Xiao Huaiguang’s face was livid, but he didn’t say a word.

Zhang Boming’s approach is reasonable, he dares to wantonly distort the facts in front of Chen Fan and frame him, but it is impossible to play such a scoundrel with Zhang Boming.

Xiao Chen shouted unwillingly:

“It’s Chen Fan cheating! He must have a talisman in his hand! ”

Zhang Boming glanced at him contemptuously:

“Cheating? Are you and I blind with so many mentors on the scene? ”

“He has a spell? Where is it? Don’t take your hysteria for fact! ”

Xiao Chen still wanted to say something, Xiao Huaiguang passed a harsh look, Xiao Chen opened his mouth, and swallowed the words back resentfully.

The onlookers witnessed this fierce confrontation and suddenly there was an uproar.

“Interesting! Things are starting to turn around! ”

“I just said, Chen Fan doesn’t look like that kind of person at all!”

“Grip the grass, I was almost misled just now, these people from this family are really cunning!”

Chen Fan gratefully saluted Zhang Boming, pointed to the corpse of the blood lord in the alley, and said:

“The person I killed is not some bodyguard of Xiao Chen, he is a killer in the underground world, codenamed Blood Lord. This is also easy to ascertain. ”

Jiang Mubai immediately turned his head and ordered an official behind him: “Go and investigate!” ”

The officials immediately led the way.

Hu Dong and Xiao Huaiguang looked at each other, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Xiao Chen’s style of doing things, both of them are very clear, what is going on today’s matter, both of them actually have a number in their hearts.

Just now, they could be unreasonable in front of Chen Fan, and what was bullied was that Chen Fan had no background.

But now, the city lord is in person, but if there is the slightest unreasonable thing in what they do, there is absolutely no good fruit for them to eat.

Chen Fan continued:

“I just came out of the Alchemist Chamber of Commerce, I went to the Chamber of Commerce to do errands, not to find Xiao Chen, this point, a large number of people in the Chamber of Commerce can testify. Whether what I said is true or not, you will know as soon as you find out. ”

Jiang Mubai scanned the two with a cold face, and his tone was mocking:

“Zero two three” “Do you want me to send someone to investigate?” ”

Hu Dong and Xiao Huaiguang looked at each other, and before they could say anything, Jiang Mubai suddenly let out a sneer:

“Check a fart! I was there! I am a human witness! ”

“I proved that what Chen Fan said was the truth, do you not believe me?!”

Hu Dong and Xiao Huaiguang’s faces instantly turned gray.

Do they still dare to say that they don’t believe that the city lord can’t succeed?

The two quickly nodded:

“Believe, believe! Lord City Lord testified, then what Chen Fan said must be the truth! ”

Hu Dong quietly wiped the sweat on his forehead, and now he regretted it to death, and he couldn’t wait to slap himself a few times.

Hu Dong, Hu Dong, you are really blinded by lard, anxious to befriend the Xiao family, and you are too imprudent to do things!

If you had investigated Chen Fan’s connections in advance, you would have completely avoided the current situation!

Finished! Labor and management are definitely going to be unlucky!

Looking at the faceless Hu Dong and Xiao Huaiguang, Chen Fan hooked the corner of his mouth and summarized the source of today’s conflict:

“So, today Xiao Chen came to find me, and he still has a killer. Who is going to kill whom, I don’t think I need to say more. ”

Xiao Chen shouted in some panic:

“No, don’t believe him, he’s talking nonsense! He was going to kill me! ”

“That blood lord, I asked him to be a bodyguard, I didn’t know he was a killer!”

Seeing that his indisputable son was still committing stupidity, Xiao Huaiguang gritted his teeth, turned his head and drank:

“Shut up! Isn’t it shameful enough?! ”

Xiao Chen froze, and closed his mouth unwillingly.

There was a commotion among the onlookers, and many people pointed at Xiao Chen.

“Hold the grass! The truth is out! Chen Fan was wronged! ”

“This Xiao Chen, it’s really shameless! Distorting facts, reversing black and white, planting and framing, all kinds of dirty means are really endless! ”

“People from the family family, there are really few good things! The best at bullying us civilians! ”

“Exactly! These families are parasites, vampires! They should all be wiped out! ”

The crowd was indignant, because the city lord was here, it was not good to curse loudly, but the curses and mutters of countless people also sounded into one piece, quickly gathering into a flood that could not be ignored!

Jiang Mubai looked at Hu Dong mockingly:

“See? That’s the good thing you come up with. ”

He leaned over slightly and said word by word in Hu Dong’s ear:

“People! Resentment! Boil! Rise! ”

Hu Dong’s face instantly turned as white as paper, and his body trembled slightly.

After an embarrassing silence, Hu Dong swallowed his throat, gritted his teeth, and stammered a little:

“City, Lord City Lord, today’s matter was mishandled by me, I… Be willing to be punished. ”

Xiao Huaiguang was silent for a moment, gave Jiang Mubai a deep salute, and said with difficulty:

“City Lord Jiang, I am also at fault for today’s matter, I…”

Jiang Mubai looked at the two mockingly and smiled coldly:

“The person I sent to investigate the Blood Lord has not returned yet, the truth has not been completely determined, what are you in a hurry to explain? Is it a weakness in mind? ”

The two suddenly froze.

The officials were very capable and extremely efficient, and they returned after a while.

“City Lord, find out clearly, this person is indeed a blood lord, this is his information.”

“In addition, there is an attachment in the information, which is Xiao Chen’s payment record to the blood lord. Judging from the amount of the honorarium, the blood lord received Xiao Chen’s assassination list. ”

Xiao Huaiguang’s face suddenly changed, and he turned his head and glared at Xiao Chen fiercely.

Xiao Chen’s face turned pale, and he didn’t dare to say a word.

Jiang Mubai took the information and flipped through it, and his face surged with monstrous anger:

“Good, really good!”

He smashed the information into Xiao Huaiguang’s face:

“Ask a killer who even a Grandmaster master is a little afraid of to deal with Chen Fan, should I thank your son for thinking too highly of him?!”

Xiao Huaiguang’s face turned red like a pig’s liver, he bent down to pick up the information, hurriedly flipped through it, and the last trace of luck in his heart was also shattered.

He swallowed his throat and said with difficulty:

“City Lord, this, I… It’s my lack of discipline…”

Jiang Mubai didn’t pay attention to him at all, but turned his head to look at Chen Fan:

“Chen Fan, how do you want to deal with this matter?”

Chen Fan was silent for a moment, his tone was calm, but the words he said were murderous:

“The enemy of life cannot be good at all, and one party must die before this enemy can be truly eliminated.”

“Even if I let Xiao Chen generously, I can’t believe that he will let me go, I can’t gamble with my own life on his kindness, because I haven’t seen this quality from him.”

“So, I want him to die!”

The crowd of onlookers was slightly commotioned.

“Well done! At this time, the heart is soft, and it is the harm to yourself! ”

“That’s how it should be! Since he dares to kill you, he must make him pay the price of treatment! Otherwise, whoever sees you unfavorably in the future will dare to come up and bite you! ”

Hearing Chen Fan’s words, Xiao Huaiguang was shocked!

He knew very well that his son hired a killer to kill people on the street, and then planted and framed after failure, which was extremely bad in nature and was originally a great crime.

Coupled with the honorable status of the city lord, he can independently determine the punishment within a certain range.

If he wanted to kill Xiao Chen, it was absolutely legitimate and legal, and no one could stop him at all!

If the city lord really agreed to Chen Fan’s request, Chen’er would be dead!

Thinking of this, Xiao Huaiguang no longer dared to support the pride of the family.

He squeezed out a smile and said to Chen Fan with some pleading:

“Little Brother Chen, if you calm down, kill Xiao Chen, you won’t get any benefits yourself.”

“I can give you money! More money than you ever imagined! ”

“Ten million? Million? Million…… No, a hundred million! ”

Chen Fan looked at Xiao Huaiguang and hooked the corner of his mouth with some mockery.

Jiang Mubai sneered:

“Are you talking to Chen Fan about money?”

He shook his head somewhat mockingly:

“It seems that you still don’t know that Chen Fan is now a second-grade alchemist!”

“Such a young second-grade alchemist, what height do you think he will reach in the future?”

“You took money to smash a Dan Dao genius with a talent for channeling gods? What a joke! ”

The crowd of onlookers was in an uproar. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Did I hear you right? That Chen Fan is a second-grade alchemist? So young? ”

“Yes, he just passed the certification of a second-grade alchemist today, and I was on the scene at that time and saw it with my own eyes!”

“Hold the grass! I know why the city lord helped him out! This kind of god-like genius will be regarded as a rare treasure by me! Whoever dares to touch him, I will fight with someone! ”

Hu Dong looked at Chen Fan in shock, and he regretted it in his heart.

He is a second-grade alchemist?! No wonder the city lord would protect him so much!

I’m so stupid! Why didn’t I send someone to investigate him first!”

Hearing Jiang Mubai’s words, Xiao Huaiguang’s heart was shocked, and he couldn’t believe his ears.

He looked at Chen Fan in disbelief, and then at Jiang Mubai, confirming that he had not heard correctly, and suddenly he was angry and regretful.

Angry is how his son provoked such a genius, regret that he is too arrogant, seeing that the other party is just a civilian, too underestimated, did not investigate at all, and as a result, hit the iron wall!

Xiao Chen was stunned, and he looked at Chen Fan with a somewhat stunned expression.

“You’re a second-grade alchemist?!”

“When?! How can I never hear about it?! ”

After barely coming to his senses, he immediately reacted to one thing.

Just now, Chen Fan said that he wanted him to die! Just for his shocking alchemy talent, the city lord would probably agree to his request!

I’m dead!

Realizing this, a great fear surged into Xiao Chen’s heart, breaking his will in an instant!

His face turned pale, his legs went limp, and he collapsed to the ground.

Xiao Chen cried and asked Xiao Huaiguang for help:

“Dad, save me, I don’t want to die! We give Chen Fan money, how much to give! I’ll earn it back in the future! ”

“Dad, please Chen Fan! As long as he changes his mind, I don’t have to die! ”

The crowd of onlookers was indignant.

“You dare to find a killer to kill others, and when it is your turn, you will know that you are afraid?”

“Chen Fan don’t want his money, he wants his life! If this scourge is not removed, it will become a great calamity in the future! ”

“Yes, this kind of villain, if you let him go, he will definitely take revenge on you! It is safe to cut the grass and remove the roots! ”

Jiang Mubai stared at Xiao Huaiguang and said lightly:

“Patriarch Xiao, did you hear that? Don’t blame me for being ruthless! ”

Xiao Huaiguang’s heart was shocked, and his face was desperate…

He looked at Jiang Mubai with some misery, and wanted to open his mouth to intercede.

Behind Jiang Mubai, an awe-inspiring official suddenly flashed in shape, and almost instantly arrived in front of Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen was horrified, struggling desperately to retreat, tears and snot on his face, and constantly begging:

“Don’t kill me! I was wrong! I don’t dare anymore! ”

Xiao Huaiguang’s eyes widened sharply, and he exclaimed in shock:


However, the official did not stop, and instantly twisted Xiao Chen’s neck!

The protective talisman that protected Xiao Chen was already exhausted when Jiang Mubai arrived, and it did not play the slightest role.

What’s more, even if the talisman spiritual power was still abundant and could block Chen Fan, how could it block the official masters of the City Lord’s Mansion?

Seeing Xiao Chen fall to the ground, the crowd of onlookers was quiet for a moment, and then burst into roaring cheers!

“Lord City Lord says kill if you kill, this method is really decisive!”

“The concubine of the family should kill without mercy, this is our city lord!” Fair enough! ”

“Well killed! Lord City Lord is really a good official who is dedicated to the people! ”

Xiao Huaiguang looked at his dead son blankly, his body trembling violently, and his eyes were full of despair.

Jiang Mubai stared at Xiao Huaiguang, his tone was like the howling of the ice wind, without caring about his loss of his son:

“Your godson has no way, almost caused me to lose the supreme genius in Wuyang City, and the crime is unforgivable!”

“I sentence you to exile to the wasteland for five years, can you plead guilty?!”

The wasteland is an extremely cold place at the very edge of the Terran territory, with a harsh living environment and often haunted by demons of ten thousand races.

It was sparsely populated, and basically only a few strong barbarians and exiled sinners survived there.

Xiao Huaiguang trembled all over, his fists were clenched, his face suddenly turned blue and white, and suddenly red, obviously he was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

After a while, he exhaled abruptly and said astringently:

“Xiao… Plead guilty! ”

Xiao Huaiguang knew very well that the strength of the Xiao family could not match Jiang Mubai as the city lord, and if he did not confess his guilt, the Xiao family would only fall between Xu Yu!

Xiao Chen is dead, the matter is irreparable, he has no room for willfulness, and he has no motivation to be impulsive.

Jiang Mubai smiled faintly:

“Just confess your sins, give you three days, and get ready to go to the wasteland yourself.”

He did not send the city guard to escort Xiao Huaiguang over according to the treatment of the sinner, which was the last trace of face he gave to the head of the Xiao family.

Xiao Huaiguang’s momentum was weak, as if he was suddenly dozens of years old.

He bowed down weakly:

“Yes, City Lord Xie.”

Chen Fan stared at Xiao Huaiguang with some vigilance for a while, and then looked at Jiang Mubai gratefully.

He knew that the city lord was afraid that Xiao Huaiguang would take revenge on him, so he exiled him to the wasteland.

The interior of the big family is not a heart, Xiao Huaiguang’s house was abolished by the city lord, and the other rooms of the Xiao family have no grudges with Chen Fan, and they will not risk angering the city lord to target him.

Hu Dong looked at Xiao Huaiguang, who was not dead-hearted, two battles, the atmosphere did not dare to come out, desperately reduced the sense of existence, but feared that the city lord’s anger did not subside, and killed him easily.

However, his expectations were disappointed.

Jiang Mubai disposed of Xiao Huaiguang and immediately turned his head to stare at Hu Dong:

“You have been a police patrol for more than ten years, not a fool. You have a close relationship with the Xiao family, and you will not be unclear about what kind of person Xiao Chen is. “3.1

“You distorted the facts, planted and framed, and caused resentment among the people.”

Every time Jiang Mubai spoke, Hu Dong’s face turned even whiter.

I don’t know when, the official who killed Xiao Chen was already standing behind Hu Dong silently.

Jiang Mubai stared into Hu Dong’s eyes and issued a verdict on his fate word by word:

“You, damn it!”

Hu Dong’s eyes widened sharply.


Hu Dong heard a crisp sound, and then he felt that the strength in his body suddenly disappeared.

In the next instant, his consciousness fell into eternal darkness.

The crowd of onlookers roared applauded!

“Well killed! Be a lackey of the family, be killed! ”

“Lord City Lord, wise and powerful! Extremely fair! ”

“Yes! It is really our luck to have such a city lord! ”

The squad leader Zhou Mang watched Hu Dong fall, and his face instantly turned pale.

He gritted his teeth and controlled himself with all his strength so that his body would not tremble, so as not to be noticed by the city lord.

Then, the city lord still turned his head to look at him:

“Your name is Zhou Mang, Hu Dong’s most loyal henchman.”

Zhou Mang fell to his knees with a snort, covered in cold sweat, and he hurriedly wanted to defend:


When the voice came out, he found himself so frightened that he couldn’t speak!

The city lord looked at him expressionlessly:

“You deserve to die.”

The figure of the official flashed, and the next moment, Zhou Mang fell to the ground silently.

The crowd once again shouted like a tsunami!

Dozens of police patrols turned pale, they looked at me, I looked at you, all of them had terrified expressions on their faces.

The city lord’s majestic gaze slowly scanned the group of police patrols, and his eyes were cold:

“Remember your identity, you are the people of the official family, you are my people! Not a Saga dog! ”

“In the future, don’t let me see this kind of thing again!”

Người mua: Manh7890, 12/03/2023 23:42

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