When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

When the Juggernaut Comes to the Second Dimension Chapter 489

There were rumbling sounds and explosions from all directions. It was a nightmare for the coalition forces. The coalition forces on the front line were beaten terribly. They were about to collapse several times, but they were forced by the rear supervisory team to maintain the front line and die.

The battlefield was ablaze, as if the sky was also burning. The shock wave came half a beat later, and waves of heat from the battlefield swept across the body one after another.

Standing beside Yong Ye, Chi Tong stretched out his hand to protect his face, squinted his eyes and looked at the fiery red scorching sky, and asked Yong Ye beside him in disbelief.

"...is this war?"

"Well, that's war... asymmetrical war."

Yong Ye, who was already used to the atmosphere on the battlefield, didn't feel much discomfort. He just stood on the temporary wooden platform built on the small soil slope behind the battlefield, watching the scene of the fight that he was most familiar with from afar.

The rear was still roaring continuously, and the light mortars ambushing in the position gradually stopped firing, but the soldiers on the front line fired again after changing the magazines, but there were quite a few Gatling machine guns Because of overheating, I turned off the engine and took a rest.

"...war is crueler than I can imagine."

Chitong is the assassin of the empire. In the past six months of official missions, she thinks she is used to seeing death. Although she would still feel very uncomfortable if it is the death of a relative or friend, if it is unrelated, she should be able to ignore it. up.


Only now did she discover that the real battlefield, the corpses caused by the assassination, and the shocking scene could not be compared with each other at all, and they did not exist in the same dimension at all.

In this huge and dark enemy army, it is impossible to see the end. The defensive positions of one's own side are also criss-crossed, and the length exceeds the range of vision.

Projectiles are flying densely, shells are pouring out like raindrops, the rumbling sound of shelling and the shock wave enough to shake the atmosphere, red blood is scattered all over the sky, and every life is instantly smashed into flesh and blood. The impact of this cruel scene in front of you is beyond Imagine big.

The enemy army was here to fight, but now they were slaughtered one-sidedly, and facing such a cruel scene of massacre, just looking at it made people feel unbearable.

However, Chitong couldn't bear it, but the soldiers would not easily feel sympathetic and shaken, because they were instilled with the idea that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to their own family.

In fact, this is also the case. This sentence is not lying. If this decisive battle fails, then the northern border will also be finished. Days of struggle, so even if they feel unbearable, they will forcefully suppress them, and they will continue to raise their guns and slaughter.

"Don't need this expression, this war is almost the last war in this empire, how can there be future happiness without the present sacrifice? You can think so."

Knowing what the newcomer on the red pupil battlefield would think, Yong Ye just pressed her shoulders with both hands, making her face him and stop looking at the battlefield.

"In addition, you should be glad that the battlefield is not in the imperial capital, but in this uninhabited plain, otherwise a large number of civilians will be accidentally injured by artillery fire."

"Thanks...but I'm fine."

Listening to the low cries, roars, and the most primitive and common howls on this battlefield, Chi Tong stared at Yong Ye and took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and chose to work hard to overcome the negative emotions in his heart.

The killing on the battlefield continued non-stop, but Yong Ye just observed from a high place. From the time the sun had not risen to the time when the sun set, the front of the defensive front had been burned many times and piled up with tens of thousands of fresh corpse.

During this period, a large number of landmines were detonated, and the barbed wire fence was torn by the elite swordsman commando under the cover of a large amount of cannon fodder, almost letting the enemy approach their own trenches.

It's a pity that the team of swordsmen didn't wear heavy armor, they just went into battle lightly, and the soles of their feet were naturally not equipped with metal. Therefore, the three survivors were pierced through the soles of their feet by traps in front of the trench, and lost their agility so that their rifles were smashed into a sieve.

On the left side of the plain are steep mountains that are difficult to pass through, and on the right side is a large swamp with shallow water. It is a famous impasse, a natural trap created by nature. Fortunately, small troops are absolutely impossible to pass through. Therefore, when there was no way to bypass the attack, they could only choose to fight frontally.

However, in the frontal battle, the artillery fire of the northern border army continued to torture the coalition forces in the early days. The area within the range of the artillery fire in front of the camp was directly turned into hell, and there were countless casualties.

However, in the afternoon of the second day, after the continuous artillery attacks, Yongye found that his reserves of medium and heavy artillery had dropped significantly. In order to avoid having no shells at critical times, he could only suspend the artillery attack on the enemy.

Under the ravages of artillery, the coalition forces also learned to dig trenches. Hiding in the trenches can largely avoid casualties, and relying on the large number of people on the front line, they just built trenches, relying on relatively weaker firepower and North Korea. The confrontation between the border troops gradually turned the battlefield into a trench warfare where the two sides were stalemate with each other. Relying on the superiority of firepower, the coalition forces are not opponents even if they have trenches, and the frontmost trenches are also within the range of mortar strikes. The rifle team can fight with the northern army for a while, providing fire cover for the stormtroopers in close combat.

The continuous raging artillery fire did not stop in the summer but stopped one after another, which made the coalition forces unconsciously think that the northern border had no more artillery shells.

Bude glanced at the no-man's land between the trenches of the two sides, and waved without hesitation to let the coalition forces attack the northern army's position again.

Making infantrymen charge trenches armed with high-velocity machine guns was tantamount to mass suicide folly, something politically poor but militarily excellent Bude noticed now, but...he had no choice.

A large group of soldiers, with the strong men captured by the revolutionary army as the cannon fodder in the front, followed by normal local troops, in a scattered formation, either armed with guns or knives, launched a surprise attack one after another.

The army swarmed up, stepped over the densely packed corpses on the road, and launched an assault against the scorching sun like a heavily guarded position.

On the way, cannon fodder soldiers kept falling down, and the intensive firepower kept harvesting the lives of those strong men, but those strong men stepped into the minefield relying on the number of people and the cover of their rear rifles.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Existing as cannon fodder, the strong men holding farm tools in the coalition army are responsible for dying. The remaining few who rushed to the front stepped on landmines and flew into the sky without taking two more steps. After a while, the regular army behind them continued to step on landmines like the previous cannon fodder.

Next, they stepped into the footsteps of cannon fodder and were bombed into the sky one by one. From time to time, someone would step on a landmine, causing their companions to be injured by landmine fragments.

Relying on numbers and the ability to deal with bullets, they rely on their skills to avoid bullets as much as possible, but because the bullet screen is too ferocious, they often cannot avoid the bullets and fall down.

The cold weapon troops tried hard to break through the line of defense, while the hot weapon soldiers lay nearby, shooting from the crater left by the shelling.

However... the idea was good, but within a short while, the cold weapon troops were all dead, leaving only the rifle team hiding in the bomb crater to fight hard.

"Didn't fire? Well... let's try again."

Bude was in the rear, watching the deaths of those soldiers indifferently, and didn't make any immediate response, just letting the troops maintain the front line.

He and Esdesi are very strong, but if two people directly attack the defense line built by the 400,000 elite troops, isn't that... stupid?

In addition, let the army press up in a wave, and it must be able to press up, and there is no formation, and it is definitely not possible to rush. Although none of them expected it before, this is in the plain area, and this kind of construction is the most unsuitable. The defense line built in the place of the defense line can be so powerful.

Bude already has a plan to break through the defense line, but he still needs to test it now. There are a lot of cannon fodder, and they are all members of the rebel army. He doesn't feel bad at all if they all die. After all, they are only people who resist the empire. , directly died, it would be like cleaning up the garbage for him.

Bude has an extreme dislike for anyone who resists the Empire, even if they are forced, but he can't forgive the traitors of the Empire under any circumstances.

[Picture: General Bude] Link: http://novel-cdn.kuangxiangit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180805/1533399587-100049815-102243139.jpg The battle was stalemate, and the coalition suffered heavy casualties, but Except for the people who died from shelling, most of them were former imperial local troops who had defected to the revolutionary army, and many more were young men who were used by the revolutionary army to make up their numbers. Although they suffered heavy losses, no one cared about their casualties, including the revolutionary army. Own.

At night, in the camp of the coalition forces, the people who attacked at night could hear the muffled cries coming from their ears.

That is because of the whimpering and sobbing of people whose fear and anxiety have broken through the critical point. Most of them are members of the Revolutionary Army, soldiers of the Revolutionary Army wearing red turbans on their heads, or... the lowest-level cannon fodder of the Revolutionary Army.

"...What the hell is going on now! Damn it!!"

Seeing what was in front of her, Najiexitan, who had just crossed hell and was obviously not defeated but let the gloomy atmosphere of defeat spread everywhere, couldn't help becoming anxious.

The battle has been fought until now, but there is no hope at all. The patriots mentioned by the top of the revolutionary army, the soldiers who volunteered to participate in the revolution, are treated as cannon fodder, and... even if she is not allowed to get close to those patriots for various reasons, Najie Xitan also couldn't see that those people looked like so-called patriots, they were just ordinary civilians who were forced to go to the battlefield, right? !

"General Yong Ye is right. The Revolutionary Army...is no longer the original Revolutionary Army. It has changed..."

Najie Xitan turned her neck and looked at the formation of the coalition forces around her. She could see a large number of soldiers surrounding the burning campfire, waiting for the development of the situation without daring to breathe.

On the higher hills of the plain, Najehitan could easily see the situation of the nearby troops, but this situation made her extremely sad.

Not only did these soldiers not get treatment, they were just left to fend for themselves, and because the logistics could not be maintained, even the food ration was far below the general standard, and the stormtroopers composed of these soldiers in the first half of the coalition suffered heavy losses .

The revolutionary army was completely used as cannon fodder, and these soldiers were even more treated as slaves, forced to charge forward, attacking the enemy's defenses in groups --- to die.

On this plain battlefield, what is being staged is the largest massacre in history. It has become a battlefield with a meat grinder, but most of the ground is only the meat of the revolutionary army.

Why can't the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army see it? The revolutionary army was just sacrificed for nothing? It's just that my strength was wasted for nothing, and the lives of revolutionary comrades were sacrificed in vain...

No, judging from the current situation, they should clearly know that it is impossible to win, and there is no possibility of not being defeated. Even if the revolutionary army wins this war, I am afraid that the revolutionary army will die a million people. Confronted the empire.

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