Chapter 126: Reinforcements.

“What’s wrong Conan? Is there anything strange about that cruise ship? ”

Seeing that Conan suddenly stopped moving, Hatsuharu asked curiously.

“The frequency of the Moon Shadow Island ship should be every two days, I just came by boat with Uncle Maori today, why are there ships coming.”

“In other words, that ship is a shift that shouldn’t be there.”

Chuharu quickly understood what he meant. But before Chuchun could say anything, Conan had already run out in small steps.

Even Yuna didn’t have time to stop the other party, and the little boy had already run a long distance. I don’t know how this guy managed to this extent.

It’s obviously just a pair of small short legs.

“Let’s catch up.”

Chuchun frowned, she and Yuna both knew Conan’s identity, and took the initiative to take Conan to facilitate Al’s actions.

How can you get the other person out of your sight.

It’s just that in this short period of time, the other party has appeared at the dock.

The ship was full of police officers brought by Ryoko from the Metropolitan Police Department, of course, all in plain clothes. The scale of Operation Bijing is still quite large, and the target is the leadership of Moonshadow Island.

The main thing is that Moon Shadow Island is still at the time of the leadership transition, and there are still many protesting residents on the island, who are now powder kegs and explode at one point.

Although Tsukikage Island is under the management of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, it is an island after all, and it does not have a strong sense of belonging to Tokyo. It would not be good in case of conflict with the indigenous people.

“Ryoko-san sister?”

Although they are all civilian policemen, their temperament is still difficult to hide, and Ryoko standing in the crowd has a sense of presence.

Conan recognized each other at a glance.

After all, the impression that woman left on him was too deep.

“Conan? Why are you here. ”

Hearing the sound of shouting her name, Ryoko looked curiously towards the dock. Conan’s appearance was completely out of her expectation.

And the other party is still followed by Chuchun and Yuna, who are gradually approaching, and if they are also there, something has happened on the island. Why are they together?

“I’m here with Uncle Maori, why did Ryoko’s sister come here, is there any case happening here?”

Conan’s emotions gradually became agitated, and sure enough, his detective instincts were not wrong.

Something definitely happened on this island, and it would not be a trivial matter, otherwise this counselor would never have personally led the team here.

The people on this ship should all be plainclothes, and if there is no big task, the Metropolitan Police Department will not specially arrange a steamer to come.

It’s so exciting.

I feel like my detective soul is about to move.

Compared to detective work, picking up shells by the sea is too boring.

“Yuna, is Mr. Al already there?”

After getting the news she wanted to know, Ryoko skillfully ignored the other party.

The hand unloader kills the donkey to play with pure fire.

Conan hated itchy teeth, but there was nothing good to do with the other party.

“You leave two people here to protect them, Team A controls the crowd outside the Civic Hall, and the others follow me into the Civic Hall. Watching Yuna nod at herself, Ryoko immediately understood what she meant. ”

I also roughly guessed the reason why the guy Conan appeared on the coast.

According to what had been discussed at the beginning, the plainclothes men divided into two groups at the dock and ran in the direction of the civic hall one after another

“Mr. Al, Miss Ryoko has already arrived with support, and I am going to start acting.”

Inside the civic hall, I received a message from Ryoko, and Miwako said to Al and them.

Just now, Miwako had already joined Al and them. But she had already determined the location of several criminals, and now she only had to look at the gate. Unless those people blame the thief Kidd possession and jump straight out of the window.

That’s not okay, outside the window where these people are located, there are people who have come to demonstrate, and if they walk through the window, they will be arrested by the residents.

“Well, I know, let Caitlin help you.”

As soon as Al’s voice fell, Caitlin’s face suddenly became strange. My own Darling is really going to send people.

The main thing is to help Ryoko that guy do things, which is really unpleasantly unpleasant.

“The subsequent operation is very dangerous, how can this allow Miss Caitlin to take risks with her.”

These people are drug dealers, and unlike other criminals, drug dealers are almost always equated with the word vicious. If ordinary criminals are caught by the police, they may be arrested, after all, assaulting the police is a new crime.

Those guys who sell drugs are different, especially drug dealers of their level, they don’t care about the crime of attacking the police on their bodies as soon as they are caught basically finished in this life, maybe there will be the mind of dragging a person into the water.

Danger is not a grade at all.

“Don’t worry, just help you fight it, you can’t control so many criminals alone.”

“That said, but”

“In that case, let my detective Mori Kogoro also help!”

Mori Kogoro finally joined the topic.

He had already understood the general situation before, and he finally had an opportunity to show off in front of the two big beauties, and he would definitely not miss it.

Of course, there is also Maori Kogoro’s sense of justice in it.

“So be it, Xiaolan troubles you to guard the gate with Chengshi 5.7, if outsiders come out, use karate and directly put them down!”

Xiaolan’s combat effectiveness does not need to be doubted.

It feels like she can even go straight inside and flip everyone to the ground.

It’s just to give Miwako a little sense of involvement, after all, they are the police.

“Then trouble Mr. Al!”

Miwako didn’t continue to be polite to Al, she remembered Ryoko’s teaching to herself.

Use all available resources to solve the case, as long as you ensure that the final result is what you want, and the intermediate process is not important.

Al is also a good friend of Miss Ryoko, and before leaving, the other party took the initiative to arrange work for Caitlin, which also shows that they are credible.

And there is strength in hand.

Then she didn’t seem to have anything to hesitate about.

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