Chapter 162: The Party.

After everyone arrived, Ayako Suzuki, as the host, took the initiative to introduce the names of several people.

A beautiful flower man Ota Fuji, an ordinary-looking Kakugu Hiroki, a big fat man Ryoichi Takahashi, and the only female Tomokako Ikeda. All the actors were in place, and Al looked at them absently, holding up his teacup to block the playful smile on his lips. Since these people are all members of the film club in college, most of the content of the chat is related to movies. Xiao Lan naturally couldn’t interject anything, just obediently sat beside Al and drank tea.

It’s just that Yuan Zi is unusually enthusiastic about saying something to Xiaolan, and Al who is not far away can feel that she is a little excited than then.

This little Nizi seemed to have taken a fancy to the beautiful man with flowers, and the attributes of nymphomaniac broke out again.

Although the names of these people are very unfamiliar to Al, he has basically determined the content of this case. The only thing to consider now is whether to directly expose the murderer’s plot or to quietly watch the performance of the opposite party.

Either way, it makes no difference in terms of benefits for him.

As for saving the victim, whether or not to do this kind of thing depends entirely on Al’s mood. Anyway, the victims of this case are not very important.

Of course, through the previous communication with Ayako Suzuki, he is in a good mood now.

If a life case is made at a party she has promoted, Ayako will also be very troubled.

Maybe it will leave a psychological shadow, no matter how to say that she is also a big lady, different from the guy with a big heart in the garden. You want to mix the handle, but you still have to wait for this guy to can’t help but do it first.

Now even if he really finds out the other party, what reason does he use to point out the other party’s plan. That guy didn’t have time to do anything, and he could find all kinds of reasons to settle the bill. Just take a little bit of a look at the guy.

Just as Al was distracted, Ran’s exclamation drew his attention back.

“If you want to talk about Tomokako Ikeda, you should not be showing the Miss Tomoko Ikeda of the Cyan Kingdom on TV?”

Xiaolan played a hilarious role very perfectly.

Although Al doesn’t know why she pays special attention to the names of the screenwriters when watching TV.

Generally people pay attention to actors, it’s a big deal to see who the director is, and those who can pay attention to the screenwriter can only accept it with true love fans.

“Speaking of which, Mr. Al seems to be doing film and television too.”

Ayako Suzuki seemed to be interested in introducing her friend to Al, and took the initiative to pass the topic over.

“Me? I own a small entertainment company, but I put more energy into managing artists than filmmaking. ”

Unexpectedly, the topic has been thrown over, mainly to get to know Ayako Suzuki.

He also thought about raising the other party into his own pond, naturally he would not do something that embarrassed her.

“I wonder what the name of Mr. Al’s entertainment company is?”

Although Al was humble and said that he only owned a small entertainment company, they listened to it. If it’s really just a small entertainment company, how can it be treated like this by the two eldest ladies of the Suzuki family.

This time it was originally a gathering of their society, and Ayako actually invited two people over, so they were definitely very good relations.

It’s all college students, and their brains are still spinning quickly.

Noticing that everyone’s eyes were focused on him, Al smiled a little helplessly.

“My entertainment company, called DreamWorks, recently opened a branch here in Neon. ”

“DreamWorks? Could it be the one in the beautiful country. ”

“That’s right, it’s the entertainment company where Chris Wynyard and Emmanuel are there, and Yoko Okino and many neon artists have signed in.”

“That’s amazing, Mr. Al, you’re too modest.”

Hearing Al take the initiative to say the name “DreamWorks”, Yuan Zi couldn’t help but say what he knew. If Al had chosen to keep it a secret before, she would have kept what she knew in her heart.

In this regard, the garden is still very well done.

Neon seems to have a morbid vision for the beautiful country, but the few people in front of him behave normally. Apart from surprise, there was no sign of gaffe.

As Al said, DreamWorks is still known for signing artists, and only a few movies and TV series have been produced. And they are all people who make movies, and it is inevitable that they will not have much interest in artist companies.

The most interested in what Al said should be the beautiful man Ota Fuji, this guy looked at Al and his eyes almost lit up.

It’s a pity that Al is not interested in men, and turned his head sideways to avoid the eager gaze of the other party.

Briefly became the center of communication, and after casually talking about a few Hollywood gossip, Ayako, who noticed that Al’s somewhat perfunctory Ayako, took the initiative to help change the topic.

Soon, the refreshments on the table gradually bottomed out, and everyone who had eaten and drunk also got up to help clean up the table. Seeing that he couldn’t help anything, Elsoy sat down on the sofa.

Their eyes fell towards the window, and just as they were chatting before, a few dark clouds drifted outside the window at some time, and the sky suddenly darkened.

As if to inflate the atmosphere, a few raindrops hit the window, but there was no intention to continue. Tomokako Ikeda got up and walked out the door, followed by Kakuko.

“Where are you going?”

“Take a walk, I’m going to go outside for a little turn.”

“Wait a minute, Chikako, doesn’t it mean it’s going to rain soon!”

Although Kakugu did not persuade the other party, it was just that Chikako did not mean to appreciate it.

Pushing open the door and walking out, seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Kakugu could only follow the other party and walked towards the forest together. Sure enough, that woman should be the victim, and in the world of Ke Xue, people who like to act alone always live shortly.

But the fat man didn’t mean to act at all, if memory serves, the mastermind of this case should be him

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