Chapter 135: My front sight has always been OK.

This was what she had just pulled out of the pockets of the two robbers.

I had long used the afterglow of the corner of my eye to trace the direction of the female robber, and the muscles of my forearm were tense, and I smashed the mobile phone directly towards each other while turning around.

After wasting so much of her saliva, she finally diverted her attention.

“When the other party pointed a gun at Ayumi, she didn’t dare to do this, after all, the other party might hurt the child by pulling off the board machine by inertia”

The female robber didn’t even have time to react, the phone quickly enlarged in her eyes, and the next moment it smashed straight into her forehead. Blood flowed, severe pain, brain trembled, and countless little stars swirled rapidly in front of her eyes.

With her hands weakly released, and after freeing herself from the restraints, Ayumi staggered towards Xiao Lan and them.

Xiao Lan did not miss this opportunity, although there was obviously no communication between the two people, but with an unusual tacit understanding, her body had been in a tense state, and she rushed out while Ai Hayasaka acted.

Due to the other party’s previous actions, Xiaolan did not have the slightest favor for this woman, and she did not show any mercy when she started.

“Ness cooperates!”

Ai Hayasaka gave a thumbs up to Ran.

“Hayasaka your phone is really accurate to throw.”

“Right, right, I’m very confident in the spot!”

Ai Hayasaka walked leisurely to the second floor, took out a rope and tied the woman to death. Although this guy did not cause any harm, it still made her very unhappy.

A small punishment for each other.

Yuan Zi is still comforting Ayumi, and after the little one was held hostage with a gunpoint, he was afraid of causing some psychological shadow to her. Not long after, sirens sounded outside the department store.

Several people looked towards the entrance, and the twilight police officer hurriedly ran in with two of his men.

“This is the police, who always show up after the incident.”

Ai Hayasaka complained helplessly, but fortunately, Officer Twilight did not hear what the other party said.

“Xiaolan? Why are you here, you called the police before? ”

“The person who called the police is me, and these people should be the group of thieves who have caused many incidents recently.”

Yuan Zi took the initiative to stand up, and when facing the Metropolitan Police Department, she still took out a little of the posture of the eldest miss of the Suzuki family. There is no problem in the ability to communicate in the world.

After learning about the situation with the garden, Officer Twilight arranged for his men to take away several robbers.

These people have been involved in a lot of cases lately, and they are all targeting department stores.

Those who can open department stores in Tokyo are more or less related, and recently their Metropolitan Police Department has been under a lot of pressure.

It’s just that there will be interrogation and the like later, so many stolen goods are still waiting for them to find back. Now that the criminals are caught, you can have an explanation to those people for the time being.

At this time, several cases have been eyebrows, and it can be regarded as seeing a little hope for a speedy closure. Thinking like this, Twilight’s mood suddenly became much more beautiful.

As soon as the mood was good, Twilight Thirteen’s face also had a little more smile.

“You guys did very well this time, but the next time you encounter these criminals, remember to let the police come, don’t get involved in danger yourself!”

“Sorry, officer, can you delay a few days if you want to teach us something like that?” These children had to be sent back first so late, and Xiaolan was injured. ”

Hayasaka directly interrupted Twilight’s preaching.

“Is Xiaolan hurt? Sorry I didn’t notice, I’ll take you to the hospital! ”

Twilight Thirteen’s personality is indeed good, even if he is interrupted by the young girl Hayasaka Ai, he is not angry, but cares about Xiaolan’s safety.

When Maori was still a detective, Twilight Thirteen was his teammate. In this respect, Xiaolan is his junior.

“What you should do now is to interrogate the criminals.” I know a clinic with good technology, he can heal this kind of injury without scars, please send two people to send us. ”

Hayasaka directly rejected Twilight’s proposal, and when he heard that the other party had made a decision for him, he nodded with a smile after noticing Twilight’s gaze.

After Yi Xian had the experience of fighting together, the relationship between the two people seemed to become closer.

I didn’t feel anything when I was fighting before, but now after my body relaxed, I felt a faint pain from the wound. Moreover, Xiaolan is also a girl, high school was still the most beautiful time period for girls, Hayasaka’s reasons for love made her completely unable to refuse, she didn’t have time to think about anything else when she fought before, and now she is starting to worry about scars on her legs.

“Then come as you say, I will contact the Maori brother if there is a situation later, Xiaolan, you remember to pay attention to rest.”

Twilight saw Ran’s thoughts and nodded in agreement with Hayasaka’s request.

“I see, thank you for your concern.”

“Hey Hayasaka, Xiaolan’s injury should be fine.”

Watching Twilight Thirteen leave, the garden still looked at the garden with some unease.

If she wants to say it, Yuan Zi really wants to bring the other party back to her home for treatment, and the Suzuki family has its own hospital invested, and the level of doctors inside is also very good.

Not too early Saka Ai has already spoken first, no matter how you say it, let the other party try first.

“Please take this child back first, it’s so late, he has to go to school tomorrow.”

“Why should I take this little devil, we have to go to class tomorrow!” I really hope your concern can share me a little. ”

Yuan Zi looked at Conan with disgust.

“Hard work on you!”

As if she hadn’t heard Sonoko’s complaints, Ai Hayasaka waved her hand lightly and took Ran to the car arranged for them by Officer Twilight.

“Wait, I’m going too!”

Conan shouted.

Listening to Hayasaka’s arrangement for himself, he must not be satisfied.

Although his emotional intelligence is a little touching many times, he still cares about Xiaolan.

It’s just that in the face of the seemingly assertive Ai Hayasaka, he did not directly resist the other party.

Originally, he was going to sneak into the car, and when the time came, he would cook raw rice directly as mature rice, and he had already done this set very skillfully. As a result, this guy in the garden must be staring at himself, and he has no chance at all.

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