The fire on the high platform of the altar was burning, and the firelight illuminated the vicinity of the high platform.

There was still a rolling, crawling darkness at the edge of the firelight.

The sky was still crazy, with a strange and ominous light emitting from the cracks.

A giant eye as huge as a mountain range, a twisted structure comparable to a planet, and terrifying tentacles that only appear in the craziest literature penetrate the world.

Crazy howls came from the darkness, and countless malicious entities lurked where Qin Zheng could not see.

They wait, waiting for the flame to die out.

Waiting to eat Qin Zheng's flesh and blood and corrupt his soul.

Everything rational will decay and collapse here.

Qin Zheng felt like a primitive man hiding beside a small campfire, fearful of the darkness outside the cave.


Thinking of this, Qin Zheng subconsciously looked at the fire.

It was discovered that the fire, which had not changed despite all efforts, had undergone some changes.

A piece of wood appeared in the fire.

Qin Zheng walked to the fire on the high platform and rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly.

There really is one more firewood.

"What's going on?" Qin Zheng frowned slightly.

He had done many things to the fire, but nothing had changed.

He has tried all the methods in serious novels and non-serious novels.

The fire remained unchanged from beginning to end.

But today, it suddenly had a burning firewood.

Although the fire did not expand significantly, you could feel that there was something more in it.

The fire is the source of all Qin Zheng's abilities.

Predicting the short future, possessing a body that can heal itself quickly and has terrifying combat power, even more terrifying than mechanical prosthetics, are all because of the fire.

Qin Zheng could feel the connection between the fire and him.

He walked into the fire and subconsciously placed his hand on the wood burning in the fire.

Countless memory fragments flashed in his mind.

The thunder in the sky flashed, and the roaring sound was as violent as the gods were angry.

Lightning occasionally lights up Lecco Street in the Drew district.

As a lower-class district, the chaos in Drew District is comparable to hell.

Maybe hell is better than this scary area.

This place is filled with every horrible thing imaginable by man.

Hunting machines equipped with all kinds of sharp weapons, ghosts and demons lingering in the shadows, biological creatures that are more savage and violent than beasts, wandering dead people, monsters with twisted limbs and fangs.

The things in Drew District are chaos, madness, and the embodiment of indescribable things that cause all rationality to collapse.

I have lived in this area for as long as I can remember.

I was given birth to by a poor woman who was used as a birth machine.

I have a very vague memory of her. I only remember her dirty and worn-out clothes, her horribly thin face, and her bulging eyes.

Skin wrapped in flesh, it looked extremely scary.

Words cannot describe the pity of women who are used as fertility machines by local gangs.

That part of their humanity has been obliterated in endless torture and pain.

All that remains is the animal desire to live.

Live like a captive poultry.

People living in Drew have lost their minds.

They crazily worship those unknown evil beings.

In order to please those beings, various cruel blood sacrifices are necessary.

Morality and order have completely collapsed.

Only hysterical madness.

The reason why I survived is because I was kept captive by that twisted and perverted beast gang and used as food reserve and low-level slave labor.

After all, the Beast Gang needs some slaves to complete their work and trade with other regions in exchange for wealth and various weapons.

Although the Drew District is chaotic, it also has its own ruler.

One of them is the Beast Master, the boss of the Beast Gang, and also the most powerful one.

Many people have wanted to kill the beast master and end his horrific dictatorship.

In the end, those unlucky ones failed.

The beast master is six meters tall. He wears an armor that is comparable to a heavy armored tank, full of bone spurs and bones, and is equipped with an astonishingly sized serrated blade.

Its terrifying momentum is enough to scare many people to death just by standing there.

The fighting power is even more terrifying, making all those who dare to challenge despair.

Several major chaebol groups once formed a coalition to encircle and suppress the Beast Master, hoping to regain control of the Drew District and control the production areas of those precious psychotropic drugs that can stimulate psykers.

After the war, the beast owner held a serrated knife and slashed the shielded heavy armored tank to pieces with one blow. He was like a world-destroying demon coming out of hell, which was extremely terrifying.

Plus the protection of an object of worship.

Even if the chaebol and the public government try their best, they will end in a disastrous failure.

After that battle, the major chaebol groups and public governments never organized manpower to attack the Drew District again.

The beast master's control over the Dru District has also become more and more stable.

I have lived in the Beast Gang for sixteen years. Slaves of the same age as me were either eaten as food, or they were skinned and deboned and hung on the signboard of an abandoned building after being offended by someone who could not be messed with.

To live so long! ! In addition to being cautious and cautious, I also have a special ability to peek into other people's shallow thoughts and soothe their emotions. I can even see a glimpse of the future from certain omens.

I know from some rumors and knowledge that this ability is actually some kind of psychic power.

In other words, I am a psyker, a wizard, a psychic, a being who can summon supernatural powers.

But I was not happy about it, nor did I publicize it. I even hid it and only used it at critical moments.

It's not that there are no psychics in Drew District, but their fate is very miserable.

Those monsters that linger in the shadows love nothing more than to hunt wizards and take their bodies.

There are also some psykers who are captured by the Beast Gang and used as sacrifices to their worship, the Beast God.

The God of Beasts is like a being that was born from tigers, leopards, lions, octopuses and other messy things. It is very weird, but it is worshiped by the Beast Gang, and blood sacrifices are made every once in a while.

I thought my whole life would be like that, working as a slave every day, and then accidentally being killed one day.

However, during a transaction between the Beast Gang and the Qing Group.

I found a great opportunity.

Some special plants not only require various nutrient solutions, but also human pain and flesh and blood to finally mature and have the effects that those in the upper class need.

That type of medicine is very important to the top management of Liberty City.

It is the key to their long life and youth.

The Qing Group not only purchased a large amount of medicines, but also purchased slaves used to cultivate those special plants.

If I did it right, I could escape by pretending to be a comatose, purchased slave.

I did that without hesitation.

Any hesitation or hesitation will kill me.

If you want to survive, you must make quick decisions.

That would kill the slaves I worked with, and the enraged Beastmen would dismember them and make them into jerky.

But I don't feel guilty at all.

I wanted to live so bad.

I wanted so badly to get out of that horrible hell.

I succeeded. Not only did I escape from the control of the Beast Gang, but I also escaped from Drew District. I also escaped from Qing's transport convoy and came to the adjacent St. An District.

Each area is huge, and as long as I hide well, the Beast Gang can't find me.

I also gave myself a name.

As for why I am literate, it is not because I went to school.

How could a humble slave worker with only a piece of spare food have ever gone to school! !

Besides, I’m afraid I can’t even find a school in the huge Drew District! !

The reason why I am literate is because the Beast Gang will use machines to forcefully pour some knowledge into our minds in order to allow slave workers to better operate those machines and complete the maintenance and repair of weapons.

The experience was torture.

It's as if someone split your brain open, put something in it, and roughly stitched it back together.

Some unlucky guys may die outright.

My name is taken from the protagonist of an ancient story in the reader.

There's something magical about that name.

It suits me very well.

It's like it was born just for me.

This name is - Bai Qi.

I like this name very much.

To be on the safe side, I plan to go farther away, completely away from Drew.

However, the plan is beautiful, but the reality is often too cruel to accept.

A few days later, I was caught stealing from a gang.

Those guys hung me up and used me as a punching bag for the dark, muscular man.

The opponent's punch broke my bones.

The second punch blew my eyes out alive.

It hurts and I can still hear sounds.

I thought I was going to be beaten to death by that guy.

To be honest, in this desperate era, being beaten to death is a kind of grace for a slave like me.

At least he wasn't skinned alive.

I've seen too many deaths like that.

The perverts of the Beast Gang can always come up with all kinds of vicious ways to die and practice them on slaves.

When I was desperate, someone came in. The big man stopped beating me and walked over.

I tried to raise my head and glanced at the person who walked in with the only eye I had left.

When my eyes fell on the man with black eyes, a strange feeling emerged in my heart.

It's hard to describe.

It's like a drop of water seeing the vast ocean.

It was like a completely dark world suddenly cracked open, and a ray of light emerged from there.

I thought he would save me.

This idea is ridiculous.

In this era where one's own blood would betray without hesitation, and one's closest relatives and friends could be killed and eaten as food, who would save a stranger?

I don’t know why, but I just have such a feeling in my heart.

It's like different gears of fate are destined to mesh together.

He will save me.

Because at some point in the future, he's going to need me to die for him, and I won't hesitate.

Chaotic memory images flooded into my mind.

Qin Zheng took two steps back.

The hand detached itself from the wood in the fire, and countless memory scenes disappeared.

"How is this going?"

Qin Zheng looked at his hands with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Did he just enter another person's life? ?

So true.

He can even understand the other person's thoughts and emotions at every stage, which feels a thousand or ten thousand times more real than Chaomeng.

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