Members of the Tiger Claw Gang are more or less genetically enhanced.

The members of the gang are all tall, muscular, muscular men.

When they went out for action, a group of devil musclemen carried various weapons, and the sense of oppression was overwhelming.

No one dares to cause trouble in their home base, the Extreme Club.

The main business scope of the Extreme Club is to provide secret and safe services for some people with status and needs.

You can find various restricted levels of Mewtwo here.

Mewtwo is an enduring piece of entertainment.

Mewtwo manufacturers will use neural processors to connect to the central nervous system and use electronic data to record all information such as the thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and other information of the Mewtwo recorder at that time.

Users can use neural devices to recreate the system that the recorder was experiencing at that time.

This is a very complex industry.

From the selection, recording, editing, modification, etc. of Chaomeng's recorded characters, a complete industrial chain has been formed.

Mewtwo has a wide range of applications.

Can be used to train warriors.

It can also be used for fun.

The immersive experience is unmatched by other entertainment projects.

Users can enjoy the pleasure of bombarding the goddess in their dreams again and again, and enjoy the sense of conquest when teasing handsome men.

You can also feel the feeling of fighting on the battlefield and challenging your limits.

No need to worry about kidney overdraft or physical harm.

And the happiness brought by those restricted-level Mewtwos can even surpass psychotropic drugs.

The numbing nerves feel unparalleled excitement.

Some crazy people even use evil objects to take pictures.

For example, throw a pure and cute loli to a tentacle monster full of sticky tentacles and play tentacle PLAY.

Throw the vitality tenaciously transforming people to lunatics who like to torture and kill, and collect the pain of these people's sinking desires or being tortured and killed.

This type of restricted Mewtwo is particularly popular in this sick and twisted world.

In addition to limited-grade Mewtwo, Extreme Club also offers a variety of high-quality action figures.

This kind of doll is a human being implanted with a complete control chip.

This type of doll will completely abandon all restrictions such as moral concepts, ideology, crisis protection, personality, and experience.

Provide rich services to satisfy guests to the greatest extent.

Because of these special services, the Extreme Club is definitely a money-attracting behemoth of the Tiger Claw Gang. Its daily revenue is comparable to the income of several streets. It is an out-and-out money-making tree.

The fat black man was lying on the sofa, holding two young girls in his arms, squeezing each other's soft and elastic skin.

The girl lay in his arms like a gentle kitten.

The fat black man's eyes were very lazy.

This time has been really smooth.

The Extreme Club's revenue has reached a breakthrough again, and it has also found two good mercenary prospects.

Fatty Hei decided to do this before other middlemen discovered David and Qin Zheng.

Extract their value to the maximum extent, and if possible, find a way to tie them up.

The two of them are incredibly capable.

He actually went so far as to steal a car.

What a waste of ability.

But starting from today, these two good horses will no longer be buried in the hands of his fat black man.

Work as hard as you can, so that he can wash his hands with gold as soon as possible, enter the upper class area, and live a life like a master.

Instead of staying here in this mud pit.

The fat black man was thinking about the future.

The more I thought about it, the happier I became. I just wanted to talk about life with the two girls.

Let them feel how terrifying the bombardment of 100,000 artillery pieces is.

Enough to break the dam and burst into a river.

It was so shocked that they even forgot their own names.

Haven't had time to act yet.

There was a loud bang.

A two-meter-tall strong man smashed into the wall and flew directly in. He rolled dozens of times on the floor before he could stop.

At the gap, a black figure rushed in holding a bright sword.

The speed was like a ghost, reaching the extreme.

The sword in his hand vibrated in the air.

Before the members of the Tiger Claw Gang along the way could react, they were chopped into two sections by the sharp sword.

Even the members who were equipped with mechanical prosthetics were killed with one blow, as if the mechanical prostheses were made of tofu.

Several members who reacted raised their guns and started shooting.

When the laser beam or live ammunition was about to contact the opponent, a faint halo appeared, blocking them all.

This bloody killing caused all the guests in the club hall to scream and run around in fear.

That figure was extremely cruel and his attacks were ruthless.

No one was spared.

Kill all the way over here.

All members or guests of the Tiger Claw Gang are targets for hunting.

In just a few minutes, the Extreme Club was covered in blood.

Wherever that figure walked, there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

The members of the Tiger Claw gang and the guests were slaughtered like livestock.

The fat black man who was just thinking about the future also had a look of horror on his face. He was so frightened that he fled towards the emergency passage to escape from the terrible god of death.

Qin Zheng opened his eyes suddenly.

The light from the neon sign shines in from outside, making the room seem less dark.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Zheng sleeps until early morning, and rarely suffers from insomnia.

However, something is wrong with the current situation.

Precognition was warning him.

Danger is coming.

Qin Zheng saw some pictures of the future in his dark eyes.

He saw a group of men in black robes surrounding the apartment.

Qin Zheng rolled over and got up. When he walked out, the boy named Bai Qi was also awakened.

A psyker's third eye and third ear are always keen.

Hear the sound before danger comes.

Qin Zheng made a quiet gesture, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the window.

Bai Dian nodded, he quickly jumped onto the open window and climbed out.

As a child growing up in the Drew District, various means of escape are basic skills.

Qin Zheng heard footsteps.

The men approached the door.

A red light lit up where the door lock was.

The men were trying to melt the chains.

In another ten seconds or so, the door would probably be broken in.

Qin Zheng no longer delayed, jumped out of the window, grabbed the pipe on the edge, and climbed into the room where David was using his hands and feet.

The two of them have already made plans for various situations.

This kind of thing where someone comes to kill you is naturally within the scope of the plan.

As soon as he landed, he saw David's gun pointed at him.

Unlike Qin Zheng, all David's money was used to enhance mechanical prosthetics.

Even while sleeping, his mechanical prosthesis still has a warning function.

Having licked blood from the edge of a knife for so many years, David's vigilance was quite high.

"It's me, don't shoot."

Qin Zheng's lips did not move.

But the voice sounded in David's mind.

David's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

I have never seen Qin Zheng use this ability before.

But the familiar voice still made him let down his guard.

boom! !

The apartment shook.

A stream of air filled with flames spurted out from Qin Zheng's room and illuminated the night sky along the window.

"How cruel." Qin Zheng sighed.

He took the weapon handed over by David and checked that the energy battery was full.

Bai Qi also picked up a laser pistol.

"All the doors and windows will pop out, and then we'll rush out and kill them." David opened a partition with a red button inside.

This was designed by David.

Ejection devices are installed on the doors and windows.

This is to avoid being blocked in the room.

"What a good design." Qin Zheng said with a smile.

David pressed the button.

Bang bang bang.

The steel doors and windows were ejected with great force.

There was a scream outside.

Who would have thought that someone would set such a trap in a residence! !

Qin Zheng, David, and Bai Qi rushed out from one direction and shot at the men in black robes outside.

The sound of the laser beam tearing through the air was harsh.

The man in black robe who originally had the advantage was caught off guard.

The mark of the evil eye can be seen on the fallen corpse.

Qin Zheng and David killed their men.

Now, they're out for revenge.

"Death, you blasphemer."

A man in black robes rushed over, holding a knife with a curse engraved on it.

Just a small wound can kill a giant man stronger than a bear.

The man's face was filled with religious fervor, he had dedicated his life to his god.

He is willing to do anything to kill the blasphemer.

It's a pity that even if he is willing to sacrifice everything, he can't kill Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng's dagger slashed across the guy's abdomen and disembowelled him.

His intestines mixed with bright red blood flowed out.

The man held the knife and stood there. When severe pain came, he lowered his head and looked down and saw his intestines.

Then he looked up at Qin Zheng.

His mouth moved a little, trying to say something.

But before he could say anything, he fell down.

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