate my life and loyalty to the rise of the great empire, and humanity will once again shine among the stars."

The excited crowd also imitated Qin Zheng's behavior.

They placed their fists on their hearts and made their vows.

"I will dedicate my life and loyalty to the rise of the great empire, and humanity will once again shine among the stars."

"I will dedicate my life and loyalty to the rise of the great empire, and humanity will once again shine among the stars."

"I will dedicate my life and loyalty to the rise of the great empire, and humanity will once again shine among the stars."

There was extraordinary joy in the crowd.

Qin Zheng waited for a long time.

Only then did they quiet down again.

"The empire will clear out all lower-class areas and corrupt areas in Liberty City. Anyone who tries to block the rise of humanity and the empire will be completely destroyed."

Qin Zheng glanced at everyone and issued a declaration of war.

"We fight for humanity, for this new empire, for unity."

Except for a small incident at the beginning.

The founding ceremony went smoothly.

Qin Zheng's excellent speech skills made the crowd excited.

But the establishment of the new empire still required blood and slaughter to tell those imperial subjects that their emperor's oath was by no means empty words.

When the celebrations were over, the war operations began.

The first target selected was Drew District, which once caused great losses to the chaebol enterprises.

Drew District is a standard lower class district.

The Lower Zone represents chaos, killing, and corruption.

It can be said to be an out-and-out hell.

The degree of corruption in the Lower Zone is not as severe as in the Corrupted Zone.

Humans still live in it.

But the basic social order has collapsed.

Chaebol's influence on lower-class areas is also very low.

All in all, the lower district is a typical no-care zone.

Gangs are rampant and all kinds of monsters are raging. Only those who really have no way to survive outside will choose to enter the lower area.

Qin Zheng selected Drew District as the target.

There is also an element of establishing authority in it.

Everyone knows that the chaebol suffered huge losses in Drew District.

If he can solve the Drew District, which even the plutocrats cannot solve, it will naturally greatly boost the morale of the new empire.

Before the war began, Qin Zheng's forty imperial guards and Bai Qi also woke up from their slumber.

Their reinforcement is complete.

It's time to test the results.

On the other side, news of the failed assassination and Qin Zheng's declaration of war on Drew District reached the Havana Hive at the same time.

Seeing the pile of heads brought back, the big shots were shocked and angry.

But knowing that Qin Zheng was going to send troops to the Drew District, they somewhat hoped that Qin Zheng would suffer a big loss at the hands of the beast master, and it was best to die at the hands of the other party.

"Let that bastard suffer a big loss."

"It's better to die inside, die inside."

"Can you contact the people in Drew District and pass on the news that the other party is about to attack, so that they can be prepared and never let Qin Zheng win?"

When they jointly sent troops, they were directly killed by the opponent.

With one strike, a heavy tank and the engineering mecha were torn apart like paper.

Such things are no longer considered human beings.

If the other party hadn't been blessed by the subspace and was also trapped in it, Liberty City would have been in chaos.

The core family is the helmsman of human society, and the scope of their children's display of power is limited to human society.

Enter the lower areas that are corrupted and filled with a large number of blessed individuals.

In chaebol companies, the core family also has to be humble.

Otherwise, if you don't tell me that the business won't be done, you may even be cut off by the other party.

Everyone has begun to look forward to Qin Zheng's head being chopped off by the terrifying beast master.

Drew District has very little communication with the outside world.

But some spies planted in Liberty City still sent the news inside.

This news, as the big shots expected, made all the monsters and madmen hidden in the lower area agitated.

The Animal Gang is entrenched in the central area of ​​Drew District.

This area is called Beast Street.

There are still people hanging on chains and hooks everywhere in the houses on the streets.

They were still writhing in pain.

Please the god that the Animal Gang worships.

Many members of the Animal Gang habitually stay here.

Every member of the Animal Gang has received the blessing of subspace and received a more powerful flesh and blood body.

The price is that the body undergoes horrific mutations.

Appearing in the appearance and body shape of various werewolves and pigs.

"Do you think a war will really break out??"

A gang member with a pig head, dirty clothes, and unwiped blood on his mouth asked his companion next to him.

"How is that possible?! Those losers outside have suffered so much that they are so afraid of coming in to make deals. Just say something casually, they are so frightened that they are still thinking of declaring war on us?"

The companion's voice just fell.

The sound of explosion came from the end of the horizon.

The flames soared into the sky, reflecting half of the sky.

Countless monsters looked in that direction blankly.

After a moment, there were excited cheers.

But soon, they regretted it.

Those who came were too powerful and terrifying, so they became the party to be killed.

"Disgusting corruption. As long as there are any mutations that are not in line with normal people, they will be killed immediately even if they surrender."

Qin Zheng issued the order while swiping his sword to kill a human with two heads.

Let the opponent turn into ashes and scatter away.

The corruption in Drew District is horrific.

Most enemies remember that they were once humans.

It's just that their bodies basically don't match those of normal people.

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