What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 21 Top Hackers (Please collect and read)

Hackers are the most mysterious group of people in Liberty City.

Its degree of mystery even surpasses extraordinary events in the eyes of many ordinary people in Liberty City.

Extraordinary events are no secret in this day and age.

Many people have heard the roar of those monsters in the dark night.

Have seen those shadowy creatures wandering in the darkness.

Some criminals will even film Chaomeng of ordinary people facing those terrifying evil things.

After seeing so much, people naturally no longer have much sense of mystery about those so-called extraordinary events.

On the contrary, few people have actually seen how hackers cracked the firewalls of major companies and stole databases.

People often learn the name of a hacker from an angry wanted notice from a large company.

Many secrets that cannot be seen in the light were exposed by hackers.

They are like lone rangers on the Internet.

He is the lone brave man who still dares to challenge authority in this chaotic era.

Various descriptions of them are full of fantasy words.

The plutocrats in Liberty City hate the hackers as a group, but they are powerless to do anything.

At the beginning, human civilization went to the stars and built colonies throughout the galaxy.

Entering into the most glorious moment since human evolution.

At this time, the era of eternal night came without warning.

Subspace storms continue to erupt.

Traveling faster than the speed of light becomes extremely dangerous.

The extremely glorious human civilization is in trouble.

At that time, humans originally wanted to use mindless AI to fight Yongye, so they lifted most of the restrictions on artificial intelligence.

Unexpectedly, this move led to an AI rebellion.

The troubled human civilization collapsed completely, and the huge social system collapsed in a very short period of time.

To stop the AI ​​rebellion.

The humans of the past established the Blackwall Protocol.

Isolated those malicious AIs.

Civilization decayed, and the Void became extremely dangerous.

Any ships that entered rashly were not heard from.

The major chaebols were forced to retreat to the planet.

In order to survive the long era of eternal night, the top forces competed for the resources on this planet.

In order to gain control of major cities, they use various sophisticated weapons, including network viruses, to wage war.

The war was quickly mediated through the efforts of knowledgeable people.

Different cities and industries on this planet are divided like cakes and belong to different companies.

Although the war has subsided.

The network viruses that can be released have caused the already bad Internet space to become even worse, adding to the cause of corruption.

So far, most of humanity’s cyberspace has been closed.

Regions, cities, and even buildings use subnets that are independent of each other and have only weak connections.

There is no way to build a unified large network.

Those giant companies and chaebols will not be able to crush those stragglers with their computing power.

The buildings and factories left over from the glorious era are generally highly intelligent.

In addition, in order to adapt to increasingly harsh environments, people generally implant mechanical prostheses.

Fragmented networks and rampant intelligence give hackers room to survive.

All mechanical prostheses require smart chips to control them.

The sales of mechanical prostheses support part of the company's performance.

The other part comes from later maintenance and upkeep.

In order to ensure that customers will come to us for maintenance, most mechanical prostheses need to be activated through the Internet before they can be used.

However, corporate fees are expensive.

Some people who have no money or use second-hand goods can only find ways to crack it.

The sinking market formed by poor people without much money has fed the hacker group.

Under the influence of various factors, hackers in Liberty City have naturally been banned repeatedly.

This year, although Qin Zheng and David were doing unattractive work.

But they had accumulated some connections by hanging out in various bars in St. Ann District.

They quickly selected the hackers they wanted to recruit.

That is Buttermoss, who provides Victor with prosthetic limb cracking services.

Bartmos is a technology hacker.

He makes a living by selling various decoding equipment and cracking codes for mechanical prosthetics for people.

Qin Zheng and David had contacted each other several times.

Mainly helping Victor get the goods.

The first time he went, Bartmos didn't recognize them.

That guy directly hacked into David's prosthetic chip remotely.

David almost killed himself.

It was through that incident that Qin Zheng and David agreed that Butmos was a very capable hacker.

Bartmos lives in the Pas neighborhood, the most chaotic neighborhood in St. Ann's district.

The Pas neighborhood is very close to Drew District.

The two are separated only by a tall separation wall.

Walking late at night in the dark streets and alleys of the Pas neighborhood.

You can even see those terrifying ghosts and indescribable things.

Qin Zheng and David had just entered the Pas neighborhood.

I heard the sound of gunfire coming from the other side of the separation wall.

Some terrifying roars can still be heard vaguely.

There are still humans living in Drew District.

But it’s more about things that are no longer human.

Some people who entered the Drew area described what it was like inside.

Drew District actually no longer belongs to their world.

After walking out of the separation wall and entering Drew District, you stepped into another world.

A world that no longer follows the rules of real physics and is full of weirdness and horror.

When people in Drew District raise their heads, they will see the sky rolling with a sea of ​​blood.

The scarlet sun and moon hang in the sky.

Giant eyes and tentacles as huge as mountains loomed in the sea of ​​blood.

Weird whispers came from the weird hall.

Abandoned buildings were covered in flesh and blood.

Those who have died and come back to life wander among them.

There are also all kinds of terrible monsters lurking among them.

The purpose of the wall is to act as a barrier between reality and fiction.

It prevents those things from approaching St. Ann's and stops the spread of corruption.

Once the corruption gets out of control, it is very likely that the Free City, which has a diameter of thousands of kilometers and an area larger than a country during the industrial period, will be completely destroyed.

After those companies failed to join forces to take over Drew District, many residents moved out of the Pass neighborhood.

The Pas neighborhood is exceptionally shabby.

The buildings were neglected and showed signs of age and decay.

There are all kinds of crazy, twisted graffiti everywhere.

Only crazy gang members, cyber psychos, or cult members live here.

"The apocalypse is coming, and everyone will die."

"I saw the end, and the gods whispered in my ears."

"Death will be the end for everyone."

Various scary slogans are scrawled on the walls with red spray paint or some special liquids.

Just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Bai Qi seemed a little uneasy after entering the Pas neighborhood.

He always looked nervously into those dark corners.

They were afraid that the Beast Gang would suddenly burst out of those places.

He knew very well what would happen to a defector like himself if he was caught.

Those madmen would definitely peel off his skin completely while he was still alive, then cut off his flesh and blood piece by piece and feed them to the hungry slaves.

Qin Zheng sensed the fear in Bai Qi's heart.

"Don't worry, you're part of the team now. Those who want to catch you will have to step over our bodies."

"Whoever dares to bully my brothers. I will kill them with one shot."

David also took out his plasma pistol and gestured.

Bai Qi smiled.

The look of panic on his face faded a lot.

Qin Zheng stopped in front of a charred house spray-painted with various profane symbols and slogans.

The three of them had just gotten out of the car and were about to walk towards the house.

A buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

Three oval-shaped drones the size of watermelons flew out from the rooftop platform.

hovering in the air at high speed.

The scanning light enveloped the three people.

The laser gun at the bottom of the drone locked the positions of the three people.

The slightest movement will turn them into steaming sieves.

Qin Zheng relied on his spiritual sense to see that in addition to drones, there were also nearly invisible mechanical flying insects that vibrated their mechanical wings at high speed.

Those mechanical flying insects have a sharp spike on their head, only the size of a little finger.

When flying at high speed, it is difficult to catch their presence.

Once they get started, these little guys can definitely kill people without being noticed.

"You are intruding on private property, idiots. If you don't want to die, get away."

An impatient voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Butmos, it's us, Qin Zheng and David, we are here to make trouble."

A drone hovered in front of Qin Zheng.

The scanning light fell on him.

After a while, the door opened.

Bartmos came out with sloppy clothes, messy hair, and unshaven beard.

He looked very thin, all skin and bones, with bulging eyes, looking like a ghoul.

The clothes on my body were all caked and they hadn't been washed for who knows how long.

Several mechanical flying insects and a drone flew back to Buttermos, hovering around him as if protecting him.

"Did Victor ask you to come? What does he want this time?"

"No, this time we are looking for you."

Buttermoss looked at the three of them.

"What kind of goods do you want? Let's agree first. I never pay on credit."

"We don't want goods, but we want you to join my team."

Hearing this, Buttermos showed a sarcastic expression.

A mechanical flying insect swished through the air and finally stopped in front of Qin Zheng.

The spike was less than a centimeter away from his eye.

According to the speed of the mechanical flying insect, it would only take less than a millisecond to pierce through his eyes and escape from the back of his head.

"Go away, I've seen too many idiots like you. If you want to recruit me, do it in the next life. If you don't want to die, just stay away."

"Aren't you going to listen to what my team does before deciding whether to join?"

Qin Zheng didn't speak.

His voice rang in Butmos's mind.

"Psychic? You can send messages in your mind. This is at least a fifth-level ability. Which force are you from?"

Bartmos looked at Qin Zheng, showing a trace of disgust.

"No, I'm just a mercenary."

Qin Zheng raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

"Can a mercenary possess such stable high-level psychic powers?"

There was a trace of doubt in Buttermos's eyes.

Qin Zheng used telepathy to transmit the purpose of his visit and the fact that he was being hunted by the Ross family to Bartmos's mind.

This method is much faster and more convenient than speaking out.

"It's strange that there is someone in St. Ann's District who dares to resist those super families."

Bartmos checked the information.

I found that what Qin Zheng said basically corresponds to it.

Is this guy really planning to form a team to fight against the Ross family? ?

"My team needs a hacker, Buttermoss. I know you hate those chaebol families, so I want to invite you. Don't you want to take revenge on those guys?"

Qin Zheng once again extended an invitation to Butmos.

It was blocked due to some accident. Now I will modify it and release it again.

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