What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 77 Exploration (please subscribe)

The biochemistry laboratory is very large.

The surrounding walls are made of white steel and silver plates.

The air is clean and sterile.

The air temperature is near freezing.

Standing on the floor, you can hear the huge roar of the machinery buried deep in the ground transmitting along the earth.

Under the leadership of Qin Zheng, Charles and others quickly entered a research state.

They all wore fully enclosed lab coats.

Reflective goggles are silver.

Walking around the rows of slender workbenches and shimmering data interfaces, busy working beside the low-humming golden machinery.

There were clouds of light mist floating above everyone's head.

Hoses coiled around the arms and legs of the lab coat eventually connected to a bulky backpack.

These scientific researchers put aside their academic biases, cooperated sincerely, and tried to realize the almost impossible grand blueprint for Qin Zheng.

Charles sits at a microscope observation platform.

A complex observation instrument that allowed him to clearly see the molecular structure was placed on the stage.

The silver-white reaction dish is placed below a dozen detector probes and molecular injectors.

Next to it is a screen showing the molecular structures detected by the probe.

Charles's hands are covered in sensor gloves.

The sensor gloves allow his movements to simultaneously control the molecular probes and optical strikers of the observation instrument.

Allowing him to fine-tune molecular structure.

thereby obtaining different cell properties.

After fine-tuning, he reset the parameters and conducted a new round of testing.

"Experiment 131, the blood-obsessed trait was activated. Test 321, the coefficient increased to the critical point of the nervous system. If it fails, you need to adjust and try again."

Charles entered relevant experimental data on the data pad and wrote down his conclusions.

Genetically modified humans are not that easy to create.

The human body is a very complex system.

Slight changes may cause a series of chain reactions.

Many scientific researchers work together to conduct research on different organs and nervous systems of the human body.

Charles is responsible for researching a kind of biological hormone.

This biological hormone acts on the brain and nervous system.

It can improve the brain's concentration and judgment, making the body react more quickly and become more powerful.

However, this adenoid also has side effects.

Depresses parasympathetic nerves.

Charles is also troubled by the problems caused by the increase of this biotin in the human body.

Most problems have good solutions.

One thing that is very tricky is that this biological hormone causes nerve distortions, and the modified people will become overly addicted to bloody battles and get pleasure from hurting others and self-harm.

In other words, those transformed people will turn into bloodthirsty lunatics after a period of time.

“Sometimes the first version doesn’t need to be perfect.”

Hearing this voice, Charles turned his head subconsciously.

At some point, Qin Zheng was already standing behind him.

"This is too unstable." Charles shook his head and said: "Bloodthirst will appear after just one hundred stimulations, and it will completely sink after three hundred stimulations. We are not creating warriors, but murderers!!"

"In terms of nerves, we will also strengthen them." Qin Zheng said lightly: "They are enough to last until the end of the war to unify the world."

"That would be too dangerous." Charles lowered his voice and said, "Those who transform people will become madmen in the future, pure killing machines."

"Is there anyone in this world who is not a lunatic? Go and look at those lower-class areas and bottom-class people. They don't care about the future, because for them there is only today and tomorrow, which they must reach alive."

In this world where morality has collapsed, order is chaotic, and is now plunged into war, who can guarantee that they will have a future?

Maybe it would be terminated by a sudden shell the next day! !

Charles was born in an upper-class area and had no idea how chaotic and terrifying the bottom and lower-class areas in the middle-class area were.

Charles looked at Qin Zheng and couldn't say a word of objection in his heart.

He sighed.

"I see."

He lowered his head and made modifications on the experimental data board, changing the unqualified one to a trial one.

Things like Charles are not alone in the laboratory! !

Convert immature technologies that should not be used into trial ones.

Qin Zheng is very self-aware of his current strength.

There was no way he could create a perfect and stable Stormtrooper.

This is true even if he has the ability to predict things.

The objective laws of reality will not change with personal will.

The current base has insufficient resources, insufficient manpower, and inadequate equipment.

What can be used to create a perfect and stable Stormtrooper? ?

It's just a dream! !

The location he is currently in is the corrupted Xinku District.

Rely on the Geller force field device excavated from the ruins to survive in this dangerous place.

The equipment was left behind by Aperture Technology because it was unable to evacuate due to the disaster.

The purification and cleaning work was just completed some time ago.

The people under his command have gone through three rounds of recruitment expansion.

The first time is building a team.

The second time was the group of people taken away during the robbery and evacuation.

The third time was the one involving Charles et al.

Qin Zheng's team has been expanded three times so far.

So far, the base has less than 2,000 members.

Not to mention resources.

He could only rely on the trading line established with Fatty Black to trade grain and various missing precious alloy parts, or else recycle those second-hand goods and dismantle what he wanted.

Under such circumstances, it is already a rare thing to create the first batch of storm warriors.

Don't be so demanding.

The most important thing now is that the first batch of Stormtroopers can be put into actual combat.

Ability to plunder more resources and supplies like wild beasts.

After grabbing the territory and resources, we will slowly optimize new storm warriors based on the discovered shortcomings.

I want to just stay here at the base until I create the strongest legion, and then go out and sweep the world.

Don't fantasize about this kind of thing.

Any technological creation must go through complex iterations.

Without feedback data, how can we optimize it? !

Hundreds of scholars in the fields of biochemistry and genetics are led by Qin Zheng, who uses precognitive abilities.

Within half a month, the theoretical work related to the first version of Storm Troopers was completed and a preliminary industrialization process was formulated.

Even though it is very rough, it is enough to be used based on the simulation and calculation of the operational matrices left in the base.

After getting this, Qin Zheng gathered all the personnel in the base without stopping, preparing to recruit volunteers, directly strengthen the human body, and create his first batch of Stormtroopers.

His First Legion is about to be born.

Base lobby.

In addition to essential staff maintaining and servicing machinery.

Everyone gathered here under Qin Zheng's order.

In the past half month, Qin Zheng, who was busy studying Storm Warriors, did not give up trading with the outside world.

Most of the materials looted were sold to exchange for resources needed by the base.

The fat black man also gave his share to the other party.

Qin Zheng actually didn't want to give it to him.

There is no reason to spit out the meat that comes into your own mouth! !

But the situation is stronger than the people.

Now is not the time to fall out.

If the other party destroys the transaction route.

The neck of the base was stuck tightly.

Later, when the fist becomes bigger and harder.

Even the fat black man grabbed it too.

Even the other party's wealth was taken away.

It is worth mentioning that in the past half month, there was a slight problem with one transaction.

Not only are monsters invading the train, but thugs are also causing trouble.

Of course everything was resolved perfectly in the end.

The invading monster was slashed by Qin Zheng, and it was finally left to Bai Qi to make up for the damage and let him gain experience.

The rioters were thrown directly out of the train by Qin Zheng.

In front of everyone, he was eaten by the monsters that surrounded the train.

Those people watched as the souls of the thugs were pulled out alive, torn into pieces by monsters, and eaten.

This scene completely frightened those who had any ideas.

quelled the chaos caused by the mob.

Every time he went out to trade within half a month, Qin Zheng would bring back a group of people.

After half a month of staff expansion, the number of people in the base quickly increased to more than 5,000.

Just shy of reaching six thousand.

The population has doubled from the beginning.

The increase in his men made the fire in Qin Zheng's dream much larger.

You can see more things, and some mysterious and special symbols are also lit up.

Although I still don’t understand what it means, they are all good changes after all.

The food factory run by Juba and his companions is also operating normally.

Protein nuggets made from instant algae provide consistent daily yields.

The resulting worms are about the size of a calf.

It has been able to steadily provide secretions such as milk and meat.

The protein blocks, insect milk and meat produced by the food factory are of average quality, but the yield is very high.

Not only can it meet the needs of the base, it can also be traded.

In this war period, a food factory that can stably produce food is a gold mine.

The remaining food can be used to buy a lot of things for the base.

Qin Zheng also encouraged Juba and others to increase production.

It also supports them in producing other foods, which can be traded with the outside world in exchange for various metal prostheses and useful things.

Dante and several older children have also made great progress.

Under Bai Qi's devil training, he became a demon hunting boy who was proficient in shooting and fighting.

Already completed several missions to clean up the interior of the base on my own.

Most of the strange creatures remaining deep in the base were cleared away.

The rest are just a matter of time.

Soon, the base will become completely human territory.

Next, the work of cultivating demon hunters will be completed by Dante and other experienced teenagers.

They will use their experience to train and cultivate the remaining children so that they can grow up as quickly as possible.

During this period, Qin Zheng also used his abilities to collect some ways to strengthen the soulless ones.

Soulless beings are different from psykers.

They cannot strengthen themselves through so-called pranayama.

The power of the Soulless Ones does not come from the spirit world of the Warp.

Their power comes from themselves.

Like a whirlpool formed by a depression in the soul.

It will continuously absorb all surrounding spiritual energy and convert it into nothingness.

Qin Zheng found a way for them to meditate to strengthen themselves.

This method can make them more focused, and the aura of the soulless will gradually become condensed and become more oppressive.

Meditation and hunting demons, the two methods of strengthening the soulless, are already the best methods Qin Zheng can find at present, and can be used to train and strengthen their soulless characteristics.

Qin Zheng also plans to forge special psychic weapons similar to vampire fangs and anti-psychic weapons dedicated to demon hunters.

When the time comes, anti-psionic weapons and soulless ones will complement each other, and they will have a better chance of winning in the battle.

If Dante and others could be trained into a real demon-hunting force, their numbers would be enough to deal with most of the weird creatures on this planet.

At that time, Qin Zhenghui will try to purify the Xinku District and completely expel those monsters.

As for Bai Qi, his condition has obviously deteriorated a lot due to staying with the soulless people for a long time.

Continuing to stay with soulless people like Dante will inevitably permanently damage his soul, causing him to fall into a state of spiritual decline and soul exhaustion.

For Bai Qi's safety, Qin Zheng assigned him a new task.

That is to learn the breathing techniques and various trainings for psychics that Qin Zheng collected during this period.

Be prepared to raise their own army of psykers.

The breathing methods, training methods, etc. were all tricked by Qin Zheng from idiots from other extraordinary forces.

For example, Makoto is a big bastard who hates him to the core.

Recently, he has also been eyeing another little idiot from the Extraordinary Special Emergency Department called Nan Xi.

I deceived a lot of knowledge from the other party.

Qin Zheng also planned to defraud the other party of some forbidden knowledge.

A force of psykers must be formed.

In the face of complex battlefield situations, diversification of arms can achieve maximum benefits at the minimum cost.

Everyone knows that battleship cannons are the most powerful.

With one shot, the entire city was gone.

The problem is, being the strongest doesn’t mean being the best.

Could it be that an army only needs battleships, and all other arms can be dispensed with? ?

No matter how big or small the targets are, they are all bombarded by a round of saturation artillery! !

People who do this properly are stupid and have too much money.

What is the purpose of war? ?

Is it a resource? ?

Once the artillery fire goes down, everything will be gone. We need a hammer of resources! !

If you like killing, why not take a water pipe and find an ant nest! !

All battleships are indeed powerful enough.

Whether you can win or not depends on whether the opponent is stupid enough.

If nothing else, if you delay it long enough, logistics will be delayed to death.

Diversification of arms is important in any era.

Tigers can even be defeated by mosquitoes.

Qin Zheng's initial plan is to establish the following troops first.

A witcher force composed of soulless men.

A psionic force composed of psykers.

Plus the upcoming legion of storm warriors.

and ordinary people ready to recruit.

If you want cutting-edge, you must have cutting-edge, and if you want cannon fodder, you must have cannon fodder.

It's perfect.

When the scale is large enough, it will be subdivided into the Army and the Air Force.

If we can go to the stars, we will form a space navy.

Build a complete army that can handle most situations.

Even though the base hall accommodates more than 5,000 people, it still looks very empty.

"Why do you think we are being concentrated!!"

"I've been here for so long, and this is the first time we've been together."

"Yes, I'm also very curious."

"Maybe there's something to announce."

People were discussing in small groups.

This is their first full gathering here.

People are looking forward to seeing what Qin Zheng wants to say.

After this period of life, they all have a sense of belonging to the base.

Compared with the chaos and displacement outside.

The base is considered safe and has a stable food supply.

For those outside, it can really be said to be a perfect shelter.

Qin Zheng also recognized the results of their labor and promised to pay them wages after establishing stable contact with the outside world.

There are also some taboos in the base.

For example, you cannot go deep into the base alone.

Can't talk to the weird sounds in the dark.

Nor can one cross the protective shield formed by the Geller force field and go outside without protection.

While everyone was discussing, they were waiting for Qin Zheng to appear.

They didn't have to wait long.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Qin Zheng appeared at the door of the hall.

Next to him were David and Juba, who were tall and strong.

Both of them held weapons in their hands and looked at everyone with majestic eyes.

To prevent some unsighted guy from jumping out to find discomfort and challenge the authority of the boss.

Everyone knows the situation in Liberty City.

People who can crawl around in it know everything about each other.

Deterrence by force is the most direct and effective means.

Qin Zheng walked to the high platform in the hall.

Don't know if it's an illusion or what.

Juba, Brian, Johnny, Morgan and others who were the first to follow Qin Zheng always felt that Qin Zheng had become taller and stronger.

When standing on the high platform, he looked particularly powerful.

It makes people feel at ease, thinking that he is a strong person, and he is naturally the leader and the one who protects them.

Make everyone feel that obeying the other is a matter of course.

On the high platform, Qin Zheng looked around and said: "This is the first conference launched by our organization after its establishment. The first thing is to thank everyone for their efforts during this time to make the base operational. The second thing, Just to announce something to everyone.”

"The first thing: All departments in the base are on track. Members who have joined the armed department have also completed basic training, and some weapons and equipment are already in place. It's time to make the next step, which is to explore the Xinku District , search for more weapons and equipment. Try to exterminate the strange creatures and demons in Xinku District, accumulate experience, and actively explore and find the source of corruption in Xinku District, and be prepared to comprehensively purify this area."

"Starting from tomorrow, I will personally lead the team to explore the Xinku District with the base as the center, collecting intelligence and weapons and equipment that the chaebol companies have not been able to take away."

It's not Qin Zheng's style to sit back and eat nothing at the base.

To maintain the basic operation of the base and ensure the food supply of the food factory, a few hundred people are more than enough.

There are more than 5,000 people in the base now, so we can't just sit idle all the time! !

No matter what, you have to explore the Xinku District to see if other chaebols have leftover weapons and equipment, strategic resources, etc.

There is no need for those weird creatures.

If you find it, you will earn it.

When the crowd heard Qin Zheng's words, they immediately went crazy.

"This is looking for death!!"

"It's too deceptive. Even the chaebol can't deal with those things."

"You also said that staying at the base is more comfortable than staying outside. Now you know you are wrong!!"

Originally, I was a little lucky to be here, as I didn't have to face the war outside.

Now we have to deal with those weird creatures! !

Isn’t this seeking death? !

Qin Zheng ignored the noisy people. After they talked for a while and the whole venue became noisy, he spoke again to emphasize.

"We already have a way to eliminate those weird creatures. In order to reassure everyone, I will personally lead the team in the early stages of exploration to ensure your safety. So you don't have to be so afraid, I won't take my own life as a joke. "

This sentence is simple and unpretentious, but it is convincing.

One can doubt the impassioned boss who paints the pie.

But we can’t doubt the boss who is at the front.

Many people fell silent.

If Qin Zheng was really on the front line, then they would have nothing to say.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Qin Zheng then spoke and said another thing.

"One more thing is to recruit people who are willing to become storm warriors. Hundreds of researchers and I have developed a complete set of enhanced surgical procedures, which can shape an ordinary person into a powerful warrior. Because of resources Limited, only fifty people will be recruited this time, and the only requirement is that the prosthetic body implantation is less than 20%."

"Gene enhancement?? Is it free?"

someone asked loudly.

"Yes, it's free." Qin Zheng said: "No fees are charged, and you will have better shelter and food. If you leave Xinku District in the future, you will receive more subsidies."

"Is it dangerous? How dangerous is it?"

"There is a certain risk of losing control." Qin Zheng said straightforwardly and without hesitation.

When Charles outside the hall heard this, his heart dropped.

Can talking about shortcomings still make these people willing? ?

However, what Charles didn't expect was.

Many people in the hall discussed excitedly.

"It seems that I meet the conditions and it is necessary to give it a try."

"No one wants to compete with me. I want this genetic enhancement spot."

"Look at my strong muscles and hard biceps. Why are you competing with me? The spot is mine?"

The quota of fifty people was quickly filled.

There was even a fight.

Who doesn’t want to gain a stronger body and have more say?

Everyone who comes from a lower class is more animal than human.

The benefits of being a Stormtrooper are obvious.

Among the lowest-level gangs, genetic enhancement and good prosthetic modifications can only be enjoyed by leaders with high status.

People at the bottom can only take strengthening injections and install low-quality prosthetics.

Now that the base provides genetic enhancement surgery for free, naturally everyone wants to take advantage of it.

By then, even if the base collapses, they will be able to rely on their strong bodies to live outside.

As for that risk, they selectively ignored it.

What is risk-free in this world? ?

Walking down the street, you may be killed by a stray bullet from a gang member.

What is risk? ?

As long as the income is large enough.

Qin Zheng finally selected the fifty strongest applicants.

These fifty people were quickly taken away by Charles and other researchers who had been waiting outside.

Wang Ben was among them, and he was the first to sign up.

After announcing these two things, Qin Zheng asked David, Brian and others to make a list of personnel who would take turns to search for supplies.

Finally, he encouraged everyone and let the gathered people disperse. r

The people who dispersed whispered about the purification mission that would be carried out in a few days.

Except for the technical staff who maintain the base, everyone has to go out on rotation.

No one can run away.

Otto Feng was also mixed in the crowd.

He was surrounded by several people.

Capable people will always stand out.

With his eloquence and eyesight, Otto Feng easily convinced some people.

Let them listen to themselves.

I heard Qin Zheng say that he wanted to go out of the base to collect supplies and prepare to purify Xinku District.

He also had some doubts in his heart.

But there are also some other thoughts and judgments.

Qin Zheng is a very ambitious person.

From the other party's establishment of power and the creation of storm warriors, it can be seen that the other party wants to do something big.

More importantly, his abilities match his ambitions.

Apart from anything else, he had never heard of any psyker who could do remote soul projection alone! !

This is true even for those so-called ninth-level old guys who have entered the threshold of demigods.

Qin Zheng must have his own trump card.

If we are not sure that the Xinku District can be purified, we will definitely not let these hard-earned recruits go to waste.

Otto Feng prefers that the other party is sure to purify the Xinku District.

In that case, Qin Zheng's future is simply unlimited.

Why did the camp composed of Qing Group, Aperture Technology and other companies start a war at this time? ?

It’s just that they are desperate! !

The corruption is irreversible, and more and more areas are falling.

The major chaebols are being bled bit by bit and are constantly weakening.

A lower-level area will appear today, and a fallen area will appear tomorrow.

All the bases and supplies in the two districts were gone and could never be found again.

This is to make them die slowly.

If the underground palace does not appear, those senior officials or old guys may choose to wait for death slowly and survive until the end.

But the underground palace appeared, and it contained technology that could allow humans to return to the stars and armaments that could change the situation.

It has become their obsession to take a chance, return to the stars, and rebuild the glory of the past.

War will naturally come.

As for why not unite and develop together? ?

I can only get 50% for working with you.

I can get 100% if I kill you.

This choice is not difficult to make.

If Qin Zheng could purify Xinku District, his value would be immeasurable.

Both camps are going to be crazy about him.

No matter what choice he makes, Qin Zheng's future is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Otto Feng decided to find a way to hold this thigh.

Take a gamble.

Bet that Qin Zheng is a noble person who can change his destiny.

Vladi also mixed in with the crowd.

Leaving the venue with a group of women who entered the base.

Her identity as a woman was revealed when she first entered the base.

Now she has changed back to a woman's attire.

The proud twin peaks will attract a lot of attention no matter where they go.

But none of them dared to do anything offensive to Frady.

I didn’t dare to talk to him casually.

There are no laws in the base, only a few rules set by Qin Zheng.

This includes not humiliating or forcing others.

Before, some people felt lonely and bored and wanted to do something interesting.

The final result is to be hung on the outer wall of the base.

Finally died.

I was scared to death by what was outside.

After untying the rope, the corpse stood up again, crying and laughing, and ran deep into the reservoir area.

After that incident, no one violated the rules of the base again.

Qin Zheng's gang is really cruel and they do what they say.

This powerful method also makes the security of the base much better than that of the outside world.

Vladi is a top student who graduated from the police academy.

We have to admit that sometimes violence is the best way to maintain order and justice.

Apart from not having the same luxurious life as before, Vladi's life at the base is pretty good.

After all, in addition to her beauty, she also holds several advanced degrees.

He knows how to repair various machinery and how to debug instruments.

So she enjoys the treatment of a technician at the base.

It is not treated as a toy, nor is it played with in any way.

Qin Zheng will not be so boring.

After all, he just chose to get drunk in a bar because of the despair in his dream.

Not really a sex-eating evil spirit.

Flurdy didn't know this.

She was a little happy, but also a little angry.

According to the information, Qin Zheng is the reincarnation of a pervert! !

Why is my mother so beautiful, but the other party is not attracted by her! !

She was also asked to wear work clothes to tighten screws.

It’s obvious that he doesn’t like her! !

It's such a shame and humiliation to be despised.

Thinking of this, Vladi suddenly became a little angry.

Soon she became sad again.

The metropolitan area was destroyed.

The current situation of her family is unknown.

My parents' life and death are even more uncertain.

She is actually thinking about these nonsense here! !

Vladi shook her head, shaking off those unimportant thoughts. ,

She decided to be among the first to go out and explore.

Use your excellent shooting skills to gain the other party's attention and further gain their trust.

Find a way to go outside by train together during the transaction to see what's going on! !

Look for clues about family members.

In the biochemistry laboratory.

To be sure, Qin Zheng personally took charge of the first storm warrior strengthening surgery.

Set an example for researchers such as Charles.

The first one to go up was Wang Ben, who had helped him drive the train back to Xinku District before.

The other party didn't have much to say.

After filling out the form, I lay directly on the operating table.

After entering the base, Wang Ben's status was not bad based on his original achievements.

Serves as the captain of an armed squad.

Enjoying the same treatment as Brian and others.

During several chats with scholars such as Charles, Wang Ben learned that Qin Zheng did not take Xinku District seriously and wanted to unify the entire world.

The Storm Warriors are the key to Qin Zheng's unification of the entire world.

Wang Ben, like Otto Feng, wanted to take a gamble.

He bet that Qin Zheng could accomplish great things and even unify the entire world.

After receiving the genetic enhancement, if nothing else happens, he will definitely be the leader of the first batch of storm warriors.

If Qin Zheng can really unify the world, then he will definitely leave his name with Qin Zheng's great achievements.

If you don't undergo life-extending surgery, your life will last only a few decades, and your chances will be even less.

Maybe only once or twice in a lifetime.

If you encounter it once, you have to gamble everything.

If you win the bet, you will become the darling of the times.

If you lose, you will just become an ordinary person again.

When Wang Ben lay down and said he was ready.

Qin Zheng turned on the anesthesia machine.

The cold anesthetic liquid was injected into Wang Ben's body.

An indescribable feeling of sleepiness came over me.

Wang Ben became drowsy and fell asleep directly.

There weren't many difficulties with the surgery.

According to the originally set surgical procedures, hundreds of genetic medicines were injected into the target.

Then implant the necessary biological capsules and biological tendons.

After completing these tasks, put the other party into the cultivation chamber that has been filled with nutrient solution.

Wait for the medicinal solution to induce benign mutations in the genome, allowing the body to develop again.

Biological capsules and biological tendons will also slowly fuse during this process.

The whole process takes about half a month.

After completing Wang Ben's operation, Qin Zheng handed over the next operation to Charles and other scientific researchers.

These people were recruited just to do this.

After the operation is completed, it is placed into the incubation chamber.

The remaining work is to monitor the values ​​of the cultivation chamber and wait for fifteen days.

At that time, we will know whether the first version of Stormtroopers can be successful.

After Qin Zheng inspected it, he handed over the biochemical laboratory to Charles and others.

He went to do other things.

The war outside is still going on.

Things are getting worse in Liberty City.

Clashes broke out between the two camps in multiple areas.

Mechas, drones and other military equipment are fighting among high-rise buildings.

The explosions caused by heavy hover tanks and weapons equipped with shields can travel several kilometers.

People live in despair.

Social order is on the verge of collapse.

Factories in many places were destroyed and production activities came to a standstill.

Food and other daily necessities began to become scarce.

Some people with evil intentions also revealed their cruel nature, killing and robbing everywhere.

Making an already bad end even worse.

Some people even flee to the wilderness in order to survive.

There are more and more refugees, and they are hiding in various places, even staying with the dead and ghosts, just to survive.

Just like Juba said, recruiting people has become easier than ever.

As long as Qin Zheng promises food and safe shelter to those people, he can easily recruit a group of strong young people.

There is no need to kidnap people like before.

The only drawback is the skyrocketing price of supplies.

Credit coins have basically collapsed.

People only accept barter.

The base located in Xinku District was not affected by the war.

It is still developing according to the original plan.

The first expedition team to go out was quickly organized.

Otto Feng was also in the team with the people he persuaded and Frati, who wanted to gain the trust of Qin Zheng so that he could go out to find his family.

This exploration team prepared a total of more than thirty vehicles.

Since it was the first exploration, there were only over a hundred members in the exploration team.

The plan is to explore slowly along the base first, then gradually expand the exploration area and try to clear out those monsters.

When Qin Zheng and others first came in, they crossed the entire Xinku District, and when they arrived at the base, a strange riot was triggered.

Through that riot, we can know how terrifying the number of strange creatures in Xinku District is.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, Qin Zheng took Bai Qi, a psyker, and Dante, who were a dozen or so older demon-hunting youths who were able to take charge of their own business, with him.

He also brought with him the newly trained armed squad.

The team's priority targets are the bases and arms depots left by chaebol companies in this area.

Those bases and arms depots may contain a large number of advanced weapons and equipment that have not had time to be taken away.

Obtaining them will greatly increase the strength of the base and reduce the gap with those plutocratic armies.

When Qin Zheng faces the plutocrats, he can be more tough and even dare to turn against him directly.

Members of the exploration team gathered on the tarmac of the base.

They were wearing combat uniforms that Qin Zheng managed to obtain, holding laser rifles in their hands and electromagnetic pistols hanging from their waists.

There are several high-energy grenades or electromagnetic high-explosive bombs hanging on the belt.

A group of personnel responsible for logistics distributed the latest printed search team rules manual and energy batteries to every member of the exploration team.

The search team code manual was written by Qin Zheng in imitation of the manual he saw at the beginning.

It contains methods for dealing with various monsters and rules that need to be followed during exploration to ensure the survival rate of these exploration team members.

In this special environment, electronic equipment may not necessarily be easy to use.

Paper manuals are more reliable.

After everyone checked the weapons and confirmed that nothing was missing, the team set off.

After discussion, Qin Zheng finally targeted the building set up by Jushen Company in Xinku District.

According to the information provided by Bartmos, underneath the Titan Company is a huge underground base stocked with weapons and equipment of staggering scale.

The convoy set off from the base and headed to the Titan Company branch building according to the set route.

After the fire was strengthened, Qin Zheng's protection area was also much larger.

Even a huge convoy of more than thirty vehicles can cover up their soul projections.

Let those weird creatures or demons think that they are soulless dead things and ignore them.

The convoy arrived at its destination smoothly and stopped in a huge open space.

Some dead people were wandering around the clearing.

No purpose, no consciousness, just walking around like that.

Some of them remain as they were when they were just dead, while others have already decayed.

Some still maintain their original appearance.

When the hovercars landed, they followed the vibrations of the air.

But they didn't sense living people, they just acted instinctively.

Brian fired several shots at them. Several corpses fell down, and the other dead people showed no reaction at all.

Qin Zheng blocked the soul projections of everyone in the convoy.

The dead people walking around wouldn't attack something without a soul.

At this time, in their unique field of vision, the members of the exploration team are just moving pillars or walls.

As for why the pillars and walls move? ?

This question is a bit over the top when it comes to dead people.

The members of the convoy were cleaning up the dead people while advancing towards the branch building of Titan Company.

Drones and gunboats also assisted in firing, helping the landed exploration team members to clear enemies on the ground.

The pilots carefully controlled the aircraft and hovered over Qin Zheng's head.

To avoid accidentally flying out of Qin Zheng's protection range.

If the distance is too far, the shielding will be ineffective.

The light of their souls will be exposed.

It was like a beacon shining in the darkness, attracting the monsters to come.

Under the protection of Qin Zheng, there were no problems in the early operations.

Once you enter the building, you need to separate.

If they act separately, Qin Zheng will not be able to cover up the light of each member's soul.

After all, the distance was too far, and it was too costly for Qin Zheng to cover each soul individually.

He could only cut off the building from a nearby area to form an independent area.

So that weird creatures from the outside cannot know what is happening here.

The strange creatures in the building will discover the members of the exploration team and launch an attack.

It will take a tough fight for the Discovery team to gain full control of the building.

"Get ready for battle." Qin Zheng looked at everyone: "Remember that conventional firepower can only weaken those things, but cannot completely destroy them. Every team must cooperate with the Soulless. After weakening, let the Soulless be harvested. Understand. Yet??"

Everyone nodded.

Make sure everyone completes the final weapons check. After you are ready.

Qin Zheng released his power to the entire area.

at the same time.

There were strange screams in the building.

They smelled of living flesh and delicious souls.


Screams came from the corridor shrouded in darkness.

Chaotic footsteps sounded.

Those who died and rose again screamed, and the harsh sound formed visible sound waves in the air.

They come with hatred for living people and are determined to tear apart all the members of the exploration team who dare to enter here.

"Don't panic, aim before shooting." Qin Zheng said.

This is the five updates promised within 24 hours of release.

Today’s update hasn’t been updated yet.

After that it should be updated every day.

It will be updated at a fixed time in two days.

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I'll prepare some manuscripts to see if I can hit the combat power list by then.

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